Best Politics Quotes With Images

You begin saving the world by saving one man at a time; all else is grandiose romanticism or politics.

Charles Bukowski
 You begin saving the world by saving one man at a time; all else is grandiose romanticism or politics. - Charles Bukowski


I’m not a political person. When I start to get into it, it just upsets me. I feel so powerless when it comes to politics. So I’ve just decided to be non-political and very, very pro-soldier.

Channing Tatum
 I’m not a political person. When I start to get into it, it just upsets me. I feel so powerless when it comes to politics. So I’ve just decided to be non-political and very, very pro-soldier. - Channing Tatum


I am an Anglo-Catholic in religion, a classicist in literature and a royalist in politics.

T. S. Eliot
 I am an Anglo-Catholic in religion, a classicist in literature and a royalist in politics. - T. S. Eliot


Politics are not the task of a Christian.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer
 Politics are not the task of a Christian. - Dietrich Bonhoeffer


I really rebel against this idea that politics has to be a place full of ego and where you’re constantly focused on scoring hits against each one another. Yes, we need a robust democracy, but you can be strong, and you can be kind.

Jacinda Ardern
 I really rebel against this idea that politics has to be a place full of ego and where you’re constantly focused on scoring hits against each one another. Yes, we need a robust democracy, but you can be strong, and you can be kind. - Jacinda Ardern


Sacrifice is putting country before party and principles before politics. It is not defending the indefensible, protecting the powerful, or staying silent in the face of injustice just because you’d like to keep your job.

S.E. Cupp
 Sacrifice is putting country before party and principles before politics. It is not defending the indefensible, protecting the powerful, or staying silent in the face of injustice just because you’d like to keep your job. - S.E. Cupp


To err is human. To blame someone else is politics.

Hubert H. Humphrey
 To err is human. To blame someone else is politics. - Hubert H. Humphrey


It is impossible to practice parliamentary politics without having patience, decency, politeness and courtesy.

Khaleda Zia
 It is impossible to practice parliamentary politics without having patience, decency, politeness and courtesy. - Khaleda Zia


As in nature, politics abhors a vacuum. Without a strong voice for more moderate leadership, the Tea Party is filling that vacuum.

Mark McKinnon
 As in nature, politics abhors a vacuum. Without a strong voice for more moderate leadership, the Tea Party is filling that vacuum. - Mark McKinnon


Do you know who the real hypocrite is? It’s the federal government and the Justice Department. It’s a fraud; it’s a lie. They have no interest in the education of black children. They are only interested in the politics of it.

James Meredith
 Do you know who the real hypocrite is? It’s the federal government and the Justice Department. It’s a fraud; it’s a lie. They have no interest in the education of black children. They are only interested in the politics of it. - James Meredith


Music is the most powerful form of communication in the world. It brings us all together. Even religion separates us, but a hit record unites us across religious beliefs, race, politics.

Sean Combs
 Music is the most powerful form of communication in the world. It brings us all together. Even religion separates us, but a hit record unites us across religious beliefs, race, politics. - Sean Combs


In politics, an organized minority is a political majority.

Jesse Jackson
 In politics, an organized minority is a political majority. - Jesse Jackson


Politics is not perfect but it’s the best available nonviolent means of changing how we live.

Maynard Jackson
 Politics is not perfect but it’s the best available nonviolent means of changing how we live. - Maynard Jackson


The politics of fear are always the same. They are easily recognisable in retrospect. They are easy to acquiesce in at the time.

Naomi Alderman
 The politics of fear are always the same. They are easily recognisable in retrospect. They are easy to acquiesce in at the time. - Naomi Alderman


Most people don’t want to talk about politics and religion. They say, ‘Let’s talk about something else.’

 Most people don’t want to talk about politics and religion. They say, ‘Let’s talk about something else.’ - Prince


Politics is the skilled use of blunt objects.

Lester B. Pearson
 Politics is the skilled use of blunt objects. - Lester B. Pearson


Politics is a noble activity. We should revalue it, practise it with vocation and a dedication that requires testimony, martyrdom, that is to die for the common good.

Pope Francis
 Politics is a noble activity. We should revalue it, practise it with vocation and a dedication that requires testimony, martyrdom, that is to die for the common good. - Pope Francis


In politics, a lie unanswered becomes truth within 24 hours.

Willie Brown
 In politics, a lie unanswered becomes truth within 24 hours. - Willie Brown


Let’s clean up the Senate and return to politics of common ground.

Mark Pryor
 Let’s clean up the Senate and return to politics of common ground. - Mark Pryor


American politics used to be an amateur sport. But somewhere along the way, we handed over to professionals all the things people used to do for free.

Bob Schieffer
 American politics used to be an amateur sport. But somewhere along the way, we handed over to professionals all the things people used to do for free. - Bob Schieffer


Beware the politically obsessed. They are often bright and interesting, but they have something missing in their natures; there is a hole, an empty place, and they use politics to fill it up. It leaves them somehow misshapen.

Peggy Noonan
 Beware the politically obsessed. They are often bright and interesting, but they have something missing in their natures; there is a hole, an empty place, and they use politics to fill it up. It leaves them somehow misshapen. - Peggy Noonan


Politics ought to be the part-time profession of every citizen who would protect the rights and privileges of free people and who would preserve what is good and fruitful in our national heritage.

Dwight D. Eisenhower
 Politics ought to be the part-time profession of every citizen who would protect the rights and privileges of free people and who would preserve what is good and fruitful in our national heritage. - Dwight D. Eisenhower


I have never regarded politics as the arena of morals. It is the arena of interest.

Aneurin Bevan
 I have never regarded politics as the arena of morals. It is the arena of interest. - Aneurin Bevan


Politics isn’t about left versus right; it’s about top versus bottom.

Jim Hightower
 Politics isn’t about left versus right; it’s about top versus bottom. - Jim Hightower


Politics is tricky; it cuts both ways. Every time you make a choice, it has unintended consequences.

Stone Gossard
 Politics is tricky; it cuts both ways. Every time you make a choice, it has unintended consequences. - Stone Gossard

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