Top 35 Dennis Prager Quotes

Sigmund Freud, the father of psychiatry and an atheist, theorized that one’s attitude toward one’s father largely shaped one’s attitude toward God.


Any moral system that is detached from God, no matter how noble and sincerely held, will likewise fail.


Without God, right and wrong are just personal beliefs. Personal opinions. I think shoplifting is okay, you don’t.


Unless there is a God, all morality is just opinion and belief. And virtually every atheist philosopher has acknowledged this.


According to just about every poll on happiness, people on the Left are generally less happy than conservatives.


You judge people in the context of their time, not in the context of ours.


Children are God’s or nature’s practical joke on couples—that which is produced by passion then proceeds to nearly kill it.


A simple test to ascertain how much you enjoy and derive meaning from your work is to ask yourself whether you would continue doing it if you won the lottery.


To receive children’s love and to come home to a child who runs to you with a hug, among the most powerful emotional experiences available.


I often wonder if I am entitled to be as happy as I am, given the amount of suffering in the world.


The poor who commit murder, rape and robbery are not only not starving, they have far more material things than the word ‘poverty’ suggests.


This secular Leftist denial of human free will is one of the reasons the Left recoils from labeling evil as evil, and (correctly) ascribes talk about good and evil to the religious.


The only people who have no bad tendencies are dead.


Compromise, while at times morally necessary or at least justifiable, is more often only the first permission for a person (or society) to begin a long downhill descent.


If your parents bring you no shame, be very grateful. If you’re proud of them, celebrate.


No matter how old you are, as long as a parent is alive, you are still a child. It is only after both die that you cease being a child. And then, all of a sudden, not only are you no longer a child, you are also next in line.


Religious Americans donate more and volunteer more time to charitable institutions than do secular Americans.


People can become addicted to fame, money, and attention as deeply as they become addicted to drugs.


Most people wait until tragedy strikes before thinking about how to incorporate tragedy into their life.


Everything worthwhile in life is attained through hard work. Happiness is not an exception.


Whatever one does for a living, three questions need to be confronted before it is too late: What really matters to me? What price do my spouse and kids pay for my career success? What price does my soul pay?


Given the unprecedented ignorance of the Bible in contemporary America, it is likely that more young Americans will only know the Noah of ‘Noah.’ We can only hope that the film offers even a fraction of the wisdom of the original.


Happiness is dependent on self-discipline. We are the biggest obstacles to our own happiness. It is much easier to do battle with society and with others than to fight our own nature.


People confuse goodness with weakness. It is weak people, not good people (goodness demands strength), who are taken advantage of.


Every age has found some alternative to American values appealing. The number of Western intellectuals enamored of fascism and all the various expressions of Marxism was legion.


To be told that one can be dependent on one’s parents until age 26 should strike a young person who wants to grow up as demeaning, not as something to celebrate.


Most women are not programmed to prefer a great career to a great man and a family. They feel they were sold a bill of goods at college and by the media.


The Left is doing to America what it has done to almost everything it has deeply influenced – the arts, the university, religion, culture, minorities, Europe: ruining it.


If your religion doesn’t teach you the difference between good and evil, your religion is worse than useless.


Goodness is about character – integrity, honesty, kindness, generosity, moral courage, and the like. More than anything else, it is about how we treat other people.


There’s a lot more power in calm than in vituperation.


Of all the characteristics needed for both a happy and morally decent life, none surpasses gratitude. Grateful people are happier, and grateful people are more morally decent.


American troops around the globe are the greatest preservers of liberty and peace in the world.


It is easier to take a position in the abstract than when it hits home.


Unhappy, let alone angry, religious people provide more persuasive arguments for atheism and secularism than do all the arguments of atheists.



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