Best Wisdom Quotes With Images

Who knows for what we live, and struggle, and die? Wise men write many books, in words too hard to understand. But this, the purpose of our lives, the end of all our struggle, is beyond all human wisdom.

Alan Paton
 Who knows for what we live, and struggle, and die? Wise men write many books, in words too hard to understand. But this, the purpose of our lives, the end of all our struggle, is beyond all human wisdom. - Alan Paton


It is costly wisdom that is bought by experience.

Roger Ascham
 It is costly wisdom that is bought by experience. - Roger Ascham


The virtue of justice consists in moderation, as regulated by wisdom.

 The virtue of justice consists in moderation, as regulated by wisdom. - Aristotle


The wisdom of the wise and the experience of the ages is preserved into perpetuity by a nation’s proverbs, fables, folk sayings and quotations.

William Feather
 The wisdom of the wise and the experience of the ages is preserved into perpetuity by a nation’s proverbs, fables, folk sayings and quotations. - William Feather


The seat of knowledge is in the head; of wisdom, in the heart. We are sure to judge wrong, if we do not feel right.

William Hazlitt
 The seat of knowledge is in the head; of wisdom, in the heart. We are sure to judge wrong, if we do not feel right. - William Hazlitt


It used to be, it is accepted scientific wisdom the Earth is flat, and this heretic named Galileo was branded a denier.

Ted Cruz
 It used to be, it is accepted scientific wisdom the Earth is flat, and this heretic named Galileo was branded a denier. - Ted Cruz


Knowledge is going to make you stronger. Knowledge is going to let you control your life. Knowledge is going to give you the wisdom to teach their children. Knowledge is the thing that makes you smile in the face of disaster.

Avery Brooks
 Knowledge is going to make you stronger. Knowledge is going to let you control your life. Knowledge is going to give you the wisdom to teach their children. Knowledge is the thing that makes you smile in the face of disaster. - Avery Brooks


Morality comes with the sad wisdom of age, when the sense of curiosity has withered.

Graham Greene
 Morality comes with the sad wisdom of age, when the sense of curiosity has withered. - Graham Greene


In youth and beauty, wisdom is but rare!

 In youth and beauty, wisdom is but rare! - Homer


I think with experience and age, you gain knowledge and wisdom.

Nick Foles
 I think with experience and age, you gain knowledge and wisdom. - Nick Foles


In my own personal life, God plays a great role in the risk, because I pray before I go into the operating room for every case, and I ask him to give me wisdom, to help me to know what to do – and not only for operating, but for everything.

Ben Carson
 In my own personal life, God plays a great role in the risk, because I pray before I go into the operating room for every case, and I ask him to give me wisdom, to help me to know what to do - and not only for operating, but for everything. - Ben Carson


This land, which we have watered with our tears and our blood, is now our mother country, and we are well satisfied to stay where wisdom abounds and gospel is free.

Richard V. Allen
 This land, which we have watered with our tears and our blood, is now our mother country, and we are well satisfied to stay where wisdom abounds and gospel is free. - Richard V. Allen


There’s always a miasma of misinformation emerging from the higher education sector as to which are the ‘best’ courses to take. My advice would always be to ignore the perceived wisdom and look for the most reliable evidence on the ground.

David Puttnam
 There’s always a miasma of misinformation emerging from the higher education sector as to which are the ‘best’ courses to take. My advice would always be to ignore the perceived wisdom and look for the most reliable evidence on the ground. - David Puttnam


Men who know themselves are no longer fools. They stand on the threshold of the door of Wisdom.

Havelock Ellis
 Men who know themselves are no longer fools. They stand on the threshold of the door of Wisdom. - Havelock Ellis


We can’t really digest food unless there’s hunger. So we can’t really assimilate spiritual wisdom unless we feel the need for it.

Radhanath Swami
 We can’t really digest food unless there’s hunger. So we can’t really assimilate spiritual wisdom unless we feel the need for it. - Radhanath Swami


At the end of the day, if you’re not spanking your child and instilling in them the ideas of selflessness, servitude, and wisdom, you’re probably looking at a future P. Diddy in the making (maybe even a Keith Olbermann – take your pick).

Steven Crowder
 At the end of the day, if you’re not spanking your child and instilling in them the ideas of selflessness, servitude, and wisdom, you’re probably looking at a future P. Diddy in the making (maybe even a Keith Olbermann - take your pick). - Steven Crowder


A man may learn wisdom even from a foe.

 A man may learn wisdom even from a foe. - Aristophanes


The hunger for facile wisdom is the root of all false philosophy.

George Santayana
 The hunger for facile wisdom is the root of all false philosophy. - George Santayana


Practical wisdom is what’s called for in situations that have a moral dimension to them.

Barry Schwartz
 Practical wisdom is what’s called for in situations that have a moral dimension to them. - Barry Schwartz


I have sympathy for young people, for their growing pains, but I balk when these growing pains are pushed into the foreground, when you make these young people the only vehicles of life’s wisdom.

Wislawa Szymborska
 I have sympathy for young people, for their growing pains, but I balk when these growing pains are pushed into the foreground, when you make these young people the only vehicles of life’s wisdom. - Wislawa Szymborska


The novelist teaches the reader to comprehend the world as a question. There is wisdom and tolerance in that attitude. In a world built on sacrosanct certainties the novel is dead.

Milan Kundera
 The novelist teaches the reader to comprehend the world as a question. There is wisdom and tolerance in that attitude. In a world built on sacrosanct certainties the novel is dead. - Milan Kundera


The Divine of the Lord in heaven is love, for the reason that love is receptive of all things of heaven, such as peace, intelligence, wisdom and happiness.

Emanuel Swedenborg
 The Divine of the Lord in heaven is love, for the reason that love is receptive of all things of heaven, such as peace, intelligence, wisdom and happiness. - Emanuel Swedenborg


Magnanimity in politics is not seldom the truest wisdom; and a great empire and little minds go ill together.

Edmund Burke
 Magnanimity in politics is not seldom the truest wisdom; and a great empire and little minds go ill together. - Edmund Burke


Age does not bring you wisdom, age brings you wrinkles.

Estelle Getty
 Age does not bring you wisdom, age brings you wrinkles. - Estelle Getty


There is a trade off – as you grow older you gain wisdom but you lose spontaneity.

Kenny Rogers
 There is a trade off - as you grow older you gain wisdom but you lose spontaneity. - Kenny Rogers

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