Top 19 Robin Bertram Quotes

Though the fire and water tried to overtake me, I have come out to a place of great abundance and God has given me hope again.


Prayer without faith is as futile as a body without breathe.


Genuine faith comes forth from the iron smelter of affliction.


Out of the fires of refinement, come the praise of His magnificence, the brilliance of His glory, and the honor of His precious Son, Jesus Christ.


God is omniscient, omnipresent, and omnipotent. He is intricately involved in our lives and for that alone, we should be thankful.


A true encounter with the living God will break the spirit of religiosity, empty man of his pride and conform even the most vile and wicked into a living vessel for His glory.


The fires of refinement will shine the light of Christ into the dark places of our hearts, burn off the chaff, and restore us to a state of greater purity.


Though the fire and water tried to overtake me, I have come out to a place of great abundance. I know that the fires of refinement, although hard, dark, and difficult, brought me to a better and richer place in God.


This life is a journey and it is one that can be snatched right out of our hands. Therefore it is wise to know where you are going when you leave this life behind.


Abiding does not mean sitting idly by. It means resting in the work, resting in the moment, resting in the truth, resting in the confidence that God is your provision.


Every time we sin, it causes chaos in our lives; maybe not at that very moment, but eventually it always catches up


Discipline is the result of an action, while refinement is a preparation of your calling.


Let God direct your Today, He knows what is coming in your Tomorrow.


The fires of refinement come with a cost, but also with a promise. His grace has been extended forth to you for restoration, confirmation, strengthening, and being established in Him.


Supplication comes from a place of intrinsic desperation resulting from a broken and contrite heart.


There comes a time in everyone’s life when they must decide if they will serve God or serve Satan. There are only two choices in life that will matter for eternity, and that is the question, “Who will you serve?


Take away the pomp and circumstance, at the end of the day, only eternal things will be truly celebrated.


Supplication is to implore God for mercy and compassion, to have pity upon you or to grant you the request given and expect that He will do it.


Today is the day you can wipe away all those regrets you’ve been carrying around for far too long. Today is the day that you can put your past in your past, and let God directs your future.



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