Top 84 Ogwo David Emenike Quotes

Happy is the soul that has a friend. Happier is the soul that trusts in the truth of the heart of a friend. Happiest is the soul that knows the solemnity of friendship and honours its laws.


Like love, like talent, like any other virtue, like anything else in this life, happiness needs to be nurtured – this is the truth of the whole matter.


The face of a truly happy man seldom lacks smiles.


Always be happy, you never know how happy you can make another by just being happy.


Happiness springs up from within. Do not seek it without.


Where would we have been without the discoveries of our predecessors, and where are we going without your discoveries?


Knowing trees, I came to realize, understand and appreciate the act of patience.


If your failure is not a lesson, it’s indeed a failure.


The greatest reward for a man’s failure is not necessarily the consequent success, but what he becomes by it.


The mind is the mine of man, wherein he digs out good or evil.


Patience and persistence are the keys… The keys to unlock doors of success… With these two virtues, you grow in reasoning and experience.


There is a thin line between the impossible and the possible – that is determination.


Holding on, holding out and holding fast when the going is tough constitutes a winning mindset.


A man who has come to the full realization of his responsibility to men won’t stick to one man. It will be foolhardy if he does that.


Perform your task and I shall know you. Perform your task and your genius shall befriend the more.


Failure does not connote that you achieved nothing. It denotes that you are on an adventure towards finding what will eventually advance you to the realization of your goals.


When a man begins to do that which is assigned to him, it becomes as if he is more endowed and favoured than his fellows.


Over the years, I’ve come to realize that determination makes one to punch above one’s weight.


I acquired courage from the masterpieces of sages. I came of age by their instructions to keep going, even in hard times. Then I learnt not to despair, even when it seemed that my world is falling apart. I learnt to possess fortitude.


The slogans “hang on” and “press on” have solved and will continue to solve the problems of humanity.


Things are happening out there. Don’t waste your life in wishful thinking. Get out of your cocoon and go make a name for yourself. Life is too short to be wasted in oblivion.


See your hard times through the spectacles of your experiences. They, too, shall pass away.


I believe that our sole responsibility is to reach out, uplift one another and lighten one another’s burdens. If we are not doing this, then we are yet to start living. What a man owes his fellow is a transforming encounter.


There are three things I love, three things I spend time with, three things I treat alike: family; friends; and books.


Education is for freedom – freedom from mental slavery.


A man’s life is about keeping rules, breaking them, and making new ones.


Courage, self-reliance and decisiveness are the main traits that define a man.


Relaxation is good, holidays are necessary, but there is nothing as rewarding and healthy as doing what you love and loving what you do. Our honest toil should inspire and satisfy us.


Whatever will be, will be, if and only if you let it be.


Fate determines a man’s beginning. The man, by choice, determines his end.


Mere hope isn’t enough to change destiny. One must act.


Every man is the craftsman of his future, whether he hone it himself or allow fate do it.


Writers are like tricksters. Their words lure us to embark on journeys and unlock our emotions.


Be cohesive in your dealings. Trust built on and from mutual support, facilitating communication and encouraging coordination can be rewarding.


There are some people who walk into your life and shed a new light in your entire being. Be grateful to such people.


I have never read, heard or seen hatred and guilt win a fight. When we walk in the light of forgiveness and love we meet true victory.


Forgiveness is not the act of doing nothing to the one who hurts you. It’s easy to do nothing, but hard to forgive.


In the classroom of hatred we learn pain, but love teaches us to forgive.


Our imagination goes ahead of us, bringing our yesterday’s imagings into present realities.


Whatever thing the mind can imagine, the eyes can see, the hands will soon handle.


80% of man’s happiness is based on love – love for others, love for self, love for family, love for friends, love for work, love for nature, and love for being loved.


All men are what they are by reasons of the laws they keep and the thoughts they think.


Synergy without strategy results to waste of energy.


If we ask the right questions, we can change the world with the right answers.


Nothing will bind the eyes of man quicker than the touch of compromise. A principle not compromised is a principle worth dying for. A dream not compromised is a dream worth living for.


The death of a dreamer does not always bring about the death of his dreams.


There is no good envy, except the one that motivates us to reach higher goals and be better than the person we were yesterday.


As the sun shines I will make hayTo keep failure at bayFor there remaineth a payFor my honest toil each day.


Decode the message of failure and enjoy the fortune thereof.


Better to lose with the right team than to win with the wrong team.


Sooner or later, the man who learnt lessons from his failures will be the one to be sought first for guidance, counsel and formula on how to be successful in life’s endeavours.


Do you know the opportunity you get when you fail? It is starting again – an opportunity to perform better.


Failure gives the bald hairs; equips the novice with experience. The learner, sooner or later, becomes a teacher by it.


It takes patience to make a man – the patience to listen, watch and wait.


Every man is the conscious or unconscious author of his state.


One of the most important things a man must bear in mind is this very thing – that he owes his fellow a transforming encounter.


Greatness is in influence, and not necessarily in affluence. It is not achieved by being a ‘paper millionaire’, but by being a ‘people millionaire’.


The burden of knowledge is lighter than the joy of ignorance.


When I was foolish, I detested sagacity. I ate the fruits of my foolishness and ignorance. I thank God because I was once foolish. It was from my foolishness that I learnt and understood the true savour of sagacity.


Happiness is in contentment, gratitude, and love. It is a lifestyle, not a location.


The commencement of true happiness is the realization that your happiness begins with you.


The peak of happiness is attained when a person has accepted to be what he is.


First seek happiness from within, then you will find it without.


Happiness does not completely depend on comforts or opulence. Even a pauper can be happier than a prince.


All of us are in the manufacturing industry – manufacturing either our own happiness or unhappiness.


There is a good life. The goodnews is that you can live that good life. The good life is the happy life. To live this good life, be happy! A truly happy man is a good man.


While I was yearning for happiness I became happy.


Like a warrior in the battlefield, a writer must endeavour to use his pen to stamp the paper with his identity.


Developing your unique thought to the level of being appreciated and adopted by the world – that’s genius.


The Sage’s Wish: Like Sun, from the East, may you continue to rise, smile and shine.


Fear breeds cowardice, and cowardice compels bravery.


People enter different paths seeking for happiness and fulfillment. We must respect other people’s individuality. Just because they’re not on your path doesn’t mean they are on the wrong track.


We all have different paths in life. As in purpose, so is happiness. As our purposes differ, so do our roads to happiness differ, though we may have common grounds.


Take charge of your life! The tides do not command the ship. The sailor does.


With teamwork we are able to multiply our output and minimize individual input.


What would have been the fate of sages if there were no fools?


I have learnt from the politics of my great country, Nigeria that there is nothing wrong with the heads of states, but there is something wrong with the state of the heads.


In anything you set out to do, don’t try your best. Do your best.


Happiness is the good life that is marked by flourishing well-being, joy, prosperity, peace, satisfaction, and pleasure.


Success doesn’t just happen. It is a product of hard work, grit and ingenuity.


A man’s genius seems to befriend the more when he reads with open heart, the masterpiece of masterminds, the sagacity of sages, and the ingenious words of geniuses of ages.


True happiness that stands the taste of time comes by recognizing and appreciating what we do possess.


To be the cynosure of all eyes, do the extraordinary when you are least expected.


While it is best to believe in oneself, a little more from others can be a great blessing, a thing to be thankful for.



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