Top 15 William Keepin Quotes

Gender imbalance is, at its root, a collective spiritual crisis.


Bringing light of our personal and social consciousness to dark corridors of human pain that have long been neglected and suppress.


No matter how challenging the ensuing process may become at times, the inner light and love in the human heart always has the power to dispel darkness and ignorance.


Sadly, our society still perpetuates the false ideal that a real man should be all masculine, and a real woman all feminine. Neither is possible, nor desirable.


Neither group working alone can create gender balance in society. The sexes must work together for this balance to be realized, collaborating in courageous new forms of experiential and transformative modalities.


The invisible fuel for this healing process is our heartfelt compassion and loving presence and the sincerity of the collective intention that we bring to it.


Moving beyond past wounds and hurts and building a culture of respect, dignity, and flowering love


Delving deeply in this [gender healing] work inevitably takes people on an inner journey, and, if they follow it far enough, they are ultimately let into an awakening of an expansive, all-encompassing love.


If the sun never set, we would have no perception of the vast depths of space, which become visible only at night when we are able to see what is obscured by the bright daylight


When we convene a group for gender healing and reconciliation, we are collectively taking similar action. We stretch ourselves to a larger consciousness and grace that is beyond our capacity, but within our reach.


We live in an environment in which sexuality is often trivialized and defiled, stripped of its emotional depth and divorced from its sacred root.


When we stand, we do so not only for ourselves, but also for countless others who have similar stories but may never have an opportunity to be witnessed.


We stand not as victims, but rather to bear witness to the gender injustices present in our lives and in our world as a whole.


When women and men listen with the heart a liberating or cleansing process comes about in the collective, and something transformative moves through both parties and into the dialogue.


Gender is but a doorway to a vast inner universe of ultimate relationships between oneness and duality, manifest and divine, being and nonbeing, temporal and eternal.



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