Top 301 Amy Leigh Mercree Quotes

I am powerful in my love for myself. The truth of my being is I love myself exactly as I am. I honor my empowered heart.


Embrace wisdom and relentlessly pursue joy, and you can live agelessly.


Celebrate who you are in your deepest heart. Love yourself and the world will love you.


Kindness can transform someone’s dark moment with a blaze of light. You’ll never know how much your caring matters. Make a difference for another today.


Accept yourself: flaws, quirks, talents, secret thoughts, all of it, and experience true liberation.


Unconditional love is the greatest gift we can ever give.


One woman filled with self love and self acceptance is a model more super than any cover girl.


Your dreams are worth it. Persevere. Your focus is your power. Harness it.


Dig deep and empower yourself today. Stand in your inner strength. Be uniquely you.


Happiness is a choice. Peace is a state of mind. Both are free!


Celebrate true friends. They are a part of you that always sparkles.


Having the life of your dreams is simple: make conscious choices.


A child’s giggle is worth one hundred pounds of gold.


I’d rather be interesting, original, & unique then follow the pack. Revel in who you truly are & be liberated!


Deeply respecting yourself is the first step toward having a deep respect for others.


Daily love and kindness are the path to a happy life.


Create your best life with your consciously chosen thoughts, words, and actions.


Love yourself, even a little bit each day, and your life will bloom into infinite joy.


Best friends are treasures. Hug them for their caring. Applaud their accomplishments. Laugh with them gratefully.


Each moment, each person, is sacred and worthy of respect- especially you.


Be uniquely you. Stand out. Shine. Be colorful. The world needs your prismatic soul!


Extraordinary magic is woven through ordinary life. Look around!


Love is the opposite of fear and it lights the flames of a million hearts.


A #loveselfie isn’t a picture or a status update. It’s an attitude of embracing, accepting, and valuing yourself, exactly as you are in each moment. It’s being one hundred percent present with yourself. Try it.


Every single person is sacred. Sacred means special, precious, a treasure of true beauty. That means you.


Be real, rare, refreshing you! Fan the flames of self love and ignite your light!


Enchantment lies in everyday moments if you are observant.


Breathtaking, splendid, wondrous, sublime, all those words describe you, exactly as you are. You are a work of art! Enjoy your beauty!


Women united can create movements. We can empower entire generations. We can build peace one action at a time. Together we rise. The time is now.


Dance through life flinging kindness like shimmering rainbows. Find your bliss by sharing your heart.


Treat yourself today! You are a unique, sparkling, spectacular soul. Celebrate you!


Choose joyful abundance in your heart and be unbounded, free, and relaxed. Be relentless with your choice and you’ll make your mark.


When we embrace who we are the world embraces us right back.


The power of love can spread magic to the world like nothing else.


YOU are your own guru. YOU are your own soul mate. YOU are powerful. Take the reigns and drive your carriage home to love.


Sometimes being happy takes effort. Invest time and energy in yourself and your happiness.


Choosing kindness is the ultimate expression of evolved consciousness. Grow by being kind.


You are limitless! Accept this truth and soar to infinity.


It takes drive and focus to move from potential to reality.


A circle’s unity and never ending smoothness is how we can aim to feel inside. Smooth, gentle, accepted, no rough edges, only love for all parts of our selves.


The secret ingredients to true happiness? Decisive optimism and personal responsibility.


A kind thought, word, or action creates infinite ripples of caring, consideration, and peace.


Caring is what matters, not stuff or status, just people sharing kindness & joy in a web of the heart that spans the globe.


Swirl into joy today by sharing your caring with the world. Be a pillar of positivity.


Soul mate romance dissolves the superficial and touches your deepest heart with the delightful power of love.


Focus your heart, mind, and soul on joy and you’ll find ultimate success and fulfillment.


YOU are the magic code that unlocks your happiness.


Choose love and joy as much as you can in each moment and watch your life transform.


Commitment mixed with drive and sprinkled with imagination creates sustained results. Stay focused and you will make your mark!


Inspiration is sometimes as simple as a shared smile.


Spread kindness, caring, and compassion and create your own paradise. Infuse it with joy and you’ve created heaven on earth.


Being present to yourself in love and with kindness is the ultimate gift.


Forever friends are a treasure chest of understanding and compassion. Cherish them.


Sharing your kindness sparks understanding all around. Then like fireflies in the night, twinkling love surrounds you.


Life provides chances to open your heart all the time.


Your heart is a powerful force. Use it consciously.


Set goals that make your heart sing. Then achieving them is an experience of uplifting joy.


Love drips like honey from the hive, constant, sweet, precious, into your heart each and every moment if you let it.


Embrace your diverse, prismatic colors! They make you uniquely you!


As architect of your reality, you are empowered to create it as you choose.


Nurturing a feeling makes it proliferate. Choose wisely. Joy, kindness, love, & caring will illuminate your life.


Happiness is a collection of joyful experiences shared with soul friends. Get together and have some fun!


We can accept and embrace our pasts as part of the path that shaped who we are now.


Bringing joy to another lights a thousand suns within.


Connecting our hearts through love yields a nectar so sweet we are forever full.


True love begins when you accept yourself in your totality. Then, and only then, can you completely love another.


Love yourself deeply and be satisfied with the amazing life you create.


Heart-flow means listening to your intuition and hunches and following your heart. How can you let your heart lead today?


An empowered sense of self-love means you truly love and accept yourself as you would a treasured lover or a sweet, wonderful child, and that you do this from a place of strength of character and belief in yourself.


Giving thanks fills you with light and joy so you can shine like the bright star you truly are.


Transcendent, magical romance happens when you’re one hundred percent present for each other as #supersoul lovers.


Everyday gratitude sweetens what appears flavorless and brightens all that appears dim.


Making time to experience joy is the single most important thing you can do to heal your heart.


When you give your mind, body, and heart the message that you are worth the effort of being conscious, miraculous things start to happen.


Interconnection permeates the entire universe. We are all one.


What are five things you are grateful for? Right now? Open to gratitude and you will soften into joy.


Loving yourself is required for authentic relationships.


An ocean of shimmering love exists in your heart. Tap into it today and rest in the undulating currents of the great mystery.


Creativity flows when the mind is light. Be light and ignite your imagination.


Listen within to find shining poetry and hear extraordinary music. You are a work of art.


Thanksgiving is a joyous invitation to shower the world with love and gratitude.


Notice how extraordinary your life truly is. It’s filled with love. Open your heart to it.


I am blessed out! I make time for joy every day. I commit to seeking healthy pleasure and reveling in it.


You have the power to choose joyful living through your thoughts, actions, and choices.


All around the world, people are exuberantly laughing right now.


Your love is the essence of divine artistry. Use prismatic hues to express it and shower it everywhere!


I embrace my sensitivity and let it enhance my joy every day.


Being sensitive is a gift that fosters peace. Help create a kinder, gentler world by embracing it.


My life guides offer my comfort, solace, joy, love, and bliss. I gratefully accept it, as needed, for my highest good and the highest good of all life.


A benevolent universe of spirit helpers sits at the ready to support your unfolding joy. All you have to do is ask.


I trust life and live deep bliss and comfort in each moment.


Every peak and valley of your life has led you to deeper understanding and, ultimately, growing compassion.


Acknowledging your blessings makes them proliferate.


Embrace the sweetness of life like a gift honeycomb from the hive.


Spiritual romance is based on mutual respect and kindness.


I let my love for all flow through art, and I express how I feel.


We are all the same being. Union is the true reality of existence.


The natural world sustains me and fills me with joy.


Go outside, wherever you are, and appreciate each drop of water, each flower, each architectural work of art.


Every kind word or action has an equal reaction. What you put out comes back to you. Why not make it caring and joyful?


I am bold and daring. I go after what I want and create massive joy in my life.


Be brave and create the life of your dreams. Dare to strive for the spectacular.


I am a storyteller and experience the bliss of writing.


Tell the story of your life with grace and candor. Sharing your wisdom helps others and delivers deep satisfaction.


There is an exemplary pillar of inner strength within you. Acknowledge it to embolden it to grow.


I am natured into blissful radiance by nature, Natura, and my elemental friends.


Mother Nature offers her nurturing essence to us all freely with no expectation of reciprocation.


I dance through life, living my bliss, steeped in joy.


I embrace every day as an opportunity to live fully and with total heart!


Every day could be your last, so share your love far and wide with everyone you adore.


I am one with all life. I am connected to all the goodness in all the universe.


Nature offers splendor and artistry for us to appreciate. Opening our senses reveals we are surrounded by magnificence.


My life is wondrous, and I appreciate it every day!


Extraordinary wonder and joy are woven through ordinary life. Hunt for them relentlessly.


I am grateful in life and online. My gratitude raises my vibration and enhances my joy.


You never know whose tough day you will brighten with a few kind words. Tweet your positivity today!


Cultivating daily calm, even for a few minutes, yields a core of centered wellness.


Moving my body ignites my bliss. I say yes to movement!


Moving your body moves energy. You can create or demolish whatever you need with kinetic dynamism.


My inner waters are healthy, balanced, and full of bliss for all time.


Sometimes a self-love soak can right the world and recharge the heart. Draw a bath and step into bliss.


I accept love and bliss from benevolent, highly vibrational spirit friends for my highest good.


Unleash the force of bliss within you. Radiate your joy no matter what!


I jump for joy every day. My body pulses with joy, and my vibration soars. I feel amazing.


The jump toward joy encompasses your life with boundless energy.


I am animated by my joyful life. I let my inner child feel loved and experience joy every day.


Release the baggage of the past. Carry joy instead.


I share my love and gratefully accept love as it flows back to me.


Giving from the heart lights a flame of kindness, forever illuminating your world.


I let new experiences enliven my being and awaken new, amazing parts of my being. I experience life with joy and receive its bliss.


I look for beauty every day and find it everywhere. My bliss in enhanced!


Find the beauty in situations where it is not obvious, and you will create voluminous joy in your life.


I live a grateful life, and the result is pure joy and happiness.


There are endless ways to thank the people who have contributed to your life. Dole out thanks, and your life will bloom.


The joy of the bee tribes infuses my life with sweetness.


Love yourself like you would a treasured love or a cherished child.


Loving spirits are with you every step of the way, cheering you on and offering help when they can. You are never alone.


I effortlessly let go of my density and dance forward into infinite bliss.


Let your fear dissolve and allow love to effervesce through your being. Be open to feeling good in this moment.


I celebrate who I am, what I love, and all of my blessings that lead to joy.


Each day offers a reason to celebrate. Find it and experience true bliss.


I am a limitless being of oneness. I am the physical embodiment of joy. Anything is possible in my life. My true source is joy.


In reality, everyone is unlimited. All limits are simply illusions. Understanding is the breeze that sweeps them away.


I celebrate the connections in my life, from my past, present, and future. I joyfully accept love in all its healthy forms!


The people we adore in our lives brighten our days and illuminate our nights.


I love my animal allies and am grateful for their support. I accept it.


Animal allies are all around, offering beauty and connection.


Vivid living is your destiny! You are a being of color and light. Unleash your bliss.


I am loved and held by a benevolent universe of love and bliss for all time.


You are part of nature, and its pulse beats in your veins.


I am worthy of daily joy, and I will treat myself to a glorious day of complete bliss at least once per month.


Set aside even one day just for fun, and you will improve the next seven.


I boogie my bliss, dance away my density, and jump into joy!


Dance away your density and celebrate your splendor.


Imagine a brilliant rose of pure love in your heart. Next, see a twinkling flower within the hearts of all you meet.


My ancestors offer me bliss, love, and light. I gratefully receive that which is for my highest good and release the rest back into the pure, white light.


Ancestors from all times have shared their essence with you. Accept the light and let go of the rest.


I respect myself and receive joy form all directions.


When we fill our hearts with self-love, we kindle sparks of compassion all around us.


I embrace new experiences every day. I revel in the fun adventures I create for myself and absorb their blissful gifts.


I love myself totally, completely, and unconditionally.


Flowers, trees, and leaves are all gorgeous expressions of nature’s innate joy. Notice the bounty surrounding you.


Dance is medicine. Movement is potent. Empower yourself with it today.


I live love in each moment. I let love heal me and elevate me to my highest self.


Your life is awash in waves of love in each moment. Open your eyes to the currents around you and bathe in the bliss.


Music enlivens my soul and opens my heart to ever greater levels of bliss and joy.


Let music ignite your vivid inner colors and bring you harmony inside and out.


I am powerful in my love for myself. My inner essence sparkles with bliss.


Your inner essence can innovate and inspire. Harness that dynamism and embrace the positive change you can create.


I allow myself to rest deeply and be rejuvenated, trusting the love of the angels to support and hold me for my highest good.


Angels are all around us every day. Notice them and realize the benevolence of life.


I use health joy and comfort to set off my brain chemicals of bliss for my highest good.


Comfort, joy, and love are key ingredients to a rich, pleasurable life. Prize them.


In choosing consciousness, we gift ourselves with presence.


I am wired to live joy in all ways. I let my being be healed and tended by the high vibration of joy. My life is optimized for boundless joy.


We are all wired to experiences boundless joy and lavish bliss.


I give and accept waves of welcome. I attract wonderful, life-minded friends who enrich my life.


Breath is the door to the heart and soul. It moves chi and energizes cells.


My sacred twins live in blissful harmony, and I am integrated.


Integration happens when all parts of your being are in harmony.


I honor and love the fairy folk and am excited to keep getting know them for the rest of my life!


Fairy magic is present in every ray of sunlight and each joyful moment. Embrace the living essence of nature.


I keep the light and love from my ancestors and let go of the rest.


We can all receive the gifts of our unique ancestry and harness them to forge a path of joy and healing.


Making the effort to experience daily joys a powerful mood enhancer. Find your bliss today!


My collage opens my heart to endless joy. I am an artist!


Life is like a collage. Its individual pieces are arranged to create harmony. Appreciate the artwork of your life.


I let my love for myself grow infinitely. I understand that loving myself is emotionally healthy and necessary to my well-being.


I am lovable in endless ways. I look myself straight in the eye with love and acceptance.


I celebrate my spirit with joy and playful abandon.


Celebration and laughter are two of the richest gifts of life.


Take the wheel and create spectacular moments for yourself. Rev up the extraordinary in your life!


I am rooted in the unlimited love of the heart of the universe.


Love is the opposite of fear. It is free and transcends all space and time. Love is infinite.


The sun heals me every day and opens my heart to ever-expanding bliss.


I journal my joy, and my joy expands exponentially forevermore. So be it.


There is something lovable about almost everyone you encounter. Uncover it, and you will experience true compassion.


I am empowered and thankful for my parents’ love and support.


You were born of two flawed yet beautiful souls. Happiness is your birthright, and love is your guide.


I let myself play in an unbounded world of creations on the glorious written page whenever I desire.


Imagination is the dynamic catalyst for every breakthrough.


I live love. I am made of infinite love. I choose love in each moment.


Life is a collection of experiences. Stockpile those wrought with love like the treasures they are.


I recognize my gifts and optimize them. I accept my total being and honor all parts of myself.


When you consciously choose to do what you love, life becomes a pleasure and ceases to be a chore.


Emotional safety is feeling internally secure and confident in your life.


My spirit is joyful, and I love my higher self. I am my higher self.


Your true self is a boundless spiritual being. You are spirit in body.


I connect with the world of flora and experience the bliss of that connection!


Everything you do matters. Every time you share and care, the light multiplies.


Remember, that username is a real person. Choose to spread the love online.


Choosing to unconditionally love others is a path to deep joy.


Kindness alchemizes the soul, and a sweeter, richer life is the delicious result.


Compassion is the magic ingredient to an amazing life.


If you knew today was your last day here, how would you share your love with the world?


Seeking external validation brings disappointment. Validate yourself from within to find true happiness.


Find the light within you through meditation and introspection, and you will illuminate your life from within.


I allow the deities of compassion to fill me with light for the highest good.


Make every picture a #loveselfie and fill every moment with soul.


Let go of rejections and focus on self-reflection. For it is within that you will find the light you seek.


Forgiveness happens every time we surrender our attachment to pain.


You are a dynamo, and every day offers a choice to create a life you love.


Compassion is given freely with no expectation of reward.


Start a compassion movement in your community by being a living example of kindness.


The beauty of compassion is free, and everyone is welcome to it.


Being compassionate can be an exciting exercise of embracing life if you let it be.


You have the power to choose compassion in each moment.


Find the soul and love in every situation you encounter and find true happiness.


Talk to yourself like a cherished friend. Treat yourself with love and care. You are perfect, just as you are.


Your inner critic is simply a part of you that needs more self-love.


Sometimes the ultimate act of self-compassion is turning off your phone and looking someone in the eye.


Slowing down your thoughts on a regular basis is the path to consistent peace of mind.


Relax your heart and let go into the infinite ocean of love within you.


The love you share with yourself pays immediate and lifelong dividends of peace.


Speak to yourself with compassion on the inside and you will radiate peace on the outside.


Peak performance happens when we feel loved and supported from within.


Practice self-compassion and experience the priceless feeling of emotional safety.


Defeat the demons of self-doubt and self-loathing by being your own hero/heroine of self-compassion.


I let go of all that does not serve me with gentleness and ease.


Emotions buzz through our beings like busy bees, giving us the gift of living vividly.


You are perfect. Treat yourself like the being of beauty you truly are.


A warm soak can wash away life’s worries and soothe an active mind. Choose self-care.


I let my inner smile enliven my being and enhance my health.


I choose my reality. My vision and actions create my life. I am an amazing reality creator.


As architect of your reality, you have the power to create it as you choose.


I let go of fear and immerse myself in the endless wash of love.


In every heart a waterfall of love is primed to shower the world.


I am made of universal love. I embrace my interconnected self and let it bring me joy.


Heart connection brings meaning to life and spirit to body.


I vibrate with cheer and delight in my cells. I let beauty heal me!


Delight and cheer in life, and let it uplift and inspire you. Spread happiness.


I am joyfully responsible for myself, my own happiness, and creating a joyful life.


The hidden keys of true happiness are individual responsibility and an incessant quest for joy.


I prioritize my creative pleasure. I enjoy expressing my artistic side and receive the gifts of doing so.


Delight yourself with imagination and artistry and be inspired by life’s beauty.


My roots are firmly planted in the glory of nature. The soil beneath my feet heartens each step.


I love all of myself in all ways for all time. I am made of pure love, and it permeates all of my selves.


Loving yourself is the single most important thing you can do to create the life of your dreams.


I surround myself with bliss. My home is a blissful oasis that nourishes me and brings me joy.


Decorate your life and home to represent the vivid hues of your radiant soul. Share your brilliance.


Within us all is a radiant inner child bathed in joy.


I allow my inner joy wellspring to be unbounded and free, to power me up, and to keep me radiantly healthy!


Extraordinary effervescence exists within you, waiting to be tapped.


I am made of joy! I am joy! My vibration is constantly raising, and I feel good!


I seek fun and embrace it! I am present to the many enjoyable experiences in my life. I have the courage to push the envelope of fun and infuse my life with happiness.


Joy is the highest vibration in the known universe.


My heart pulses with love. I am open to its healing and joyful effects.


Love sparkles within the shimmering jewel that is your heart.


I am. I exist. I embrace my inner quiet and let it replenish me.


Inner quiet can be cultivated. Meditation is a healing balm to a frazzled brain existing in a hectic world.


I am made of beauty. I notice beauty all around me every day. I am beautifully blessed!


Look for daily beauty. Let the splendor of life fill your senses.


I am grateful for all the goodness in my life. I think life for bringing me so much joy.


Gratitude opens you heart to receive more goodness. Then you give thanks and are blessed again. It’s an endless cycle.


I am worth the effort of creating a blissful life. I choose to care for myself like a treasured lover. I love myself.


Emotions of every color create the rich work of art that is life.


I accept the blissful gifts of beautiful flowers and plants.


Open your creative heart like an unfurling flower and petal and share your exquisiteness.


I am awesome! I accept my amazing, awesome self exactly as I am in this moment. I love myself.


Have faith in yourself and your ability to make conscious, healthy decisions.


Keep a relentless eye on your goals! Perseverance, joyful dedication, and unwavering focus will get you there!


You can talk about everything, your deepest struggles and your most terrific happiness, with a #supersoulfriend. Send your #SSF a hug today!


Choosing your flirtations consciously shows emotional maturity.


I receive the blessing of past dates, the lessons and the joy, and let the rest go now for all time.


Nonconformity in dating is all about being authentic and true to yourself.


It is important to live authentically who you are, to show yourself to your date as the bond between you builds.


Seeing and feeling your intentions are the precursors of living them in the world of magnetic attraction.


The secret to consciously dating is letting your heart be your guide.


When dating, emotionally reveal yourself in increments that are congruent with your comfort level.


Remember, you are powerful and you can always reclaim your space.


First dates are great ways to see how someone acts when putting his best foot forward.


As you open to love, you can begin the process of defining your intentions for your dating life.


Spiritual dating requires you both to have the ability to stay present in the moment and expand together.


The spirit of fun keeps your dating life interesting and not boring.


Spiritual dating is a way to date and enjoy yourself that is emotionally safer, gentler, and infinitely more pleasurable than regular dating.


Spiritual dating is the emotionally healthy way of dating as a conscious, empowered woman.


Spiritual dating is your ticket to a happy, fulfilling love life.


You deserve to be unleashed. Bliss is your birthright.


Each relationship is an elaborate and complex dance of energetic exchange.


Spiritual dating is about listening to your instincts and not rushing into anything.


Dating from the place of internal emotional safety tells your being that you will care for it well.



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