Top 13 Thomas L. Friedman Quotes

No two countries that both had McDonald’s had fought a war against each other since each got its McDonald’s


The fall of the Berlin Wall on 11/9/89 unleashed forces that ultimately liberated all the captive peoples of the Soviet Empire


Pessimists are usually right and optimists are usually wrong but all the great changes have been accomplished by optimists.


People will change their habits quickly IF they have a strong reason for doing so.


Nobody works harder at learning than a curious kid.


How youMore people will learn about IBM from Wikipedia in the coming years than from IBM itself.


Development is a voluntary process. You need a positive decision to make the right steps, but it starts with introspection.


It is always dangerous to declare a turning point in history. We always tend to feel that, when we are alive, something really major is happening.


When widely followed public figures feel free to say anything, without any fact-checking, it becomes impossible for a democracy to think intelligently about big issues.


You have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future.


A Nobel Prize winner was asked how he became a scientist. He said that every day after school, his mother would ask him not what he learned but whether he asked a good question today. That, he said, was how he became a scientist.


No low-trust society will ever produce sustained innovation.


Virulence is the sound of a self-selecting community talking to itself and positively reinforcing itself with no obligation to answer to anyone or look anyone in the eye.



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