Best Imagination Quotes With Images

Edgy is fine – I’m not a prude by any stretch of the imagination – but what’s wrong with a good ol’ belly laugh? I miss that.

Carol Burnett
 Edgy is fine - I’m not a prude by any stretch of the imagination - but what’s wrong with a good ol’ belly laugh? I miss that. - Carol Burnett


Students are rewarded for memorization, not imagination or resourcefulness.

Sugata Mitra
 Students are rewarded for memorization, not imagination or resourcefulness. - Sugata Mitra


Many Nobel Prizes are awaiting good research to understand and explain the many mysteries of our bodies, such as the basic mechanism of memory or imagination.

John Cameron
 Many Nobel Prizes are awaiting good research to understand and explain the many mysteries of our bodies, such as the basic mechanism of memory or imagination. - John Cameron


Children do not give up their innate imagination, curiosity, dreaminess easily. You have to love them to get them to do that.

R. D. Laing
 Children do not give up their innate imagination, curiosity, dreaminess easily. You have to love them to get them to do that. - R. D. Laing


Justice is to be found only in imagination.

Alfred Nobel
 Justice is to be found only in imagination. - Alfred Nobel


The conscious process is reflected in the imagination; the unconscious process is expressed as karma, the generation of actions divorced from thinking and alienated from feeling.

William Irwin Thompson
 The conscious process is reflected in the imagination; the unconscious process is expressed as karma, the generation of actions divorced from thinking and alienated from feeling. - William Irwin Thompson


True intelligence requires fabulous imagination.

Ian Mcewan
 True intelligence requires fabulous imagination. - Ian Mcewan


While I can’t tell you what people are going to do for work 100 years from now, the future doesn’t hinge on my imagination.

David Autor
 While I can’t tell you what people are going to do for work 100 years from now, the future doesn’t hinge on my imagination. - David Autor


I believe in imagination. I did Kramer vs. Kramer before I had children. But the mother I would be was already inside me.

Meryl Streep
 I believe in imagination. I did Kramer vs. Kramer before I had children. But the mother I would be was already inside me. - Meryl Streep


A lot of these liberal churches that harbor illegal immigrants who are criminals say they are following the example of Jesus. They are following the Jesus of their imagination rather than the Jesus of the Bible.

Robert Jeffress
 A lot of these liberal churches that harbor illegal immigrants who are criminals say they are following the example of Jesus. They are following the Jesus of their imagination rather than the Jesus of the Bible. - Robert Jeffress


Bad people are, from the point of view of art, fascinating studies. They represent colour, variety and strangeness. Good people exasperate one’s reason; bad people stir one’s imagination.

Oscar Wilde
 Bad people are, from the point of view of art, fascinating studies. They represent colour, variety and strangeness. Good people exasperate one’s reason; bad people stir one’s imagination. - Oscar Wilde


Everybody in their own imagination decides what scary is.

Yvonne Craig
 Everybody in their own imagination decides what scary is. - Yvonne Craig


If we divine a discrepancy between a man’s words and his character, the whole impression of him becomes broken and painful; he revolts the imagination by his lack of unity, and even the good in him is hardly accepted.

Charles Horton Cooley
 If we divine a discrepancy between a man’s words and his character, the whole impression of him becomes broken and painful; he revolts the imagination by his lack of unity, and even the good in him is hardly accepted. - Charles Horton Cooley


Fortunately, somewhere between chance and mystery lies imagination, the only thing that protects our freedom, despite the fact that people keep trying to reduce it or kill it off altogether.

Luis Bunuel
 Fortunately, somewhere between chance and mystery lies imagination, the only thing that protects our freedom, despite the fact that people keep trying to reduce it or kill it off altogether. - Luis Bunuel


In your imagination, you can perfect things in a way you can’t do in your everyday life.

Washed Out
 In your imagination, you can perfect things in a way you can’t do in your everyday life. - Washed Out


If you don’t pay attention and if your imagination isn’t pretty much engaged, you’re going to miss things and you’re going to miss opportunities for it to be as compelling and as creepy as it can be.

Bruce Greenwood
 If you don’t pay attention and if your imagination isn’t pretty much engaged, you’re going to miss things and you’re going to miss opportunities for it to be as compelling and as creepy as it can be. - Bruce Greenwood


My country has contrived for me the most insignificant office that ever the invention of man contrived or his imagination conceived.

John Adams
 My country has contrived for me the most insignificant office that ever the invention of man contrived or his imagination conceived. - John Adams


I don’t think that people should wear dresses two sizes too small. I just think that sexiness is better left to the imagination. It’s just more tasteful.

Rachel Zoe
 I don’t think that people should wear dresses two sizes too small. I just think that sexiness is better left to the imagination. It’s just more tasteful. - Rachel Zoe


In an era of parental paranoia, lawsuit mania and testing frenzy, we are failing to inspire our children’s curiosity, creativity, and imagination. We are denying them opportunities to tinker, discover, and explore – in short, to play.

Darell Hammond
 In an era of parental paranoia, lawsuit mania and testing frenzy, we are failing to inspire our children’s curiosity, creativity, and imagination. We are denying them opportunities to tinker, discover, and explore - in short, to play. - Darell Hammond


He is the true enchanter, whose spell operates, not upon the senses, but upon the imagination and the heart.

Washington Irving
 He is the true enchanter, whose spell operates, not upon the senses, but upon the imagination and the heart. - Washington Irving


One way we can enliven the imagination is to push it toward the illogical. We’re not scientists. We don’t always have to make the logical, reasonable leap.

Stella Adler
 One way we can enliven the imagination is to push it toward the illogical. We’re not scientists. We don’t always have to make the logical, reasonable leap. - Stella Adler


I want to kick-start your imagination and let you discover the places it can take you.

Terry Brooks
 I want to kick-start your imagination and let you discover the places it can take you. - Terry Brooks


Your heart will be shattered by sorrow if you force it to live in tomorrow’s ephemeral imagination – world instead of in today’s eternal reality – now.

Sri Chinmoy
 Your heart will be shattered by sorrow if you force it to live in tomorrow’s ephemeral imagination - world instead of in today’s eternal reality - now. - Sri Chinmoy


The fictive structure, my work, my imagination, my books are about the details, the huge construction about culture, Islamic culture or modern Turkey. They’re all intertwined.

Orhan Pamuk
 The fictive structure, my work, my imagination, my books are about the details, the huge construction about culture, Islamic culture or modern Turkey. They’re all intertwined. - Orhan Pamuk


I feel like I’m a much better person when I’m developing my imagination and my innocence and my vulnerability. I like that version of me better than the version where I’m just working on my analytical mind.

Brit Marling
 I feel like I’m a much better person when I’m developing my imagination and my innocence and my vulnerability. I like that version of me better than the version where I’m just working on my analytical mind. - Brit Marling

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