Best War Quotes With Images

I will not play tug o’ war. I’d rather play hug o’ war. Where everyone hugs instead of tugs, Where everyone giggles and rolls on the rug, Where everyone kisses, and everyone grins, and everyone cuddles, and everyone wins.

Shel Silverstein
 I will not play tug o’ war. I’d rather play hug o’ war. Where everyone hugs instead of tugs, Where everyone giggles and rolls on the rug, Where everyone kisses, and everyone grins, and everyone cuddles, and everyone wins. - Shel Silverstein


There is no avoiding war; it can only be postponed to the advantage of others.

Niccolo Machiavelli
 There is no avoiding war; it can only be postponed to the advantage of others. - Niccolo Machiavelli


Know thy self, know thy enemy. A thousand battles, a thousand victories.

Sun Tzu
 Know thy self, know thy enemy. A thousand battles, a thousand victories. - Sun Tzu


If it were a fact, it wouldn’t be called intelligence.

Donald Rumsfeld
 If it were a fact, it wouldn’t be called intelligence. - Donald Rumsfeld


You must not fight too often with one enemy, or you will teach him all your art of war.

Napoleon Bonaparte
 You must not fight too often with one enemy, or you will teach him all your art of war. - Napoleon Bonaparte


If it’s natural to kill, how come men have to go into training to learn how?

Joan Baez
 If it’s natural to kill, how come men have to go into training to learn how? - Joan Baez


The first casualty when war comes is truth.

Hiram Johnson
 The first casualty when war comes is truth. - Hiram Johnson


In wartime, truth is so precious that she should always be attended by a bodyguard of lies.

Winston Churchill
 In wartime, truth is so precious that she should always be attended by a bodyguard of lies. - Winston Churchill


War is cruelty. There is no use trying to reform it. The crueler it is, the sooner it will be over.

William Tecumseh Sherman
 War is cruelty. There is no use trying to reform it. The crueler it is, the sooner it will be over. - William Tecumseh Sherman


In modern war… you will die like a dog for no good reason.

Ernest Hemingway
 In modern war... you will die like a dog for no good reason. - Ernest Hemingway


It is forbidden to kill; therefore all murderers are punished unless they kill in large numbers and to the sound of trumpets.

 It is forbidden to kill; therefore all murderers are punished unless they kill in large numbers and to the sound of trumpets. - Voltaire


I’m fed up to the ears with old men dreaming up wars for young men to die in.

George McGovern
 I’m fed up to the ears with old men dreaming up wars for young men to die in. - George McGovern


There was never a good war, or a bad peace.

Benjamin Franklin
 There was never a good war, or a bad peace. - Benjamin Franklin


War is fear cloaked in courage.

William Westmoreland
 War is fear cloaked in courage. - William Westmoreland


We have war when at least one of the parties to a conflict wants something more than it wants peace.

Jeane Kirkpatrick
 We have war when at least one of the parties to a conflict wants something more than it wants peace. - Jeane Kirkpatrick


The best weapon against an enemy is another enemy.

Friedrich Nietzsche
 The best weapon against an enemy is another enemy. - Friedrich Nietzsche


An unjust peace is better than a just war.

Marcus Tullius Cicero
 An unjust peace is better than a just war. - Marcus Tullius Cicero


There is no instance of a nation benefitting from prolonged warfare.

Sun Tzu
 There is no instance of a nation benefitting from prolonged warfare. - Sun Tzu


I have never advocated war except as a means of peace.

Ulysses S. Grant
 I have never advocated war except as a means of peace. - Ulysses S. Grant


Sometime they’ll give a war and nobody will come.

Carl Sandburg
 Sometime they’ll give a war and nobody will come. - Carl Sandburg


An army marches on its stomach.

Napoleon Bonaparte
 An army marches on its stomach. - Napoleon Bonaparte


Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired, signifies in the final sense a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed.

Dwight D. Eisenhower
 Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired, signifies in the final sense a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. - Dwight D. Eisenhower


I must study politics and war that my sons may have liberty to study mathematics and philosophy.

John Adams
 I must study politics and war that my sons may have liberty to study mathematics and philosophy. - John Adams


Build me a son, O Lord, who will be strong enough to know when he is weak, and brave enough to face himself when he is afraid, one who will be proud and unbending in honest defeat, and humble and gentle in victory.

Douglas MacArthur
 Build me a son, O Lord, who will be strong enough to know when he is weak, and brave enough to face himself when he is afraid, one who will be proud and unbending in honest defeat, and humble and gentle in victory. - Douglas MacArthur


Ours is a world of nuclear giants and ethical infants. We know more about war that we know about peace, more about killing that we know about living.

Omar N. Bradley
 Ours is a world of nuclear giants and ethical infants. We know more about war that we know about peace, more about killing that we know about living. - Omar N. Bradley

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