Top 15 Lydia Davis Quotes

I am simply not interested, at this point, in creating narrative scenes between characters.


First they burned her – that was last month. Actually just two weeks ago. Now they’re starvng him. When he’s dead, they’ll burn him too.Oh, how jolly. All this burning of family members in the summertime.


I looked at whale jawbones in the museum this morning. Then I did some shopping. Whenever I go into the drugstore it seems that many people are buying condoms and motion sickness medicine.


At a certain point in her life, she realises it is not so much that she wants to have a child as that she does not want not to have a child, or not to have had a child.


If you think of something, do it.Plenty of people often think, “I’d like to do this, or that.


Sometimes the grief was nearby, waiting, just barely held back, and I could ignore it for a while. But at other times it was like a cup that was always full and kept spilling over.


Once she was gone, every memory was suddenly precious, even the bad ones, even the times I was irritated with her, or she was irritated with me. Then it seemed a luxury to be irritated.


No one is calling me. I can’t check the answering machine because I have been here all this time. If I go out, someone may call while I’m out. Then I can check the answering machine when I come back in.


Why don’t you like the foods I like?” he asks sometimes. “Why don’t you like the foods I make?” I answer.


There seemed to be three choices: to give up trying to love anyone, to stop being selfish, or to learn to love a person while continuing to be selfish.


I can talk for a long time only when it’s about something boring.


If they finally move, is it because they are warm enough, or is it that they are stiff, or bored?


Just as it is hard for us, in our garden, to stop weeding, because there is always another weed there in front of us, it may be hard for her to stop grazing, because there are always a few more shoots of fresh grass just ahead of her.


They do sometimes protest…At these times, she sounds authoritative. But she has no authority.


She knows she is in Chicago. But she does not yet realize that she is in Illinois.



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