Top 29 Karen Quan Quotes

How beautiful would it be if we could just see souls instead of bodies? To see love and compassion instead of curves.


Some of us walk around with a necklace of hope, an armour of sanity, but at the end of the day, they always come off. We reveal our naked, vulnerable, real selves.


I wear a necklace of hope with pearly beads. When I met you, it broke, and the beads spilled all over the floor, into the gutters.


I had a dream that I saw shooting stars with you. Two things that will come close to never happening: Seeing shooting stars, and being with you.


I’ll use the blood from my spilling heart to write the words that were never able to slip out of my mouth, so you can see how much you’ve broken me into a perpetual state of melancholy.


I have always wanted to give you the world, so I started giving you pieces of the oceans that kept us apart.


I’m gonna go put my earplugs in and practice piano for hours until my fingers bleed. I practice the piano with the focus of Helen Keller—and nothing can distract me from the scent of the music.-Karen Quan and Jarod Kintz


When your heart starts to feel full again. I love FREE refills, and if a restaurant tries to double charge me, I refuse to write a love poem on their Yelp page.-Karen Quan and Jarod Kintz


My heart beats so hard, I feel like I have an earthquake inside of me. It’s weighing me down and my hands shake with the need of safety and comfort.


When my hands can no longer make these hammers and strings play for you, my heart will always sing to you.


This girl who’s slept a hundred years has something after all. It’s called Centuryitis, and it has turned me into a man. Oh, what will mamma think when she sees me?!-Karen Quan and Jarod Kintz


It’s super cloudy right now but I think I can see the northern lights from my room. Another observation: Every light is a strobe light, if you just blink fast enough, and drink enough vodka.-Karen Quan and Jarod Kintz


I’ll put you in a jar on my shelf for a cold, rainy day when I need you the most. 


These days, I’m finding it harder and harder to breathe. My chest pounds with every heart beat like you’re here, again, standing in front of me, your two hands around my neck.


You’re gone and you left me. My heart has dissipated. The only thing I can feel is the blood rushing through my veins and the strings that hold my fragile heart together.


You’ve left me with a kaleidoscope of broken smiles and shattered dreams.


Keeping busy is the hardest part. When I find myself still, clear of thoughts, I can still feel you holding me.


We’ll meet again, but you’re a lifetime away, and I need you now.


Love is a battle with yourself. Be kind and love yourself before you love anyone else.


One dead and one alone. That’s how the story ends.


Underwater madness slipping into a haze, drowning and choking in repugnant nostalgic thoughts.


Some people hate the rain, other appreciate it for the blooming flowers.


You have had me spinning for days, for I am drunk off the words that flow endlessly from your deep red lips that taste of wine.


If your glass is half empty, fill it up to be full.


You be the sun, I’ll be the moon, let’s share the stars and dance in the sky.


I really hate that I need my glasses while using my laptop. What I hate even more is that I need those glasses to be full of vodka at all times.-Karen Quan and Jarod Kintz


When you’re reaching the end of the semester and you just wanna die. Coffin Making 101 is literally killing me.-Karen Quan and Jarod Kintz


I miss you like the mismatching sock I can’t find. You’re out there somewhere.


You know what truly aches? Having so much inside you and not having the slightest clue of how to pour it out.



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