Top 18 Mark Sherman Smeester Quotes

Ethically, with calculitic capitalism, a leader would claim wisdom, when punishment is justified, by showing restraint, & calling it grace, instead of humility, in gratitude of Powers beyond comprehension, such as Fate.


Every guard and every weapon have one weakness in common, and that is who wields them.


Amidst a symphony of entropic cascades, each and every drop still has enough gravity to make lightning or life.


The only shameless glory that rivals grace is unconditional love.


To ask the meaning of life is silly, with rhetorical rhetoric. Life is the meaning.


If not built on integrity, distrust crumbles mansions like sand.Similarly, if love is not built on the honest indignity of friendship, it is like a mansion built on sand, bent to be crumbled and washed away.


Just because teachers aren’t better than students does not mean students are better than teachers.


Even if you listen to all the advice from your parents, friends, teachers, and mentors, if you don’t end up happy, you still have nobody to blame. Nobody’s perfect.


Help me to help you consider and appreciate your worst of nightmares and best of dreams.


Learn from the mistakes of others. Nobody could take the time nor hardship to survive them alone.


Isn’t a smile or hug more disarming than a title or pen?


If you have someone to love, something to do, and something to hope for, your life is better than most battle.


Imitations are not flattering. Nobody likes feeling like an option,


Cleaning and breathing rival the practice of gardening or reading in their passive difficulty.


Promoting pathology beneath neurosis to instill victimization is propoganda.


Do not shoot. Please.If you are convinced that you are not a liar, you probably analyze every one, instead of evaluating nothing. Questions are the most effective advertisements.


Employing yourself costs less than employing someone else but more than working. The marginal cost/revenue of education.


If the Olympics ever included American soccer, I can only hope it would be basketball instead of football. Even chess can hurt if you try too hard.



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