Top 87 Bill Gates Quotes

Success is a lousy teacher. It seduces smart people into thinking they can’t lose.


When you have money in hand,only you forget who are you .But when you do not have any money in your hand,the whole world forget who you are.It’s life.


Just in terms of allocation of time resources, religion is not very efficient. There`s a lot more I could be doing on a Sunday morning.


In terms of doing things I take a fairly scientific approach to why things happen and how they happen. I don’t know if there’s a god or not…


DNA is like a computer program but far, far more advanced than any software ever created.


Measuring programming progress by lines of code is like measuring aircraft building progress by weight.


If you give people tools, and they use their natural abilities and their curiosity, they will develop things in ways that will surprise you very much beyond what you might have expected.


I really had a lot of dreams when I was a kid, and I think a great deal of that grew out of the fact that I had a chance to read a lot.


The world today has 6.8 billion people. That’s heading up to about nine billion. Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care & reproductive health services, we could LOWER that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent.




Technology is just a tool. In terms of getting the kids working together and motivating them, the teacher is the most important.


Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning.


Some people may call me a nerd. I claim the label with pride.


Information technology and business are becoming inextricably interwoven. I don’t think anybody can talk meaningfully about one without the talking about the other.


The first rule of any technology used in a business is that automation applied to an efficient operation will magnify the efficiency. The second is that automation applied to an inefficient operation will magnify the inefficiency.


Intellectual property has the shelf life of a banana.


In business, the idea of measuring what you are doing, picking the measurements that count like customer satisfaction and performance… you thrive on that.


Effective philanthropy requires a lot of time and creativity – the same kind of focus and skills that building a business requires.


This is a fantastic time to be entering the business world, because business is going to change more in the next 10 years than it has in the last 50.


If all my bridge coach ever told me was that I was ‘satisfactory,’ I would have no hope of ever getting better. How would I know who was the best? How would I know what I was doing differently?


When Paul Allen and I started Microsoft over 30 years ago, we had big dreams about software. We had dreams about the impact it could have.


My experience of malaria was just taking anti-malarials, which give you strange dreams, because I don’t want to get malaria.


It’s fine to celebrate success but it is more important to heed the lessons of failure.


I went to a public school through sixth grade, and being good at tests wasn’t cool.


I think it’s fair to say that personal computers have become the most empowering tool we’ve ever created. They’re tools of communication, they’re tools of creativity, and they can be shaped by their user.


I’m a great believer that any tool that enhances communication has profound effects in terms of how people can learn from each other, and how they can achieve the kind of freedoms that they’re interested in.


Eventually you won’t think of ‘the Internet business.’ You’ll think of it more like news, weather, sports, but even that taxonomy isn’t clear.


I like the idea of putting your Christmas wish list up and letting people share it.


I’ve always been interested in science – one of my favourite books is James Watson’s ‘Molecular Biology of the Gene.’


The Gates Foundation has learned that two questions can predict how much kids learn: ‘Does your teacher use class time well?’ and, ‘When you’re confused, does your teacher help you get straightened out?’


The malaria parasite has been killing children and sapping the strength of whole populations for tens of thousands of years. It is impossible to calculate the harm malaria has done to the world.


The U.S. couldn’t even get rid of Saddam Hussein. And we all know that the EU is just a passing fad. They’ll be killing each other again in less than a year. I’m sick to death of all these fascist lawsuits.


Exposure from a young age to the realities of the world is a super-big thing.


Just in terms of allocation of time resources, religion is not very efficient. There’s a lot more I could be doing on a Sunday morning.


Eventually we’ll be able to sequence the human genome and replicate how nature did intelligence in a carbon-based system.


I don’t think there’s anything unique about human intelligence.


There’s no such thing as going to a soapbox and saying, ‘The government’s corrupt,’ and not having the intelligence service see your face. In the digital world, that can be done.


We should all grow our own food and do our own waste processing, we really should.


Innovations that are guided by smallholder farmers, adapted to local circumstances, and sustainable for the economy and environment will be necessary to ensure food security in the future.


The moral systems of religion, I think, are super important.


What’s amazing is, if young people understood how doing well in school makes the rest of their life so much interesting, they would be more motivated. It’s so far away in time that they can’t appreciate what it means for their whole life.


By improving health, empowering women, population growth comes down.


If you can’t make it good, at least make it look good.


The worst pandemic in modern history was the Spanish flu of 1918, which killed tens of millions of people. Today, with how interconnected the world is, it would spread faster.


This whole phenomenon of the computer in a library is an amazing thing.


The most amazing philanthropists are people who are actually making a significant sacrifice.


Steve Jobs’ ability to focus in on a few things that count, get people who get user interface right, and market things as revolutionary are amazing things.


The nuclear industry has this amazing record, even equipment from generations one and two. But nuclear mishaps tend to come in these big events – Chernobyl, Three Mile Island, and now Fukushima – so it’s more visible.


If you’re low-income in the United States, you have a higher chance of going to jail than you do of getting a four-year degree. And that doesn’t seem entirely fair.


My son likes to go see mines and electric plants, or the Large Hadron Collider, and we’ve had a chance to see a lot of interesting stuff.


For a highly motivated learner, it’s not like knowledge is secret and somehow the Internet made it not secret. It just made knowledge easy to find. If you’re a motivated enough learner, books are pretty good.


Employers have decided that having the breadth of knowledge that’s associated with a four-year degree is often something they want to see in the people they give that job to.


DOS is ugly and interferes with users’ experience.


In order to deal with all the medical cost demands and other challenges in the U.S., as we look to raise that revenue, the rich will have to pay slightly more. That’s quite clear.


Expectations are a form of first-class truth: If people believe it, it’s true.


Software is a great combination between artistry and engineering.


Connectivity enables transparency for better government, education, and health.


Drones overall will be more impactful than I think people recognize, in positive ways to help society.


Teaching’s hard! You need different skills: positive reinforcement, keeping students from getting bored, commanding their attention in a certain way.


I think the positive competition between states in India is one of the most positive dynamics that the country has.


The thing about HD-DVD that is attractive to Microsoft is that it’s very pro-consumer in letting you copy all movies up onto the hard disk.


The typical project design time for a large company like IBM – and they keep track of this – is a little over four years.


Like almost everyone who uses e-mail, I receive a ton of spam every day. Much of it offers to help me get out of debt or get rich quick. It would be funny if it weren’t so exciting.


The intersection of law, politics, and technology is going to force a lot of good thinking.


Money has always been in politics. And I’m not sure you’d want money to be completely out of politics.


The advance of technology is based on making it fit in so that you don’t really even notice it, so it’s part of everyday life.


Technology is unlocking the innate compassion we have for our fellow human beings.


Digital technology has several features that can make it much easier for teachers to pay special attention to all their students.


If GM had kept up with technology like the computer industry has, we would all be driving $25 cars that got 1,000 MPG.


Software substitution, whether it’s for drivers or waiters or nurses – it’s progressing. Technology over time will reduce demand for jobs, particularly at the lower end of skill set.


There is a difference between what technology enables and what historical business practices enable.


My mom and my dad were both very sociable, meeting lots of interesting people.


My mom was on the United Way group that decides how to allocate the money and looks at all the different charities and makes the very hard decisions about where that pool of funds is going to go.


We’ve got to put a lot of money into changing behavior.


Well private money can take risks in a way that government money often isn’t willing to.


In the long run, your human capital is your main base of competition. Your leading indicator of where you’re going to be 20 years from now is how well you’re doing in your education system.


Flying cars are not a very efficient way to move things from one point to another.


I have a particular relationship with Vinod Khosla because he’s got a lot of very interesting science-based energy startups.


In inner-city, low-income communities of color, there’s such a high correlation in terms of educational quality and success.


Well I think any author or musician is anxious to have legitimate sales of their products, partly so they’re rewarded for their success, partly so they can go on and do new things.


Climate change is a terrible problem, and it absolutely needs to be solved. It deserves to be a huge priority.


Although I don’t have a prescription for what others should do, I know I have been very fortunate and feel a responsibility to give back to society in a very significant way.


People should just buy a CD and rip it. You are legal then.


When I was growing up, my parents were almost involved in various volunteer things. My dad was head of Planned Parenthood. And it was very controversial to be involved with that.


OK, I have a nickname. My family calls me ‘Trey’ because I’m William the third. My dad has the same name, which is always confusing because my dad is well known, and I’m also known.


Me and my dad are the biggest promoters of an estate tax in the US. It’s not a popular position.


People are always coming up to me and saying, ‘I heard your dad’s speech, and it’s really great.’ And they’ll mention some place I didn’t even know my dad was going to.



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