Top 31 Human Angels Quotes

Every emotional wound is due to a lack of love. Love is the cause and the remedy. Love is always the answer.


I give myself permissionto enjoy the present moment.


We are all One and others are simply reflections of ourselves. When the mirror is cleared, the reflection becomes clean too.


Being able to ask for helpis not a sign of weakness,it is a sign of strength.


When your ego surrenders to the Higher Self, you become a Human Angel: a radiating center of Light, an active and conscious part of the Uni-versal project of Love.


In relationships, when there is suffering there cannot be true love: true Love is Unconditional. Either Love is joy and happiness, or it is not Unconditional Love.


Your partner is your deepest mirror: do not expect them to change. Healing yourself, you heal your relationship.


In order to forgive an offender,we have first to forgive ourselves,then we can forgive them.In this way we are nothelpless victims anymore,we regain our power,acting from our peaceful placeof power.


To forgive others, in order to forgive ourselves, because in their roles as our mirrors, they have been nothing other than a tool to our lack of self-love, a lack of self-recognition, and a lack of self-respect.


Through the mind and judgment,it is not possible to understandoneself and others.True understanding isa compassionate heart.


When we live with Integrity every word, thought and action springs from the Intelligence of the Heart and flows in harmony, enlightened by the pure light of Consciousness.


When the mind is silent, you can listen to your heart and remember that everything is Love and that you are that Love.


You are never alone,your Angels always whisper to your heart.By silencing your mind,you can be filled with their Love.


I totally allow myselfto feel every emotion,whatever it isand I observe itfrom my inner spaceof love and silence.


Thinking belongs to duality. Love belongs to the Oneness. There is no thought without judgment, there is no Unconditional Love without the silence of the mind.


Clear your mind and you will be filled by the Love of the Oneness.


I overcome the fear of losing.I overcome the fear of changing.I let go of what is going.I allow what is coming.


I accept my body and its defects.I accept my characterand its weaknesses.I love myself as a perfect partof a perfect Whole.


Human Angels are souls who have chosen to be born now on this planet to awaken themselves and humanity to Unconditional Love and Awareness of the Oneness.


Rules come from the mind and judgment.Values come from the heart,because of this,love has no rules,love only has values.


I raise the energiesof the people around me:my presence radiatesunconditional loveand inner peace.


Ego is based on judgment. Stop judging and you will be free from the ego: in the Oneness there is no judgment, only Unconditional Love.


The world is neither good nor bad.Don’t judge it, just love it.


When we are prey to our fears, we have to remember that we are giving power to that which does not exist. And remember that the only reality is Unconditional Love: the eternal, immutable state of Being.


When we live in the ego, we are human. When we live in the Awareness of the Oneness, we are Human Angels


Help others while respecting the Sacred Law of Free Will. By recognizing and honoring God in others, you recognize and honor God within yourself.


When we surrender completely to our Higher Self and we remember that we are Divine Beings, that we are Human Angels, the illusion of having limits vanishes and everything, including miracles, becomes possible in the name of Love.


Fear enslaves us, Truth sets us free and the only Truth is the Oneness.


It takes more courage to be yourself than to live in the prison of ego with feelings of guilt. It takes a lot more courage to be happy than to be unhappy.


Human Angels are beacons that simply being who they are, illuminate the darkness, to help those who are still on the path to stay the course.


My life belongs only to me.I let go of all the expectationsthat others have of me.My life doesn’t belongto anybody, except to meand to Life itself.



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