Best Leadership Quotes With Images

No institution can possibly survive if it needs geniuses or supermen to manage it. It must be organized in such a way as to be able to get along under a leadership composed of average human beings.

Peter Drucker
 No institution can possibly survive if it needs geniuses or supermen to manage it. It must be organized in such a way as to be able to get along under a leadership composed of average human beings. - Peter Drucker


I think the American people are looking for real leadership. That’s what I’ve done in Louisiana, that’s what I’ll do in America.

Bobby Jindal
 I think the American people are looking for real leadership. That’s what I’ve done in Louisiana, that’s what I’ll do in America. - Bobby Jindal


Most people associate command and control leadership with the military.

Margaret J. Wheatley
 Most people associate command and control leadership with the military. - Margaret J. Wheatley


The important thing is that we recognize our President’s leadership, that he is not saying: I am going to walk away from this. He is saying: I am going to do the right thing.

Kay Bailey Hutchison
 The important thing is that we recognize our President’s leadership, that he is not saying: I am going to walk away from this. He is saying: I am going to do the right thing. - Kay Bailey Hutchison


Most leadership strategies are doomed to failure from the outset.

Peter Senge
 Most leadership strategies are doomed to failure from the outset. - Peter Senge


I think the country requires fresh leadership. I do not think I can be the captain to take the country to its next destination.

David Cameron
 I think the country requires fresh leadership. I do not think I can be the captain to take the country to its next destination. - David Cameron


There are many elements to a campaign. Leadership is number one. Everything else is number two.

Bertolt Brecht
 There are many elements to a campaign. Leadership is number one. Everything else is number two. - Bertolt Brecht


We’re in a leadership position in sports. People look up to the National Football League.

Roger Goodell
 We’re in a leadership position in sports. People look up to the National Football League. - Roger Goodell


There would not be enough talent that’s educated, developed and ready to take on the next leadership challenge, and it would cap our growth. Now we’ve put programs in place not to have that happen, but that could be a weakness.

Kevin Rollins
 There would not be enough talent that’s educated, developed and ready to take on the next leadership challenge, and it would cap our growth. Now we’ve put programs in place not to have that happen, but that could be a weakness. - Kevin Rollins


Seventy years after China emerged from the Second World War, the greatest threat facing the nation’s leadership is not imperialism but skepticism.

Evan Osnos
 Seventy years after China emerged from the Second World War, the greatest threat facing the nation’s leadership is not imperialism but skepticism. - Evan Osnos


I am often asked about the difference between ‘change management’ and ‘change leadership,’ and whether it’s just a matter of semantics. These terms are not interchangeable.

John P. Kotter
 I am often asked about the difference between ‘change management’ and ‘change leadership,’ and whether it’s just a matter of semantics. These terms are not interchangeable. - John P. Kotter


Our country needs a new generation of leadership, and I believe that Marco Rubio presents this nation with the greatest possibilities and opportunities to meet the challenges of the next generation.

Cory Gardner
 Our country needs a new generation of leadership, and I believe that Marco Rubio presents this nation with the greatest possibilities and opportunities to meet the challenges of the next generation. - Cory Gardner


America is stronger because of President Obama’s leadership, and I’m better because of his friendship.

Hillary Clinton
 America is stronger because of President Obama’s leadership, and I’m better because of his friendship. - Hillary Clinton


One of the most important things about leadership is that you have to have the kind of humility that will allow you to be coached.

Jim Yong Kim
 One of the most important things about leadership is that you have to have the kind of humility that will allow you to be coached. - Jim Yong Kim


Every team has leadership. The leadership is the best players. But there’s positive leadership, and there’s negative leadership.

Jeff Van Gundy
 Every team has leadership. The leadership is the best players. But there’s positive leadership, and there’s negative leadership. - Jeff Van Gundy


Leadership is something you earn, something you’re chosen for. You can’t come in yelling, ‘I’m your leader!’ If it happens, it’s because the other guys respect you.

Ben Roethlisberger
 Leadership is something you earn, something you’re chosen for. You can’t come in yelling, ‘I’m your leader!’ If it happens, it’s because the other guys respect you. - Ben Roethlisberger


Leadership is a trait; it’s not a skill.

Jon Taffer
 Leadership is a trait; it’s not a skill. - Jon Taffer


Putin’s Russia is our adversary and moral opposite. It is committed to the destruction of the post-war, rule-based world order built on American leadership and the primacy of our political and economic values.

John McCain
 Putin’s Russia is our adversary and moral opposite. It is committed to the destruction of the post-war, rule-based world order built on American leadership and the primacy of our political and economic values. - John McCain


Power should be reserved for weightlifting and boats, and leadership really involves responsibility.

Herb Kelleher
 Power should be reserved for weightlifting and boats, and leadership really involves responsibility. - Herb Kelleher


I learned long ago on the battlefields of Vietnam that in a crisis, there is no substitute for clear-eyed leadership.

Jim Webb
 I learned long ago on the battlefields of Vietnam that in a crisis, there is no substitute for clear-eyed leadership. - Jim Webb


Veterans have the skills employers want – discipline, motivation, leadership, and the ability to work on a team. They have made the U.S. military the most effective and respected in the world.

Bobby Kotick
 Veterans have the skills employers want - discipline, motivation, leadership, and the ability to work on a team. They have made the U.S. military the most effective and respected in the world. - Bobby Kotick


I am very bullish on India because of its people, its culture, and the leadership. I love the culture and warmth of people.

Tim Cook
 I am very bullish on India because of its people, its culture, and the leadership. I love the culture and warmth of people. - Tim Cook


One simple way to keep organizations from becoming cancerous might be to rotate all jobs on a regular, frequent and mandatory basis, including the leadership positions.

Robert Shea
 One simple way to keep organizations from becoming cancerous might be to rotate all jobs on a regular, frequent and mandatory basis, including the leadership positions. - Robert Shea


For centuries, America has led the world on a long march toward freedom and democracy. Let’s reclaim our clean energy leadership and lead the world toward clean energy independence.

John Garamendi
 For centuries, America has led the world on a long march toward freedom and democracy. Let’s reclaim our clean energy leadership and lead the world toward clean energy independence. - John Garamendi


Life isn’t easy, and leadership is harder still.

Walter Russell Mead
 Life isn’t easy, and leadership is harder still. - Walter Russell Mead

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