Top 53 ANIKOR Daniel Quotes

The elevator to success is out of order, as you climb; you re-arrange to suit your own call.


I don’t want to write something that you will need one all; I work on what will give continuous inspiration, I work for divine excellence.


Tomorrow will meet those who do not prepare for it as a surprise…when talking with my son, 18th April, 2016


Dig deep for you to discover the misery of success – success has miseries that are hidden in failure and those miseries cannot befriend those who sit at the comfort zone.


The discovery of purpose is in connection to activities that inspires you the most.


Do not allow any of God’s gift in your life to stagnate.


The greatest enemy of man is not sin, the enemy of man is not Satan, the greatest enemy is ignorance.


Without passion and satisfaction, there is nothing to make happiness last.


There is a spiritual call and there is circular call; wherever you have been called, do the work sincerely.


Education is the beautification of the inner world, which in turn help beautifies the outer world we lived in.


What is interesting about you today, would not create new memory tomorrow braze up and create that envisage memory that is glaring you within.


I will not add to the world’s problem, I will not live the world the way I met it; I will strife with every breadth of my life to live the world a better place than I met it.


If you are not creative enough to create change change will be creative to create you.


All of us must have initiative, we should not be mere imitators; we must learn to think and act for ourselves and be free from the claws of others.


Be a man of value and the universe will pay you for the value you add to it.


Problems go away because someone does something about them! What are you doing about the problems or challenges around you? Don’t just complain…..Act and now!


Do not be discourage by the height of the mountain, one step at a time will lead you there; and now is the time to begin tomorrow may be too late.


Because a thing seems difficult to a man does not means it is impossible for another to accomplish. Don’t talk him out of his dream…….during discussion a group discussion. 2009


If you are not taking time to set your own goals, chances are someone else is doing it for you and that someone will be in control of you sooner.


Don’t feel or believe that something is not possible; if it is a true dream, the possibility of living it is sure with your undying passion.


Tune your antenna to the highest frequency possible to attract people of substance increase your circle of influence intentionally.


Be a solution provider to challenges or issues; the more you proffer solution, the more your circle of influence grows and the more your circle of influence grows, the more wealth you will command.


There is a part of you that believes you can change someone, but the reality is that you can’t. You can change yourself, and others can change themselves, but you can’t do it for them.


Once you have woken up from your slumber, help lots more others to be awaken, that is the duty you are here to play and play it well before you exit this earth.


The secret of winning in any game of life is love.


The person in whose presence you stay in the secrets will determine where you will stay in the open.


It is not about the building, but about what the building can produce.


Anyone who develop his talent and or gifts will become an essential commodity.


There is always a need for a visionary man your vision will make you relevant in the scheme of men and your relevance will birth the needed money depending on the level of your functional-ability.


The voices you listen to and obey determine to a large extent what you become.


The right choice often requires hard work and self-discipline, or self-sacrifice; don’t be enticed by apparent short-cuts that seems right but end in tragedy.


Negative anger that is unchecked is a fire out of control, it can burn everything in its path.


The greatest mistake a leader or anyone can make is to stay down after falling.


To know is the male, to act is the female, for there to be production, to know need to meet with to act.


What are you passionate about? Use the same passion to serve others that is where your success lies.


The organisation of your life begins the moment you start out your vision.


The universe has different kinds of frequency for different moods and different mindsets, you attract what your moods and mindset think or produce.


Acquisition of wealth thus not in any way make you relevant in the scheme of life; you are relevant by the lives you positively affect, which spans down to generations after you.


If you are filled with your own ways and bored with life, check your relationship with God – your boredom could be a signal that you have slide away from your creator.


We help boost the devil’s ego whenever we exhibit that toxic act called FEAR.


The simplest person who worship God is wiser than the supposed wisest people who worshiped a worthless substitute.


Intimacy with God resolves in reproduction; when you are intimate with God, visions are birthed, dreams are born, revelations are given, prayers are answered.


As a family, we love, we share, we play, we laugh, we fight, we are frank about the truth and we live.


Been Passionate means knowing who you are and what you really want out of life.


The prayer of a progressive man is like a work over compared to his unstable counterpart.


You have to descend to the valley of humility to climb to heights of character.


A well pursued vision defiles the forces of antagonist.


Every good vision is not meant to benefit or serve self, where a ‘vision’ is for self; it is not more a vision, but an ambition.


Once your vision is clarified and stated, do not look back


Wisdom is the ability to use divine reaction to solve human problems.


Life demands discipline in order to succeed in it.


One of the major requirement for life’s success is discipline.


When God is not in the first place in our lives, everything else loses its meaning.



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