Top 53 L.J. Smith Quotes

I told you. You don’t love someone because of their looks or their clothes or their car. You love them because they sing a song only your heart can understand.


People Die…Beauty Fades…Love Changes…And You Will Always Be Alone


There is nothing frightening in the dark if you just face it.


Maybe it just means that love can be stronger than fear.


The image isn’t reality. Even though we’re used to thinking that way alot of the time. We show a kid a picture of a dog and say ‘This is a doggie’ – but it’s not. It’s just an image.


I’m sorry Elena. I know that you want to help, but put yourself in her shoes, everything that happened tonight was to save you and that’s OK because she loves you so much. But somehow she’s always the one who gets hurt.


That was courage, Keller thought. Not doing something without being afraid, but doing something even though you were afraid.


Why do people always assume that volume will succeed when logic won’t? – Damon


Come on, it’s an American tradition. Apple soup? Mom’s homemade chicken pie?’ She chuckled in spite of herself, then winced. ‘It’s apple pie and Mom’s homemade chicken soup. But you didn’t do badly, for a start.


Yeah, tell me I’m a bottle of single malt scotch, she thought. That’s the way to my heart.


And just then Damon stepped out of the coat closet, and at the same time Aunt Maggie tripped him neatly and said, “Bathroom door beside you,” and picked up a vase and hit the rising Damon over the head with it. Hard.


Bonnie, believe in me. I’ll save you.I remember how to fly.


And Meredith and Bonnie, who’s going to bend some spoons for us next. I’m going to throw you down a rope… that is, unless Bonnie can levitate you out.


And to see the white flash of Klaus’s eyes as he whirled on her. For one stunned instant she stared at him, and then lightning crackled.From an empty sky.


The Night World isn’t a place. It’s all around us. The creatures of Night World are beautiful and deadly and irresitable to humans. Your best friend could be one-so could your crush.


More than anything.” Rob persisted. “You’d crawl on your belly over broken glass for her. Easy.


That’s how I want to go. Taking my own way out and totally pissing everybody off at the end.


Do I look like the kind of person who wastes time turning goats into pin cushions?


Yes she met with a slight accident involving a stake.” Ash said “funny how that happens sometimes…


I can’t see anything” he said in a muffled voice, hand over his eyes. “I’m blind.


Don’t you just hate that, you meet a girl she seems pretty nice, you tell all your friends and before you know it she turns out to be a vampire, don’t you just hate it when that happens?


She let herself fall backwards into the music, and it was like falling in a dream, without fear.It was like being a raindrop falling into the ocean that had started you.


Tell Hugh,” she whispered.Tell Hugh your freaking self! He’s right here! And you’re not going anywhere.


Aphrodite just kept smiling.Because she was just doing what a goddess does-the same way that a tornado rips houses apart or a fire burns down a forest.


I don’t need to kill goats to say things. I CAN talk.


The thing is and I know this is going to sound strange- that I seem to love you sort of desperately.


Elena gasped back, “I can touch the ground!””I can see you touching it!”, Bonnie exclaimed with tears of joy.


You wanted us all back together again!” Bonnie shouted at Caroline, and pulled the scandalized girl into the dance. Meredith, her dignity forgotten, joined them too. And for a long time in the clearing there was only rejoicing.


I don’t trust easily, so when I tell you I trust you, don’t make me regret it.


Wait.” Stefan’s voice was hard suddenly. Bonnie and Elena turned back and froze, embracing each other, trembling. “What is your—your father—going to do to you when he finds out that you allowed th


I do believe in shooting the messenger.You know why? Because it sends a message.


Grandma, please don’t go. I’m frightened., Grandma. I need you!” “…never be afraid, Cassie. There’s nothing frightening in the dark if you just face it…


When you lose someone, it stays with you. Always reminding you of how easy it is to get hurt.


This was the problem with having walls so hard and high and unscalable, she supposed. When they came down, they crumbled completely, shattering into nothingness. She felt utterly defenseless right now.


I love you.I’ll love you forever.But I have to do this.


Oh, I’m starting to cry again. That’s what happens when you think about life being fair. And I can’t explain why it isn’t . . . I don’t think it’s something anybody knows.


He was the smell of winter rain and the sound of his predator’s heartbeat


She stood slim and proud as some medieval witch princess against dawn.


It doesn’t matter if you can’t say it right now. I’ll say it for both of us. And someday you’ll learn.


It’s not wrong to hustle hustlers. It’s like killing murderers, a public service. -Damon Salvatore


Very touching,” said a voice from the stairway. “Do you want me to imitate a violin?” – Damon


She feels lonely all the time, she wants to be accepted, by anyone, on any terms, but she feels apart. As if nobody who really got to know her would trust her.


Each night I lie and dream about the oneWho kissed me and awakened my desireI spent a single hour with him aloneAnd since that hour, my days are layed with fire.


I’m playing with fire, with something I don’t understand.


DON’T YOU DARE DIE ON ME, JEZEBEL! DON’T YOU DARE! Or I’ll follow you to the next world and KILL you.


Listen to me, Jez. There’s no reason for you to die-“Wood…poison.”No it isn’t! Not to humans. And you’re half human. You’re vampire enough to survie something that would kill a human, but you’re human enough not to be poisoned by wood.


At the last moment she thought, I’m not ready.But she already knew the answer to that.Nobody was ever ready.


I love you.” she whispered into the rough wool of his sweater.


Merging like two drops of water.Together in a way that humans could never know.


Awakening will be sudden and shocking. You and I must be there for her awakening. We won`t be there for (her?) later on. That`s for other hands to do.


Julian said the world was evil and horrible – remember? But then he proved himself that it wasn’t


You don’t love a girl because of beauty.You love her because she sings a song only you can understand.


All the talking in the world couldn’t even prove you and the other person both saw the same color red.



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