Top 15 Don Rickles Quotes

You can’t study comedy it’s within you. It’s a personality. My humor is an attitude.


Whatever you do to gain success, you have to hang in there and hope good things happen. Always think positive.


Among my friends, I’m not a little Boy Scout, and they love my humor, thank God.


Political correctness? In my humor, I never talk about politics. I was never much into all that.


Half the battle is that people have to like you before you say one joke, one bit of humor.


Most people think the character I do onstage is the way I am offstage, but I’m just a regular guy who spends time with his family and who turns on the television and watches a lot of sports.


I like to think I’m like the guy who goes to the office Christmas party Friday night, insults some people, but still has his job Monday morning.


I stopped smoking. But my personality I still have. I get up in the morning, and not everybody loves me, so if you want to call that a bad habit, there’s that.


To me, the stand up part in my life is great. I know I can do that. When I get an acting chance, I’m really thrilled.


To my knowledge, I was the first guy really to do what I do. And then later on different comedians started trying doing it.


You got to have a lot of courage. Secondly, whatever it is you’re doing, you have to believe in it wholeheartedly. Thirdly, you have to be able to stand up in front of people and know that they’ll laugh.


The old days were the old days. And they were great days. But now is now.


Some people say funny things, but I say things funny.


I have to have energy because I have a lot of expenses. A couple of cars, couple of dogs and a big estate.


When you stand alone and sell yourself, you can’t please everyone. But when you’re different, you can last.



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