Top 37 Jacqueline Carey Quotes

Why is there ever this perverse cruelty in humankind, that makes us hurt most those we love best?


All paths are present, always… and we can but choose among them.


Yes my lord, but questions are dangerous, for they have answers


And having once chosen, never to seek to return to the crossroads of that decision-for even if one chooses wrongly, the choice cannot be unmade.


It is my observations, though, that happiness limits the amount of suffering one is willing to inflict upon others


This is the secret that none dares tell who fights for a cause. Dying, we are all alike.


It’s funny, how one can look back on a sorrow one thought one might well die of at the time, and know that one had not yet reckoned the tenth part of true grief.


For this too I learned, that a storyteller’s tale may end, but history goes on always. These events, so distant in legend, play a part in shaping the very events we witness about us, each and every day.


Surely if we knew what bitterness fate held in store, we would shrink back in fear and let the cup of life pass us by untasted.


If you will not die for us, you cannot ask us to die for you.


Battle for the sake of honor may be a fine thing for bards to sing of, but it is no way to preserve one’s homeland


It is a dangerous thing to bring a dream to life….I have watched my deepest, dearest hopes take shape, and I am not entirely sure I like the shape they have taken.


We pay for sins we do not remember, and seek to do a will we can scarce fathom. That is what it is, to be a god’s chosen.


The pain of the flesh is naught to that of the heart


The harp sounds at each passing breeze, but that does not mean the tune is masterfully played.


And for a price, I will pretend absolutely nothing.


I had begun to think my ripening body would wither untasted on the vine.


Truly, it is in loss that we learn a thing’s true value.


A small kindness, a confluence of compassion, had saved his life. Was that strength, or a weakness?


We might embody those qualities we desire to possess by embracing them, over and over, until the line between seeming and being is no more.


Your dreaming self seeks to tell you something your waking ears will not hear


Well, I was living it, but a shared dream half-lived is a hollow thing


There are those who are awkward in the face of sorrow, fearing to say the wrong thing; to them, I say, there is no wrong in comfort, ever. A kind word, a consoling arm … these things are ever welcome.


There is no fulfillment that is not made sweeter for the prolonging of desire


I wondered if, by the time we’d been together as long as Phèdre and Joscelin, I’d be able to predict her reactions. I wasn’t sure I would.I wasn’t sure I wanted to, either.


…not stories, but histories. For this too I learned, that a storyteller’s tale may end, but history goes on always.


Stand at the crossroads if you will, but if you’ll not choose, I’ll move on without you


I wish sometimes that the gods would either choose better, or make their wishes clearer


It’s funny how despair can soon become an old companion


Stupid to speak of blame when the wills of the immortals are involved.


If you thought better of me, you would not be so surprised


There’s more to clothing than just adornment. It does more than merely change how the world perceives us. It changes how we perceive ourselves.


It is not everyday that one learns an entire militia has sworn unbeknownest to obey you


It is a scholar’s weakness, to run narrow and deep.


Like a falling star, he descended on the Tarbh Cró, a Cassiline berserker, his sword biting and slashing like a silver snake.


I can see patterns in events, and behaviors; in mathematics, I follow slower


To recongnize that the treachery of one member of a house does not taint all born within it



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