Top 19 Krista Ritchie Quotes

Cheekbones that cut like ice and eyes like liquid scotch. Loren Hale is an alcoholic beverage and he doesn’t even know it.


Charlie waves me on, then leans an elbow on his chair. Propping his head up with a finger by his te


The fear of losing each other is always stronger than the pain we cause.


Friends aren’t forever. They’re not even for a while. They come into your lifeand they leave when something or someone changes. Nothing grounds them to you.Not blood or loyalty. They’re just…fleeting.-Daisy Calloway


I can’t help but laugh into my next sip of water. For the first time, mine doesn’t seem so bad.”I don’t know why you’re fucking laughing. You have a girl’s name and no middle name.


Yeah, my father is an egotistical douchebag,” he says roughly. “My name literally means Jonathan empire.


I’m so fucking tired of being alone. I was scared that he’d tell me to fucking leave. Because that means going back to a life I can’t see for myself anymore.


Don’t hang yourself with the slack you’ve been given.


Wait for me.” The words come out choked and pained. “I need you to wait for me.


No one told me you can love someone and still be miserable. How is that possible?


I love you,” he says again, “and no other man will ever say those words and mean them the way I do.


I’m remarrying you, Lil. Fuck, I’d remarry you a hundred times until it stuck.


Lily Calloway…all this time, your superpower has been loving me.


Fine. Such a stupid word really. It feels empty and weightless. It’s the kind of word you use to hide the truth.


You are human. You love who you love.You fuck who you fuck. That should be enough—no labels.— Connor Cobalt


Lo shoots a withering glare his way. “Your our goddamn publicist, not the king of the caste, so stop acting like you have authority to banish my brother into another room.


I can hear our hearts breaking.”A tear wets my fingertips, his tears, and his other hand encases my face, the way mine does him. His lips nearly skim mine. “I’ll shield your ears from the sound of heartbreak.


Just repeat this phrase whenever you feel the urge to jump some other guy’s bones.”His mouth brushes my ear. “Loren Hale fucks better.


It doesn’t matter if she wanted it or not. No self-respecting man would offer something like that to a girl, especially one that’s drunk.



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