Top 1832 Matshona Dhliwayo Quotes

A genuine smile is one of the world’s rarest treasures.


Learn from stars; even in the dark they give off light, not despair.


A fish that is afraid of drowning in a river is ignorant of its gifts.


A diamond earns its sparkle from the pressure it endures.


It is in the storm, not the calm, that a rainbow is born.


A determined seed cannot be hidden from the world, not even by dirt.


If you cry in the rain, only the sky will see your tears.


Birds keep singing beautiful songs, even if they have no audience.


Today’s storms help you appreciate tomorrow’s sunshine.


Train the ears to hear more, the eyes to see more, the hands to do more, the feet to accomplish more, the mind to think more, the heart to feel more, and the soul to love more.


If you have shed a thousand tears, expect a thousand blessings.


The greatest gift you can open is your arms to someone in need.


A flower that refuses to bloom robs the world of its beauty.


One kind deed is more beautiful than a thousand good intentions.


Throwing dirt at a diamond does not diminish its value.


A heart of gold is more precious than a necklace of diamonds.


A caterpillar knows it’s a butterfly, even if the whole world tries to convince it that it’s just a worm.


Light is all a flower longs for, even when surrounded with priceless jewels.


Tears water the eyes when they have been dry for too long.


Stars cannot achieve their highest potential without the dark.


A star is a rock that could no longer hide its light from the world.


A diamond’s happy ending is on a crown, but its beauty was formed in dirt.


It is better to win souls than to conquer nations.


If God charged us for every tear He shed for us, the world would be bankrupt.


The saddest day in the woods is when birds run out of happy songs to sing.


If you try to extinguish the light of one who shines like the sun you will get burned.


Each time a flower blooms, the world is reminded that there is beauty in new beginnings.


The moon only dares compete with the stars when the sun is in its corner.


A seed only realizes its potential the day you bury it.


Love will always be blind, but will never be deaf.


Fear takes you low, faith takes you high, but love takes you everywhere.


A rose struggling in a desert is still braver than a flower flourishing in a rain forest.


When God wants to give you a miracle, He first gives you a problem.


Fortify your mind, bullet proof your heart, strengthen your soul.


Don’t let past disappointments rob you of future happiness.


We are all born stars, but some refuse to shine and others make it their life’s mission to glow.


A star is a rock that could no longer hide its beauty from the world.


The world would have no rainbows if the sky had not storms.


A single candle has the power to light up a room, a single star has the power to light up the sky, and a single soul has the power to light up the world.


A flower must bloom inside first before revealing its beauty to the world.


Looking up at the stars only proves you admire them, but shining your light proves you are like them.


When I was poor, I was rich because I was happy; when I was wealthy, I was poor because I was sad.


As the sky is too big for two stars to clash, the world is big enough for all of us to shine.


It is impossible for darkness to reign in the presence of a star.


If size really mattered, a match wouldn’t be able to set a forest on fire.


Stars give so much to the world without demanding payment. Be likewise.


If the wind brushes against you, do not complain; it brushes against everyone.


You were not born to impress the world, but to impress the universe.


Prayer is the best way to hug those who are far away.


The sun stands out not because it merely shines, but because it shines on everyone.


If they say you will fall, rise. If they say you will fail, succeed. If they say you will break, kept it together. If they say you will deteriorate, flourish.


A star is not afraid of darkness, for its light comes from within.


In light, there is no darkness; and in darkness, there is no light.


You were given the problems you have because you can solve them; the burdens, because you can carry them; the trials, because you can overcome them; the opponents, because you can beat them; and the enemies, because you can conquer them.


If you want to know a person’s true character, observe how he treats those who don’t matter.


If you can’t move a mountain by faith, move it by carrying away stone by stone.


Light on its worst day will conquer darkness on its best day.


What you conquer in your soul you conquer in your world.


Spend time with people who enrich your mind, nourish your heart, and illuminate your soul.


Whether your glass is half full or half empty, hope can fill it up.


A diamond only truly appreciates pressure the day it begins to shine.


Anger has great strength, but no brains. Greed has a great appetite, but no heart.Pride has a great spirit, but no soul.


God sometimes uses ugly vessels to carry beautiful things.


The mind dies, but its thoughts live on. The heart perishes, but its experiences live on. The body expires, but its spirit lives on.


When you look into the mirror, you can’t even see your heart; but when God looks at your shadow, He sees your soul.


The world is already full of critics; to stand out, be an encourager.


Temporary friends sometimes bring us to permanent blessings.


If the past could be changed, it would not exist. If the future could be stopped, it would not survive. If the present could be avoided, it would not prevail.


A rainbow is not afraid of showing its true colors because it knows it is beautiful inside out.


The richest person in the cemetery is the one who left behind the most happy memories.


If stars avoided the dark, they would not be visible at night.


Because no one is walking in your shoes, only you feel the sores on your feet.


You don’t have to swim when you know how to walk on water.


It is impossible for a star to shine and not get noticed, even in the dark.


Rainbows earn their brightest colors in the storm.


It is not the size of a seed, but the size of what rises from it.


You can blow out a candle, but you cannot blow out a star.


You are not honored for the fruit you pick, but for the trees you plant.


Peace gives you the world, laughter gives you the sky, joy gives you the world, and love gives you the universe.


When you look at a rose try to focus on its beauty, not its thorns.


You are strong because of what you overcame, brave because of what you defeated, fierce because of what you mastered, and powerful because of what you conquered.


Wisdom is a great prophet, faith is a great warrior, knowledge is a great sage, and virtue is a great priest.


Dream while others are sleeping. Dare while others are wishing. Do while others are talking. Deliver while others are quitting.


If you want to know how fortunate you are, visit three places: the slum, the hospital, and the cemetery.


Light another’s path and the universe will light your own.


Trees generously share their fruit.Bees generously share their honey.Flowers generously share their perfume. Do likewise.


If your thoughts are higher than your problems, you can fly above them.


Use fear to become braver, pain to become stronger, trials to become wiser, and misfortune to become better.


To strengthen the body’s muscles, exercise; the mind’s muscles, read; the heart’s muscle’s, laugh; and the soul’s muscles, love.


If you rule the air, you are great; the waters, you are extraordinary; the lands, you are remarkable; but if you rule over yourself, you are remarkable.


Worry soils, even the purest mind.Envy poisons, even the purest heart.Greed sullies, even the purest soul.


In a second you can change your mind, in a minute you can change your heart, in an hour you can change your life, and in a day you can change your destiny.


The universe acknowledges the value of your tears; for when it rains, it is shedding its own.


Run to brilliance. Sprint to excellence. Soar to transcendence.


The brave with all of their weaknesses are better than the cowardly with all of their strengths.


If you can think higher thoughts, you can do higher deeds.


The entire world above you, around you, beneath you, and beside you, is insignificant in comparison to the world within you.


When the storm runs out of breath, a rainbow is born.


No matter how low the sun sets, the time is coming when it will surely rise.


Planting a flower in the desert takes greater skill than growing a garden in a rain forest.


You are a product of your environment, but to be great your environment has to be a product of you.


Joy gives you strength.Hope gives you fortitude.Faith gives you courage.Love gives you power.


You are no greater than the knowledge you acquire, the desires you harbor, and the experiences you cherish.


Use your mind’s talents diligently, your heart’s powers incredibly, and your soul’s genius profitably.


The mind shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s wisdom; the heart, in proportion to one’s courage; and the soul, in proportion to one’s love.


In the body is tremendous strength, in the mind is brilliant potential, in the heart is extraordinary influence, and in the soul is remarkable power.


Stars do not hide from darkness. Roses do not hide from thorns. Diamonds do not hide from pressure.


When a flower rises from the earth, it is overcoming its greatest opponent: fear.


Wealth won’t make you happy. Power won’t make you remarkable. Fame won’t make you honorable. Education won’t make you wise.


Bless the world with your mind, heal the world with your heart, lift the world with your soul; elevate the world with your life.


Don’t mourn over the past; it has no pity for you. Don’t cry over the present; it has no sympathy for you; and don’t weep over the future, it has no mercy on you.


In thoughts, be wise. In speech, be cautious. In sentiment, be positive. In actions, be prudent.


Learn from the ocean; not fearing turbulence, it uses the wind against it to rise instead.


A flower does not fulfill its destiny until it blooms, and a star does not fulfill its destiny until it shines.


In order for a seed to rise, it must be buried in dirt; likewise, in order for the great to rise they must be buried in adversity.


The sky is the limit only if you have a problem with reaching for the stars.


If the sky never grew dark, we would not be able to clearly see the stars.


A leaf has no power to resist when the wind blows, but when life’s storms rage, you do.


The loveliest roses sometimes bear the ugliest thorns.


A seed only begins to manifest its greatest potential the day it is buried in dirt.


The struggles of the past are the gateway to the blessings of the future.


The storm is the optimist’s friend, but the pessimist’s nightmare.


To encourage people, walk beside them. To inspire people, walk in front of them. To drive people, walk behind them. To lead people, walk with them.


The poor can dream. The weak can hope. The helpless can strive. The powerless can rise.


A single star shines brighter than a thousand moons.


A day in a storm strengthens you more than a thousand in sunshine.


It is in vain to hide a fruitful seed in fertile soil.


The breathtaking view at the mountaintop is compensation for all of the breath lost whilst sweating towards it.


A flower’s beauty is birthed in a seed’s ugly struggles.


How many races have been dehumanized in the name of evolution and scientific race theories? Is a bomb a religious or a scientific invention?


If size really mattered, the whale, not the shark, would rule the waters.


Love in the rain is better than hate in the sunshine.


The finest clothes anyone can wear are a kind heart and a loving soul.


Knock on the sky’s door, and stars will open it; knock on the universe’s door, and love will open it.


Trust unites, fear divides, mercy heals, and love conquers.


The only weapon you are allowed to kill anyone with is kindness.


Truth has the biggest mouth in the universe, wisdom has the largest ears, love has the strongest hands, and faith has the ablest feet.


Courage is a warrior, wisdom is a sage, virtue is a priest, and love is poet.


The heart you kiss today, the lips you kiss tomorrow.


The most underrated warrior in the universe is love.


It is because of pain that you value pleasure, sorrow that you value joy, despair that you value hope, war that you value peace, and hate that you value love.


Truth is my weapon. Knowledge is my armor. Wisdom is my strategist. Love is my warrior.


Anger has strength, hate has might, but love has power.


Wisdom knows the way. Understanding sees the way. Passion feels the way. Love goes all the way.


Anyone can love a rose, but only a saint can love its thorns.


The world’s most beautiful angel is love inside your soul.


Divorce fear. Court courage. Pursue hope. Marry love.


Love has turned many into poets; pain has turned many into artists; charity has turned many into pacifists, and anger has turned many into activists.


To change your life, love yourself. To change your community, love others. To change the world, love everyone.


Love as much as you can, for as long as you can, and as best as you can.


If you get too close to the sun, you will burn; if you get too far, you will freeze: this is how it is with passion.


Anger is loud, rage is deafening, and wrath is thunderous; only love can silence them.


Lips may lie, but the heart always tells the truth.


One who is wise is rich, one who is virtuous is wealthy, one who is happy is affluent, and one who is loving is prosperous.


Regard those who respect you.Esteem those who honor you.Cherish those who love you.Reward those who adore you.


Love in your mind can be felt by some, love in your heart can be felt by many, but love in your soul can be felt by all.


Help when you can. Give what you have. Do what you must. Be who you ought to be.


God is not Christian.God is not Muslim.God is not Buddhist.God is love.


Love + truth = strengthLove + knowledge = influenceLove + understanding = powerLove + wisdom = enlightenment


Joy doubles your faith, strength triples your might, and love quadruples your power.


Knowledge, teach. Wisdom, acquire. Understanding, share. Love, spread.


Pray for faith, hope for peace, strive for unity, and persevere for harmony.


Love is loud; the soul hears it, even if the universe is deaf.


Love is black. Love is white. Love is brown. Love is humanity.


See what love sees. Hear what love hears. Say what love says. Do what love does.


To appreciate pleasure, someone had to experience pain; to appreciate joy, some had to experience sorrow; to appreciate love, some had to experience heartache; to appreciate freedom, some had to experience fear.


Truth is straight like a line. Virtue is firm like a wall. Wisdom is tall like a mountain. Love is wide like an ocean.


Learn, because life is ahead of you. Live, because death is before you. Listen, because wisdom is all around you. Love, because God is inside of you.


Love gives you knees to crawl, feet to run, legs to sprint, and wings to soar.


A heart full of love is worth more than a purse full of coins.


The blind can see love, the deaf can hear love, the mute can express love, and the disabled can carry love.


If you want to be happy now, love now; if you want to be happy later, love later; but if you want to be happy always, love always.


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, not the mirror.


When two souls are one, they hear each other, even in silence.


Everyone should have a place in your heart, but only a special few should have a place in your life.


Your presence only truly matters to people who feel your absence.


Marry your friend, and you will be reasonably happy. Marry your lover, and you will be abundantly happy. Marry your soulmate, and you will be infinitely happy.


Love is your greatest asset, fear is your greatest liability, and joy is your greatest reward.


When you hear love calling you, don’t pretend to be deaf.


The world’s most lethal venom is not found on the tongues of serpents, but on the tongues of a disgruntled wife.


Grief gives you a hundred reasons to cry; hope gives you a thousand reasons to smile, joy gives you a million reasons to laugh, and love gives you billion reasons to rejoice.


If you have no one, you are poor; if you have an acquaintance, you are fortunate; if you have a friend, you are privileged; if you have a lover, you are rich; if you have a soulmate, you are wealthy.


If you want to be strong, exercise; if you want to be wise, study; if you want to be happy, smile; and if you want to be invincible, love.


If a woman stands behind you, respect her; if she stands beside you, cherish her; if she stands with you, adore her.


If the world stands in between a man and the woman he loves, he will set out to conquer it.


The cheapest thing in your life is money; the most expensive, love.


If you want the world to know how truly beautiful you are, love everyone.


Only when your love of roses is greater than your fear of thorns can you grow a beautiful garden.


Your knowledge can stir the world, your intellect can move it, your wisdom can shake it, but only your love can truly change it.


A sword can only pierce the body, but love can pierce the soul.


A smile is worth dozens of words, but a kiss is worth a thousand.


Love has two rules: the first one is love, and the second one is love some more.


When love intoxicates your heart, it is difficult for your soul to remain sober.


If a woman laughs when you hurt her, you ought to cry, for you have lost her; if she cries, you may laugh, for you have a worthy soulmate.


The strongest bond in the universe is when two souls unite to become one.


It is impossible for love to enter your heart without leaving footprints on your soul.


Lust promises you the world, and disappoints. Love promises you the universe, and delivers.


Jealousy says, “Compete with each other.” Envy says, “Destroy each other.” Empathy says, “Help each other.” Love says, “Empower each other.


One who does not deserve your tears does not deserve your heart.


Knowledge offers you strength. Wisdom promises you influence. Understanding assures you wealth. Love guarantees you power.


Give of yourself to others and others will give of themselves to you.


Outer beauty you see with your eyes, but inner beauty you only see with your heart.


Scars mean you fought. Wrinkles mean you lived. Heartache means you loved.


If you are too busy to love, you are too busy to live; if you are too busy to live, you are too busy to love.


Dear fear, I’m divorcing you. Dear courage, I’m courting you. Dear hope, I’m pursuing you. Dear love, I’m marrying you.


To achieve peace let go of: guilt, anger, and bitterness. To achieve happiness embrace: virtue, faith, and love.


When you love, you forgive; when you forgive, you love.


Wisdom paints a rainbow in your mind, joy paints a rainbow in your heart, and love paints a rainbow in your soul.


The clearest mirror in the universe is not made of glass, but of a loving soul.


Pleasure awakens the body, wisdom awakens the mind, joy awakens the heart, and love awakens the soul.


Love has never been conquered, not even by the greatest army.


If a man found his dream wife, it was because he was wide awake.


If your heart has been broken nine times, muster the courage to love again for the tenth.


Passion will warm you for days, infatuation will warm you for months, but love will set you on fire for a lifetime.


If you are sad, love will make you happy; afraid, love will make you brave; weak, love will make you strong; and broken, love will make you whole.


Love affords you these three things: smiles, hugs, and kisses. Joy affords you these three things: pleasure, laughter, and good memories.


Love lost is better than hate found. True criticism is better than false praise. Genuine enemies are better than counterfeit friends.


The loudest preacher in the world is your conscience, the cleverest is wisdom, the rowdiest is passion, the surest is truth, the purest is love, and the highest is God.


The greatest love stories are not written by the ink of the pen, but by the ink of the heart.


Love does not wear out the heart, even if it weighs a thousand tons.


Pleasure can turn the body into a slave.Desire can turn the mind into a fool.Passion can turn the heart into a beast.Love can turn the soul into an angel.


Desire speaks, passion shouts, lust screams, and love whispers.


Plucking a rose only proves you desire it, but nurturing it proves you love it.


There are thousands of languages around the world, but love is the most beautiful of them all.


You spend the beginning part of your life with your mother, so love her; the middle part of your life with your girlfriend, so care for her; and the end part of your life with your wife, so adore her.


If your soul mate comes with too much baggage, help her unpack it.


Learn from the sun; it is warm to everyone, and is therefore never in short supply of those who adore it.


A woman’s elegance will charm you for days,her beauty will charm you for weeks,her grace will charm you for years,and her virtue will charm you for a lifetime.


If you kiss her cheeks, she is your friend; if you kiss her lips, she is your lover; if you kiss her heart, she is your soul mate.


The greatest warriors fight not for crowns and splendor, but for love.


Love rewards you more in a moment than pleasure could in a lifetime.


Love conquers the body by embracing it,conquers the mind by massaging it,conquers the heart by kissing it,and conquers the soul by marrying it.


Though love may be blind, it sees much;though it may be deaf, it hears much;though it may be mute, it says much;and though it may be lame, it does much.


Falling in love is accidental, staying in love is intentional, and growing in love is delightful.


A woman’s beauty is worth little to you, a woman’s intelligence is worth much to you, a woman’s virtue is worth more to you, a woman’s love is worth the most to you, and a woman’s loyalty is worth everything to you.


True love is like diamonds; scarce, and priceless.


The greatest profit you make in business is not money, but happiness. The greatest riches you give in life are not possessions, but love. The greatest treasures you acquire in life are not jewels, but joy.


When love invades your life, it captures your heart, imprisons your mind, and frees your soul.


When you are in love, your eyes see him only, your ears hear him only, your mouth speaks of him only, your mind thinks of him only, your heart desires him only, your soul lives for him only, and your entire universe is about him only.


Love is the greatest drug; joy is the strongest medicine; virtue is the noblest remedy; together, they are the greatest therapy.


When a woman misses you, you have her mind; when she cares for you, you have her heart, when she loves you, you have her soul.


Marry the one who laughs when you laugh, and you are clever; marry the one who cries when you cry, and you are intelligent, but marry the one who does both with you, and you are wise.


When the storm comes it is your soulmate who pulls out the umbrella and shelters you until the rainbow comes.


When you are madly in love with someone, even when sanity tries to rescue you, you wrestle it.


When you look into your soulmates eyes, you see the world; into your soulmates heart, you see the sky, and into your soulmates soul, you see the universe.


Falling in love with a woman’s body is lust, with a woman’s mind is sense, with a woman’s heart is virtue, and with a woman’s soul is wisdom.


If you have money, you are affluent; if you have joy, you are wealthy; and if you have love, you are rich.


Love is fierce like a lion; once it has entered the heart, it is in vain to resist.


Love is the only brick that hits you on the head and gives you a smile instead of tears.


Love is more powerful than even the sun; light can only enter your eyes, but love can enter your soul.


Love makes you strong when others are weak, brave when others are scared, hopeful when others are despairing and cheerful when others are sad.


No three words have greater force than “I want you,” greater strength than “I need you,” greater might than “I miss you,” and greater power than “I love you.


Joy is the best companion, virtue is the noblest acquaintance, wisdom is the cleverest friend, and love is the kindest soul mate.


I searched for love, and only found God; I searched for God, and only found love.


Even if love were considered a mental illness, that would not prevent it from being a pleasant one.


If you have her mind, you have her for a moment; if you have her heart, you have her for a while; if you have her soul, you have her for a lifetime.


One joke is enough to put a smile on your face.One hug is enough to put a smile on your heart.One kiss is enough to put a smile on your soul.


Marry someone you can live with, and you have found your companion; marry someone you can’t live without, and you have found your soulmate.


The most valuable real estate in the universe is inside your soul.


It is easier to wipe a thousand tears from your eyes than to wipe a single tear from your soul.


When two souls are united as one the universe itself is powerless to separate them.


When love enters your heart, hate is given an eviction notice.


Beauty catches your eye, joy seizes your heart, and love captures your soul.


If you put all of your eggs in love’s basket, joy will hatch.


If someone is destined to be with you, nothing can keep her away; if she is not, nothing can make her stay.


When the head tries to rule the heart, emotion poisons it.


Were my love the sky, it would be boundless.Were my love the sea, it would be ceaseless.Were my love the world, it would be limitless.Were my love the universe, it would be endless.


By the time you become an expert at marriage, it is too late to start a new one.


Treat marriage like a diamond necklace; if broken, fix it, but do not throw it away.


I have the ‘L’.You have the ‘O’.Fate has the ‘V’.Together we have the ‘E’.How then can we deny we are in LOVE?


There is no gem like virtue, no wealth like happiness, no treasure like faith, and no jewel like love.


The greatest gift you can give to someone is your heart; because when you give your heart, you are giving your most prized possession.


Love has the mind of a sage, the heart of a saint, and the soul of an angel.


If your wife puts on ten pounds, love her ten times more.If she puts on a hundred pounds, love her a hundred times more.If she puts on a thousand pounds, love her a thousand times more.


Lust makes you weak, passion makes you strong, love makes you brave, and heartache makes you wise.


Women are like shadows; when you chase them, they run from you; when you run from them, they chase you.


I am your earth if you want me to be.I am your sky if you want me to be.I am your sun if you want me to be.I am your world if you want me to be.I am your universe if you want me to be.


When you are in love, your eyes see him only, your ears hear him only, your mouth speaks of him only, your mind thinks of him only, your heart desires him only, your soul lives for him only; your entire universe revolves around him only.


Love is a spirit, and therefore cannot die a natural death.


Love only knocks on your heart’s door when certain it has the right address.


I miss you,” is how she entices you.“I want you,” is how she charms you.“I need you,” is how she entraps you.“I love you,” is how she imprisons you.


The heart is a wanderer, the mind is its map; love is its destination.


Passion stimulates you, love intoxicates you, marriage sobers you, and parenthood tries you.


Love makes you the richest person in the world, no matter how poor you are.


The most expensive jewels are not found around our necks, but in our hearts.


If you sweep a woman off of her feet, make sure your character is strong enough to keep her in the air.


The universe offers you three things that money cannot buy: joy, love, and life.


Joy is a loyal companion, love is a faithful friend, fear is a terrible adversary, and hatred is a merciless enemy.


Love does these three things effectively: multiplies joy, divides trouble, subtracts grief, and adds peace.


The most beautiful jewelry in the world is not a diamond necklace, but two hearts beating as one.


To live a little, love a little. To live a lot, love a lot.


Love is ill-mannered; it can knock on your heart early, stay late, and leave without saying goodbye.


The most valuable things in your life are always the things that money cannot buy.


Hate is strong, fear is mighty, jealousy is powerful, but love is invincible.


If you try to buy love, you will go bankrupt trying to possess it.


If you fall for someone, make sure they’re there to catch you.


When a woman wants your attention, she uses her smile. When she wants your wallet, she uses her charm. When she wants your heart, she uses her touch. When she wants your soul, she uses her kiss.


Do the dishes, and you have her heart; do the dishes and the laundry, and you have her soul.


Love is like lightening; it can strike anyone, anywhere, and at any time.


If a woman tells you how terrible she looks, sincerely deny it, even if you agree.


A thousand ways to please your wife boil down to two words: “Yes, dear.


Be calm when your wife yells at you, calmer when she chastens you, but be terrified when she ignores you.


Before you look for dirt in people, look for treasure.


Your wife is smarter than you; know this, and you will live happily ever after.


As the sun lives on when it sets in the warmth it has given to others, you too will live on in the hearts of those whose lives you have touched.


The laws of gravity work everywhere except in the heart and the soul.


If a man treats you like a princess, he deserves to be your king.


The shrewd marry for money, the scheming marry for status, the calculating marry for power, but the wise marry for love.


If the final chapter of your life story is written by love, you are guaranteed a happy ending.


If you want to be happy, love. If you want to be happier, love some more.


Passion gives you what you want, lust gives you what you desire, but only love gives you what you need.


Falling in love with someone is intentional, even if it was their looks that tripped you.


They gave me a thousand reasons to leave you, but I found a thousand and one reasons to be with you.


There is nothing wrong with being a puppet if love is the one pulling the strings.


The best couples share the load, divide the grief, and add to the peace, thereby multiplying joy.


The easiest way to remember your future wife’s birthday is to marry her on Super Bowl Sunday.


The only place you will find love before sacrifice is in the dictionary.


Never fight for a girl; while pounding each other, someone is already making plans to whisk her away.


If you choose money over love, you will always be poor.


If men could be bought like clothes at an outlet, only then would women always get what they bargained for.


Be like the sun; bear with those in the dark, but keep shining your light.


Love your friends with your eyes closed, but love your enemies with both eyes open.


A kiss is the easiest thing to throw at someone because its weight is love.


When love arrests your heart, pray she sentences it for eternity.


If all you have is money, you are among the poorest people in the world.


The only time I hold my wife’s hand tightly is when my wallet is in her other hand.


If you want the most beautiful fish in the sea, make sure you have the most appealing bait.


Be calm on your wedding day; she won’t kill you in front of a hundred people, no matter what you’ve done.


Love is a hook; the moment a man swallows it, a woman knows she has him forever.


The path to marital bliss is to begin each day with a kiss.


Women are the best thieves you will ever meet; they steal your heart and your last name, but never get to spend the night in jail.


Before letting someone hold your heart in their hands, make sure their hands are clean.


A kiss is the only object you can throw at someone without being held criminally responsible.


A kiss is the only thing you can throw at someone without being held criminally responsible.


The best chapters in your life story are written by love.


If your heart truly stops when she looks at you, how come you are still alive?


Love is the luckiest tenant in the world, living in the hearts of men and women rent free.


If love was a sin, God Himself would be in the hottest part of Hell.


Love enters your heart a spark and exists your soul a flame.


Men like to borrow kisses because they know they will have to pay them back.


Love is the only criminal who, after stealing your heart, convinces you to celebrate her.


Hate spreads in the direction it is blown, but love spreads in all directions.


If you blame gravity for falling in love, even God has the right to laugh at you.


Love treats its enemies better than hate treats its friends.


Diamonds are a girl’s best friend until love introduces her to her soulmate.


What you do for others today you have done for yourself tomorrow.


You only need four words to spell the greatest word in the universe: L.O.V.E.


If you press grapes, wine will pour out; if you crush roses, perfume will pour out; if you afflict the talented, genius will pour out.


No matter how ugly a fruit is, worms will seek it out.


Strive to be more than number one—strive to be the greatest number one.


No one tries to stone a tree whose fruit is not ripe.


If there are many thorns in your life, it is because you are a rose.


When people smile at a rich man, they are smiling at his wallet.


The say money talks, but I’ve seen it sing, and even seen it dance.


When fortune favors fools, it is to punish them for the sake of the wise.


Be slow to teach, and quick to learn. Avoid impious people, run from fools, and seek out the wise.


People can hurt you, but you must still love. People can betray you, but you can still trust. People can put you down, but you must still rise. People can oppose you, but you can still prevail.


If a man could outpace his shadow, he would still find it waiting for him at the finishing line.


The most beautiful rose still has to contend with ugly thorns.


When you wrestle with life, your heart inevitably becomes a warrior; when you wrestle with death, your soul inevitably becomes a conqueror.


The first professor you meet in life is your mother; the second is hardship, and the last is death.


Don’t water anything that you don’t want to grow in your life.


No tree becomes large without smaller trees hoping its branches get cut off.


When turbulence hits your sails remind yourself it is an opportunity to get to the shore quicker.


One fish in your net is better than a thousand in the ocean.


Beautiful gifts sometimes come wrapped in ugly paper.


I attended the University of Earth, and earned my P.H.D in life from the school of hardship.


Before you wear a crown of gold, life sometimes makes you wear a crown of thorns.


If you have never reached rock bottom, you have never attended the school of greatness.


Don’t be too busy growing old that you forget to grow up.


When reaching for the stars, beware of those who want to cut off your hands.


In poverty, friends are few; in prosperity, acquaintances are numerous; in affluence, associates are countless.


In life, those with heart certainly outdo those with ‘smart’.


At the end of every dark storm is a bright rainbow.


Lies spread quicker than truth because they have longer legs.


When dealing with two faced people, it is difficult to know which face is uglier, the real one or the manufactured one.


Looking on the bright side of life is better than looking on the dark side of despair.


It is impossible to graduate from the University of Life with no scars.


A tree will not wither and die because the wind blew away one leaf.


A tree dances for the wind not because it enjoys it, but because it doesn’t want to break.


The richest person in the cemetery is the one who left the most happy memories.


The only race you are guaranteed to win is the one you run alone.


When the nest becomes too small a bird is ready to spread its wings and fly.


Genius is in you, but like a seed, you determine whether it dies or grows.


Stand alone when it is to your benefit, with others when it is to your advantage, and with everyone when it is to your empowerment.


A bee does not need to follow you to give you honey: you follow it. Become a person of value and you too won’t have to beg anyone to follow you.


Jealousy stings, envy poisons, anger harms, and hate murders.


Behind you, leave your enemies. Beside you, keep your family. Around you, maintain your friends. Within you, cherish God.


Don’t try to silence other people’s genius because you’re too deaf to hear your own.


Water is soft, but can maneuver any obstacle; be shrewd, and be gentle, and you too will be able to do likewise.


Leave beauty marks in the lives of those you meet, not scars.


Pain teaches you more than pleasure. Failure teaches you more than success. Poverty teaches you more than prosperity. Adversity teaches you more than comfort.


Behind you, leave your enemies. Beside you, keep your family. Around you, maintain your friends. Within you, treasure God.


Water returns to the ocean. Light returns to the sun. Life returns to God.


A flower takes a while to grow, but can die in an instant; this is how it is with trust.


If death blew a trumpet each time he was coming, there would be no one to greet him on arrival.


It is the worst people in your life that teach you the best lessons.


Expand your mind. Nurture your heart. Develop your body. Cultivate your soul.


Mind-power takes you to the mountaintop. Heart-power takes you the stars. Soul-power takes you to the edge of the universe.


Think outside of the box. Work outside of the box. Dream outside of the box. Succeed outside of the box.


Your mind is a weapon. Your heart is an asset. Your soul is a treasure. Your life is a jewel.


If you want to lead a pleasant life, be good to yourself; if you want to lead a happy life, be good to others; and if you want to lead an exceptional life, be good to everyone.


Charity is fortune, avarice is poverty, peace is treasure, and happiness is wealth.


Forgive those who hurt you yesterday.Reward those who help you today.Remember those who help you tomorrow.


Let them judge you, but remain virtuous.Let them criticize you, but remain wise.Let them misunderstand you, but remain kind. Let them hate you, but remain exceptional.


The wise are like a sprouting seed; they go forward and upward, never backward or downward.


It is wise to buy acquaintances, but foolish to buy friends.


A flower does not bloom for itself, but for the world; do likewise.


Your feet may be small, but travel much. Your hands may be little, but conquer much. Your eyes may be tiny, but perceive much. Your ears may be modest, but heed much.


The wise are like a river; they go forward and upward, never backward or downward.


When bitter, say little; when angry, say nothing; when happy, say much; when joyful, say all.


If you look to money for happiness, you will be disappointed; to power, you will be disillusioned; to honor, you will be dissatisfied; to others, you will be disenchanted; but if you look to God, you will be fulfilled.


A rose would be miserable if it was forced to be a daisy, no matter how much water it was fed.


You cannot fast-forward time, you cannot rewind it, and you cannot pause it; you can only waste or benefit from it.


Knowing what to say is sense, when to say it is intelligence, how to say it is wisdom, why and how to say it is enlightenment.


Talent is like a little seed; when nurtured, it will flourish.


Two minds are smarter than one.Two hands are stronger than one.Two hearts are mightier than one.Two souls are greater than one.


Esteem intelligence, cherish knowledge, and value understanding, but trust wisdom.


Skill gives you legs to jog, talent gives you legs to run, brilliance gives you legs to sprint, but genius gives you wings to fly.


A rose, no matter how beautiful, still has to contend with thorns.


Be humble as you learn, confident as you teach, and modest when you have mastered both.


If you are angry for one second, it leaves you with only fifty-nine seconds of happiness.


Enough pain will keep you humble.Enough grief will keep you compassionate.Enough trouble will keep you strong.Enough hardship will keep you grateful.


The soul is a great magician; transforming thoughts into reality, desires into actions, and life into experiences.


The greatest weight a bird gives up when preparing to fly is fear.


Life is temporal.Time is fleeting.God is permanent.Eternity is enduring.


If the world gives you a thousand reasons to cry, find a thousand and one reasons to smile.


A bird that sings too much will only lose its voice, but a bird that does not sing at all will lose its symphonies.


The sun is never denied the light it gives; likewise, you are never denied the kindness you bestow.


Don’t mourn over the past; it has no pity for you. Don’t cry over the present, it has no sympathy for you, and I don’t weep the future, it has no mercy on you.


Your mind has the intellect to lift the world,your heart has the wisdom to better the world, and your soul has the genius to elevate the world.


You are no greater than the friends you keep, the books you read, the heroes you admire, and the obstacles you overcome.


Don’t be afraid of being alone; remember, when the sun rises, it rises with nobody at its side.


Turn your failures into lessons, your obstacles into opportunities, your tragedies into triumphs, and in no time you will turn your dreams into reality.


A flower does not diminish in beauty, no matter how many weeds envy it.


Wisdom has a hundred eyes to see opportunities, courage has a hundred feet to seek opportunities, and strength has a hundred arms to seize opportunities.


A shrub that bears fruit deserves to be watered more than a tree that does not.


It is better to be a marble in a hut than a brick in a palace.


You are a product of your mind, a result of your thoughts, and a consequence of your actions.


The ocean does not lose its splendor because it lost a few drops.


Be wise enough to learn from the past, shrewd enough to capitalize on the present, and clever enough to prepare for the future.


Time is your acquaintance, life is your friend, death is your enemy, and existence is your soulmate.


A wolf raised in a jungle is fiercer than a lion reared in a circus.


You’re destined for greatness,” Life said. “But first, I’m going to make you cry.


Beautiful beginnings are often born from ugly endings.


You only become truly rich the day you possess something that money cannot buy.


The lightest weight anyone can carry on life’s journey is hope.


It is better to help an enemy than to harm a friend.


Dream like a child. Reason like an elder. Play like a youth. Work like an adult.


If you think too much, you will worry too much; if you worry too much, you will fear too much; if you fear too much, you will dread too much; and if you dread too much, you will suffer too much.


If an opportunity comes dressed in trouble’s apparel, do not scorn it.


Seeds you plant today determine the harvest you reap tomorrow.


Practicing what you preach is the world’s most eloquent sermon.


Teach the ignorant. Study the wise. Avoid the foolish. Embrace the enlightened.


Learn from acquaintances, and you are clever; from friends, and you are intelligent; from enemies, and you are shrewd; but learn from all, and you are wise.


In a crowd do not lose your individuality, and in your individuality do not lose the crowd.


Time is your acquaintance. Life is your friend. Death is your opponent. Eternity is your companion.


Your mind shines brightest when you enlighten others; your heart, when you encourage others; your soul, when you elevate others; and your life, when you empower others.


A rose started off a bud, a bird started off an egg, and a forest started off a seed.


You may be poor, but important; uneducated, but wise; lowly, but noble; simple, but insightful; and ordinary, but great.


At ten, you are foolish. At twenty, you are naive. At thirty, you are alert. At forty, you are experienced. At fifty, you are wise.


Planting your own garden is better than waiting for someone to bring you flowers.


An ounce of wisdom is worth more than a pound of knowledge.


A shrewd enemy will teach you more than a foolish friend.


Learn from a river; obstacles may force it to change its course, but never its destination.


One who is not afraid to die lives, and one who is afraid to live dies.


If birds did not believe in their ability to fly, the sky would be empty.


If you live in the desert, view the sun not as your enemy, but as your friend. If you live in the wilderness, view nature not as your adversary, but as your companion.


If the sky had no tears, the world would have no rainbows.


Learn more than others. Work more than others. Succeed more than others. Give more than others.


Water your dreams with fear, and they will wilt; with doubt, and they will wither; with hope, and they will grow; with faith, and they will flourish.


A bird will only fall from the sky when it stops believing in its ability to fly, and a fish will only drown in water when it stops believing in its ability to swim.


Know what you want. Pursue what you need. Realize what you ought. Attain what you desire.


Your mind is a gift. Your heart is a prize. Your soul is a blessing. Your life is a reward.


You were born to dream. You were born to strive. You were born to conquer. You were born to rise.


Worry makes you weaker, regret makes you sadder, hate makes you angrier, but hope makes you stronger, and love makes you happier.


Bad weather never stopped anyone from reaping a good harvest.


They know your face, but not your mind.They understand your words, but not your heart.They hear your name, but not your soul.They grasp your past, but not your future.


A kind stranger is better than an uncaring friend.


Ignore those who resent you. Avoid those who begrudge you. Excuse those who envy you. Pity those who hate you.


You are one thought away from intelligence, one word away from kindness, one deed away from excellence, one step away from brilliance, and one second away from transcendence.


A flower in a desert still has no reason to envy a thorn in a rainforest.


No matter how deep you bury good seeds, they always find a way to rise.


The weak dread the storm, the foolish invite the storm, the wise avoid the storm,the strong battle the storm, and the great overcome the storm.


The past is your teacher. The present is your opportunity. The future is your reward.


What you think is a seed, what you say is the bud, and what you do is the fruit.


No matter how beautiful a rose is it must still grow in dirt.


Only dead leaves allow the wind to blow them to and fro.


Wine had to be grapes first. Diamonds had to be rocks first. Butterflies had to be caterpillars first. Rainbows had to be storms first.


If you are waiting for the perfect spouse, you are waiting for the perfect disappointment.


Three kinds of people achieve illumination: those who learn, those who teach, and those who do both continuously.


Stir the world with your skills, shake the world with your talents, move the world with your brilliance, change the world with your genius.


Knowledge gives you the world, intelligence gives you the sky, understanding gives you the stars, but wisdom gives you the universe.


In helping yourself, you prove you are strong; in helping others, you prove you are compassionate; in helping many, you prove you are generous; if helping everyone, you prove you are enlightened.


If you can stay positive in bad situations, you are strong; if you can stay optimistic in hopeless situations, you are mighty; if you can stay hopeful in impossible situations, you are great.


Once you show someone your true colors it is impossible to paint over them.


Yesterday says, “Forget me, but learn from me.” Today says, “Embrace me, yet utilize me.”Tomorrow says, “Anticipate me, then prepare for me.


Life is short, death is long, days are narrow, and years are wide.


If roses tried to be sunflowers, they would lose their beauty; and if sunflowers tried to be roses, they would lose their strength.


Those who laugh with you when you laugh are acquaintances, those who cry with you when you cry are companions, and those who do both are friends.


Pain that results in success is better than pleasure that results in failure.


If you want little, give little; if you want much, give much; if you want all, give all.


Teach yourself. Help yourself. Improve yourself. Enrich yourself.


If you can stay positive in bad situations, you are strong; if you can stay positive in hopeless situations, you are mighty; if you can stay positive in impossible situations, you are great.


No one can steal your happiness unless you give them the key to your heart’s safe.


The garden of your dreams is watered by the sweat of excellence.


A lion is not afraid of walking alone, even if the whole jungle is pursuing it.


If bees only gathered nectar from perfect flowers, they wouldn’t be able to make even a single drop of honey.


Water drops erode mountains not because of their size, but their persistence.


The tallest trees sometimes grow from the smallest seeds.


Thunder roars but does not strike. Lightning strikes but does not roar. Choose to be lightning.


An archer must never blame a target for missing it.


You can paint the whole sky black, but that won’t keep stars from shinning.


If your greatest wish is to be happy, you are clever; if it is to make others happy, you are virtuous; but if it is to make yourself and others happy, you are wise.


The sun is intelligent because it never rises too early, and wise because it never sets too late.


If there is wisdom in your mind, prove it; joy in your heart, share it; love in your soul, show it; good in your life, impart it.


A small sharp axe clears a forest quicker than a big blunt one.


The early bird gets the worm, and the early fox gets the bird.


A lion is born knowing how to hunt, but has to learn how to hunt well.


A dove struggling in a storm grows stronger than an eagle soaring in sunshine.


If you pour more water into a river, it will not drown the fish.


A tree is only as good as the seed it is stems from.


If you try to cultivate your talents in someone else’s shadow, they might wilt.


Faith moves mountains, intelligence goes over them, wisdom goes around them, but love levels them.


The world is full of angels; if you can’t find one, be one.


You are better than your past, greater than your present, and brighter than your future.


Be merry, because it confuses your enemies; happy, because it annoys them; cheerful, because it angers them; and joyful, because it kills them.


One who protects himself from negative thoughts protects himself from negative outcomes.


The greatest universe is not somewhere out there, but inside of yourself.


The most beautiful people are those who bring out the beauty in others.


Follow your dreams with all of your mind. Chase your dreams with all of your heart. Accomplish your dreams with all of your soul.


Your clock cannot buy you more time, your bed cannot get you more sleep, your titles cannot acquire you more influence, your fame cannot gain you more honor, and your money cannot earn you more happiness.


Think before you speak. Question before you judge. Examine before you decide.


If you have the power to think, you have the power to change your world.


A flower blooming in the desert proves to the world that adversity, no matter how great, can be overcome.


When life is sweet, be thankful, and rejoice; but when bitter, be strong, and persevere.


As paint needs a canvass for its beauty to show, stars need darkness for their splendor to shine.


Reward those who help you. Forget those who use you. Ignore those who judge you. Forgive those who wrong you.


One good friend is better than a thousand acquaintances.


The greatest gift life can give you today is the promise of tomorrow.


Listen to all, believe few, count on some, but trust none.


In my youth I had three teachers: friends, enemies, and books. In my adulthood I had three professors: God, nature, and life.


The poorest man you can marry is not the one who lacks money, but the one who lacks character.


A sailor is not defined as much by how many seas he has sailed than by how many storms he has overcome.


It is in vain to chase two birds at the same time, even if you have a thousand legs.


If you stop tending to flowers when they lose a few petals, you will never grow a garden.


The world sees you for what you are, but the universe sees you for what you can be.


When a storm shows up, always remind yourself a rainbow is hiding behind it.


If you want your inner light to shine brighter, illuminate someone else’s.


Knowledge is the path, understanding is the way, wisdom is the highway, and enlightenment is the destination.


Let go of the past, even if it offers you Heaven; embrace the future, even if it offers you Hell.


The cleanest feet in the universe are positive thoughts walking through your mind.


The sweeter the fruit a tree bears the greater the number of birds that eat from it.


A beautiful gift does not decrease in value because it is wrapped in ugly paper.


A virtuous spouse adds years to your life, a wise one adds decades, but a loving one adds an eternity to your life.


The most difficult door to open is the entrance to an ignorant mind.


The greatest lesson a tree can give you is to stand tall and proud, no matter how strong life’s winds blow against you.


When hunting a lion it is wise to remind yourself that you too are being hunted.


Dear past, I survived you. Dear present, I’m ready for you. Dear future, I’m coming for you.


Skill follows the rules, talent breaks the rules, mastery shatters the rules, but genius makes its own rules.


If you have power, be just; wealth, be generous; knowledge, be wise; titles, be humble; and life, be grateful.


Thoughts can only hurt you with your permission, feelings can only wound you with your consent, experiences can only damage you with your authorization; life can only ruin you with your approval.


If seeds waited for perfect conditions to grow, there would be no plants in the desert.


To avoid enemies, say nothing; to avoid critics, do nothing; to avoid haters, be nothing; but to avoid mediocrity, ignore all.


Opportunities, like roses, come with a beautiful fragrance, but also with thorns.


When perplexed, God appears to you in the form of wisdom; when troubled, in the form of peace; when sad, in the form of joy; when heartbroken, in the form of love.


One who thinks for himself is a threat to his enemies, a refuge to his acquaintances, a prize to his friends, and a gift to the world.


As only dead leaves allow the wind to blow them to and fro, never allow yourself to be swayed by popular opinion.


Don’t climb a mountain to look down on people below, but to get a clearer view of the stars above.


A lion does not earn its crown quarreling with sheep.


The sun does not rise abruptly, but perseveres until it rules the sky.


If you were able to fall a hundred times as a child and rise, you are able to fall a thousand times as a grown up and soar.


If you have a dream no one else can see, a reward awaits you that no one else can have.


If a lion invites you home for dinner, it is you he wants to serve as a meal to his guests.


A rough diamond is still worth more than a polished pebble.


The greater the number of fish a river bears the greater the number of fishermen that patronize it.


When life’s great storms come, the weak sink, the cowardly jump ship, the strong drop an anchor, the mighty adjust their sails, and the great sail on to their destiny.


The ignorant learn from none, the simple learn from some, the intelligent learn from many, but the enlightened learn from all.


If you have food on your table, clothes on your back, a roof on your head, and a dream in your heart, you have everything you need in life.


If you guide others out of the dark, you are a star, even if no one knows your name.


Ignorance is your opponent, fear is your enemy, vice is your adversary, virtue is your friend, and wisdom is your helper.


When life’s journey is wearisome, put on hope’s shoes.


Words let you know what is in someone’s mind, deeds let you know what is in someone’s heart, and character lets you know what is in someone’s soul.


To help yourself, help others; to help others, help yourself.


If your present thoughts do not lift you higher than your previous ones, rid yourself of them.


A lion does not become king of the jungle hunting mice.


It is in vain to try and stop a star from rising, even with a ladder.


Learn from the ocean; when it rises, it carries more than itself along with it.


Seeds, not doubting their potential, rise and become forests.


If you have a house but no home, you are homeless; knowledge but no wisdom, you are imprudent; acquaintances but no friends, you are lonely; money but no happiness, you are poor; and life but no joy, you are lifeless.


Be happy when you work, thankful when you earn, cautious when you spend, shrewd when you save, and charitable when you give.


The less you want, the happier you are; the happier you are, the less you want.


If you shake a tree, fruit must fall, no matter how reluctant it is.


You are a gift to the universe, but a package is only valuable if it allows itself to be unwrapped.


Your strength lies in knowledge, your power lies in wisdom, your treasure lies in understanding, and your wealth lies in life.


Learn like an amateur. Train like a champion. Fight like a warrior. Triumph like a conqueror.


Don’t waste time watering a weed hoping to transform it into a flower.


If you want to shine, sit before a lamp; if you want to shine brighter, sit before a fire; but if you want to shine the brightest, sit before a sage.


If you want to be strong, love yourself; if you want to be powerful, love others; if you want to be invincible, love everyone.


Confuse them with your intelligence, baffle them with your excellence, bewilder them with your brilliance, and perplex them with your transcendence.


To be ordinary, be normal; to be original, be different; to be valuable, be unique; to be priceless, be yourself.


Don’t miss the opportunity to fly with eagles tomorrow because chickens invited you to run with them today.


A small sharp axe can cut down more trees than a big dull one.


It is on the canvass of the darkest storms that the brightest rainbows are painted.


If Noah waited for signs of rain to build an ark, he would have been swept away by the flood.


You don’t command wind in the direction it blows, but you command a ship in the direction it sails.


To be happy: the simple pursue pleasure, the common pursue riches, the uncommon pursue knowledge, and the exceptional pursue wisdom.


If you fail a thousand times, find a thousand and one ways to succeed.


To achieve success, ignore doubt; fame, ignore haters; greatness, ignore fear; and immortality, ignore hardship.


If the road to your dreams is full of potholes, take the highway.


A wolf can only mock a lion thousands of miles away.


Snails do not despair for having short legs, but rejoice for being able to travel long distances in spite of them.


A flower blooming in a storm is stronger than a tree blossoming under a rainbow.


Happy is he who marries the woman he wants, happier is he who marries the woman he needs, and happiest is he who marries the woman he wants and needs.


No matter how tall and wide darkness is, it cannot block the stars.


The greater the fruit a trees bears, the greater the number of stones thrown at it.


Cheerfulness will help you draw strangers, cleverness will help gain acquaintances, faithfulness will help you keep companions, and kindness will help you multiply friends.


Make your wife happier, children wiser, yourself kinder, and you will make your life better.


Where the world only sees a seed, an optimist sees a tree.


One who conquers the sea today is ready to conquer the ocean tomorrow.


You have little control over the world around you, but full control over the world within you.


If you tend to a flower, it will bloom, no matter how many weeds surround it.


A warrior is defined by his scars, not his medals.


Cowards shrink from challenges, weaklings flee from them, and warriors wink at them.


Never give a negative thought an inch or it will take a mile.


Learn from roses; even when trampled they give off perfume, not despair.


If you have never walked a mile in someone’s shoes, do not mock the soars on his feet.


You are beloved; even if you were the last person on earth, the sun would rise for you.


When you have the world on your shoulders, God alone can help you carry it.


A tree is honored for the size of its fruit, not the size of its leaves.


One who fishes in shallow waters limits the kind of fish he can catch.


Helping yourself is common sense, helping others is virtue, helping yourself and others is enlightenment.


Ears for wisdom, hands for work, eyes for opportunities, and a mouth for thanks.


If you have nothing but joy in this life, you are still rich.


If you kick a lion when it is down, God help you when it gets up.


The sun does not rise to earn praise; it just shines, and the whole world pays homage.


If beautiful lilies bloom in ugly waters, you too can blossom in ugly situations.


A lion conquers more in one day than a sheep in a lifetime.


Fear is an assassin; if you let it in your life, it will kill your dreams.


When you put on your thinking cap make sure it’s clean.


Just because everyone is behaving like a clown, it doesn’t mean you have to join the circus.


Make your own luck, and then share it with others.


Seeds are proof that God sometimes packages miracles in small things.


The greater the fruit a tree bears, the greater the number of stones thrown at it.


Diamonds are proof that the most valuable things are sometimes formed in the dark.


The storm only comes to teach you how to skillfully sail your ship.


It is in the roots, not the branches, that a tree’s greatest strength lies.


The early bird gets the first worm, but the wisest bird gets the fastest one.


There are three things that a beggar and a rich person share every day: the sun, the moon, and the stars.


As inside of every seed is the power to rise from darkness, inside of everyone is the power to rise from adversity.


A rock that perseveres under heat and pressure soon becomes a diamond.


If the storm forgets to bring a rainbow, paint your own.


Never set fire to a bridge while you are still crossing it.


Learn what you can, teach what you know, live how you ought.


If you want to double your happiness, pour it into someone else.


If you have much, be generous; if you have little, be grateful; even if you have nothing, be hopeful.


Whether the glass is half empty or half full, you have the power to fill it up.


Tigers cannot afford to care about what sheep think.


When the sails are strong a ship has no reason to fear turbulence.


When you reach the end of your rope, tie a knot and use it to hang your troubles.


The louder the dogs bark the less a lion feels threatened.


Your end can be greater than your beginning: butterflies are the greatest proof of this.


The bad chapters of your life lead to the good ones if you keep turning the pages.


When your past tries to haunt you tell it you don’t believe in ghosts.


The sun announces its presence with light, not words; do likewise.


When the world told the caterpillar its life was over, the butterfly objected, “My life has just begun.


When all seems to be against you, remember, a ship sometimes has to sail against the current, not with it.


An Oak tree is a daily reminder that great things often have small beginnings.


A bird does not give up flying because it failed on its first attempt.


Every seed must rise through dirt to enjoy the sunshine.


Never allow yourself to be defined by your past; ‘yesterday’ is just a word, not a dictionary.


If the grass is greener on the other side, try planting better seeds.


Ignore your haters. Resist your fears. Embrace your dreams.


A daisy blooming in a desert is worth more than a rose blossoming in a rainforest.


When night comes do not despair; rejoice instead and say to yourself, “At least now I can see the stars.


It can’t be done,” they told the caterpillar. “It can,” replied the butterfly.


If they ask you how rich you are, tell them to look inside your heart.


There is no smarter professor than life, and no wiser sage than experience.


You are as the sun; the world is your stage; even without an audience, shine.


When you look up and don’t see the stars, the universe may have cleared the sky for you to replace them.


While the whole world was asleep, the caterpillar was awake, working towards becoming a butterfly.


A rose does not answer its enemies with words, but with beauty.


If seeds despaired in their darkest hours, they would never rise to enjoy their brightest days.


Darkness is a prison from which only light escapes.


When a rock transforms into a diamond, lesser stones will not speak of its beauty, but speak of its unpolishedness.


Roses do not bloom hurriedly; for beauty, like any masterpiece, takes time to blossom.


The larger the bricks your enemies throw at you the larger the palace you are going to build.


The happiest people in the world are those who give happiness to others.


Your deepest scars tell the world of your greatest triumphs.


When people try to bury you, remind yourself you are a seed.


If you have the power to put a smile on one person’s face, you have the power to change the world.


Be like seeds; do not see dirt thrown at you as your enemy, but as ground to grow.


When people try to pull you down, remember, they had to look up to do so.


Thoughts are powerful; before you were born, you were one.


The beauty all around you is insignificant in comparison to the beauty within you.


The darkest part of the storm paints the brightest part of the rainbow.


A book is the only vehicle that can take you around the world in one hour.


To be knowledgeable, sit before scholars; to be wise, sit before life.


You don’t choose the music your enemies play, but you choose which songs you dance to.


Yesterday, I was clever, I wanted to be rich. Today, I am wise, I want to be happy.


The world accommodates you for fitting in, but only rewards you for standing out.


When excellence comes in at the door, failure flies out the window.


God hides treasure in dirt, so that only those humble enough to dig through it find it.


To realize your greatest strengths, you must first overcome your greatest weaknesses.


Darkness is an uncomfortable place, but that is where stars are made.


You must walk on water, especially if you don’t know how to swim.


Luck appears when you are working towards it, not looking for it.


You don’t scale a mountain with your mouth, but with your feet.


As rain does not bother the ocean, nor heat bother the sun, so adversity does not bother the great.


A lion never loses sleep over a sheep’s sentiments.


The height of your storm determines the height of your rainbow.


Have the mind of a swam, the heart of a lion, the tongue of a serpent, the flair of a swam, and the soul of a dove.


Excellence annoys your haters, success infuriates them, and genius kills them.


You don’t have to boast for work that speaks for itself.


Turbulence does not shake a tree with strong roots.


A star never loses its shine, not even in the dark.


It is better to be a lion for one day than a wolf for a lifetime.


The sky is only the limit if you have not set your eyes on reaching the stars.


A flower, no matter how beautiful, still has to grow in dirt.


It is foolish for the moon to compete with the sun for the spotlight.


If roses did not suffer thorns on their journey to beauty, they would lose out on becoming masterpieces.


If you have a spark of genius, kindle it until it becomes a flame.


It is the strongest, not the prettiest birds that conquer the sky.


It is not your enemies that you need to conquer on the journey to greatness, but yourself.


A bird must rely on its own wings if it is to conquer the sky.


First, fear will mock you, then fear will taunt you, then fear will oppose you, and if you ignore it, only then will it flee from you.


Expect success. Desire success. Attract success. Realize success.


If you sing to one person as if you’re singing to a million, you will soon have an audience of a million.


Throw a warrior to the wolves and he’ll return a conqueror.


Your greatest obstacles usher you to your greatest rewards.


Dream up, and you will go up; dream down, and you will go down.


They fired arrows at me, but I did not fire back. I picked them up instead to build my castle.


A bird does not fly because of the wind around it, but because of the strength within it.


A bird must overcome its fear of heights before it can rule the skies.


A bird is born knowing how to fly, but has to learn to conquer the skies.


The universe believes in you, but it is more important that you believe in yourself.


Learn from seeds to rise, no matter how much dirt is thrown at you.


A bird must have faith in its wings in order to fly.


A bird only conquers the sky when it has mastered enough courage to lose sight of the ground.


If the sky was the limit, stars would not light our way to the edge of the universe.


The calmest part of the storm is not in its eye, but in your own soul.


The sky’s dangers offer the eagle more opportunities than the nest’s comfort.


A star on its worst day shines brighter than the moon on its best day.


To avoid enemies, say nothing; to avoid critics, do nothing; to avoid haters, be nothing; but to avoid mediocrity, ignore them all.


Thunder is noise to a pessimist but music to an optimist.


A blunt arrow in the air has greater potential to strike than a sharp one in a quiver.


The strong overcome their opponents, the mighty crush them, the shrewd outwit them, the cowardly hide from them, but the enlightened transcend them.


If adventurers were cowardly, no one would have crossed the nations; if sailors were fearful, no one would have crossed the oceans; if pilots were gutless, no one would have crossed the skies.


Courage lightens distress, hope alleviates grief, doubt aggravates affliction, fear worsens anguish, worry magnifies misery, and faith overthrows despair.


Learn from stars; when dark times try to dull your sparkle, shine.


To be a champion, compete; to be a great champion, compete with the best; but to be the greatest champion, compete with yourself.


The size of your storm determines the size of your rainbow.


Never underestimate a warrior; the lion in him may be sleeping, but that does not mean he’s dead.


A butterfly is a caterpillar who never gave up on his dream to fly.


A river continues to flow despite losing a few drops at each turn.


Gravity is no match against one who is determined to reach the stars.


In the presence of the sun nobody sees the stars; excel, and you too will eclipse your competition.


A lion will never be afraid of sheep, no matter how many outnumber it.


It is a bird’s imagination, not its wings, that determines how high it can fly.


Thorns do not keep a rose from blooming, neither should obstacles keep you from success.


Seeds are proof that God puts within you what is supposed to enrich the world around you.


If a lion turned every time small dogs barked at it, it would be the laughing stock of the jungle.


If God wanted the sky to be empty, He would not have given birds wings to fly.


Your talent is a seed; cultivate it, and in no time, you will harvest success.


The greatest weight a bird has to drop before it can fly is fear.


On the path to greatness, life teaches you to walk with stones in your shoes.


If the light within you is greater than the darkness around you, you are a star.


Shine your light so bright, and no one will need a telescope to see you.


A bird does not give up flying today because it couldn’t find any worms yesterday.


An oak tree is just a small nut that persevered against the taunts of doubt and fear.


A small idea with wings will take you higher than a big one with legs.


When everybody is planting apples a visionary plants oranges.


A bird in a nest is secure, but that is not why God gave it wings.


A lion will only retreat if you stare it in the eyes; likewise, so will fear.


A star that is determined to shine cannot be hidden, not even by darkness.


If you are going through hell, keep walking until you reach heaven.


When excellence becomes a habit, success becomes a lifestyle.


Don’t expect success to fall from the sky if it didn’t evaporate from the sweat of your hands.


Seeds are proof that the greatest growth takes place in the dark.


A flower can only grow through concrete if it believes in itself, not its obstacles.


The uglier the caterpillar the lovelier the butterfly.


A bird that fears turbulence will never know how high it can fly.


If an ant carries an object a hundred times its weight, you can carry burdens many times your size.


Use the arrows failure throws at you to hunt for success.


A diamond is just a rock that refused to break under heat and pressure.


Don’t downgrade your dreams to upgrade your relationships.


Because failure works double time, to get success, work triple time.


Perfume is the scent that pours out of a flower’s soul when crushed.


Wolves travel in packs, but the fiercest travel alone.


Persevere like a seed; even when people try to bury you, flourish.


Be the greatest thing that has ever happened to you.


If a flower can flourish in the desert, you can flourish anywhere.


A mighty storm is inconsequential when facing a mighty ship.


Storms pass by on their way to get all the colors needed to paint your rainbow.


Step up your game and success will step up to you.


The higher you rise above your fears the higher you will rise above your peers.


Against all odds, a seed rises from darkness and beautifies the universe.


Be flexible like trees; when the wind blows bend, but do not break.


The road to success is paved with doubters and haters.


An army of disciplined sheep is greater than an army of undisciplined wolves.


If a flower perseveres through concrete, you can persevere through anything.


If an eagle is teaching you to fly, ignore the advice of turkeys.


Turkeys can run with eagles but cannot fly with them.


The farther you venture into the forest the more valuable the fruit.


The sweetest fruits grow at the top of a tree so that only those who deserve them can reach them.


If you water your dreams with excellence, success will grow.


A bird that does not break out of its shell will die in its egg.


The darkness of the storm determines the brightness of the rainbow.


Stumbling up a hill strengthens you more than sprinting down a mountain.


A butterfly is a caterpillar which refused to give up its dreams to fly.


Be like stars; instead of cursing the darkness, shine.


Building castles in the air is only wise if you build a ladder to reach them.


If the grass is greener on the other side, start watering your own.


Extraordinary storms turn average seamen into extraordinary sailors.


The sweetest victories come after the bitterest defeats.


Breaking through the glass ceiling is only possible if you are stronger than glass.


The bigger the bricks critics throw at you the bigger the palace you are going to build.


Quiet birds rob the universe of beautiful symphonies.


Do what no one else can do and you will become what no one else can become.


Thinking outside of the box is unnecessary when there are no boxes in your imagination.


One who takes the road less traveled earns the rewards most missed.


The high cost of greatness is better than the low cost of mediocrity.


Don’t try moving mountains God ordained you to climb.


When your critics raise hell keep building your heaven.


Champions are made in the dark before they are revealed in light.


A star earns the right to shine the day it is born.


Thinking outside of the box keeps you from suffocating inside of one.


Visible obstacles shine a light on hidden opportunities.


You will never reach the stars without courage to lose sight of the ground.


It is impossible to make your own luck without the ingredient of hard work.


Making your mark in the world is better than making trouble.


A bird does not achieve its highest potential inside its shell.


Pain is the seasoning that gives pleasure its flavor.


God gave you the sea, but you still have to fish for yourself.


The dark skies of despair are no match for the bright skies of hope.


A step towards what you fear is a mile towards mastering it.


The thorny path to greatness is better than the rosy path to mediocrity.


Chase your dreams and your nightmares will grow tired of chasing you.


When you are at your lowest God is getting ready to take you to your highest.


The louder your “I can” the closer your “I’ve done it!


Believe in yourself, for the universe believes in you.


We only fall on our face to learn how to rise on our feet.


Turn your adversity into building blocks for the palace of your dreams.


You cannot walk in a great man’s shoes without getting sores on your feet.


The opinion of success matters more than the opinions of your critics.


Breaking down a closed door is quicker than waiting for someone to answer it.


When destiny is calling even the deaf can hear him.


Behind your darkest fears lie your brightest rewards.


What you endured was a sign of what you would become.


Excellence in obscurity is better than mediocrity in the spotlight.


The life you wish you had will come by working like you never have.


If you listen to critics for too long, you will become deaf to success.


One who conquers fear cannot be conquered by anyone.


Small steps of faith add up to great leaps of success.


Excellence is the best ink with which to make your mark in the world.


Carving your own path gets you to greatness quicker than following someone else’s trail.


One who conquers fear conquers his greatest enemy.


Picking up the pieces of a shattered dream is better than having no pieces to pick up at all.


A golden opportunity may turn into silver if you wait too long to take advantage of it.


Some birds learn how to fly only after falling off of a cliff.


The lonely road to greatness is better than the crowded road to mediocrity.


Today’s tears are an investment into tomorrow’s smiles.


Use your tears to water the garden of your dreams.


Rise in your mind and you will rise in your world.


Dancing in the rain is better than despairing in the storm.


In our deepest valleys we are strengthened to climb our highest mountains.


An egg’s true value is only known when it is broken.


The world within you is of greater consequence than the world around you.


The best way to overcome your weaknesses is to turn them into strengths.


Major breakthroughs often come after major breakdowns.


Don’t settle for a star when you can have the whole sky.


An ambitious amateur will rise above a complacent master.


Stumbling towards greatness is better than sprinting towards mediocrity.


You become what you think, not what others think of you.


Conquering hills today prepares you for conquering mountains tomorrow.


Present tears water the gardens of future blessings.


Holding onto your dreams is better than holding onto your nightmares.


Battling wolves today strengthens you for battling lions tomorrow.


Taking a leap of faith is better than taking a leap of doubt.


Rise above your fears and you rise above your world.


Shatter the limits in your mind and you shatter the limits in your life.


Your original self is worth more than your imitation of someone else.


Overcoming what frightens you the most strengthens you the most.


The beauty that is in you is greater than the ugliness that is around you.


Your darkest fears are the veil between you and your brightest rewards.


An eagle does not crawl because it was born to fly.


Unleash the potential that is in another and you unleash the potential that is in you.


Temporary failure will not prevent you from achieving lasting success.


Your brightest light will take you to your greatest heights.


Pursuing your dreams is the best way of insulating yourself from your nightmares.


When your inner light shines your outer world glows.


Failing over and over again is how you learn to succeed over and over again.


A muddied diamond is better than an unsullied pebble.


A drop of faith can create a hailstorm of success.


A bird that fears falling off of a tree branch is ignorant of its gifts.


Behind your greatest fears lie your greatest rewards.


Your darkest experiences often lead you to your brightest fortunes.


Life is a dark stage on which you were born to shine.


See more than your eyes can see.Hear more than your ears can hear.Do more than your hands can do.Go further than your feet can go.


Pebbles that bring you joy are better than diamonds that bring you sorrow.


If a lion invites you to dinner, turn down the offer, no matter how hungry you are.


If you waste time watering a fruitless tree, fruitful ones may die of thirst.


A lion’s greater talents are revealed in the jungle, not in the circus.


A tree’s beauty lies in its branches, but its strength lies in its roots.


An original pebble is better than a counterfeit diamond.


If a lion takes its advice from sheep, it will go hungry.


When sheep grow blind, it is only wolves that rejoice.


If you place two flowers in the same vase, they will not argue over who is more beautiful.


A wolf can only curse a lion when surrounded by its peers.


Counting your chickens before they hatch is only wise if God has told you how many will survive.


A tree’s nature does not change because the wind blew off a few of its leaves.


To learn how to swim, observe fish; how to hunt, observe lions; how to work, observe bees, and how to live, observe sages.


If you hide honey in the dark, bees will still find it.


If you can’t climb a tree, shake it, and its fruit will fall.


A fish is a genius in water, an eagle is a genius in air, a fox is a genius on land, and a sage is a genius in life. 


A wolf’s thoughts are seldom far from its appetite.


The hen that lays the most eggs deserves the most food.


The earliest bird gets the worm only if the worm is stupid enough to show up.


An apple only falls far from its tree when carried away by divine winds.


If men could fit water into their pockets, the ocean would be empty.


Be humble to those who praise you, pleasant to those who honor you, kind to those who cherish you, good to those who love you, and generous to those who adore you.


A wolf only attends a rabbit’s funeral to eat its young.


One who wishes to cross the ocean first builds a ship.


Beatings from truth are better than kisses from lies.


The world’s greatest classroom has no walls: nature.


It is difficult to fill a broken vessel, and impossible to fill a leaking one.


People only stone a tree that is full of ripe fruit.


A sage is a library whose bookshelves are in his soul.


It is better to be a star for one day than a moon for a lifetime.


In knowledge there is strength, in understanding there is might, and in wisdom there is power.


If a fly lands on your food, do not use a hammer to remove it.


A scholar’s pen is more valuable than a warrior’s sword.


A gardener tending to his flowers is as noble as a warrior battling his opponents.


It is not how fast a tree grows, but how well. It is not how big a fruit is, but how sweet.


One who throws stones at others has less to use to build his own house.


If you teach a wolf how to hunt, it will reward you by devouring you.


The further you venture down a river the bigger the fish.


If you fish without proper bait, you will only catch disappointment.


The elephant is the largest, but not the fiercest. The giraffe is the tallest, but not the strongest. The cheetah is the fastest, but not the wisest. The ant is the smallest, but not the gentlest.


If you swim with sharks, make sure you have the appetite of a whale.


Beware of befriending wolves; remember, they are only loyal to their appetite.


Be like water; soft as it is, it breaks through rocks and impenetrable surfaces.


A rose does not lose sleep because it was mocked by weeds.


It is only safe to mock a crocodile when you have crossed the river.


Knowledge is strength, understanding is mastery, and wisdom is power.


Money is a great asset, talent is an extraordinary asset, and courage is an exceptional asset.


One bright star is better than a thousand dull moons.


The greatest evidence of what is inside of a seed is its fruit.


If you touch a wound while it is healing, you will prolong it.


An ugly jar full of water is worth more than an empty beautiful one in the desert.


Because the moon is not jealous of the sun, it benefits from its light.


It is in the shade that you look up at a tree and appreciate its efforts.


The early bird gets the first worm, but the wisest bird gets the fattest one.


We all come into the world rocks, but the enlightened leave it diamonds.


If you serve two masters, either of them may punish you for serving the other.


A tree is naked, no matter how big, if it does not have leaves.


One who never reads only goes where his feet can take him, but one who does, travels around the world.


You cannot tell a river in which direction it should flow, but you can steer your boat.


A bee, though small, can still sting you; an elephant, though calm, can still trample you; a lion, though full, can still devour you.


Sages see further with their eyes closed than scholars with their eyes open.


Know truth. Respect facts. Doubt opinions. Reject lies.


If the sun shone for itself, it would be blinded by its own light; if a river flowed for itself, it would be drowned by its own weight.


The mind speaks, though it does not have lips.The heart moves, though it does not have feet.The soul rises, though it does not have wings.


The mind is a temple of knowledge, the heart is a temple of understanding, and the soul is a temple of wisdom; together they are a temple of enlightenment.


It is impossible for light to bow before darkness.


It is the roof that fights the rain, but the builder who gets all the glory.


An ugly candle that lights up a home is better than a beautiful lamp that merely decorates a room.


A bird cannot fly upward if each wing is flapping in a different direction.


Daisies that bring you joy are better than roses that bring you sorrow.


If a bird does not bring out all of the songs on its heart, all its symphonies die inside.


Light travels halfway around the world while darkness is still putting its shoes on.


Light travels half away around the world while darkness is still putting its shoes on.


When birds eat from your hand, they are letting the whole world know that they trust you.


You can curse the sun a thousand times, but cannot keep it from shining, even for a day.


You cannot drown a fish in the ocean, no matter how deep you sink it.


The spoon’s color does not change the soup’s taste.


It is in vain to stone the sky, no matter how big the rock is.


Noble leaders choose: wisdom over wealth, knowledge over fame, understanding over honor, virtue over titles, and people over power.


The mind speaks, thought it does not have lips. The heart moves, though it does not have feet. The soul rises, though it does not have wings.


If a tree bears sweet fruit, birds have many reasons to visit it.


If the sun needed friends to shine, it would not rule the sky alone.


Water has no mouth, but swallows many. Light has no hands, but touches many. Wind has no feet, but carries many. Darkness has no teeth, but devours many.


It is not the size of the candle that matters, but the size of its light.


When you have nothing, be hopeful; when you have little, be grateful; when you have much, be sensible; when you have everything, be humble.


If you try to test a river’s depths with both feet, you will drown.


An angry wife can be more frightening than an army of disgruntled soldiers.


One friend in a storm is worth more than a thousand friends in sunshine.


The wise know much, but pretend to know little; the ignorant know little, but pretend to know much; and the foolish know nothing, but pretend to know all.


If you want to know how good a tree is, examine how many birds flock to feed off of its fruit.


A wife who discomforts you with truth is better than a mistress who massages you with lies.


It is the ant, not the lion, which the elephant fears.


It is better to be accepted by the bright few than by the dull masses.


Be like stars; when darkness tries to stop you from shining, shine all the more.


Light cannot hide its beauty, not even in darkness.


You cannot control the ocean, but you can guide the rivers that feed it.


If you are too good to look after God’s trash, you are not good enough to look after God’s treasure.


To see a man’s true colors, tell him you’re saving yourself for marriage. To see a woman’s true colors, tell her you’re poor.


Wisdom at the mountain-foot sees farther than intelligence at the mountaintop.


Spring is proof that there is beauty in new beginnings.


If you don’t take inventory of your blessings, ingratitude will try to steal them from you.


Intelligence is the icing, but wisdom is the cake.


A tree does not despair when its fruit falls to the ground, because it knows in due time, its seeds will rise.


The loveliest gifts sometimes come wrapped in the ugliest paper.


If God wanted the woods to be quiet, He would not have given birds songs to sing.


A few hours spent reading a book is better than a lifetime of ignorance.


A small boat that sails the river is better than a large ship that sinks in the sea.


Flowers are prettiest where they are watered the most.


Taking a step in the dark is braver than taking a leap in light.


Light the candle of success with the flame of excellence.


If people are not dancing to your tune, change the song.


A storm is an artist who passes by on her way to paint your rainbow.


A book is a whole world that you can fit into your pocket.


An ugly diamond is still worth more than a beautiful pebble.


The pen is mightier than the sword as long as it doesn’t run out of ink.


Be like the sun; warm to everyone, even your enemies.


Ask for a fish, and you only get one; ask for a net, and you can catch dozens.


If roses were not special weeds would not envy them.


A bear does not change its nature because it shed its fur.


A tree does not stop growing because the wind blew off a few of its leaves.


A slip of the foot is better than a slip of the tongue.


If you want people to dance to your tune, sing beautiful songs.


A wise bird does not lend even the smallest of its feathers to a hunter.


Love sees more with its eyes closed than hate with its eyes open.


The heart is seldom wiser than the mind, but when it is, listen to it.


A flower has no choice in where it is planted, but does have a choice in the direction it grows.


Love that causes you pain is better than hate that brings you pleasure.


Don’t pluck a rose’s petals and then ask the rose why it is sad.


A cat may have nine lives, but a wise person has a hundred.


If you point to paradise, all the shortsighted will see is your finger.


A tree fears an axe even though its handle is made from it.


Life may be a bed of roses, but roses still have thorns.


A rose’s beautiful scent is extracted only when it is crushed.


Don’t burn your bridges until you build better ones.


It is incredible how many hurts can be healed by the two words, ‘I’m sorry.


Don’t poison a river whose fish you might need tomorrow.


The lowest wisdom of the wise is greater than the highest wisdom of fools.


If you push your luck too hard, fortune’s muscles might tear.


Don’t cry over spilt milk when you can milk another cow.


Education costs an arm and a leg, but ignorance costs you your mind and your soul.


Watering a dead flower will not bring it back to life.


Follow your heart only if it has your mind’s feet.


Light cannot enter a dark room without illumining it.


If you feed a bird, you don’t have to force it to come to you.


A thorn is a rose’s friend but a gardener’s enemy.


You don’t throw a compass overboard because the ocean is calm.


Walking towards love is wiser than falling into it.


An angel who makes you cry is better than a devil who makes you smile.


Any fool can marry, but only the wise live happily ever after.


The most beautiful birds do not know how beautiful they are until they see their reflection in water.


A ship that sails without a compass will get lost at sea.


Paying the high cost of education is better than paying the high price of ignorance.


A large vessel will never fill up no matter how small the leak is.


Don’t trust a mirror that only tells you how wonderful you look.


You cannot marry your past without divorcing your future.


Love that brings you sorrow is better than hate that brings you joy.


Good deeds are the highest notes in life’s symphony.


Never cut down a tree whose shade you might need tomorrow.


Love is the most beautiful flower in the garden of life.


One does not become a great swimmer by swimming in shallow waters.


Pearls of wisdom are better than necklaces of diamonds.


Geniuses’ steps take you higher than talent’s leaps.


Pearls from the soul are more precious than diamonds from the mine.


You cannot wake up one who refuses to open his eyes.


You are your greatest asset in the business of your life.


The soul’s rainbow has more colors than the sky’s stars.


The heart carries heavy loads when it is being trained to carry weighty blessings.


The highest wisdom is sometimes found in the lowest people.


A vessel’s beauty does not determine how much water it carries.


Don’t ruin a good opportunity fixating on a bad one.


Because the sun helps you in the day, do not scoff at stars at night.


Seek to be the smartest in a room, not the loudest.


An open heart has greater power than a clenched fist.


Valid questions are better than invalid assumptions.


God created sages because He wanted to leave the light on in the universe.


Light enters a broken vessel more easily than an intact one.


Anger slowly.Forgive quickly.Trust cautiously.Love easily.


Smiling through confusion is courage.Smiling through tears is strength.Smiling through pain is power.Smiling through tragedy is greatness.


You cannot lose if you have learned one new lesson.You cannot lose if you have helped one new person.You cannot lose if you have overcome one new obstacle.


A spider is slow, but its web catches the fastest flies.


You have the world at your feet if you have wisdom in your mind.You have the world in your hands if you have joy in your heart.You have the world in your bosom if you have love in your soul.


You cannot catch a whale and a fish with the same bait.


It is at the edge of intelligence that wisdom awaits.


You cannot till this year’s land using last year’s sun.


A toothless wolf is less dangerous than a fanged insect.


Read when you can.Teach when you ought.Learn when you must.Apply when you should.


Think twice as much as others.Study twice as much as others.Work twice as much as others.Give twice as much as others.


Knowledge makes you strong,understanding makes you formidable,wisdom makes you powerful,and love makes you invincible.


You have not lost if you have learned one new lesson.You have not lost if you have helped one new person.You have not lost if you have overcome one new obstacle.


Listen until you’re the smartest.Learn until you’re the wisest.Live until you’re the merriest.Love until you’re the kindest.


Don’t speak thoughtlessly.Don’t worry unnecessarily.Don’t work half-heartedly.Don’t spend recklessly.Don’t give begrudgingly.Don’t act self-centeredly.Don’t live short-sightedly.


The intelligent are candles,the virtuous are torches,the wise are lamps,and the enlightened are stars.


He who walks with the wise goes farther than he who runs with fools.


What is in great demand, but scarce, is expensive, but even when wisdom is not in demand it is priceless.


Greed is the seed of corruptionas much as virtue is the seed of justice.Wisdom is the seed of successas much as vice is the seed of destruction.


If you debate the wise,no matter how poor,they will hearken to wisdom.If you debate the foolish,no matter how rich,they will mock wisdom.


Don’t wait for wisdom to come and rescue you, seek it daily.


Arm yourself with wisdom,arm yourself with knowledge;folly is a fierce lion roaming the streets.


Faith is receiving a blessing before you have seen it.Wisdom is taking care of the blessing once you have received it.


One secret to wisdom:think more, speak less.If you let your words be few,your troubles will not be many.


He who despises a poor man’s wisdom has turned away great riches.


I would rather be average and wise than be extraordinary and imprudent.


You can see a person without using your eyes,hear a person without using your ears,carry a person without using your hands,speak to a person without using your mouth,and move a person without using your feet.


Acquaintances are numerous. Friends are few. Enemies many.


Folly plots a fool’s death from the moment they become friends. Wisdom bestows blessings upon a wise man from the moment they wed.


Understanding is important for studying,knowledge is important for teaching,and wisdom is important for living.


Little things matter. Even a small tear wets the face.


Understanding is to knowledge what the flesh is to the body. Insight is to wisdom what life is to the soul.


It is wise to read some books, and wise to throw away some.


Knowledge is air to the wise.Wisdom is poison to a fool.


Folly and evil are twins;the devil is their father,and wisdom is their enemy.


Folly, like its consequences, is dreadful.Wisdom, like its rewards, is great.


Knowledge comes naturally with studying, and with God’s touch, instantly. Wisdom comes naturally with age, and with God’s touch, immediately.


You can’t hide from wisdom, it’s everywhere;you won’t find it in everyone, it’s too rare.


Seek God, but you will not find Him with your eyes;you will find Him with your heart. Listen to the wise, but you will not hear them with your ears;you will hear them with your heart.


Be good to those who are good,and just to those who are not;this is true wisdom.Do good unto others,not expecting them to do good unto you.


Wisdom is simple but profound.Folly, even when complex, is stupid.


One learns wisdom from sorrow, but pleasure is one of the fruits of wisdom.


So much can be done,even when little is said.So little can be done,even when much is spoken.


Never make a promise you can’t keep.Never look down on a person you can’t help.Never solicit a question you can’t answer.Never judge a person you don’t understand.Never condemn a person you don’t know.


To know is to memorize.To understand is to utilize.The accumulation of knowledge is learnedness.The accumulation of wisdom is experience.


Less fear, more courage.Less doubt, more faith.Less talking, more action.Less ignorance, more knowledge.


Strength accomplishes sizable things.Wisdom accomplishes incredible things.Faith accomplishes remarkable things.Love accomplishes unbelievable things.


Wisdom is more faithful than a woman,and knowledge is more faithful than a friend.Folly is more oppressive than a tyrant,and evil more overwhelming than fury.


A wise man’s sorrow is better than a fool’s happiness.


The upright are richer in deeds than the wealthy are in gold.


A wise man is closer to God than a fool will ever be to himself.


Wisdom is better than flattery, even if bitter in your ears.


Liars corrupt knowledge,and fools pervert wisdom,but the wise hallow both.Knowledge holds the truth.


What the wise see eyes closed is greater than what the ignorant see both eyes open.


It is better to lose friends than to lose your reputation, and better to lose riches than to lose your integrity.


When you strike the shepherd you strike the sheep.


Scholars love knowledge.Philosophers love wisdom.The most knowledgeable become professors.The most wise become sages.


Where there is wisdom there is life,and where there is evil there is death.Folly is your enemy and so are fools;wisdom is your friend and so are the wise.


Wisdom is a teacher,God is its professor.The wise are His students,life is His rod,and eternal life is our reward.


To forsake wisdom is to seek folly,to seek folly is to seek evil,to seek evil is to be in the arms of the devil,and to be in the arms of the devil is be in the arms of death.


Wisdom is the greatest speaker in history;nature, second.Folly is the worst speaker in history;fools, second.


Light is formless, but pierces the eyes.Wisdom is formless, but pierces the mind.Faith is formless, but pierces the heart.Love is formless, but pierces the soul.


The wolf pounces on the sheep when the shepherd strays.


Water wrestles great opponents,but has no hands,and tramples great rivals,but has no feet.It slips through our fingers,but can swallow entire towns.Wind also slips through our fingers,but can swallow entire cities.


Nurture a tree today, and it will provide you fruit tomorrow.


He who is happy in his hut is better than he who is miserable in his palace.


A pond with one fish is better than an ocean with none.


If you light a fire, you cannot conceal the smoke.


Feeding a lion will not prevent it from feeding on you.


A cup of wisdom is more valuable than an ocean of intelligence.


Fish rule the waters,but can be caught using worms.Birds rule the air,but can be caught using grain.


Wind has no home in the world,and therefore wanders everywhere.Light has no home in the universe,and therefore returns to God.


In trees, monkeys rule;on land, lions rule;in the sky, eagles rule;in the waters, whales rule.


The blind cannot see light,but can feel its warmth.The deaf cannot hear sound,but are aware of its power.


Raising donkeys in the midst of horses will not make them sprinters.


As light nourishes plants, wisdom nourishes sages.


Three quarters of faith is boldness.Three quarters of wisdom is intelligence.Three quarters of love is kindness.


The deaf cannot hear wind,but can feel its touch.The blind cannot see the sun,but can feel its warmth.


Bait, no matter how big, is useless if fish don’t want it.


Love is free, but priceless.Wisdom is precious, but costless.Faith is gentle, but fearless.Joy is scarce, but limitless.Truth is simple, but matchless.


You don’t stop planting corn because weeds are going to grow beside it.


A wise bird would rather lose a worm than a feather.


Anything built on doubt is rocky.Anything built on fear is shaky.Anything built on hate is unsteady.Anything built on wisdom is trustworthy.Anything built on faith is sturdy.Anything built on love is mighty.


A golden spoon is useless when the soup bowl is empty.


Anger has great strength,but no brains.Greed has many hands,but no heart.Fear has many titles,but no honor.Hate has many forms,but no soul.


An eagle can mock a lion only because of its wings.


Intelligence without wisdom is like a hook without bait.


Knowledge is the seed,intelligence is the stem,understanding is the branch,and wisdom is the fruit.


Knowledge makes you strong,wisdom makes you powerful,and love makes you invincible.


Planting flowers in a desert is more productive than imparting wisdom to fools.


Your ears hear much,but your heart hears more.Your eyes see much,but your mind sees more.Your toungue says much,but your soul says more.Your feet travel much,but your imagination travels more.Your hands do much,but your mind does more.


A mansion begins with one brick.A forest begins with one tree.A harvest begins with one seed.An ocean begins with one drop.A friendship begins with one gesture.A fire begins with one spark.A revolution begins with one idea.


Sow wisdom today, and you will reap success tomorrow.


If you chase a butterfly, it will escape;if you feed it, it will come.


Learning is intelligence.Knowing is understanding.Practicing is wisdom.Teaching is virtue.


There is no sharper spear than wisdom.There is no larger shield than faith.There is no better fortress than truth.There is no greater strength than hope.There is no higher power than love.


You may have a small body,but great strength.You may have an ordinary mind,but great wisdom.You may have a wounded heart,but great courage.You may have a weary soul,but great love.


You have two eyes,but the discerning have three.You have two ears,but the wise have four.You have two hands,but the enlightened have five.


Wisdom lies at the edge of intelligence.Joy lies at the edge of happiness.Faith lies at the edge of boldness.Love lies at the edge of kindness.God lies at the edge of righteousness.


Truth is the highest knowledge.Faith is the highest courage.Reason is the highest wisdom.Love is the highest virtue.


Love, no matter how small, begets kindness.Joy, no matter how small, begets cheerfulness.Wisdom, no matter how small, begets intelligence.Faith, no matter how small, begets persistence.Genius, no matter how small, begets excellence.


Joy turns tears into laughter.Hope turns mourning into gladness.Wisdom turns tragedy into fortune.Faith turns defeat into triumph.Love turns enmity into friendship.


Morality cannot replace goodness.Knowledge cannot replace wisdom.Fame cannot replace honor.Pleasure cannot replace contentment.Passion cannot replace love.


The weaknesses of the wise are better than the strengths of fools.


You cannot truly know pleasure without pain.You cannot truly know strength without weakness.You cannot truly know joy without sorrow.You cannot truly know hope without despair.


Honey does not lose its sweetness because it is made by bees that sting.


Love costs us much,but we still need it.Wisdom costs us much,but we still seek it.Faith costs us much,but we still practice it.Life costs us much,but we still desire it.


Pain helps the body grow.Riddles help the mind grow.Loss helps the heart grow.Temptations help the soul grow.


Courage is not the absence of fear. Hope is not the absence of trouble. Joy is not the absence of pain. Love is not the absence of obstacles.


Bait, no matter how big, is useless if fish do not desire it.


It is not for a vulture to teach an eagle how to hunt.


Because a spoon is made of gold does not change the soup’s taste.


Why weep when it takes less energy to laugh? Why frown when it takes less energy to smile? Why despair when it takes less energy to hope? Why fear when it takes less energy to love?


Have gracious thoughts of your neighbors,kind thoughts of your friends,loving thoughts of your family,and humble thoughts of yourself.


Coat your words with honey if you want to catch bees.


The best way to catch a bee is using its own honey.


No matter how much territory the wolf conquers the lion will still rule the jungle.


Gray hairs signify old age, not wisdom.Muscles signify strength, not health.Laughter signifies amusement, not joy.Weeping signifies pain, not weakness.Smiling signifies courteousness, not love.


What you were is yesterday.What you are is now.What you can be is tomorrow.What you decide to be is today.


Wind has no feet,but travels great distances,and has no hands,but carries great objects.


A slap from an angel will make you wiserthan a kiss from the devil.


Elders in the dark see better than children in the light.


If you invite a snake into your home,do not be surprised if it bites you.


When the tables are turned,whoever was full becomes hungry.


He who teaches you how to tend a garden has given you more than he who has given you a hundred roses.


Water has no hands,but carries great ships.Air has no shoulders,but carries large planes.The Sun has no eyes,but finds its way around the universe.


It is possible to draw a straight line with a crooked pencil.


A rose does not cease to be a flower because it lost one petal.


Without roots a tree, no matter how tall, cannot stand.


Turn your frowns into smiles, your tears into laughter, your weaknesses into strengths, your setbacks into opportunities, and your failures into victories.


Two hands cut down a few trees, but one matchstick clears a forest.


Losing one feather does not prevent a bird from flying.


Water is not frightened of the ocean. Light is not frightened of the Sun.


You cannot cross large rivers without building bridges.


He who hunts deer must not boast to he who hunts buffalo.


Nurture a tree today, and it will provide you shade tomorrow.


Only a fool lights a fire and tries to hide at the same time.


Only when the lion is out of sight can you raise your fist at him.


The sea, no matter how endless, depends on rivers.


Fish are small, but do not drown in the sea. Ships are big, but sink in the ocean.


To make dollars from cents you have to have sense.


Why fish in the pond when you live right next to the sea?


The size of the seed does not determine the size of the tree.


The shrewd help the strong.The wise help the weak.


When the wind blows, the weak are carried away by it, the strong resist it, and the wise manipulate it.


Solving a problem is intelligence. Preventing a problem is wisdom.


If there is no room in the river,swim to the ocean.


You win minds through your brilliance. You win hearts through your tenderness. You win souls through your benevolence.


The mistakes of the wise lead them to light. The triumphs of fools lead them to darkness.


Prey cannot bribe its way out of a predator’s hand.


To have a rich mind is better than to have a rich bank account.


Today is tomorrow’s stepping stone, but for the wise it is a ladder.


Kindness beautifies your words.Love sweetens your words.Wisdom empowers your words.


To have an empty head is worse than to have an empty bank account.


The eloquence of the pen is just as sharp as the point of a sword.


Wisdom in poverty is better than folly in affluence.


To be wise for one day is better than to be intelligent for a hundred.


The greater your wisdom, the shorter the distance to success.


He who illumines one has begun illumining the world.


The greater a man’s folly, the greater his enslavement. The wiser a man is, the greater his freedom.


Wisdom is a sharp chisel to carve out your future.


In a group of intelligent men expect only one to be wise.


The shrewd may gain temporarily, but the wise gain permanently.


The right thing done at the wrong timewill not bring about the right results.


Disciplining a child is easier than disciplining a grown person, and forgiving a child’s insolence is easier than forgiving a grown person’s impudence.


Seeds do not make a sound when growing, but can even reach the sky. Learn from them.


Keep your eyes on your dreams, not on your haters.


Have the mind of a fox, the heart of a lion, the tongue of a serpent, the flair of a swan, and the soul of a dove.


True champions, like the sun, cannot be eclipsed for long.


Your dreams will only take you as far as your faith in them.


Brilliance is the masterpiece of your mind. Excellence is the masterpiece of your heart. Genius is the masterpiece of your soul.


There is no limit to what your mind can achieve, what your heart can accomplish, and what your soul can realize.


Risk little, earn little. Risk much, earn much. Risk all, earn all.


Follow few. Lead many. Walk with some. Embrace all.


Failure is your best asset, complacency is your worst liability, and talent is your greatest capital.


Experience is a collection of our successes and failures.


If the sky was the limit, none of our heroes would have reached the moon.


In a world full of game players, the only way to set yourself apart is to be a game changer.


The real power of a leader is in the number of minds he can reach, hearts he can touch, souls he can move, and lives he can change.


When reality is better than your dreams, stay awake.


Stars shine so they can see the world, not so the world can see them.


If you don’t build your dreams, regret will build your nightmares.


Use the dirt life throws at you to plant the seeds of your success.


How well you do something determines how well you will be rewarded by it.


If you run a hundred miles in your heart, you are ready to run a hundred miles on your feet.


The best the world has to offer comes from the best you have to give to others.


Walking on water is safer than sailing in a leaking boat.


In order to bring down the great, you have to be able to reach the stars.


Pain in the wilderness is an investment in pleasure in the Promised Land.


You have not accomplished anything significant if no one envies you.


To be envied for your giftedness is better than to be accepted for your untalentedness.


The palaces faith builds are greater than the prisons fear creates.


Rising amateurs always intimidate falling masters.


If you don’t fit into a box you can always try to fit into a circle.


Show me your talents and I’ll show you your net worth.


Today’s tears sweep the road to tomorrow’s blessings.


Standing on the shoulders of the great allows you to see further than everyone.


Your greatest highs come from overcoming your greatest lows.


Our most beautiful dreams are born from our most unpleasant nightmares.


When you pray for a rainbow you pray for rain too.


The eagle only knows how high it can fly when it spreads its wings.


To walk in the footsteps of the great, put on their shoes.


The shores safety keeps many from the oceans treasures.


No one can stop you from shinning if you are standing in your own light.


Following your dreams is better than being led by your fears.


Future dreams distract you from present nightmares.


Paying the price for your dreams proves you can afford them.


Your deepest valleys lead you to your highest mountaintops.


The greater the pressure the brighter the diamond.


Dream the impossible.See the impossible.Pursue the impossible.Achieve the impossible.


Transcend your doubts.Transcend your fears.Transcend your weaknesses.Transcend your limits.


Let your work speak for itself:If poor, it will remain silent.If average, it will whisper.If good, it will talk.If great, it will shout.If genius, it will sing.


Small people have small minds, and thus deride big dreamers.Small people have small hearts, and thus disparage big chancers.Small people have small souls, and thus disdain big achievers.


Your mind can imagine what others cannot.Your heart can sense what others cannot.Your soul can receive what others cannot.Your feet can go where others cannot.Your hands can do what others cannot.


Work hard,and you will earn good rewards.Work smart,and you will earn great rewards.Work hard and work smart,and you will earn extraordinary rewards.


Dream with all of your mind.Work with all of your heart.Persevere with all of your strength.Succeed with all of your soul.


Crawl in faith, and you will end up walking.Walk in faith, and you will end up jogging.Jog in faith, and you will end up running.Run in faith, and you will end up sprinting.Sprint in faith, and you will end up soaring.


When success is one thought away, think it.When success is one word away, speak it.When success is one deed away, perform it.When success is one step away, take it.When success is one moment away, seize it.


Take one step towards excellence,and success will take ten towards you.Take ten steps towards excellence,and success will take a hundred towards you.Take a hundred steps towards excellence,and success will take a thousand towards you.


To be profitable, practice diligence.To be successful, practice excellence.To be influential, practice intelligence.To be honorable, practice prudence.To be blissful, practice kindness.To be joyful, practice goodness.


Believe in yourself.Carve your own path.Build your own dreams.Be your own hero.


If you are a musician,sing to one as if you were singing to a million.If you are a dancer,dance to one as if you were dancing to a million.If you are a performer,perform to one as if you were performing to a million.


Dream what others do not.Imagine what others have not.Do what others will not.Achieve what others could not.


Renounce poor work.Shun trivial work.Entertain respectable work.Welcome superior work.Honor transcendent work.


Make your mark now.Make your mark today.Make your mark forever.


Dream the impossible.See the invisible.Pursue the intangible.Achieve the incredible.


It is at the edge of excellence that genius awaits.


Stand out because you think differently.Stand out because you speak differently.Stand out because you act differently.Stand out because you work differently.Stand out because you live differently.


Be a dreamer.Be a doer.Be a perseverer.Be a winner.


It is not enough to knock on successes’ door; you have to knock hard enough. And if no one answers,either go through a window, or break down the door.


As the day you get married is as important as the years of courtship, so the journey to success is as important as success itself.


God has a hundred percent success rate in all that He does.


Swing ten times,and you may hit once.Swing a hundred times,and you may hit ten times.Swing a thousand times,and you may hit a hundred times.Swing a thousand times,and you may hit a thousand times.


Faith opens many doors. Performance keeps them open.


Whoever wants to be an overnight success must be willing to sweat for it during the day.


Obstacles must be overcome.Problems must be solved.Doubt must be resisted.Fear must be defeated.


Perfectionists are patient,the diligent are persevering,and the relentless are successful.


Be practical,be skillful,be teachable,and you will be successful.


In the morning envision victory,at night dream of it,but during the day fight for it.


Do not trust everyone who smiles at you;some admire your achievements,but some misunderstand them,and many more envy them.Jealousy is like the sky:everywhere on everyone.


When failure knocks on your door, ignore it.When defeat bangs on your door, lock it.When success knocks on your door, answer it.When greatness knocks on your door, seize it.


Set goals,pursue them,achieve them,and then surpass them.


If you do not chase success, you will be overtaken by failure.


Fight honorably,win honorably,and lose honorably.To fail honorably is betterthan to succeed dishonorably.


Your mind can help you do the unimaginable.Your hands can help you get the unattainable.Your heart can help you accomplish the unachievable.Your soul can help you create the inconceivable.Your God can help you achieve the unthinkable.


As the sun hides behind clouds, success hides behind trouble.


You are guaranteed failure if you accept it. Victory is almost in your hands if you are willing to die for it. Success is already yours if God has ordained it.


If we are of one mind,thousands can be conquered.If we are of one heart,millions can be conquered.If we are of one soul,countless can be conquered.


With strength you can move rocks.With faith you can move mountains.With love you can move the world.


Hard work is the bridge between success and your dreams.


If your dreams are priceless, they are worth more than your pain.


Skill is the bridge between success and great success.


If the caterpillar could not see beyond his present state, he would never become a butterfly.


Look around your competitors and learn from them.Look within for your talents and exploit them.Look back at your failures and learn from them.Look forward to your successes and reach for them.


Strength has two arms to reach for success.Skill has ten arms to reach for success.Wisdom has a hundred arms to reach for success.Faith has a thousand arms to reach for success.God has infinite arms to reach for success.


Great minds believe they will succeed.Average minds doubt they can succeed.Small minds don’t even try to succeed.


To dream doesn’t cost you much, so dream.To hope doesn’t cost you much, so hope.To yearn doesn’t cost you much, so yearn;but to succeed costs you everything, so persevere.


Success is like the most beautiful woman:pursued by many, loved by all, feared by few,courted by the patient and hardworking,and won over by good judgment.


Success is the sweetest thing to taste,the bitterest thing to lose,and the hardest thing to earn.


With wisdom in your mind,you can perform great deeds.With faith in your heart,you can perform extraordinary deeds.With love in your soul,you can perform remarkable deeds.With God in your life,you can perform supernatural deeds.


Avoid scoffers.Ignore doubters.Reject mockers.Surprise detractors.


Success is climbing all the way up failure’s steep ladder.


Success is the shyest creature,blushes when you court it,jilts you when you propose to it,reneges later and perhaps blushes again.


Success and perseverance are Siamese twins: where one goes the other follows.


Fear is unnecessary cargo when sailing to success.


Walking to success is better than sprinting to failure.


Crying all the way to success is better than smiling all the way to failure.


The door to success may be in front of you, but you still have to open it.


The best way to predict your success is to work for it.


To succeed even once you have to try at least once.


Measure your success by the number of people who envy you.


Never allow temporary defeat to keep you from lasting victory.


Do not fixate on the odds against you but on victory ahead of you.


Use the pebbles of failure to build yourself a bridge to success.


See what no one else can see.Be what no one else can be.Do what no one else can do.


You can only greet success when you are ready to say goodbye to failure.


Success is yours if you are willing to pursue it to the ends of the earth.


Success is always looking for the next best man because she knows how valuable she is.


Think of success. Dream of Success. Live for success.


The distance between success and your dreams is hard work.


Talent is the seed,hard work is the stem,perseverance is the branch,and success is the fruit.


Rise above storms.Sail against tides.Succeed against the odds.


Skill + hard work = SuccessSkill + hard work + prayer = Great success


Whatever you search for will either meet you halfway or wait for you.


Love has no wings, but is an angel. Lust has no horns, but is a devil.


To be blind momentarily when light hits your eyes is better than to be blind permanently when darkness hits your soul.


A face can have a thousand wrinkles, but the soul have none.


It is easier to forgive yourself of a thousand misdeeds than to forgive your enemy of one.


Light wears out the eyes but does not wear out the soul.


If you throw a stone into the ocean, it will reach the bottom; if you throw a word into someone’s heart, it will reach their soul.


The world has enough light from the sun, but not from your mind; and the universe has enough light from the stars, but not from your soul.


An open heart leaves a breach for someone to pour love into it.


When you look in the mirror and see your reflection, your eyes are open; when you look in the mirror and see God, your soul is open.


Bless the world with your positive thoughts,with your positive desires, with your positive words, and with your positive actions.


You have to fight great battles to guard your mind, extraordinary battles to protect your heart, and remarkable battles to defend your soul.


The world rewards you for what is in your mind, the universe rewards you for what is in your heart, and the Heavens reward you for what is in your soul.


Lend your ears to the deaf, your eyes to the blind, your hands to the weak, your tongue to the mute, your mind to the perplexed, and your heart to the weary.


The world surrenders to an enlightened mind.The stars surrender to a joyful heart. The universe surrenders to a loving soul.


The mind is its thoughts, the heart is its desires, and the soul is its experiences.


Private prayers are the catalyst for public miracles.


Light in your soul kindles the light in your world.


Your mind is an entire world, your heart is an entire cosmos, and your soul is an entire universe.


Love is the only flame that can light up your soul and universe simultaneously.


In temples you find religion, but in hearts you find God.


Though you are as a drop in the ocean, without you, the universe would be empty.


A tree does not despair when a few of its leaves fall off because there is more room for greener ones to take their place.


Whether your cup is half-full or half-empty, remind yourself there are others without one.


If your coming into the world was a mistake, then you are the most beautiful error in the universe.


f you are too good to look after God’s trash, you are not good enough to look after God’s treasure.


The real strength of a man is not in the size of his muscles, but in the size of his heart.


When you have higher thoughts, rid yourself of anything that threatens to lower them.


Keep negative people in your prayers, not in your life.


If love was a crime, God would encourage us all to go to prison.


Raise your love so high that anger cannot reach it.


If we had a penny for each time God smiled at us, we would all be billionaires.


Love is God’s shadow as He strolls through the universe.


If God had a flower for each moment He thought of you, the whole universe would be a garden.


God will only push you off a cliff if He’s going to give you wings to fly.


Our highest deeds come from helping the lowest people.


A beautiful face cannot hide an ugly heart for long.


Love’s weaknesses are better than hate’s strengths.


The highest prayers lift you out of the lowest places.


God cannot resist love for He cannot resist Himself.


Love pouring out of you is evidence of God pouring into you.


The universe is a masterpiece painted by love’s masterstrokes.


If you want to know how the heart is related to the soul, love someone.


If you have never seen a masterpiece, look in the mirror.


The soul’s joys are greater than the heart’s pleasures.


The soul’s steps are greater than the heart’s leaps.


Bricks on your back are easier to carry than pebbles on your soul.


Love in your heart is better than gold in your hands.


A sweet soul will take you further than a sweet tongue.


Make your mark in the world with divine ink: love.


A heart’s wound heals quicker than a soul’s scratch.


The greater your inner light the brighter your outer world.


Love is the highest prayer; as God is love, God cannot ignore Himself.


The most beautiful rainbow is the one inside your soul.


The soul’s tears are worth more than the heart’s smiles.


The Blessing #1:May your eyes be profitable,may your ears be dutiful,may your tongue be insightful,may your hands be successful.May your mind be fruitful,may your heart be blissful,may your soul be joyful,may your life be peaceful.


Love in your mind gives you strength.Love in your heart gives you fortitude.Love in your soul gives you influence.Love in your life gives you power.


Good can exist without evil,but evil cannot exist without good.The former is eternal,the latter is temporal.


If you ask God for love,He may give you someone to forgive.If you ask God for patience,He may give you someone to bear.


Fools do not acknowledge God,the proud reject Him,the wise embrace Him,and the righteous worship Him.


Spiritual battles have greater consequences than earthly wars.


Welcome the righteous,avoid the wicked,and yet open both arms to the repentant.Whoever receives them receives God.


The slightest act of love holds greater spiritual power than a thousand rituals.


Pray greatly.Pray gladly.Pray graciously.Pray gallantly.


Pray patiently.Pray purposefully.Pray painstakingly.Pray perfectly.


Pray daily.Pray daringly.Pray desperately.Pray determinedly.


Pray sensibly.Pray scrupulously.Pray selflessly.Pray seriously.


Loss of worldly riches is better than loss of heavenly treasures.


A small tree with large roots will last longer than a large tree with small roots.


The door to success may be a few steps away but you still have to walktowards it.


God performs miracles, but even for a man to walk on water, action is required.


You don’t have to wait for a storm to pass to paint your own rainbow.


Look for something good in each person, even if for some people you have to look a little harder.


Rise against every negative thought that rises against you.


A seed rises from dirt to prove to the world that its greatness lies not on what the world thinks of it, but from within.


If you throw ice at the sun, it will melt; if you throw spears, they will burn; and if you throw bricks, they will crumble. The sun is invincible; all that comes before it is consumed.


Ordinary people pursue money, simple people pursue power, average people pursue fame, but extraordinary people pursue ideas.


Fear can only be mastered outside of your comfort zone.


An elephant does not need to pick a fight to let the whole jungle know of its strength.


If rocks did not persevere under heat and pressure, they would never become diamonds.


If you follow the herd, people may mistake you for a cow.


Do not underrate yourself trying to be somebody else.


You become strong by lifting others up, not pulling them down.


Breaking from the herd is better than getting lost in it.


You worry less about misplacing a star when the whole sky is yours.


Works from the soul transcend works from the mind.


Don’t think about sharks when you are walking on water.


More love, more power.Less love, less power.Great love, great power.


A star will shine in the midst of darkness.A flower will bloom in the midst of dirt.A camel will flourish in the midst of doubt.A diamond will form in the midst of pressure.A champion will rise in the midst of hardship.


Throw a champion into the ocean, and he’ll swim.Throw a champion into the pit, and he’ll climb.Throw him off a cliff, and he’ll grow wings.Throw him into a furnace, and he’ll become gold.


The student asked the master,“Teacher, what should I do to become great?”the master replied:Succeed where others have failed.


When you look at extraordinary people look for scars.


Anyone can look up at a mountain, but not everyone can look down from it.


The journey to greatness is a marathon, not a hundred meter dash.


The strong overcome several trials.The determined overcome numerous trials.The resilient overcome many trials.The extraordinary overcome countless trials.


The strength to move forward when others stop, to keep going when others turn back, is the key to unlocking your greatest potential.


To go where no man has gone before, follow the steps of Jesus.


Greatness awaits those who can rise from their greatest failures.


He who strives for excellence strives for greatness.


Those who envy you inadvertently admit to being inferior to you.


Ordinary people are products of their environment. Extraordinary people make their environments products of them.


When an eagle spreads its wings to fly, even the swan is envious.


Inspire greatness in others and it will be easier to inspire greatness in yourself.


As stars cannot help but sparkle, the great cannot help but shine.


The great are like a rubber ball; the harder they hit the ground, the higher they rise.


The great, like stars, are not afraid of dark times for that is when they shine the brightest.


Your greatest acts result from your greatest love.


The great take steps to success, the extraordinary take leaps to success, and the remarkable take flight to success.


Fear is the greatest predator you encounter on your journey to greatness.


A tuna can only boast in a pond, but a whale can boast even in the ocean.


If greatness was easy to attain, everyone’s name would be in history books.


Society in its boundless ignorance ridicules the caterpillar but praises the butterfly.


Your strength is your ticket to persistence.Your mind is your ticket to brilliance.Your heart is your ticket to excellence.Your soul is your ticket to transcendence.


From rocks come gold.From coal comes diamonds.From oysters come pearls.From caterpillars come butterflies.From adversity come the great.


Great men learn from their weaknesses,and learn to use their strengths.Ordinary men learn nothing from their weaknesses,and underuse their strengths.


In order to soar like an eagle one has to be bold like a lion.


Greatness in your body is strength.Greatness in your mind is wisdom.Greatness in your heart is faith.Greatness in your soul is love.Greatness in your life is God.


Think how the great think,do what the great do,live how the great live,and you will achieve what the great achieve.


Utilizing all of your mind is a step towards brilliance.Utilizing all of your heart is a step towards excellence.Utilizing all of your soul is a step towards nobleness.Utilizing all of your mind, heart, and soul is a step towards greatness.


When you achieve excellence,expect some to oppose you.When you achieve brilliance,expect several to resent you.When you achieve greatness,expect many to envy you.When you achieve transcendence,expect plenty to hate you.


Strength comes from ignoring your critics.Power comes from mastering your fears.Fortitude comes from wrestling your opponents.Superiority comes from overcoming your losses.Greatness comes from conquering your weaknesses.


The caterpillar they despise today is the butterfly they praise tomorrow.


Eagles fly alone, not because they are proud, but because they are not afraid of soaring above the clouds.


The road to failure is wide.The road to mediocrity is smooth.The road to success is bumpy.The road to genius is narrow.The road to greatness is steep.


Great minds rise above problems.Great hearts rise above pain.Great souls rise above temptations.Great individuals rise above themselves and the world.


The shrewd hunt foxes,the strong hunt lions,but the mighty hunt elephants.


Staring at the mountain requires nothing.Climbing the mountain requires strength.Reaching the mountaintop requires perseverance.Staying at the mountaintop requires wisdom.Reaching for the stars requires everything.


Doing what others have done is skill.Dong what few have done is talent.Doing what none have done is genius.Going where others have gone is competence.Going where few have gone is excellence.Going where none have gone is transcendence.


The greater the wisdom,the greater the mind.The greater the courage,the greater the heart.The greater the love,the greater the soul.


Harness your mind’s powerand you can reach the mountaintop.Harness your heart’s powerand you can reach the stars.Harness your soul’s powerand you can reach the edge of the universe.


The greatest mountain is still made of grains of sand.


With the faith of a child and the wisdom of an old man one can achieve great things.


The great, like plants, do not curse storms for they are nourished by them.


Great deeds begin in the mind,extraordinary deeds begin in the heart,and remarkable deeds begin in the soul.


Great minds birth great ideas.Extraordinary minds birth extraordinary ideas.Transcendent minds birth transcendent ideas.


Darkness tests stars,but they shine.Storms test trees,but they stand.Adversity tests the great,but they soar.


Ordinary people think you are crazy when you attempt the impossible, deride you when you are halfway to achieving it, and envy you when you achieve it.


Become so good they can’t ingore you,and you are on the path to success.Become so good they can’t stand you,and you are on the path to greatness.


If you are tired of walking to your destiny, sprint.


To enter the door of greatness you need the key of faith.


Profiting from opportunities is success. Profiting from adversity is greatness.


The great are inspired. The extraordinary inspire.


When you reach the mountaintop look upand think of how high you must leap to reach the stars.


A star does not cease to be a star because it is surrounded by darkness.


Great wildernesses lead you to great Promised Lands.


The greater your destiny the greater your troubles.


You don’t have to reach for greatness if it is already in you.


Fear is the first and last obstacle on your path to greatness.


Greatness is not measured by what you have, but by what you give.


Cowards drown in a pond. The extraordinary flourish in the middle of the ocean.


Those who build are greater than those who tear down.


A wounded lion is still more fierce than healthy sheep.


You cannot aspire for greatness and fit in at the same time.


The first step to accomplishing the impossible is to achieve it in your mind.


The secret to greatness:do what has been overlooked by the great.


The greatest among you are those with the greatest love.The richest among you are those with the most joy.


Raging winds and clashing seasshould not keep you from victory.Stormy winds and raging seasgive birth to great destinies.


The great compete not only against others, but against themselves.


Think like the great,speak like the great,act like the great,and you will become like the great.


Your greatest actions are those that meet another’s greatest need.


It is not the fault of the stars that they shine brightly, but the fault of our eyes that they cannot handle light.


Stars are not praised for shining during the day, but at night.


Teach men how to fish, but also teach them how to preserve fish.


Raise your thoughts. Ennoble your desires. Better your actions. Elevate your life.


There are many fish in the sea, but never let a good one swim away.


Boys are raw materials that women manufacture into products called men.


I was my own boss, but that all changed the day I got married.


If money could buy happiness, the rich would not drown their sorrows in expensive wine.


You are like a seed; your greater beauty lies not on the outside, but within.


The fastest way to end an argument with your wife is to admit she’s right.


If he’s not a wreck without you, you married the wrong man.


Be like a rose; no matter how many thorns you encounter in life, bloom.


Don’t look for Mrs. Right if all your character demonstrates is you are Mr. Wrong.


The distance between you and the door when you have had enough of your spouse is love.


When the heart says “yes” it is difficult for the mind to say “no.


If you stand in the way of two people who were meant to be together, destiny’s train will run you over.


Love is the only rose whose thorn’s prick is sweet.


Hate may have its hour, but love will have its day.


For a marriage to work a husband must learn these two words: “Yes dear.


Nice guys finish last but bad guys don’t finish at all.


Allow people to walk all over your carpet, not all over you.


The bitterest fruit tastes sweet when you share it with someone you love.


You cannot carry your past without dropping your future.


As a bird with beautiful feathers is the target of hunters, so the gifted are targets of the envious.


One soul-mate is enough to face life’s countless soul-enemies.


You will never be free until you free yourself from the prison of other people’s opinions of you.


Your mind is your world.Your heart is your nature.Your soul is your universe.Your life is your creation.


Life is a very important assignment. God will score us at the end.


When they judge you, yawn.When they misunderstand you, smile.When they underestimate you, laugh.When they condemn you, ignore.When they envy you, rejoice.When they oppose you, prevail.


If our eyes could see everything, every man would see his own faults.


Do not hold grudges against those who try to keep you down; the higher you go, the smaller they become. Do not trust those who try to push you down once you are up;the more envious they are, the more dangerous they become.


If you want to rise, drop everyone that is weighing you down.


If you feed a child, you strengthen him for a day; if you educate him, you strengthen him for a lifetime.


My words are my thesis, my actions are my dissertation, and my life is my philosophy.


If the heart had a brain kind people would rule the world.


A star never lets anything dull its sparkle, not even darkness.


An intelligent man only argues with his wife when she has lost her voice.


When you are walking on water it is fear, not sharks, that sinks you.


To patch up a relationship, understanding is the needle, and love is the thread.


Don’t be afraid of marrying the right person even if they come from the wrong background.


Looking for a wife is like fishing; before you go, make sure you don’t have a hole in your net.


A flawed rose is better than a flawless dandy lion.


A wise person makes one error,and learns ten lessons.He makes two errors,and learns twenty lessons.He makes three errors,and learns thirty lessons.He makes few errors,and learns countless lessons.


Help more than is needed.Care more than is required.Give more than is expected.Love more than is anticipated.


Hear others, and you will be heard.Understand others, and you will be understood.Help others, and you be will be helped.Love others, and you will be loved.


Avoid impious people,run from fools,seek out the wise.


Encourage many,enlighten many,and you will empower many.


Train the ears to hear more.Train the eyes to see more.Train the hands to do more.Train the feet to accomplish more.Train the mind to think more.Train the heart to feel more.Train the soul to love more.


If your ears are bigger than your mouth, you will go very far in life.


Use your talents.Do your best.Achieve your goals.Fulfill your purpose.


Be humble to those who praise you.Be pleasant to those who honor you.Be kind to those who cherish you.Be good to those who love you.Be generous to those who adore you.


Be smarter than others imagined.Be braver than others anticipated.Be stronger than others calculated.Be better than others envisioned.


Smile, even when others do not.Care, even when others will not.Love, even when others could not.Give, even when others cannot.


Be truthful.Be presentable.Be tactical.Be profitable.


Be knowledgeable.Be logical.Be affable.Be trustable.


Life is too short to listen to fools, and too important to ignore the wise.


Any seed that is planted by God bears fruit even before it touches the ground.


If you are willing to kill for your beliefs, you are a murderer; if you are willing to die for your beliefs, you are a martyr.


Before you ask God to bless you, give Him a reason to.


If God had a wife, He would be in trouble too if He dodged His chores.


You don’t need faith to walk on the riverbank, you need faith to walk on water.


Perpetual optimism is good for the mind.Perpetual hope is good for the heart.Perpetual faith is good for the heart.


It is difficult to soar to your destiny carrying the burden of doubt, impossible to soar to your destiny carrying the burden of fear, but conceivable to soar to your destiny carried by the wings of faith.


Faith is irrational, which is why those who exercise it are rewarded irrationally.


A great storm is like a sunny day to a person of great faith. A gentle wind is like a great storm to a person of great fear.


Fear makes a cub sound like a lion.Faith makes a lion sound like a cub.


You cannot walk on water or move mountains without faith.


When a caterpillar looks in the mirror, he sees a butterfly.


Faith turns mountains into pebbles. Fear turns pebbles into mountains.


One who trusts God at all costs will be rewarded at all costs.


Unlocking your potential requires the key of faith.


The distance you walk on water depends on how great your faith is.


Fear makes the possible look impossible;faith makes the impossible, possible.


Hardship is a legitimate test of character, resilience a legitimate sign of strength and patience a legitimate mark of faith.


You can put all your eggs in one basket if God has told you to.


True faith is when you see the harvest before you plant the seed.


Happiness does not come from having much, but from being content, even when you have little.


A smile is the most affordable way of giving someone an expensive gift.


Happiness cannot be bought by money,cannot be acquired by degrees,cannot be realized by power,and cannot be earned by honor;but can be won by kindness,gained by charity,attained by goodness,and achieved by love.


An ounce of joy is the equivalent of a ton of happiness.


Prosperity is good,happiness is better,and health is the best.


The better the wife,the happier the man.The happier the man,the happier the wife.


Life is a sea of sorrow in the midst of islands of happiness.


You can be happy even if your bones are broken,but no man is happy when his heart is heavy.


It is easier to lose a thosuand disciples than to win over one.


When intelligence shuts a door, wisdom opens a window.


The poorest people sometimes have the richest minds.


Keeping your head above the water only works if the air is clean.


If you catch poisonous fish, throw it back into the sea.


Grass is food for elephants, but a cushion for lions.


A teaspoon of honey is worth more to the bee than a barrel of gold.


The arrow that pierces the deer only scratches a whale.


Fish that boast in a pond should not boast in the ocean.


A floating leaf has more to boast about than a sinking ship.


The bird and the elephant drink from the same river.


If you step on a serpent, it will reply you with its fangs.


The wise have two arms, and yet can grasp many things,and have two eyes, and yet can perceive many things.


By the time a fool learns how to hold a spear, the lion has eaten him.


No matter how deep the whale swims, it will always surface.


He who traps mice should not boast to he who hunts lions.


A full mind is more valuable than a full bank account.


A calm lion is still more dangerous than a raging dog.


The folly of the wise is better than the wisdom of fools.


A kind ‘no’ from the heart is better than a deceitful ‘yes’ from the tongue.


One who has been stung by a spider should not go out and kill bees.


A knife is cutlery in one hand and a weapon in another.


Turbulence breaks a tree’s branches, but only tickles an eagle’s wings.


If seeds saw dirt as their enemy, they would lose out on the opportunity to grow.


Never divulge secrets to acquaintances.Never betray old friends for new ones.Never mistake flattery for praise.Never rely on dishonorable people.Never trust your enemy’s friends.Never mistake someone’s kindness for weakness.


It is better to learn two important lessons in life than a thousand when you are about to die.


You get what you work for, not what you think you deserve.


A heart full of bitterness is a life full of sorrows.


It is easier to fall off of a ladder than to climb one.


Less gossiping, more encouraging.Less complaining, more thanksgiving.Less criticizing, more complimenting.Less hurting, more helping.Less hating, more caring.


Don’t let negativity ruin your day.Don’t let inefficiency ruin your week.Don’t let adversity ruin your month.Don’t let animosity ruin your year.


By standing alone,you prove your courage.By standing with others,you prove your love.By standing with truth,you prove your virtue.By standing with God,you prove your faith.


Resist men who tell you your dreams are impossible; embrace those who, even though they do not believe in them, encourage you.


Be perceptive.Be progressive.Be proactive.Be productive.


Be as humble as Moses, as patient as Job, and as virtuous as Daniel.


Cherish all.Depend on few.Hurt none.Love everyone.


People can hurt you,but you can still love.People can betray you,but you can still trust.People can put you down,but you can still rise.People can oppose you,but you can still prevail.


Look behind you in gratitude.Look ahead of you in hope.Look beside you in caution.Look around you in faith.


Hear more than people say.Give more than people ask.Do more than people expect.Achieve more than people imagine.


You don’t need armor if your skin is thick.You don’t need a sword if your mind is sharp.You don’t need a shield if your heart is strong.You don’t need a fortress is your soul is secure.


In the pursuit of your dreams,you are your greatest assetand doubt is your greatest liability.


It’s too risky,” said doubters.“It’s too difficult,” said scoffers.“It’s pointless,” said mockers.“It’s impossible,” said haters.“It’s already done,” said believers.


If you build castles in the air, make sure you have a ladder to reach them.


If you invest in your critics more than you invest in your dreams, you have successfully invested in your failure.


The distance between your dreams and reality is faith.


Where others only see bricks,train your eyes to see a palace.


Go after your dreams confidently.Go after your aspirations positively.Go after your goals expectantly.


The darker it gets, the brighter your dreams shine.


You don’t have to reach for the stars if you are already shining like one.


A gullible dreamer is better than an expert doubter.


Love boldly.Love boundlessly.Love benevolently.Love blessedly.


Those who know you see your tears even in the rain.


Building bridges requires greater effort than building walls.


Debate, but do not argue.Challenge, but do not force your opinions.To win an argument, but lose a friendship, is a loss.To lose an argument, but retain a friendship, is gain.


God is always the first one there when we fall,but most of us don’t look up.


Teachers are in your life to guide you.Friends are in your life to support you.Parents are in your life to bless you.Enemies are in your life to strengthen you.


Those who put you in difficult times are enemies.Those who forsook you in difficult times are acquaintances.Those who stood by you in difficult times are friends.Those who fought for you in difficult times are family.


One good friend is better than a thousand questionable ones.


Bruises from a friend are better than kisses from an enemy.


Your greatest friendships are those that survive the greatest storms.


Dream all you can, live all you say, work all you must.


Strength conquers some, might conquers many, power conquers numerous, but love conquers all.


You only need to steal a woman’s heart if she won’t give it to you willingly.


Love is blind, and therefore not responsible for whoever she bumps into.


If your love for your wife can be measured, it is not big enough.


I have never met anyone who gave back a heart they stole.


Running away from someone you love is a race you will never win.


It is never a crime to steal the heart of someone you love.


Eternity is a long time, but only a day when you are in love.


Money can’t buy love, but it can buy a woman’s attention.


If a man does not treat you like a princess during courtship, he will not treat you like a queen during marriage.


Love makes the world go round, but sometimes you spin so much you end up dizzy.


When you fall for someone not even reason can help you up.


If you love a bird don’t hold it too tightly or you’ll soon be nursing a broken heart.


Don’t believe a man will give you the world if he doesn’t even buy you flowers.


When someone steals your heart not even the law can help you.


Birds build nests because they cannot fly forever.


You don’t need to move mountains when love will fly you over.


Love is blind, but a broken heart sees everything.


Love is the master key that opens every blessings door.


If you fall in love, make sure your landing is soft.


It is not the size of the ring, but the size of the love.


Money makes the world go round, but love makes the universe go in every direction.


Love is sweet even when what you go through is bitter.


He who has love in his heart has the universe in his hands.


A mother’s eyes are like God; impossible to get away from, they see everything.


Ask your wife for forgiveness, even when you’re right.


The easiest way to be the prettiest girl at a party is to rig the guest list.


She complains that I’m lazy, but I just like to save my energy for dinner.


Women are heavyweight boxers; only, they punch with words, not fists.


When I was young, I believed God was a woman because I couldn’t come up with any other explanation as to why the universe was so tidy.


A man who boasts he’s the head of the home must never forget the woman is the knife at his throat.


While stabbing someones back, you recklessly expose your own.


What others think of you doesn’t matter as much as what you think of yourself.


One who sharpens his sword before sharpening his mind has already been conquered by ignorance.


Ignorance is the greatest slave master in the universe.


When God pushes you off a cliff, it is your faith He wants you to use as wings.


I have come to hide you,” darkness told the star. “I’m too bright,” the defiant star replied.


A spoon does not know whether it enters a rich or poor man’s mouth.


A pearl never loses its value, not even when covered with dirt.


You can switch off all the lights, but that won’t stop the sun from rising.


Not all slaves are poor, and not all free men are rich.


It is easier to kill a million armed men than a single unarmed idea.


The spirit of excellence exorcises the demon of mediocrity.


There is no greater beast than envy, no greater thief than fear, no greater enemy than greed, no greater predator than wrath, and no greater poison than bitterness.


Work keeps us occupied. Faith keeps us fortified. Hope keeps us gratified. Love keeps us satisfied.


Wealth is a small blessing, health is a great asset, happiness is an extraordinary treasure, and life is a remarkable reward.


You cannot lead an enemy to Heaven, but you can lead a friend even to Hell.


One who conquers others is great, one who conquers the world is mighty, but one who conquers himself is divine.


It is in the darkest hour that a star reveals its brightest light.


Life kept throwing me storms, but I kept finding rainbows.


It is in the stormiest skies that eagles find their true calling.


Birds do not attend music school, but compose timeless masterpieces.


Sages shine so they can see the world, not so the world can see them.


Don’t wound someone’s eye trying to remove the twig from it.


If a ship is strong, the ocean’s tides do not trouble it.


What you conquer in your youth is your trophy in adulthood.


A storm is never quiet because it is always calling out to the rainbow.


Storms come to teach trees and plants how to dance in the wind.


When the blind lead the blind the world is full of casualties.


Light is a masterpiece, but is of little value if you are blind.


A diamond will never tell you how valuable it is; if you don’t already know, you are not worthy of it.


The greatest gift you can open is your heart to someone in need.


Courage treats the weak better than fear treats the strong.


The mind does not need four walls to make you its prisoner.


The heart’s will is greater than the hand’s strength.


If you try to hide a star behind a dark veil, it will still shine through it.


To be a good leader, win minds; to be a great leader, win heart’s; and to be an extraordinary leader, win souls.


The shrewd, like chameleons, embrace change by using it to their advantage.


The prettiest flower still had to struggle to surface.


Alone a candle can only light a room, but in thousands they can even light a city.


The ordinary think inside of the box, the extraordinary think outside of the box, but genius thinks inside, outside, below and above the box.


I have the soul of a white man, the soul of a black man, the soul of an Asian man; the soul of every man.


You don’t have to pay the sun to rise, the moon to shine, and the stars to glow.


A book is a small library you can fit into your pocket.


Never sacrifice what’s right for what’s convenient.


A flower that grows in the shade of another blooms slowly.


As plants do not grow in the dark, never allow yourself to be in someone’s shadow.


If you are ungrateful for one blessing,you will not be grateful for two.If you are ungrateful for two blessings,you will not be grateful for three.If you are grateful for one blessing,you will be grateful for innumerable.


You learn the value of water when the rivers are dry.You learn the value of light when the winters are prolonged.You learn the value of water when the fields are bare.


You learn the value of water when the rivers are dry.You learn the value of light when the winters are prolonged.You learn the value of food when the fields are bare.


One who is thankful for a slice of bread is more blessedthan one who is ungrateful for a loaf.


He who unlocks his greatest potential will reap his greatest treasures.


Beautiful gifts sometimes come adorned in ugly wrapping.


A diamond is just another stone to one who is ignorant of its value.


Men are like caterpillars; their potential to soar lies not on the outside, but within.


Your greatest challenges bring out your greatest potential.


A diamond does not lose its value because it is covered in mud.


Think innocently.Think intelligently.Think imaginatively.Think inventively.


Think honestly.Think humbly.Think honorably.Think happily.


You are what you think, not what others think of you.


Think objectively.Think operationally.Think optimistically.Think outstandingly.


Your private thoughts give birth to your public acts.


A business is an army;you are the general,and your subordinates are your troops.Victory is achieving your goals.Great victory is surpassing your goals.


There are two kinds of warriors:those on the battlefield,and those in the boardroom;both are out to win.But the age of King Alexander has gone,and the age of Bill Gates has come.


If you cheat on reason with emotion you will go bankrupt.


By lighting another’s candle you brighten your own.


It is not enough to read many books, you have to read the right ones.


Books record knowledge,preserve wisdom,and disseminate information;nourishing minds, changing lives.


A fool can read a thousand books and learn nothing.A wise person can read one and become great. Using books for decoration is what ordinary men do. Using books for knowledge is what intelligent people do.


A teacher instructs;a student absorbs.A book is a companion;a good one, a messiah.


Create answers where there are questions.Create solutions where there are problems.Create advantages where there are obstacles.Create opportunities where there are roadblocks.


A year of contentment is worth more than ten of prosperity.


You do not have to have the best of everything to make the best of everything.


A pretty heart is more valuable than a pretty face.


The greatest prison in the universe is an ignorant mind.


Saints are slaves of good works.Sages are slaves of wisdom.Conquerors are slaves of victory.


A sage is a good teacher, but an even greater learner.


The enlightened worry less than others,quarrel less than others,fight less than others,transgress less than others;care more than others,give more than others,and love more than others.


Greater than a sage is the one who taught him; God is the teacher, and the wise are all His students.


One deed from a sage achieves more than a thousand deeds from warriors.


A sage benefits from his mistakes more than a fool benefits from his triumphs.


If you want to punish a sage lock him in the same room with a fool.


A fish is a genius in water.An eagle is a genius in air.A fox is a genius on land.A sage is a genius in life.


A day with a sage will save you a thousand of study.


My mother-in-law belongs in Hell, but the devil is afraid she’ll end up taking over.


Don’t ask for a girl’s hand in marriage and forget to ask for her leg too.


If God had a wife He would be in just as much trouble as any man.


Behind our wise words lie rare jewels;behind our reckless ones, bombs.


When the sun rises it casts a shadow on what does not shine as bright as it.


Write the masterpiece that has not been written.Sing the masterpiece that has not been sung.Paint the masterpiece that has not been painted.Create the masterpiece that has not been created.


Do not hire those who are incapable.Do not fire those who are capable.A small, devoted army is greaterthan a large, indifferent one.


If you despise your people,you will disregard them.If you hate your people,you will harm them.If you esteem your people,you will serve them.If you love your people,you will even die for them.


Lead rationally.Lead responsibly.Lead resiliently.Lead reliably.


What supporters say about their leadertells men a third about who he is.What supporters do for their leadertells men two thirds about who he is.What supporters give up for their leadertells men all of who he is.


Lead competently.Lead productively.Lead skillfully.Lead excellently.


Average leaders take you to the mountain.Superior leaders take you up the mountain.Excellent leaders take you to mountaintop.Transcendent leaders take you to the stars.


Guide humbly.Guide happily.Guide hopefully.Guide honorably.


Guide impactfully.Guide impressively.Guide intuitively.Guide incredibly.


Guide valiantly.Guide venerably.Guide valiantly.Guide virtuously.


Suspense consumes your opponents, whereas mystery intrigues your followers.


A general is powerless without an army.An army is directionless without a general.To win battles a general and an army need each other.


Kings struggle to rule over nations,men struggle to rule over themselves;God effortlessly rules the universe.


Leading fools is like leading no one.Following a fool is like following no one.The wise make the best leaders and followers.


In serving the poor,one serves humanity.In serving mankind,one serves equity.In serving goodness,one serves God.In serving the Creator,one serves himself.


A ruler who is loved is greater than a ruler who is feared.


You cannot lead and follow a herd at the same time.


When you lead the wise, walk behind them.When you lead the virtuous, walk beside them.When you lead the imprudent, walk in front of them.


Ordinary leaders move mounds,good leaders move hills,but great leaders move mountains.


Rather than always impose your will,allow men to learn from their mistakes.Great failures make great teachers;success enables one to forget some thingsa failure cannot afford to.


Don’t let yesterday’s storm keep you from enjoying today’s sunshine.


If you are unmotivated to succeed, no one can help you.If you are determined to succeed, no one can stop you.


It is at midnight, not midday, that stars shine the brightest.


Moving rocks today strengthens you for moving mountains tomorrow.


You cannot stop the ocean’s current, but you can swim.


As water downs ships but upholds leaves,and as fires burn cities but refines gold,so do life’s troubles propel the meek to greatnessand the proud to ruin.


When bad things happen to you, become wiser, not bitter.


The desert is harsh, but persevering flowers flourish.


The loveliest flowers sometimes grow in the ugliest places.


Your back may be pushed against the wall, but your brain is not.


Seeds pour out oil when pressed.Grapes pour out wine when squeezed.Herbs pour out medicine when pounded.Flowers pour out perfume when crushed.The gifted pour out excellence when tested.


He who runs from a challenge runs from an opportunity.


The most beautiful rainbows are sometimes formed in the ugliest storms.


When darkness comes,stars shine.When storms come,plants flourish.When adversity comes,champions triumph.


A flower does not lose its beauty because it grew on concrete.


Your mind is greater than your problems,your heart is greater than your troubles,your soul is greater than your temptations,and your God is greater than your obstacles.


Pain frees you from complacency.Tears free you from sorrow.Weaknesses free you from pride.Adversity frees from boredom.Challenges free you from monotony.


It is at night, not in the day, that stars shine the brightest.


Impossible is what you say to yourself when you have given up.


Only because of darkness are we able to clearly see the stars.


As water drowns but also cleanses, so adversity scalds but also blesses.


Present trials strengthen you for future blessings.


The tree that stands to the tempest is strong;the tree that refuses to bend, the strongest.


Your greatest wildernesses lead you to your greatest Promised Lands.


The further you are in the wilderness, the closer the Promised Land is.


The greater the pressure, the greater the treasure.


As a rose blossoms despite being surrounded by thorns, bloom despite being surrounded by troubles.


Through storms you are able to get all the colors you need to paint the rainbow.


You are no greater than the adversity you can handle.


A slap from God is better than a handshake from the devil.



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