Top 74 Josh Stern Quotes

When it comes to relationships, I find it best to have two feet out the door


If a picture paints a thousand words, then a naked picture paints a thousand words without any vowels….


The only way I’d ever die of a broken heart, is if I slammed into something really hard


It’s not hard to fail…it’s hard to accept you failed…but once that’s out of the way, it’s pretty smooth sailing


Be nice to people on your way up, because you’ll land on them on your way down


Loving someone is sticking a pin through a voodoo doll and not hitting any vital organs


If the love is not madness, then the sex is not insane


Revenge is a dish best served in something microwaveable


In order to butterfly kiss, does it require caterpillar lips?


Y’know when your dog drags its butt across the carpet leaving a stain- It’s not as easy as it looks…”


Manners without sincerity, is called polite society


Anyone can spin a victory, it’s a total loss that demands creativity


Everyone comes with baggage, make sure you get one that comes with a rack


If life is a bowl of cherries, what’s inside of it?


Patience is learning to take a deep breath while you’re exhaling


If you see the light at the end of the tunnel, you’re lookingthrough binoculars the wrongway


It’s always darkest before you’re blinded by the light


Dr. Suess said: ‘Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened..’ I tell my dates: ‘Don’t cry because it happened, smile because it’s over


Y’know, men and women are a lot alike in certain situations, like sitting on frozen peas after a vasectomy


An alibi is one alliterative consonant short of being a magic carpet


Target your random acts of kindness, to keep a tally of who owes what


If you’re stuck in the past, you go forward in reverse


At this point in my life, beaming confidence is largely a matter of mind over bladder control


Women, can’t live with them, can’t murder/suicide without them


The only threesome I’ve ever experienced is with Pantene 2 in 1


Never be paralyzed by fear, just by falling off a cliff


Sure I eat my feelings, but I save the emotional roller coaster for dessert


I hate pulling out… I mean, I’m really bad at the whole parking thing….


If you love somebody set them free- it also works equally well if you hate somebody


To err is human, to accept full responsibility is to just run with it


Don’t ever mistake silence for ignorance, when it is obviously stupidity


If bliss are a type of potato, then ignorance can be french-fried


The true genius of a Woman is her subtle flair in creating the illusion that you are the smart one


Behind every successful man, is a Woman breathing through her mouth


Some people are so positive, that when they slip in dog poop, they pirouette


Women need a reason to have sex, while men just need an angle


If America runs on Dunkin’, do I detect a slight limp?


Love is the canvas covering the furniture that you’ve become a part of


I spread eggshells all over my room, so anyone who tries to get close when I sleep will know what they’re walking on


If you take things the wrong way, be aware of which end is up


When she says ‘I’ve never done this before” she just means with you


Dating should really be more like furniture store commercials….I would love to’ pay no interest for 6 months


Does speed dating necessarily end up in a quickie divorce….?


Women are aroused by the strangest things, like a rock going through their bedroom window


If you don’t fall down now and again, it just means the training wheels are working


There’s always someone we’d love to kill, the trick is to make it not look like an accident


I like gross generalizations…I also like disgusting specifics!


Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it in summer school


True ambition is trying to paint yourself out of a corner


When it comes to exacting revenge, it gets harder and harder to top yourself each successive time


Maturity is when you no longer get the urge to make snow angels in mud season


I started to enjoy the regal sport of cockfighting… but I’m still having trouble getting the hang of windmilling the bayonet


I always splash on the cologne before a blind date because dogs can smell fear


It’s one thing if your hobby is to put ships inside a bottle, but a deer in the headlights!… That’s a real talent


Life is a very brief candle especially when you burn it at both ends


Blood is thicker than water, but they still use corn starch as a thickener on cooking shows


Treat life as a suicide mission, take on the impossible jobs and attack with the gusto of someone who has nothing to lose…. and when you revel in victory, make like it’s a dirty win


I love Shark Week, where all kids under 12 swim for free


When people try to rain on your parade,…pee on theirs


When you’re out in the wilderness and get back to base camp only to discover sleeping bag turndown service….that’s no chocolate on the pillow


Come Hell or High Water” usually depends on the kind of plug you use in the bath tub


If you know how to open doors with just a smile, you must need your teeth capped every six months


If it’s the thought that counts, then ignorance must use a calculator


The only difference between me and a madman is that he has the certification


Don’t you wish we all lived in black light…. for one thing, it would mean an end to toothpaste as we know it


Some people drip wax on themselves like a human chianti bottle to see if they feel anything….but getting a wicker basket to fit them is a fiasco


the only drinking problem I’ve ever had, is figuring out why I’m still stuck in this salad spinner


I’d die for your sins, but I’d probably enjoy them first


Don’t be so hard on yourself….that’s what a loofah’s for


Date rape is just plain moronic when you consider how slutty figs are


It’s not that I’m ahead of my time, it’s more that the world is running late


I’ve always been a poor sport and a sore loser…any other behavior might encourage a repeat performance


I try not to take things lying down, especially rectal thermometers


It is amazing what you can accomplish if you do not care who gets the blame



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