Top 27 Jason Medina Quotes

She gazed at him alluringly and grinned. No further words were necessary.


By the time she awoke she couldn’t even remember if she had a dream or a nightmare. There had only been a deathlike peace.


It seemed each band member was in his own world. Yet, each was in tune with the other.


The mind is like an empty canvas and we are all artists, who spend our entire lives creating our own unique masterpieces.


Feel da power swallow you whole. Let go an’ lose yo’self in it.


The abrupt reality of his situation was a depressing thought.


Not everyone can just up an’ go whenever they please!


Iffin we meant to see each other, again, it gonna happen.


One could only learn from the past and move on through the present to make a better future.


He couldn’t believe how lucky he was to have found a girl like her. She may have been the perfect woman for him.


He could have been invisible and it wouldn’t have made a difference to them. He didn’t care, so long as he felt at ease, which was his original intention. He wasn’t there to make friends, nor did he want to.


Amanda had way too much time to think being at the hospital without any friends. She didn’t want to dwell on her thoughts for too long lest the wrong ones might emerge. She was hoping to forget what happened to her.


Please, be sure to display your stickers, so that I won’t misplace any of you. I lost a few people, while crossing the street, during the last tour. I didn’t think it was a big deal, but apparently, the boss frowns upon that sort of thing.


Hey, ghosts are nothing to laugh at! Whether or not you believe in them, they’re out there. I’ve seen them. I’ve even heard them.


Now to tell ya about our fellow inmates. Pay attention because there are a bunch of us an’ we each have a story.


Rini moved in to kiss him, but on his cheek. She gave him two pecks on his right cheek and one more on his left, which caused him to blush. “Three kisses, huh?”She beamed at him and nodded when she explained, “Fo’ Faith, Hope, an’ Charity.


Cemeteries can be creepy, creepy, ‘specially at night.


We just wanted to see whose dick was in yer mouth. Call it curiosity.


Each of these patients counts on us to help them to the best of our abilities. We have an obligation to them. We shouldn’t turn our backs on them and give up. It’s not fair to them, nor is it fair to ourselves.


You know? Ain’t it ironic how we live our entire lives without the luxury of time, only to spend an eternity in death.


He was a paranormal investigator. Yes, a ghost hunter, although he never liked to use that terminology. As far as he was concerned, it was inappropriate. He didn’t really hunt ghosts, although he did search for them.


What’s your poison or should I just waste my money by guessing something you probably won’t even drink? I’d much rather get you something you like.


Manhattan is basically this island in New York, where all the cool stuff is located.


She shrugged innocently at him and asked, “What I do?


There’s one last reason why none of us ever tries to escape. There are a few of us who just don’t have anywhere else to go.


Ray was always of the opinion that a handful was more than enough. Anything else just tends to sag, once it’s out of a bra.


The United States always seems to have a way of playing the international cop of the world.



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