Best Politics Quotes With Images

I’m a Republican. I may go into politics myself.

Lou Ferrigno
 I’m a Republican. I may go into politics myself. - Lou Ferrigno


It’s not about division. It’s not about politics. My concern is how do we come together?

LeVar Burton
 It’s not about division. It’s not about politics. My concern is how do we come together? - LeVar Burton


I will certainly not join politics. I would like to be remembered as a clean businessman who has not partaken in any twists and turns beneath the surface, and one who has been reasonably successful.

Ratan Tata
 I will certainly not join politics. I would like to be remembered as a clean businessman who has not partaken in any twists and turns beneath the surface, and one who has been reasonably successful. - Ratan Tata


Political correctness – the rigging of politics using different rules for different groups, and buttressed by the media – ensures that Democrats always have the upper hand.

Andrew Breitbart
 Political correctness - the rigging of politics using different rules for different groups, and buttressed by the media - ensures that Democrats always have the upper hand. - Andrew Breitbart


I don’t really pay attention to the news or stuff like that or what’s going on in politics.

Finn Balor
 I don’t really pay attention to the news or stuff like that or what’s going on in politics. - Finn Balor


Politics is a messy business, but campaigning prepares you for governing. It prepares you to get hit, stand strong, and, if necessary, hit back.

James Carville
 Politics is a messy business, but campaigning prepares you for governing. It prepares you to get hit, stand strong, and, if necessary, hit back. - James Carville


I have my own political views and ideologies, but will not enter politics for sure.

 I have my own political views and ideologies, but will not enter politics for sure. - Sreenivasan


During the Cold War, the non-aligned movement tried to become a ‘third force’ in world politics, but failed because it was too large and unwieldy.

Stephen Kinzer
 During the Cold War, the non-aligned movement tried to become a ‘third force’ in world politics, but failed because it was too large and unwieldy. - Stephen Kinzer


Hatred, anger, and violence can destroy us: the politics of polarization is dangerous.

Rahul Gandhi
 Hatred, anger, and violence can destroy us: the politics of polarization is dangerous. - Rahul Gandhi


Politics is not my cup of tea. I would like to focus on research and education, and will also work to help start-up ecosystem.

Kris Gopalakrishnan
 Politics is not my cup of tea. I would like to focus on research and education, and will also work to help start-up ecosystem. - Kris Gopalakrishnan


I don’t believe in politics. I’m an anarchist, I guess you could say. I think people could be just fine looking after themselves.

Woody Harrelson
 I don’t believe in politics. I’m an anarchist, I guess you could say. I think people could be just fine looking after themselves. - Woody Harrelson


There’s a lot of politics in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. There’s a lot us artists would change about the induction ceremony and who they pick.

Joe Walsh
 There’s a lot of politics in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. There’s a lot us artists would change about the induction ceremony and who they pick. - Joe Walsh


The stakes they play for in politics are paper and money. The chips they play with are your life.

Molly Ivins
 The stakes they play for in politics are paper and money. The chips they play with are your life. - Molly Ivins


Those who say religion has nothing to do with politics do not know what religion is.

Mahatma Gandhi
 Those who say religion has nothing to do with politics do not know what religion is. - Mahatma Gandhi


The only politics in this country that’s relevant to black people today is the politics of revolution… none other.

H. Rap Brown
 The only politics in this country that’s relevant to black people today is the politics of revolution... none other. - H. Rap Brown


Politics are wack – it’s mostly about the characters instead of the issues, like how religion is about religion instead of spirituality.

 Politics are wack - it’s mostly about the characters instead of the issues, like how religion is about religion instead of spirituality. - Santigold


I like to see myself as a bridge builder, that is me building bridges between people, between races, between cultures, between politics, trying to find common ground.

T. D. Jakes
 I like to see myself as a bridge builder, that is me building bridges between people, between races, between cultures, between politics, trying to find common ground. - T. D. Jakes


Politics is a strong and slow boring of hard boards.

Max Weber
 Politics is a strong and slow boring of hard boards. - Max Weber


Commodities such as gold and silver have a world market that transcends national borders, politics, religions, and race. A person may not like someone else’s religion, but he’ll accept his gold.

Robert Kiyosaki
 Commodities such as gold and silver have a world market that transcends national borders, politics, religions, and race. A person may not like someone else’s religion, but he’ll accept his gold. - Robert Kiyosaki


I never got into politics for it to be a career. It doesn’t take a lot of strength to hang on. It takes a lot of strength to let go.

J. C. Watts
 I never got into politics for it to be a career. It doesn’t take a lot of strength to hang on. It takes a lot of strength to let go. - J. C. Watts


If you believe you can make a difference, not just in politics, in public service, in advocacy around all these important issues, then you have to be prepared to accept that you are not going to get 100 percent approval.

Hillary Clinton
 If you believe you can make a difference, not just in politics, in public service, in advocacy around all these important issues, then you have to be prepared to accept that you are not going to get 100 percent approval. - Hillary Clinton


The overflow of big money in politics drowns out the voices of everyday people. That is part of the conundrum in this country: The more money you have the more speech you have. That leaves everyday people out of the equation.

Nina Turner
 The overflow of big money in politics drowns out the voices of everyday people. That is part of the conundrum in this country: The more money you have the more speech you have. That leaves everyday people out of the equation. - Nina Turner


Politics is perhaps the only profession for which no preparation is thought necessary.

Robert Louis Stevenson
 Politics is perhaps the only profession for which no preparation is thought necessary. - Robert Louis Stevenson


Our only real hope for democracy is that we get the money out of politics entirely and establish a system of publicly funded elections.

Noam Chomsky
 Our only real hope for democracy is that we get the money out of politics entirely and establish a system of publicly funded elections. - Noam Chomsky


We’re not into politics at all. We’re just saying what other people are afraid to say.

 We’re not into politics at all. We’re just saying what other people are afraid to say. - Eazy-E

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