Best Science Quotes With Images

It was my dream to come to Oxford and study political science.

 It was my dream to come to Oxford and study political science. - Stormzy


To have a stable economy, to have a stable democracy, and to have a modern government is not enough. We have to build new pillars of development. Education, science and technology, innovation and entrepreneurship, and more equality.

Sebastian Pinera
 To have a stable economy, to have a stable democracy, and to have a modern government is not enough. We have to build new pillars of development. Education, science and technology, innovation and entrepreneurship, and more equality. - Sebastian Pinera


I studied computer science and graphic design, yeah, so music was self-taught and a backburner thing, an obsessive hobby.

 I studied computer science and graphic design, yeah, so music was self-taught and a backburner thing, an obsessive hobby. - Tycho


Everything great in science and art is simple. What can be less complicated than the greatest discoveries of humanity – gravitation, the compass, the printing press, the steam engine, the electric telegraph?

Jules Verne
 Everything great in science and art is simple. What can be less complicated than the greatest discoveries of humanity - gravitation, the compass, the printing press, the steam engine, the electric telegraph? - Jules Verne


A great dream of mine would be to run a design studio full of scientists who think about science as creatively as if they were doing art.

Neri Oxman
 A great dream of mine would be to run a design studio full of scientists who think about science as creatively as if they were doing art. - Neri Oxman


I was definitely one of those girls where my father would sit me at the dinner table and say, ‘What’s two plus two?’ And I’d be like, ‘Five!’ He would shake his head. Math and science intimidated me.

Reshma Saujani
 I was definitely one of those girls where my father would sit me at the dinner table and say, ‘What’s two plus two?’ And I’d be like, ‘Five!’ He would shake his head. Math and science intimidated me. - Reshma Saujani


I graduated from the University of Delaware with a double major in history and political science.

Joe Biden
 I graduated from the University of Delaware with a double major in history and political science. - Joe Biden


Logic is neither a science nor an art, but a dodge.

Benjamin Jowett
 Logic is neither a science nor an art, but a dodge. - Benjamin Jowett


Trust science, believe that innovation and discoveries are good for us, and make decisions based on data and evidence.

Julie Payette
 Trust science, believe that innovation and discoveries are good for us, and make decisions based on data and evidence. - Julie Payette


All the traditional STEM fields, the science, technology, engineering, and math fields, are stoked when you dream big in an agency such as NASA.

Neil deGrasse Tyson
 All the traditional STEM fields, the science, technology, engineering, and math fields, are stoked when you dream big in an agency such as NASA. - Neil deGrasse Tyson


My father was my main influence. He was a preacher, but he was also a history and political science teacher, and since he was my hero, I wanted to follow in his footsteps and become a teacher.

David Soul
 My father was my main influence. He was a preacher, but he was also a history and political science teacher, and since he was my hero, I wanted to follow in his footsteps and become a teacher. - David Soul


I don’t read ‘chick lit,’ fantasy or science fiction but I’ll give any book a chance if it’s lying there and I’ve got half an hour to kill.

J. K. Rowling
 I don’t read ‘chick lit,’ fantasy or science fiction but I’ll give any book a chance if it’s lying there and I’ve got half an hour to kill. - J. K. Rowling


Culture cannot be separated from politics. The arts, philosophy and metaphysics, religion and the sciences, constitute culture. Politics are the science or art of organizing our relationships to allow for the development of life in society.

Eugene Ionesco
 Culture cannot be separated from politics. The arts, philosophy and metaphysics, religion and the sciences, constitute culture. Politics are the science or art of organizing our relationships to allow for the development of life in society. - Eugene Ionesco


Man is unique not because he does science, and his is unique not because he does art, but because science and art equally are expressions of his marvelous plasticity of mind.

Jacob Bronowski
 Man is unique not because he does science, and his is unique not because he does art, but because science and art equally are expressions of his marvelous plasticity of mind. - Jacob Bronowski


Science is an integral part of culture. It’s not this foreign thing, done by an arcane priesthood. It’s one of the glories of the human intellectual tradition.

Stephen Jay Gould
 Science is an integral part of culture. It’s not this foreign thing, done by an arcane priesthood. It’s one of the glories of the human intellectual tradition. - Stephen Jay Gould


In the 1950s, the average person saw science as something that solved problems. With the advent of nuclear weapons and pollution, the idealistic aura around scientific research has been replaced by cynicism.

Sheldon Lee Glashow
 In the 1950s, the average person saw science as something that solved problems. With the advent of nuclear weapons and pollution, the idealistic aura around scientific research has been replaced by cynicism. - Sheldon Lee Glashow


The historical development of the work of anthropologists seems to single out clearly a domain of knowledge that heretofore has not been treated by any other science.

Franz Boas
 The historical development of the work of anthropologists seems to single out clearly a domain of knowledge that heretofore has not been treated by any other science. - Franz Boas


The selfsame procedure which zoology, a branch of the natural sciences, applies to the study of animals, anthropology must apply to the study of man; and by doing so, it enrolls itself as a science in the field of nature.

Maria Montessori
 The selfsame procedure which zoology, a branch of the natural sciences, applies to the study of animals, anthropology must apply to the study of man; and by doing so, it enrolls itself as a science in the field of nature. - Maria Montessori


In 2010, I attended Prince George’s Community College in hopes of transferring to The University of Maryland. My major was computer science, and the goal was to one day work as an I.T.

 In 2010, I attended Prince George’s Community College in hopes of transferring to The University of Maryland. My major was computer science, and the goal was to one day work as an I.T. - Jay IDK


My parents were typical Asian parents, and they do, like all parents, want their children to be successful. They really encouraged my brother and I to study math and science, and that’s what we did as kids.

Lisa Su
 My parents were typical Asian parents, and they do, like all parents, want their children to be successful. They really encouraged my brother and I to study math and science, and that’s what we did as kids. - Lisa Su


Science commits suicide when it adopts a creed.

Thomas Huxley
 Science commits suicide when it adopts a creed. - Thomas Huxley


The whole history of science has been the gradual realization that events do not happen in an arbitrary manner, but that they reflect a certain underlying order, which may or may not be divinely inspired.

Stephen Hawking
 The whole history of science has been the gradual realization that events do not happen in an arbitrary manner, but that they reflect a certain underlying order, which may or may not be divinely inspired. - Stephen Hawking


Science may have found a cure for most evils; but it has found no remedy for the worst of them all – the apathy of human beings.

Helen Keller
 Science may have found a cure for most evils; but it has found no remedy for the worst of them all - the apathy of human beings. - Helen Keller


Space or science fiction has become a dialect for our time.

Doris Lessing
 Space or science fiction has become a dialect for our time. - Doris Lessing


It’s a combination of science, maintenance, and general housekeeping. And then, occasionally, robotics activities or a spacewalk you might get to do.

Scott Kelly
 It’s a combination of science, maintenance, and general housekeeping. And then, occasionally, robotics activities or a spacewalk you might get to do. - Scott Kelly

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