Top 30 Kevin Focke Quotes

Fear is like a little germ in your head, allow it to grow and it takes over your all.


Life summed up with a marketing slogan: Limited Edition!


Focke’s razor: Never attribute to plot holes that which is adequately explained by miracles.


When I’m passionate about something I strive for excellence, judging whether or not I achieved it is up to the audience.


Art has simple founding principles: Less is more, more or less; fill in the blanks with no filler.


Storytellers are master manipulators transforming non-reality (grounded in reality) into vicarious experience.


Relatable escapism can only be achieved using facets of the real world.


Money changes people. This process is more commonly known as trading.


When you aim for the stars even if you fail you’ll be a falling star, and that’s wish-fulfilling material.


Progress is hard, achievements are easy, and giving up is easier still.


You won’t know how much you’ll miss someone until they’re gone. Go give them a big hug while you have the chance.


I don’t experience writer’s block, I only have periods of severe writer’s diarrhoea; an incoherent mess of unfitting words placed in random sentences. Luckily, I can usually separate the shit from “the shit” later on.


Be creative, be innovative, consume what everyone consumes and make it fresh!


Why should I wake up if not for myself? The others are smiling façades anyway or they’re programmed to feel joy. Push comes to shove we live in a fake world, pretending life’s always golly which is life’s greatest folly.


Death is the first and final entry in the book of this life.


It’s a sad fact that some people are only remembered once they’re dead.


We treat what’s lost, what could have never been, what we could have never dreamed of, again. We treat it like heirlooms for it is so precious. For we know it can be lost, again.


It is infinitely easier to experience an indescribable experience than to describe it.


A coalescence of verbose convolution, veering on imperceptibility, impinges upon a plain proclamation an apparent profundity.


Love yourself’ the social horde spouts from on high, mere moments later they frown at a bypassing narcissist.


Writing complex characters is the penultimate exercise in empathy.


Bad business does not revolve around missing crossroads. It revolves around roundabouts.


-The burden of existence is bestowed upon birth.-The gift of existence is bestowed upon birth.Choose wisely, your life (and potential others’ life) depend on it.


I’m the most famous person, problem is people don’t know it yet…


A writer who intermingles his own opinions with that of his characters is less consequent than a fascistic communist.


Pampered content is a public resignation of artistic integrity.


Climate change is like my head: it’s not visible in every instance, but I’m pretty darn sure it’s there.


The biggest twist in fiction might be a story ending exactly how you thought it would.


Where did it go, the moderate opine? I can’t find it here nor there!’Perhaps then it’s twixt the false dichotomy?


Inspiration is the crèche of your brainchildren. If you don’t feed them, they will die, and never come back. So someone please think about the children!



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