Top Death Quotes With Images

It is not death or pain that is to be dreaded, but the fear of pain or death.

 It is not death or pain that is to be dreaded, but the fear of pain or death. - Epictetus


Our words will either bring life and victory or death and destruction. If we want to be happy, we have to be serious about speaking words of life that line up with God’s Word.

Joyce Meyer
 Our words will either bring life and victory or death and destruction. If we want to be happy, we have to be serious about speaking words of life that line up with God’s Word. - Joyce Meyer


We never had anybody who froze to death playing football. You probably had somebody who died from heat stroke playing football.

Bud Grant
 We never had anybody who froze to death playing football. You probably had somebody who died from heat stroke playing football. - Bud Grant


A belief in hell and the knowledge that every ambition is doomed to frustration at the hands of a skeleton have never prevented the majority of human beings from behaving as though death were no more than an unfounded rumor.

Aldous Huxley
 A belief in hell and the knowledge that every ambition is doomed to frustration at the hands of a skeleton have never prevented the majority of human beings from behaving as though death were no more than an unfounded rumor. - Aldous Huxley


Sleep is the interest we have to pay on the capital which is called in at death; and the higher the rate of interest and the more regularly it is paid, the further the date of redemption is postponed.

Arthur Schopenhauer
 Sleep is the interest we have to pay on the capital which is called in at death; and the higher the rate of interest and the more regularly it is paid, the further the date of redemption is postponed. - Arthur Schopenhauer


As I think about the future, I’m back where most people live their lives. Which is, death is not imminent, and that’s different.

Dick Cheney
 As I think about the future, I’m back where most people live their lives. Which is, death is not imminent, and that’s different. - Dick Cheney


If we don’t know life, how can we know death?

 If we don’t know life, how can we know death? - Confucius


It’s not so easy to be gay or even a woman in some places in the world, and in many countries, it’s illegal to be gay. You can be put to death. It’s a global struggle. A human rights struggle on a global scale.

Gilbert Baker
 It’s not so easy to be gay or even a woman in some places in the world, and in many countries, it’s illegal to be gay. You can be put to death. It’s a global struggle. A human rights struggle on a global scale. - Gilbert Baker


At death, you’re going to be needing some spiritual guidance and some kind of inner knowledge that extends beyond the boundaries of the physical world… it’s what’s inside that counts.

George Harrison
 At death, you’re going to be needing some spiritual guidance and some kind of inner knowledge that extends beyond the boundaries of the physical world... it’s what’s inside that counts. - George Harrison


If the death of Osama Bin Laden brings any peace to those who lost loved ones on that awful day in September 2001, that is a great thing. It is more likely, however, just a painful reminder of what was lost.

Henry Rollins
 If the death of Osama Bin Laden brings any peace to those who lost loved ones on that awful day in September 2001, that is a great thing. It is more likely, however, just a painful reminder of what was lost. - Henry Rollins


Death is so important that God visited death upon his own son, thereby helping us learn right from wrong well enough that we may escape death forever and live eternally in God’s grace.

P. J. O’Rourke
 Death is so important that God visited death upon his own son, thereby helping us learn right from wrong well enough that we may escape death forever and live eternally in God’s grace. - P. J. O’Rourke


Rock and menopause do not mix. It is not good, it sucks and every day I fight it to the death, or, at the very least, not let it take me over.

Stevie Nicks
 Rock and menopause do not mix. It is not good, it sucks and every day I fight it to the death, or, at the very least, not let it take me over. - Stevie Nicks


I think in some instances that the death penalty is required.

Asa Hutchinson
 I think in some instances that the death penalty is required. - Asa Hutchinson


Death is a weird thing.

Dale Earnhardt Jr.
 Death is a weird thing. - Dale Earnhardt Jr.


You hear the word ‘cancer,’ and you think it is a death sentence. In fact, the shock is the biggest thing about a diagnosis of cancer.

Clare Balding
 You hear the word ‘cancer,’ and you think it is a death sentence. In fact, the shock is the biggest thing about a diagnosis of cancer. - Clare Balding


I don’t know if I believe in life after death so much as I believe that there is something out there.

Nikki Sixx
 I don’t know if I believe in life after death so much as I believe that there is something out there. - Nikki Sixx


All those vitamins aren’t to keep death at bay, they’re to keep deterioration at bay.

Jeanne Moreau
 All those vitamins aren’t to keep death at bay, they’re to keep deterioration at bay. - Jeanne Moreau


Even when you’re making a movie about life, death is a presence, and I guess it’s part of my dramatic viewpoint. I’m not sure why exactly. Maybe I’m drawn to it as a story element.

Gus Van Sant
 Even when you’re making a movie about life, death is a presence, and I guess it’s part of my dramatic viewpoint. I’m not sure why exactly. Maybe I’m drawn to it as a story element. - Gus Van Sant


After my death, the molecules of my being will return to the earth and the sky. They came from the stars. I am of the stars.

Charles Lindbergh
 After my death, the molecules of my being will return to the earth and the sky. They came from the stars. I am of the stars. - Charles Lindbergh


The amount of death terror experienced is closely related to the amount of life unlived.

Irvin D. Yalom
 The amount of death terror experienced is closely related to the amount of life unlived. - Irvin D. Yalom


My mom is this liberal, feminist, Mormon powerhouse. I just love her to death.

Eliza Dushku
 My mom is this liberal, feminist, Mormon powerhouse. I just love her to death. - Eliza Dushku


It is natural to indulge in the illusions of hope. We are apt to shut our eyes to that siren until she allures us to our death.

Patrick Henry
 It is natural to indulge in the illusions of hope. We are apt to shut our eyes to that siren until she allures us to our death. - Patrick Henry


The charm of fame is so great that we like every object to which it is attached, even death.

Blaise Pascal
 The charm of fame is so great that we like every object to which it is attached, even death. - Blaise Pascal


Violence in the voice is often only the death rattle of reason in the throat.

Henry George Bohn
 Violence in the voice is often only the death rattle of reason in the throat. - Henry George Bohn


Once you accept your own death, all of a sudden you’re free to live. You no longer care about your reputation. You no longer care except so far as your life can be used tactically to promote a cause you believe in.

Saul Alinsky
 Once you accept your own death, all of a sudden you’re free to live. You no longer care about your reputation. You no longer care except so far as your life can be used tactically to promote a cause you believe in. - Saul Alinsky

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