Top 789 Richelle E. Goodrich Quotes

Nothing in this world compares to the comfort and security of having someone just hold your hand.


A daily dose of daydreaming heals the heart, soothes the soul, and strengthens the imagination.


One way or another, I think we are all destined to learn the same lessons in life. Universal truths are universal truths. They cannot be changed.


Statistics, likelihoods, and probabilities mean everything to men, nothing to God.


Mistakes focus our minds on specific details. They weed out truths and afford us goals, bringing straight to our attention lessons to be learned. Mistakes are not meant to make us failures; they are meant to make us wise.


We live that we might have experience; that through it we might gain wisdom, compassion, faith, and inner strength.


Just pick a goal and stick to it―no big complicated secret.


A poet is simply an artist whose medium is human emotions.  A poet chisels away at our own sensibilities, shaping our vision while molding our hearts.  A poet wraps words around our own feelings and presents them as fresh gifts to humanity.


Life isn’t all grand, but it isn’t all miserable either.  There’s both sweet and sour in every day.  So why focus on the ugly when you can gaze at what’s beautiful?  Concentrate on the good.


You will realize one day that all the money in the world cannot buy you happiness. Nor can it make you a person of good character. 


When I count my blessings, I find you in every one.


Ha ha ha ha! Tee-hee-hee!Mwa-ha mwa-ha!Kee kee kee!Ho ho ho ho! Haw-hee-haw! Heh heh heh heh!Gah guffaw! Hoo hoo hoo hoo!Hoi hoi-eee!Ba ha ha ha! Tsee tsee tsee!Giggle, titter,snicker, crow,laughter makesmy ‘happy’ grow!


Alas, impatience is but another form of unhappiness. It is true, it is true. I have never met a happy impatient person.


Happiness is never in a rush. If you move too fast, you leave it behind.


Laugh and smile for no reason at all. Giggle grins are a magnet for happiness.


In a world plagued with commonplace tragedies, only one thing exists that truly has the power to save lives, and that is love.


Past and Present I know well; each is a friend and sometimes an enemy to me. But it is the quiet, beckoning Future, an absolute stranger, with whom I have fallen madly in love.


Life can seem like a gloomy wait in the thick of black shadows.And still there are those who smile at the darkness, anticipating the beauty of an eventual sunrise.


Nothing can squelch your fire except turning your back on the thing that fuels it.


more. To have days cut off and at their end. To never again……….anything.


The rarest, truest beauty is visible only to the heart.


The real beauty of a woman is most clearly seen in the smiles of those who interact with her.


The crazy thing about poetry is how its simplicity makes it complicated.


What I’ve learned about writing is that sometimes less is more, while often more is grander. And both are true.


Knowledge gained is as useless as prideif filed away and never applied.


Life’s greatest lessons were not shown to me, read to me, illustrated or explained to me; they happened to me.


What you perceive as a failure today may actually be a crucial step towards the success you seek. Never give up.


No matter how loud the sirens or how numerous the hazard signs, we all touch the flames at least once to prove they’re hot.


Chew off a little every day, because it’s hard to swallow a whole pie at once.


You cannot know what I do not tell you, yet you will be judged harshly for not knowing.


Had life not given me reasons to grieve, I would never have known the healing power of a hug.


Time is a power of its own, and it may be the only power by which some miracles come to pass.


Father always said that money doesn’t grow on trees. Well, time doesn’t grow on trees either.


Time passes…..and a billion lives are affected in ways we’ll never know.


I have a funny side. I have a soft and sympathetic side. I have a serious side, and a seriously romantic side. I have lots of sides; it’s the main course I haven’t quite figured out.


Hey, pretty book, why don’t you lie in my lap awhile?


There are many who don’t wish to sleep for fear of nightmares. Sadly, there are many who don’t wish to wake for the same fear.


Dragons are a manifestation of things we fear. More often than not, those fears prove to be just as daunting and just as imaginary.


Fearing the night won’t keep the sun from setting.


Fear comes at me like a massive bull with lowered horns ready to gore. But I have learned of the insubstantial nature of fear: if I stand my ground, it will pass right through me.


Fear is not respect. It is but a conniving, little weasel next to that mighty lion. They are a far, far cry from the same animal.


Superman’s scourge is kryptonite. Fear’s kryptonite is laughter.


The moon is my fear.The sun is my heart afire.The stars, my love songs.


The only two words you should ever say to a mirror are “Hello, Beautiful.


Hate is loud. Love, however, is so pleasantly felt it has no need to be heard.


I never realized how much you meant to me until someone spoke your name and an irrepressible, goofy grin stretched my lips.


I hope you know I love you, not just because I tell you so at every opportunity, but because I show you so as often as the sun sets.


When I first heard your voice, my heart leapt in my chest as if it recognized you as its owner from another lifetime.


Truth is, I’m generally happiest when it’s just me. It’s okay to be madly in love with yourself.


Maybe love isn’t meant to be bliss never-ending. Maybe love is unwavering support and befriending.


Your face is engraved in my mind. I can’t erase it. I don’t want to. Because as much as I hate you, I love you. And I love you unforgettably.


Amore is loveconfessed to you in haiku.Do you love me too?


Please stop. If you keep chipping off little pieces of my heart, soon there will be no heart left with which to love you.


There is love and then there is fluff. Nothing else.


I love you for a great many reasons and despite a great many others.


He was everything I needed because his entire character had been molded by my deepest wants and desires. He was my rock when I cried, my playmate when I laughed, and my hero when I needed to imagine that one existed for me.


On a grim and dismal day that shattered my last ounce of confidence, I broke down and whimpered, “I’m awful and hideous and incompetent and boring and utterly useless.” And then you grinned at me and said, “That’s okay.


If I could have one friend,just one in all the world,I know that I would not seek outa boy or pretty girl.The friend I’d dare to chooseto stand by me each daywould be a dragon fierce enoughto scare the world away.


When it comes to fighting for your dreams, be a dragon. Breathe fire.


If you invest nothing, the reward is worth little.


World peace, true love, and happily-ever-afters amount to wasted wishes, failed endeavors, and most precious dreams.


None of us have reached the peak of perfection, but it shouldn’t stop anyone from trying to make the climb.


Never be intimidated by what seems ominous, for BiG is only an accumulation of many smalls.


You never step backwards when you’re sure of where you’re going.


On this day, take time to remember those who have fallen. But on every day after, do more; put the freedoms they died for to greater and nobler uses.


Life has me trapped in a cocoon of earth where I must grow and change until the day I sprout wings. And on that day I shall burst free, no longer marooned on a pebble of dust in a universe that only waits for me to find a means to fly.


I sometimes wonder if life isn’t a giant mirror that reflects back at me everything I hold up to it.


A sunrise is a wondrous marvel, but in reality the sun never rises. It is the earth that rotates to face the sun. Life too can be a wondrous marvel, but like the earth, we must turn our eyes toward brighter things.


Life is not about having perfect days. Life is not about handling days perfectly. Life is about perfecting one’s character through the having and handling of every given day.


No one can convince a man of his erring ways as persuasively as experience.


Life is a test. Without problems to solve, it wouldn’t be much of a test.


It is in the midst of laughter that our perspective alters and we realize this trying life can still be enjoyed.


Life is a fierce duel with emotions and a slow war with psychology.


If you suffer lingering doubts; if the consolation you cling to is ‘it will probably be okay,’ then run the other way because what you’re contemplating is not a good choice.


Sadness is the heart withdrawing to seek shelter from the pain.


To be a rainbow in someone’s cloud is commendable, but I prefer to be the rain because it dampens cheeks and washes away tears.


There are trials in life that feel as tremendous as a quest to slay dragons. These trials are daunting. They require hard work, determination, and courage. But when the dragon is finally slain, the relief is immense.


Bad habits are demons that often push us into isolation because they know that in our loneliness they stand little chance of being overcome.


I saw a man climb a mountain with no feet or hands and barely a stump for each arm and leg. At once I realized there was no excuse at all for me not to scale my own mountains.


Nothing remains idle and thrives. Life needs a moving force to prevent the devastating effects of stagnancy. That is why life employs change.


I know you would like to blame the world, but the fact is that life is an ‘up to you’ thing.


Easter is the miracle of transformation as seen in the change of seasons, in the maturation of mortal persons, and in the resurrection of souls.


Beauty exists, even in unlikely places. The key isn’t to open your eyes but to open your heart.


Mirror, mirror on the wall, I have placed you in my hallWhere I wander every day.Echo beauty, and you’ll stay.


Beauty may catch the eye, but a jolly laugh will lasso the heart.


The only two words you should ever say to a mirror are “Hello, Beautiful.


Art doesn’t bare itself to just anyone, but to believers called artists.


Art and the artist meet in stages, slowly revealing themselves until both are satisfied with what the other has become.


An artist is merely a tool with which art molds itself.


When someone tells me to ‘just relax,’ I wonder why they don’t hand me a book?


Why is the eye considered a reliable judge when it knows nothing of love or intelligence?


Numerous times throughout history, a single person has made a tremendous impact on the world. I don’t know why anyone would think that can’t still happen.


Every single voice—no matter how soft the peep—longs to be heard.


Even the smallest tender mercy can bring peace when recognized and appreciated.


Pain defines moments in the lives of all human beings. The trial is not the endurance of pain but the choices we make regarding how to endure.


People search the world over looking for someone to love them, when they should be searching for someone to love.


As sunlight is for flowers, and sustenance for the mortal shell, music is for the human soul.


Life is music to which you choreograph your own dance.


My soul, I’ve found, has puppet strings to make me droop or give me wings.And music is the puppeteerthat turns my ear to hear.


Music is my enchanter, the seducer of my emotions, the fire and ice that moves me.


Though I may accumulate a great deal of riches in this world, it is only my wealth of knowledge, talents, and emotional bonds that I keep when I leave.


The ears and the heart are connected, it’s true,for when ears open wide, the heart opens up too.


There are things that make no sense,that seem unreal,that can’t be grasped or understoodor explained,that maybe don’t even exist…And still, somehow, those wonderful things touch and change our lives.Isn’t it strange?


Eena worried to Ian in her thoughts. (You’re not going to let him walk away thinking what I think he’s thinking, are you?)(You won’t change his mind. The evidence is a little suggestive. You should have just stayed behin


Some books mirror reality while others are entirely fantasy. My favorite are those that manage to weave both into a world.


Imagine fantasy and pretend as neither fantastical nor pretended…..and then believe it.


There should ne’er be a timeWhen a duty or dimeDoth outshineThe importance of family.


I always envisioned myself as traveling the ocean of life in a rowboat where my mother was one oar and my father, the other. Having two good, solid oars made rowing much easier.


Oh, how terribly backwards, and yet sadly common, it is to sit scowling at family all the day long and then quickly put on a smile for strangers who drop by.


Family gathersto share good noise and good food.Gratitude abounds.


My brain tends to take the scenic route. Things come to the forefront of my mind sooner or later, it just takes time.


It is an incapacitating emotion one feels upon hearing the whispered words “I still love you” after deeply hurting that soul. Forgiveness isn’t weakness.It is power.


Laughing in the face of danger doesn’t negate the fear, it simply enables you to smile at it.


The most powerful and courageous heroes I know are those who bite their tongues when justification, validation, temptation, or vengeance would have them strike with truthful, hurtful words.


Courage doesn’t defeat fear or erase fear or adjust to fear. Courage acts, plain and simple, in the midst of fear.


Mad fearlessness is not courage. The only requirement for courage is a good heart.


Courage isn’t being a dragon. Neither is it behaving like a dragon. Nor is it taking up arms to fight and defeat dragons. Courage is being a lamb standing with poise among dragons.


Reality depends a great deal upon one believing what he sees—or seeing what he believes. Either way.


Reality is a background so painted over by our own perceptions that every eye sees the world differently.


Theories look great on paper until reality scribbles all over the page.


Dreams become reality once the dreamer goes beyond imagining and acts them out.


All truth starts out as a wish; hence, reality is born from fairytale.”from—”My Aquarius


Be happy. Be happy for no reason at all. Believe it or not, you have the ability and free agency to make that choice.


I can and will improve the world.I will smile, show kindness, and be grateful.I refuse to be unhappy.


Happiness simply forms like a rainbow in the kindest and most grateful hearts.


Giddy is a grin and giggles and that glint of goofiness in your gaze.


Happiness must be a jealous pet. When you try seeking yours out, it tends to keep hidden. But as soon as you turn to help a friend find his, your own happiness comes bounding out of the darkness like some crazed animal.


The road to happiness starts with a deep breath and an awareness of the many blessings tied to that single breath.


A moment of torture feels like an eternity, while an eternity of joy passes in a moment. Perhaps time is naught but an illusion.


Without you there would be no me. I am everything reflected in your eyes. I am everything approved by your smile. I am everything born of your guidance. I am me only because of you.


Effective parenting requires being the grown up version of what you want your children to be. Why? Because example is the most compelling superpower.


Mind what you say, but mind more closely what you do. For though children close their ears to you, their eyes remain wide open.


Children rarely follow parental advice unless it is acted out repeatedly. It’s called being an example.


I am but the reflection in your eyes, the effect of your expressions, and the sum of your praise and criticism.


Validate my existence with your words and I will speak to you all the day long.


Children harbor a great many doubts and sorrows that could be eased by a loving hug from a parent.


I may deserve your disappointment as well as a lecture and strict discipline, but what I need is your understanding, your guidance, and your unconditional love.


Someday my children will look fondly on the annoying things I did and see them clearly as evidence of love.


I hang around kids so people will assume when I act like one it’s because I’m babysitting.


A mother is a child’s first looking glass into the world.


A society built upon a foundation of vengeance is a society doomed to destroy itself.


There is strength in numbers, yes, but even more so in collective good will. For those endeavors are supported by mighty forces unseen.


Live your day and live it well. It’s yours whether you want it or not.


We live our lives supposing things are as they appear to be when that is almost never the case.


Those things that inspire, enthuse, and compel you should consume your life.


I don’t believe that the course of anyone’s lifetime has ever been as unerring as that of the rising and setting sun, but I know many lives that have been just as inspiring.


The power behind living a dream lies in either believing it’s a dream or knowing it’s not.


Life is a book that someone else is reading—and you, a key character—hence the need for continual conflict and resolution. We can’t have any boring books.


As a writer, I see the saga of your life in a single glimpse. It may be inaccurate, but my version doesn’t lack for creativity.


Some build their castles ‘mid thunderbolts and fireworks. My worlds take shape in silence.


Artistry exists in everyone. What makes it blossom is a soul’s personal desire to find an outlet for expression.


No matter how hard they try, they’ll never create anything so perfectly beautiful as what plays out in my own imagination.


Something wonderful is about to happen, and something awful is about to happen. You can dwell on either one. It’s your choice.


You made a choice—a single choice. How neat to think you may have opened the door to a wondrous future without knowing.


Hope is the fuel within all human souls.Eliminate hope—nothing moves, nothing grows.


You stand a better chance of bringing pretend to life through the power of belief than you stand any chance of erasing what’s real by refusing to believe.


Hope is a fire more ravenous than the flames of temptation.  For if only a portion of it poisons your veins, it is enough to make you stand against ridiculous odds again and again and again.


Words have less substance than air. Don’t tell me about your zealous dreams, your firm convictions, your profound love―show me.


Words that should cross your lips with ease: thank you, love you, sorry, please.


A picture may be worth a thousand words, but those well-arranged words are worth a multi-million-dollar motion picture.


Your efforts extend like ripples on the ocean, much further than you know.


The only way to change the world is to quit thinking it’s a job for Superman. Real power lies in your own hands.


A thought can prompt. Words can stir. But it takes action to attain a dream.


Words never fade away but echo on for eternity. Let your echo ring sweet.


I bleed words.I dream in narrative. I live in infinite worlds.I befriend figmental characters.I wish on stars in other galaxies.I harvest stories from a brooding muse.I bloom under moonlight in hushed seclusion.I am a writer.


Few realize how loud their expressions really are. Be kind with what you wordlessly say.


Three carefully stringed words are worth more than a book of gibberish. It’s not the word count but the impact of those words that counts.


There are things known—things experienced, felt, and understood—that words hold no power to convey. Attempting to do so only dilutes their substance and does them injustice.


Why certainly, words possess power.  They do!  But releasing their magic requires combining and arranging those words in the right order.


Chameleonesque, hobbitish, unicorned, stompled, selfishism, and unwakeable may not be real words, but you do know what they mean.


Friends are the real superheroes. They battle our worst enemies—loneliness, grief, anxiety, depression, fear, and doubt—every time they come around.


If you often feel alone, ignored, or forgotten, think about this: closing the door and locking yourself in won’t change anything—literally and figuratively.


It is a fact that one man can be deliriously happy in the exact situation that causes another man to wither from depression.


In someone’s darkest hour your simple act of kindness may imitate the sunrise, and to sad eyes you become their only source of light.


Even among familiar faces, people often feel invisible and desolate, like an island in cold waters or a shadow apart from the crowd. Be the reason another never feels alone.


Sometimes giving up feels like the easiest thing to do. But then the easiest thing has never produced more than a garden full of weeds.


Sorrow on another’s face often looks like coldness, bitterness, resentment, unfriendliness, apathy, disdain, or disinterest when it is in truth purely sadness.


The further you descend into a pit, the darker things appear. You can’t keep digging to find the light.


Moisture falls from the sky, cleansing the world and sustaining precious life. But it’s the gloom—the cold, dark air—that receives notice. We fail to see the miracle of raindrops through our own tears.


As ofttimes as it rains on my little spot of earth, you’d think I’d grow accustomed to the gloom.


Pray as if you are fully aware that the intricate timing and rotation of every celestial entity in the universe—including the coming and going of innumerable, precious life forms—does not rest in your tiny, mortal hands.


I sat in a boxWith walls on each side.Not too tall.Not too wide.To think.To ponder.To pray.To hide.I sat in a box and cried.


Some parts of life are lived in the shadows where the only sunlight you feel is the light you pray for.


Pray for good.Pray for happy.And always pray for Mom.


It’s a sweet thing to sit quietly in the early-morning darkness and talk to God for a while. It’s amazing what you gain from the conversation.


Prayer:  The act of falling to your knees in pleading fashion, seeking help from a greater power than all else to have failed you previously.


Prayer, faith, and vision, plus real effort too.Blend them together for one potent brew.The magical spell to your dreams coming true.


I’m starting to think this world is just a place for us to learn that we need each other more than we want to admit.


Life’s lessons aren’t always new. Often they’re the same old worn-out truths offering us greater depths of wisdom and understanding.


Win or lose, good or bad, the experience will change you.


I learn by doing….the same thing over and over and over again countless times.


Far more important than the tribulations and heartaches, the thrills, merriment, and pleasures of life is what you learn from it all. It isn’t the tunnel we pass through that matters, it’s what emerges on the other side.


No one is born a sprinter. We all learn to push ourselves up from the floor and then balance before taking that first, wobbly step. It is an individual choice where to go from there.


The irony of life: Realizing a lifetime is barely long enough to figure out how it should have been lived.


The moment a person feels he has nothing left to learn is the moment life prepares to hit him hard enough to correct such ignorance.


I am, for the most part, who I am because my good mother was who she was.


We grow up opposing our parents only to become like them enough to oppose our children who behave as we once did—a reminder of how dreadful we were toward those now vindicated grandparents. And you thought God had no sense of humor.


What I learn today I shall know forever. Whether or not I remember that I know it is a different story.


Life is learning to take God’s hand…..and hold on.


Have you noticed how children never bypass a puddle of water, but jump, splash, and slosh right through it?  That’s because they know an important truth: Life was meant to be lived; puddles were meant to be experienced.


One grateful thought is a ray of sunshine.  A hundred such thoughts paint a sunrise.  A thousand will rival the glaring sky at noonday – for gratitude is light against the darkness.


If I expect nothing of you, it will be far easier to forgive your offenses than if I place my whole world in your hands.


You and I were never meant to be together, but we are. Our pairing is not unlike two electrons ignoring natural laws in order to orbit one another. Life now defies reason—quirky but beautiful.


I felt ashamed for having judged him so harshly without knowing the real boy. His one offense against me―goaded by Charlie’s bullying character―was easy to forgive.


It is a fight to let go of a past that refuses to withdraw its sticky tentacles from your present.


Forgiving yourself can prove as difficult as licking a scab off your elbow.


We all suffer ills at the hands of others; however, reactions to these injustices differ like night and day. Many seek to punish the world for their suffering, while some work hard to save the world from experiencing similar grief.


Forgiveness is a revolving door positioned in your path.  You must step through it to move on, but it takes both timing and choice to escape walking circles inside.


It is a difficult thing―if not impossible―to forgive oneself for foolish errors, not for trampling a life or goring another with sharp horns, but for being the fool who opened the gate and let the bull out, blind to potential consequences.


Forgive and forget is the divine ideal. Grappling with the hurt while biting your tongue and struggling to refuse justifiable vengeance―that’s closer to human reality.


The effects of loss are acute, and unique to each individual. Not everyone mourns in the same way, but everyone mourns.


Raindrops fall from clouds of gray.The fragile flowers grow.Teardrops seem all I can say.They speak of endless woe.Your fingers wipe my grief away.A seed of love you sow.A hardened heart reverts to clay.You mold my love just so.


Sometimes all you can do is hug a friend tightly and wish that their pain could be transferred by touch to your own emotional hard drive.


When words can’t make it better, hold my hand and don’t let go.


Don’t lick your wounds unless you care to taste the sting a second time.


My life has become a dismal sigh fettered by pangs of grief and anguished weeping.


Some decisions in life naturally lead to an unhappy ending, leaving you sinking by degrees in a lake of quicksand.  And, unless someone reaches to pull you out, chances are you will drown in the consequences.


Every heart has a layer of sadness, whether deeply buried or covering the surface for all to see.


Sadness is like sandpaper; it rubs at our sharper edges, softening and humbling us, making us ready for a coat of compassion.


There are in this world ample reasons to be sad and disheartened, discouraged and fearful. But there are as many reasons not to be.


There would be no cloud-nine days without rock-bottom moments left below.


Misery is a river of tears that whispers my name in a constant hiss.


Rainy, gloomy, drab, sunless day.  There are times when hope seems entirely clouded over, when looking for the blessings in your circumstances feels like trying to catch a ray of sunshine from six feet under.


An inexhaustible imagination is the fountain of youth.


If there weren’t so many interesting conversations taking place inside my head, I might venture to speak out loud.


If you ever expect to write fairytales, you’ve got to get your head in the clouds.


The magic of reading happens when an author’s written work strings you along until your imagination, aware of your wants, molds the tale into an extraordinary world to be visited frequently—perhaps dwelt in for years.


Daydream. Because you can’t accomplish what you’ve never fully imagined.


I live in two unique worlds, traveling between both with just the opening or closing of my eyes.


Employing your imagination is the first step to the fulfillment of any dream.


Friends are the artists who paint happy lips on your face.


To obtain wealth beyond measure, seek to make more friends than money.


Be someone’s security blanket when theirs is in the wash.


Dogs are loyal friends, and if they could talk, your secrets would still be safe. (If my cat could talk, I’d have to let the dog eat her.)


I wish everyone had someone who never popped their balloons.


Friends are those crazy people who keep coming back, in spite of being exposed to the real you.


One of the most critical decisions made in life is choosing with whom to spend your time. For it is those close relationships that gradually mold our character until we become a reflection of the company we keep.


Friendship is not about ships—no matter how big and fancy and expensive the yacht is.


If your best friend truly is the person who knows you completely and loves you anyway, wouldn’t that be your mother?


We never think lightly of those who walk with us on our uphill days.


Don’t underestimate the power of friendship. Those bonds are tight stitches that close up the holes you might otherwise fall through.


The trait I regard most highly in a man is kindness. Thoughtful, consistent kindness. All other qualities—whether charming, witty, handsome, enterprising, powerful, seductive, or ingenious—wither in comparison to a truly kind man.


An accumulation of pennies is a fortune. Day-to-day practice is perfection. A dream realized is nothing more than many steps taken toward the borders of once-impossible.


When a child truly understands his grand potential, he looks to the stars not simply to make a wish but to chart a destination.


I had the most beautiful dream, and then I fell asleep in your arms and my dream turned lovelier still.


Missing someone is the reverberating echo of everything beautiful about her—her laugh, her song, her touch, her smell, the power of her words, and the constant shadow that lingers on as her perfect image in your memory.


Kindness is a magical spell—performed by enlightened beings—meant to enchant hearts and lift weary souls that they might fly.


Of all the magic words in existence, words of kindness create the greatest transformation spells.


Imagine if we were all magical leprechauns, and every wish ever made on a four-leaf clover obliged us to help others obtain their wishes. Now imagine if people simply lived like this were true.


Laughter is magic that dispenses clouds and creates sunshine in the soul.


Love—such a keen mystery prone to pierce and shatter the delicate heart.  Yet it possesses more strength, power, and influence than any other magic known to man. 


Unto you is bornin the city of Davida Savior for all.


Jesus Christ died to save us from our sins; we tend to concentrate on that merciful fact. But isn’t it also true He lived to show us a lifestyle free from sin? So, wouldn’t following in his footsteps be something like preventative medicine?


Walk with me for a while, my friend—you in my shoes, I in yours—and then let us talk.


A single act of kindness is like a drop of oil on a patch of dry skin—seeping, spreading, and affecting more than the original need.


What kind of person is void of compassion? A heartless one. But alas, compassion cannot exist without the endurance of afflictions.


If we simply imagined that everyone who crossed our path was living out his or her very last day on Earth, we might treat people as kindly as we ought to each day they lived.


Sympathy is imagining the pain. Empathy is having suffered through it first.


Empathy is a hand thick with scars offering you a bandage.


The soft heart is not a thing to harden but a treasure to protect. For soft hearts extend mercy, compassion, refuge, and God’s redemption to the world.


Kindness is going out of your way to perform favors regarded as wonderful by the recipient.


The greatest gift you can give is your time.  Not money, not items, not food, not pretty cards with handwritten sentiment, but time.  People need your presence.  The way you can help a soul the most is to simply be there.


Often we withhold our affections, waiting first for love to be extended to us. The irony is that we are loved for loving.


Kindness wields a sword of light against the darkness.


Why must you know the details of my troubles to have compassion? Is it not enough to show compassion simply because you know that everyone has troubles?


If only this great concern we have for our own sensitive feelings expanded to encompass the feelings of our fellow men.


Kindness solves more problems than diplomacy, wealth, intelligence, clout, force, law, and dominion combined.


Every sunrise is an invitation for us to arise and brighten someone’s day.


Be nice. And if you can’t do that, just don’t be mean.


The spirit of Christmas is a sweet, internal peace that testifies of the power of kindness and charity.


The Christmas spirit is simply an honest spirit of love for all humanity. It is the force that moves us to give what we can, to help as we are able, and to always be of kind comfort.


So you want to improve the world? Then do it. To the next person who crosses your path, say something kind, do something generous, perform a simple act of service. By doing this on a regular basis, you will indeed improve the world.


Imagine the greatness this world would know if kindness were as contagious and enduring as the common cold.


So what if you’re right? So what if you’re wrong? In the end you might be surprised to find that God doesn’t care so much about whether you were right or wrong but whether, despite it all, you were kind or cruel.


Learning to breathe fire isn’t nearly as extraordinary as learning to breathe a word of kindness.


You would think those who have endured unkindness would be kinder as a result, intent on sparing others the awful suffering they abhorred firsthand.


I don’t know how to save the world, though I do know it involves a great deal of love and kindness.


Out of all the magic words in existence, kind words produce the most powerful transformation spells.


It’s easy to be kind to friends who return your smiles and happily lend a helping hand. But the true test of good character is finding the will and desire to be kind and charitable to those who give us absolutely no motivation to do so.


Love is donating a chunk of your life to patch up holes in the life of another.


When you love someone, you don’t care that she ate your sandwich. You only hope she found it delicious.


If kindness is beauty, patience is disarming elegance.


People think kindness is a soft, weak, submissive influence when in reality it is the most potent, persuasive force in existence.


There are hundreds of reasons to be kind, but only one that matters—because it’s who you are.


Teddy bears, not grizzly bears, get invited in for honey.


If people were kinder, the world might cease weeping.


Sit with me, and I’ll not be alone.Hold my hand, and I’ll not feel alone.Cry with me, and I’ll no longer suffer alone.


Kind words and tender affections will not save me from this lake of woe and misery, but they may be enough of a buoy to prevent my drowning.


The most irresistible beauty is the radiant glow from a kind and gentle heart.


If you’ve put a smile on someone’s face today, you’ve done more good than you know.


Kindness is my weapon of choice. My second is a Semmian da


Dress yourself in the silks of benevolence because kindness makes you beautiful.


Love is many kind acts accumulated over time that leave us feeling wonderful.


Don’t seek to be happy; let everyone else chase after that rainbow. Seek to be kind, and you’ll find the rainbow follows you.


It seems a peculiar thing when I go to fill my own cup; it remains empty as if the liquid evaporates as soon as it touches the glass. Yet when I reach to top off the cups of others, my own spills over. This is the crazy magic of charity.


Happiness branches from the tree of kindness, abounding with the fruit of sweet smiles.


What is the right tool, the best option, the choicest gift,the winning hand, the greatest relief, the finest revenge, the sweetest drink, the perfect response, the working solution, the strongest medi


Love is not complicated—just smile, hug, kiss, be kind, and repeat.


You may not know my reasons, but you can assume I have them and be kind.


When you tend to another’s dying embers, you find both warmth and an increase in the glow of your own fire.


We hunger after the sweet nectar of happiness without understanding that it is harvested from the flowering field of good deeds.


I believe in love―a kind, selfless, unending devotion. I believe it is rare.


Act like you care. Pray like you care. Speak, smile, reach out, and live like you care.  The point is to make sure those in your life know beyond doubt that you do care.


The glory of fame isn’t in having so many people know you, but in having so many people know you care. Otherwise, it’s like being drawn to a fire to find no warmth.


The horses have stoppedtheir clippity-clop,but feet are too slowfor where I must go.So here I shall stayuntil light of daywhen clippity-clopgets my team underway.


Changing your attitude, your outlook, your mindset, perspective, disposition, or mood—they all mean controlling where you allow your thoughts to linger.


Thoughts, quotes, and philosophies—good or bad—cause us to evaluate ourselves. And that is good.


I wish I could fly.I wish I were rich.I wish I had more time.”“But you can, and you are, and you do; I wish you would open your eyes.


A box sits empty,wanting to hold and protect.Hollow tears it cries.


Thousands of hopeful days came to naught before this one. This was a golden day. Never give up.


They say if you’re a better person today than you were yesterday you’re well on the road to perfection. So I figure if I’m a real snot today, tomorrow I should make huge progress.


Seemingly insignificant choices are like seemingly trivial seeds. Once planted, they root and grow and spread into something tremendous. Imagine the prickly weeds some choices amount to over time and be careful not to plant them.


Small steps may appear unimpressive, but don’t be deceived. They are the means by which perspectives are subtly altered, mountains are gradually scaled, and lives are drastically changed.


Disappointment is really just a term for our refusal to look on the bright side.


To persist with a goal, you must treasure the dream more than the costs of sacrifice to attain it.


Perfection may be an island out of reach, but setting your sails toward it makes for a magnificent voyage.


To get it doneand see it thru,find less to sayand more to do.


Understand that great accomplishments require great effort. If a goal is achieved without effort, it is no accomplishment but a mere happening.


You will find there are times you must grasp your life with both hands and forcefully steer it in a new direction and then strain to hold your course until the storms of fear, weakness, and doubt abate.


Raging fires grow from the tiniest spark; it is the same principle at work in life. As long as there’s a spark, tend to your fire. Never give up. 


Very often, what is meant to be a stepping stone turns out to be a slab of wet cement that will harden around your foot if you do not take the next step soon enough.


You’ll be hard-pressed to reach your goals if you don’t map out where you’re going. Take time to navigate your life.


Don’t give up.I know you’ve made a thousand attempts to reach your goal, but look at it this way: after repeatedly banging your head against the wall, you ought to be numb enough break through this time.


If I must start somewhere, right here and now is the best place imaginable.


Today is a BRAND NEW day—a perfectly good reason to get up and start over. Never give up.


The key to success―keep swimming. Even when they tap you on the shoulder to say the pool has been drained, just keep swimming.


Your problem is in thinking the sky’s the limit. Why set limits?


A little here and a little there will always accumulate, so why be surprised when steady, small steps take you to great places?


Doing nothing accomplishes nothing, gains nothing, changes nothing, and wins nothing. You have to make a move.


The denial of assistance is sometimes the greatest assistance. The trick is recognizing when this is the case.


In constant view keeps mightily true an honest resolve to do.


The key to success is having no qualms about failure.


It has never been my goal to impress anyone but myself. That has proven challenging enough.


Through sheer volume of passing days you will travel a great distance in your lifetime. Imagine where you might stand if your footsteps steered toward a single goal.


Trying to change old habits is like fighting a war in your head—a draining and exhausting skirmish that makes you wonder at your chance of survival.


Knowing the path through the forest doesn’t make the trip any less daunting. Knowing the steps to your dreams doesn’t make the climb any less of a challenge.


The reason people fail to reach their goals is because they give up too early. They don’t understand that most successes are built upon foundations of multiple attempts.


Maybe there is no such thing as success—a final destination where you arrive once and for all. Maybe existence is a never-ending journey of peaks and valleys and forever chasing dreams.


The real achievers are those who, in the dreary pit of sacrifice, still smile up at the goal.


Knowing the path to follow doesn’t make it a breeze to step along. If every desire were only a skip, hop, and a jump away, we’d all have arrived.


Remember this—the journey is part of the dream.  Whatever it is you’re chasing, so long as you are actively moving in the right direction, the dream is coming true.


Between here and there is a journey illuminated by the rising and setting of a radiant sun. Don’t miss its splendor in your all-fired hurry to cross the finish line.


Goals are my north star.  My compass.  The map that guides me along the road I wish to travel.  Goals are motivations with wind in their sails—they carry me forward despite the storms.


The funny thing about an impossibility is that it tends to be a magnet for those who would prove it otherwise.


How frustrating to think you can be lost to yourself. And yet how often it is that a stranger stares back at you from the mirror. Maybe in truth we never see ourselves as clearly as the thousands of eyes that daily take us in.


This is me today, but take heed; it is not the same me as yesterday, and it will not be the same me tomorrow.


Some days I feel like my worth is being reevaluated every five minutes.


Believing in yourself means more than simply believing in your own ultimate success; it means believing you will survive failures, disappointments, rejections, and criticism but still persist.


It is a pleasurable thing to earn the admiration of others, but it is a far better feeling to honestly admire thyself.


There is no other company in the world I’ve found more pleasurable than my own. For no one else has ever been as accepting of me or as thoroughly entertained by my quirkiness. It is a sweet thing to like yourself.


It’s none of your concern what others say or think about you. Your happiness is your own responsibility.


Are you what others say and think you are?  Or are you who you are regardless of what others say and think?


There are far too many silent sufferers.  Not because they don’t yearn to reach out, but because they’ve tried and found no one who cares.


A sincere and warmly-expressed apology can produce the same effects as morphine on a suffering soul.


Just because a person successfully steers a voyage through hell doesn’t mean he ever wants to sail that route again.


Many times what we perceive as an error or failure is actually a gift. And eventually we find that lessons learned from that discouraging experience prove to be of great worth.


Sometimes the difference between success and failure is simply the degree to which you crave one over the other.


It is a greater triumph for the fearful soul who tries and fails than for the fearless who succeed.


Since when is failure more appealing? Never give up.


Mystery, why so attractive to me?You blind me with fear, place hope on my tongue, and with a cold kiss draw me forward. Wary and trembling, I follow.


Most are unaware of their tremendous worth and boundless potential, despite possessing both.


It’s easy to offer advice on trials that have caused you to stumble. It’s harder to talk about those that have knocked you flat.


Giving advice is like seeing an elephant in someone’s path and suggesting they remove it. Heeding advice requires forcing the elephant to budge. Huge difference.


It’s easy to give advice on trials that have caused you to stumble. It’s harder to talk about those that have knocked you flat.


With the best of intentions you toss me a lifeline. Failing to see how a piece of rope will do me any good, I ignore it and drown.


Why so eager to jump in and direct someone else’s life when you can’t stick to your own goals and resolutions?


It’s advice, not a commandment.Don’t swallow it whole until you’re absolutely sure you’ve been given good, healthy advice.


It’s one thing to give out excellent advice, but quite another to personally swallow it.


It’s frustrating when our best efforts to help people fail. But if we could see life through their weary eyes and experience their trials with the same frayed emotions, we might understand why.


Gratitude is medicine for a heart devastated by tragedy.  If you can only be thankful for the blue sky, then do so.


It is darkness that reveals the brightest stars and most ardent wishes.


Death was a quiet evil, unavoidable like the dark night and defenseless sleep and tearful sorrows. It had hunted her down and slithered close, wanting only to smother every last flicker of


It seems there is more interest in sunsets than sunrises. Perhaps because innately we fear the dark.


Evil exists in this world because it has its place. For had you never sat blindly through the darkness of night, your eyes wouldn’t turn toward the sunrise to appreciate its warmth and illumination.


By small and simple sentences, great books come to pass.


Every exceptional writer holds a Master of Arts in Daydreaming.


For the real writers, every decision is either write or wrong.


It’s a phenomenal experience jumping from the devious mind of a sorceress bent on conquering the world to the compassionate musing of a queen capable of healing life with a touch—all in a flicker of thought. That’s why I love writing.


A writer writes knowing that nothing else will elicit the same kind of satisfaction and personal triumph as molding the written word into a reader’s great experience.


Write the ending first and then you’ll know before the opening sentence that it’s going to be a good book.


To most, being locked away in solitary with nothing but pen and paper would prove a hard punishment. What a strange creature who views this as heaven.


The sun, rising and setting in splendid colors, never grows tired of its admirers―much like a lady, aglow with grace, never grows tired of chivalrous acts or pretty flowers.


If we were always given a choice as to every path presented us in life, a multitude of roads leading to priceless treasures would forever go untraveled.Be grateful for your adversities. From toil and triumph evolves a life worth li


Fear is the devil’s most powerful tool because he can’t always convince a good man to do wrong, but he can paralyze his will with fright, keeping a good man from doing what is right. It eventually results in the same end.


Evil might not prevail in the end, but it certainly doesn’t fail to devastate in its time.


When it comes to the crusty behavior of some people, give them the benefit of the doubt. They may be drowning right before your eyes, but you can’t see it. And you would never ask someone to drown with a smile on his face.


You cannot fully understand a person’s need until you have endured the same need. As hard as you may try to predict and comprehend their situation and suffering, I guarantee you’ll fall short until you’ve been there.


Things always appear clear and simple from behind glass. It is in the thick of tribulations that blurring details arise, complicating my life. You can’t rightly judge me, nor can you assist, from a shielded viewpoint.


Silly little monster” all would say.They’d scratch its head and turn awayuntil it snatched their tiny noses.They couldn’t even smell the roses!Ever after, every childdreaded monsters, fierce or mild.


You tell me that yes, I can do it. I know. And I may do it, if I so choose.You tell me that no, I cannot. I say, Oh? I shall do it, since you refuse!


Sipping teawith gleebeneath a gooseberry tree.I wish Alice were here.Oh, my dear,do not fear,she will be.


Determined, I riseand face the dawn with resolve.This time I will win.


The sweetest melody that playson starry nights and wintry days,most soothing to my listening earsand calming to beleaguering fears,I call a symphony on air―the song of sweet, still silence rare.


You can teach a person all you know, but only experience will convince him that what you say is true.


You cannot appreciate what you have never experienced. Sadly, full appreciation tends to come only after the experience is past.


Helpful is happy.Selfish is sad.(It’s not uncommon to confuse the two.)


If you never bother to say the words, why should anyone believe you ever felt them?


I stumble and fall.I weep and struggle to rise.My mom feels it all.


I’m convinced that whatever contains human emotions is composed of the most fragile material, for it can shatter unpredictably and without effort. And yet it is a resilient marvel as well, able to mend instantly as though never affected.


A great many problems could be solved by nothing more than a change in thinking.


Hatred is prevalent on this earth because it requires no real effort, unlike the investment it takes to genuinely understand a person.


Moments always blossom more beautifully in memories.


No matter how many lies you use to disguise it or how many excuses you bury it beneath, the truth will never cease to be true.


Life can be awful. Life can be ugly.And still there are those who smile at the darkness, anticipating the beauty of an eventual sunrise.


A great father is one whose children look up to him rather than away from him.


The greatest lessons I learned from my father didn’t come from lectures or discipline or even time spent together. What has stuck with me is his example. From watching, I chose whether to be or not to be like him.


Lies don’t fit snugly into disguises. Eventually the cloak falls off and you’re left staring at the naked truth which is always an uncomfortable situation.


I finally figured out the big, elusive secret to weight loss. Don’t eat! Who knew?


When I say I love the silence, I’m not being entirely truthful. What I actually love are the abundant, delicate sounds that amplify when I’m silent. These curious creaks, mutters, and hums compel my imagination.


Afraid of offending with an off word or the slightest insensitivity, I keep an unobtrusive and silent distance. Nevertheless, my pursed lips and offish stance are perceived as cold, managing to offend all.


Happiness is feeling confident that the god of this universe is pleased with the things you say and do.


You are the one star I wish upon nightly, praying your glory will fall from the heavens and land in my undeserving arms.


I love you because you loved me first. Yet you love me, saying I loved you first. Funny, our love thrives believing the other person started it.


To love her was to taste sweet surrender. For had she not entered his life, he would have sought the wonders of both Heaven and Earth. But she surpassed them all and, by her pleasing nature, stayed him.


Prove that you love me through a lingering gaze and never losing that twinkle of adoration in your eyes.


It is neither trials nor relationships nor successes nor failures that define a man, but the choices he makes while handling them.


A liar deceives himself more than anyone, for he believes he can remain a person of good character when he cannot.


Life is a character-building opportunity that we all volunteered for.


What’s in a name?  The accumulation of reputations from all who’ve owned it before you.


There’s always another option.There’s always another one.It’s never only ‘this’ or ‘that,’The moon or else the sun.Don’t sigh and choose the greaterOr lesser of two plights.But look to see the stars beyondFor options vast and bright.


It turns out the simplest choices have been far more important in the long run than I ever imagined.


Before you take that first curious, coerced, spiteful, or vengeful step forward, remember this: it’s a thousand times easier to slip into a muddy pit than it is to climb out of one.


Temptations don’t appear nearly as harmful as the roads they lead you down.


When thunderstorms roll in, you make a choice to either succumb with tears to the gloomy downpour, or smile and look for rainbows.


The direction you choose to face determines whether you’re standing at the end or the beginning of a road.


Mr. Cat and Mr. Dog were neighbors who fought like, well, cats and dogs. That is until Mr. Rat moved in. It’s fascinating how easily two enemies ally at the introduction of a third.


It is human nature to try hardest to accomplish the very thing we are told is impossible.  Why?  Because innately we know that nothing’s impossible.


The key to valuing something is to lose it and then realize how rare it was—after which you pray like mad to regain what you foolishly lost. The value of an item often depends upon how hard it is to attain.


The only thing you can justifiably claim that life owes you is an equal measure of what you have given out. And even that is debatable.


Do you feel that? It is a calm shift in the wind. Do you hear that? It is a soft whisper of hope. Do you see that? It is the divine hand of guidance, mercifully extended to aid our good fight.


We are all guilty of sin, error, and moments of sheer stupidity; none of us should be casting stones. The occasional arced pebble might be overlooked.


The louder you bellyache, the longer your stomach will hurt.


You pierce me with a look, a word, a gesture. And yet those same weapons could shield me from hurt if you so choose.


Have you ever noticed how the most intriguing individual in the room seems content to listen sooner than speak?


If you think the most courageous and difficult thing you can do is stubbornly stand your ground, try graciously giving in.


Never believe you’re so great or important, so right or proud, that you cannot kneel at the feet of someone you hurt and offer a humble, sincere apology.


Vengeance would have us assault an enemy’s pride to beat him down. But vengeance hides a dangerous truth, for a humbled foe gains patience, courage, strength, and greater determination.


Let them hear your voice so rarely that a simply-uttered word creates a hush of expectancy in the room.


Isn’t it strange how a lamb can feel like a lion when comparing itself to a mouse, whereas a lion feels like a lamb when measuring itself against dragons?


I’m generally quite happy until someone tells me I’m not. I don’t see how they know I’m not, but suddenly I feel less happy.


Happiness is a simple game of lost and found: Lose the things you take for granted, and you will feel great happiness once they are found.


The world is full of opinions. But I am not searching for opinions, I’m searching for truths.


You can add up your blessings or add up your troubles. Either way, you’ll find you have an abundance.


It’s good to look at life from the bottom up so you can see that things have risen above what they once were.


Be thankful for your allotment in an imperfect world.  Though better circumstances can be imagined, far worse are nearer misses than you probably care to realize.


Every once in a while God allows you to stub your toe as a kind reminder to be grateful for the miraculous body attached to it.


Gratitude paints little smiley faces on everything it touches.


Find much to be grateful for in every day. Doing so will not only enrich your life, it will bless those around you in ways you may never know.


Gratitude possesses all the energy of a sunbeam. That is how it makes life blossom.


Night helps us appreciate daylight, while lengthy days make us yearn for a good stretch of night.


Have the wisdom to perceive all there is to be thankful for, and then be thankful for the wisdom to perceive things so clearly.


Thanksgiving is not only being aware of the abundance of good in the world but embracing it.


The humanitarian is a treasure hunter seeking gems of remedy and appreciation.


Happiness isn’t complicated. It is a humble state of gratitude for simple pleasures, tender mercies, recognized blessings, and inherent beauty.


I am grateful for hands to tickle with. Not so grateful for that process in reverse, however.


Gratitude doesn’t change the scenery.  It merely washes clean the glass you look through so you can clearly see the colors.


Gratitude is the real treasure God wants us to find, because it isn’t the pot of gold but the rainbow that colors our world.


You were formed inside a borrowed womb—a nourishing safe haven for months—then delivered through painful effort and sacrifice by a woman willing to give you the precious gift of life. That truth alone deserves your gratitude and respect.


To fight discouragement, remind yourself of the basics: I can write.I have the opportunity to do so. I love what I write. Now smile and be thankful.


Be true to the writer within you; tell the story you’re dying to tell in exactly the way you wish to tell it, and don’t trust anyone who tries to sway you otherwise.


A closed book will lie there like a dead horse. But an open book will kick, buck, and bolt through perceived adventures like a wild and free stallion. So hold on.


A daydreamer is a writer just waiting for pen and paper.


Laugh as if it’s funny, embrace as if it’s love, and smile anyway.


Optimism: That effervescent, blindingly- bright, perky, chipper, twittering quality you want to squash out of annoying people.


There is a sky full of stars aplenty, and all you can babble about is a cold, little rock we call the moon. This is how it is with petty problems that exist too close to us.


Sometimes a problem isn’t really a problem but the solution in disguise.


It is a great mystery to me how the problems of others seem like simple arithmetic while my own appear as complicated as a calculus equation.


Patience is seeing each step as a journey rather than seeing a journey as a thousand steps.


I don’t understand why when I wish for happiness it inevitably rains. However, I do tend to find myself grateful for sunlight once the storm ceases.


Yes, happiness is dependent upon misery. For we all feel a swell of happiness after our circumstances improve from a misery recently suffered.


Real? Real depends upon your perspective, Annabelle. People never see life exactly the same way. The world is what you think it is.


I am grateful for the rare opportunities to look at my circumstances from a higher perspective, one detached from the dim outlook I normally insist on seeing. These periodic glimpses show me life’s grandeur.


The place where you continually return for love and acceptance—that’s home.


Nothing else has the power to calm, comfort, and care for you better than home.


Your body and spirit, subconscious and conscious—every portion of you recognizes home.  That is why on the moment of arrival, your entire being relaxes into a contented puddle of joy.


Happiness has two hands: one with strength for lifting up heavy hearts and a gentle hand for tickling.


The happiest adults are those who never buried old toys or abandoned imaginary friends.


I can’t force your lips to smile, but I can show them how easily mine do.


Happiness is simply a habit of looking on the brighter side of everything.


The power of a smile is such that even drawing a happy face on a piece of paper makes your lips turn up.


Christmas, when observed with the right spirit, still has the power to call miracles from Heaven to Earth.


It’s strange how in childhood it feels like tomorrow won’t come until the end of forever, but in adulthood it feels like the end of forever could come tomorrow.


Barking at people earns their respect about as effectively as staring into the sun improves your vision.


Had she any respect for him at all, his words would’ve affected her. But no value accompanies comments spewed from the mouth of a brute.


To encourage me is to believe in me, which gives me the power to defeat dragons.


When we all pass from this life and gather on the other side, the only thing each of us will have is his own story to tell.


A session of boasting won’t attract any real friends.  It will set you up on a pedestal, however, making you a clearer target.


Sometimes ideas flow from my mind in a raging river of stringed sentences; I can scarcely scribble on the page fast enough to keep up with the mental current. Sometimes, however, beavers move in and dam the whole thing up.


A writer writesregardless…even though…notwithstanding…despite…at any rate…anyhow…nevertheless…in the face of…undeterred by…heedless of…and because.The true writer simply continues to write.


I might be tempted to socialize more if the conversations taking place around me were half as interesting as the dialogue going on inside my head.


Twitter is a serious writing distraction. As are grapefruits. The two have nothing else in common.


I read so I might live a thousand lives in a lifetime. I write to control the particulars in those lives.


I love writing poetry because it’s pretty. I love writing pretty.


No matter what you write, no matter how meticulous and painstaking the creation process, someone is going to laugh, scorn, and dissect your work with criticism while another quietly falls in love with it.


When I finally find that one willing agent, I’ll have found my prize in the Cracker Jack box.


If you plan to build walls around me, know this—I will walk through them.


You are right, I do fall down a lot. But that wouldn’t be true if I never stood back up.


Like yeast, it’s impressive how considerably an ounce of determination can make one’s efforts grow and expand.


Who told you it was too late? And more importantly, why did you choose to believe them?


Life is just repeated attempts at trying to do better.


It’s an unfortunate fact that I’m easily discouraged. But the fortunate truth is I’m stubborn as hell and near impossible to sway in my resolve.


Brazen it out! Throw away the scabbard! Grit your teeth, buckle down, and die with your boots on! Or in other words, be determined and resolved until you accomplish the thing you set out to accomplish.


To the romantic soul, the rituals of Valentine’s Day echo every day of the year.


This day is the most recent set of events to define you. Every day changes your life. Every last one.


Tomorrow is an illusion suggesting that another chance always exists.  It is a dangerously false illusion.


While you judge me by my outward appearance I am silently doing the same to you, even though there’s a ninety-percent chance that in both cases our assumptions are wrong.


Be warned: A person content to sit with you and criticize others will speak critically of you out of earshot.


What’s the point of changing who you are in order to impress a woman, when your intention is to return to who you were, a person she was never attracted to in the first place?


Punishing a person for the wrongs of another makes about as much sense as throwing up to enjoy the meal a second time.


Vengeance, retaliation, retribution, revenge are deceitful brothers—vile, beguiling demons promising justifiable compensation to a pained soul for his losses. Yet in truth they craftily fester away all else of worth remaining.


Vengeance is a monster of appetite, forever bloodthirsty and never filled.


It’s okay to be absurd, ridiculous, and downright irrational at times; silliness is sweet syrup that helps us swallow the bitter pills of life.


Face it―nobody cares.But so what? Their apathy doesn’t diminish your worth. Learn from it. Make it your job to care for those around you so that they don’t feel like nobody cares.


Why hasn’t someone lassoed a few teenagers and had them sit down and write out all the supposed answers they have so we can solve the world’s problems already?


Smile wide to receive many smiles in return. But if you want a good laugh, smirk like a wicked, little imp and watch the range of expressions you’re flashed.


It isn’t always true that a critical end justifies desperate means.


Never judge another knight without first knowing the strength and cunning of the dragons he fights.


Annoyances are strangely not so annoying when the person responsible has endeared himself to you.


What are you most thankful for?” she asked.My reply came easily. “Being too blessed to have any hope of answering that question.


Every birthday celebrates a life because every life is important.


Maybe Christmas is more than a day to receive. Maybe Christmas, perhaps, is a day to believe.


The jack-o-lantern follows me with tapered, glowing eyes.His yellow teeth grin evily. His cackle I despise.But I shall have the final laugh when Halloween is through.This pumpkin king I’ll split in half to make a pie for two.


For every one person who praises you, there are a hundred who would criticize. Heed neither the one nor the hundred. It is your own opinion that truly matters.


The hero isn’t the one who is right, but the one who steps forward to take the blame—deserved or not—and apologize to save a relationship.


Vultures pick the meat clean off a bone. Guilt eats at the marrow, leaving a man hollow.


A pang of guilt, like a blaring siren, should never be ignored.


This feeling of guilt is your conscience calling your attention to the higher road, and your heart wishing you had taken it.


Consider guilt like a street sign that warns of rough roads ahead if you don’t make a u-turn.


When dragons attack, the only thing you should seek to stand behind is your own sword.


I’m sorry. Oh, what simple words are these!I’m sorry. Lips should breathe them out with ease!But nay, in barring up the way,“I’ll die first” are the words you say.I’m sorry, woe is all pride guarantees.


Go put on your mask.Say ‘trick-or-treat’ in costume.It’s All Hallows Eve.


All human beings wield influence—a powerful sword granted at birth. Wield your sword with care.


Birthdays were made for going wild over the people we think are amazing.


Anyone who takes the time to attentively listen is either an old soul or a romantic one.


No one believes he is an idiot until the consequences of his actions prove it. Then hindsight rubs it in.


To actively improve the worldand change your life as well,speak all the good you know,and all the bad refuse to tell.


The elixir of life is a bubbling stream of laughter.


The day you were bornHeaven wept at its great loss,Earth joyed at its gain.


Laughter can deflate almost any problem down to its proper size.


Quit acting like everything is so serious. Most situations aren’t as bad as you fear, and those that are might benefit from a little laughter.


To look in the mirror and smile is a challenge for many people. Those who do so without the slightest scowl are indeed fortunate.


If you mess with dragons, you will get burned. Don’t say no one warned you.


The real me isn’t someone you see but someone you know.


You won’t solve your problems by drowning others in them.


The best fathers have the softest, sweetest hearts. In other words, great dads are real marshmallows.


A hero is a person who, without a second thought, simply does the right thing because his conscience cannot live with any other choice.


Heroes don’t have the need to be known as heroes, they just do what heroes do because it is right and it must be done.


Meanness is a monster that usurps your self-control because you cowardly allow it to conquer you.


Learn to brush off criticism as easily as you brush aside hollow compliments.


A gentleman willNever allow a ladyTo feel less than grand.


If life is a stage and you are your own agent, then don’t hesitate to play the character you wish to play.


Remembering our loved ones is breathing life into their fading images, that we might once more see their faces and pass along a tearful “I miss you.


I cast my eyes out to the seaAnd gaze at all eternity.until forever turns to night.My eyes then lift to catch starlight.


In one way or another,you owe your life to Mother.


Observe the Lord’s Day as he would have you, and perhaps He will observe your days as you would have Him.


Rather than critique people, try admiring God’s creative handiwork.


Patience isn’t simply waiting, it is caring enough about the situation and those involved to remain calm and courteous throughout the wait.


Extraordinary power exists in a trial of patience. Few endure their trials well enough to discover this.


Progressing at a snail’s pace is still progress, and slow progress is better than no progress. Never be stagnant, and never give up.


When we all part from this life and gather on the other side, the only thing each of us will have to share is his own story.


It may seem like the dragons tormenting you are bigger and fiercer than those lurking in your neighbor’s yard, but this is an illusion. We all face mighty dragons at home in some form.


Problems are never as difficult as when they are your own.


One of the strongest loves I’ve ever witnessed is the love a mother has for her child.


Sunshine warms us, as do smiles—which makes me think that smiles are sunbeams reflected off our teeth.


It’s simply this:the Irish kiss,a snog o’ bliss,be blessed luckfrom any miss.


The wind is made of haunting souls that moan and groan in whistles and whispers. This ghostly choir chills the breeze and orchestrates a rise of goose bumps on my skin.


Be sure to wear greenon March seventeen,or else Irish leprechauns pinch your bones clean!


I wear my wrinkles like battle scars, having earned every last one slaying life’s dragons. They boast of my victories and some defeats while their beauty is a wealth of wisdom gained.


When I ask you to be my valentine, I’m not asking you to love me. I’m simply asking you to accept tokens of my love for you.


To believe in yourself is to light a spark with the potential to start a fire.


You can do things. Do you know this?Do you believe it?You should.It’s true.You can do great things.


Too often we let others stamp a price tag on us, and we accept their appraisal of our worth, forgetting we are in fact priceless.


The spirit of Christmas exists in harmonious carols like those sung by angels on the day of Christ’s birth.


Treats and tricks.Witch broomsticks.Jack-o-lanternsLick their lips.Crows and cats.Vampire bats.Capes and fangsAnd pointed hats.Werewolves howl.Phantoms prowl.Halloween’s Upon us now.


You breathe.You feel.You seeand hearand smelland tasteand thinkand moveand laughand weepand healand danceand singand love.Thank your mother.


Anyone who takes the time to listen is either an old soul or a romantic one.


A pumpkin lives but once a year when someone sets its soul afire and on that night it stirs up fear until its flame is snuffed.But e’en one night of eerie light is fright enough.


The coldest day in fallis at the Hallows Evening ballwhere ghoulish funavoids the sunas monsters mingle wall to wall.


I do listen. I just wait for the words to stop and your eyes to speak.


A smile is a light that sets your inner self aglow, letting others know you’re home.


A Halloween flower,if ever there was one,would smell like an onion,have thorns like a rose.With charcoal black petalsand vines that entangle,t’would grow under moonlightin mud, I suppose.


The truth is, when you have little to do, you do very little. But when you have much to do, you do much. So it should make sense that by taking on more than you can handle, you accomplish more than you ever dreamed you could. And so it is.


One day a week I seek to rest from earthly toil and sorrow.Revitalized, I find the strength to battle new tomorrows.


If all of our sins, bad habits, and poor choices were permanently inked into our skin like tattoos, we would all dress quite modestly.


Church was never meant to be a place for gods to gather, but for devils wanting to shed their horns for halos.


Love in its essence is unconditional. When conditions, exceptions, and ultimatums are cast into the mix, its purity changes. It is no longer love and should be referred to by a less-desirable name.


When you understand that faith is God’s muscle at your disposal, moving mountains doesn’t seem so extraordinary.


How easy it is to slip.How hard it is to climb.How wise it is to keep in stepAnd never fall behind.


Sometimes the craziest laugh in the world is the only one that will save your sanity.


If we were to behave half as well as we believe others ought to behave, we might prove ourselves as grand in character as excuses and justifications prevent us from being.


I can be tolerant of traffic jams and disorganization, faulty technology, miserable weather, and bland foods. People, however, require more than the cold, grudging favor of being tolerated. They require love.


There are tomorrows on their way worth the struggles of today. Never give up.


Snowflakes fall from high.Flurries lift and twirl below.The world has turned white.


The Christmas spirit will elude you’til a selfless love consumes youand the joy of giving moves you.


I am more and more convinced that some people are put in our lives solely to try our patience and tamper with our tolerance levels.


My stomach rumbles.Plates of cookies, cake, and fudge.Christmastime is here.


Gingerbread houseswith gumdrops and peppermintand marshmallow snow.


The Christmas spiritwhispers softly in my ear,”Go be of good cheer.


Mary and Josephhuddle snugly together.They cradle God’s son.


Wise men come to seea child of greater wisdomand honor divine.


Glittering tinsel,lights, glass balls, and candy canesdangle from pine trees.


New light in the skyannounces a sacred birth.Shine brightly young star.


Hallelujah songcarries on a gentle wind,heralding a king.


Sheep and goats and cowsgather ’round a manger bedto awe at a babe.


Born on straw at nightunder low stable rafters,Baby Jesus cried.


Rare and precious gifts,gold and myrrh and frankincense,to offer a king.


A new star shines bright.Angels herald the good news.The Christ child is born.


Shepherds lift their heads,not to gaze at a new lightbut to hear angels.


Dress the part! Invent and pretend to your heart’s content! Act, sing, and dance while everyone’s watching! The world’s a stage, remember?


So you had a bad day. Kick it aside and be grateful for one less bad day to pass through.


I drifted off after a while, staring at the only star visible through the thick covering of leaves. Hope seemed a futile wish, but I troubled the lonely star to grant it anyway.


Humans are forever discontent—always thinking there are better alternatives to their present circumstances.


Problems don’t actually exist. They’re just the hallucinogenic effects of people being weirded out on what they think life is supposed to be.


I am accountable for every lie that I tell, but I am also accountable for the effects of every harsh truth I deliver.


The richest people are those who have an abundance of what we take with us into the next life.


It is my belief that almost anyone can be had with breadcrumbs. For if you leave a trail of the right variety, your prey will come straight to you.


The greater self-confidence an individual possesses, the less inclined he is to put down others. This says a lot about those who constantly belittle.


I wish upon a glimmering star,My hopes as distant and as far. So if this wish does not come true,I’m thankful for the few that do.


What a mother wants is to hold her babies when they’re small and to be held by them once they’ve grown tall. It’s empty arms a mother dreads.


Your life is a personal lesson. For everyone else it is a loud example.


I once thought it would take a miracle to improve my circumstances. Now, I believe it will take something far more powerful, if such a thing exists.


If only I could see myself from the same vantage point that I observe the world; I might judge my behavior and expressions more critically, and others less.


Making a wish is fun to do.Dreaming it out is much fun too.Work, and your wish just might come true.


I’ve yet to find another soul who believes in me with the same fervency as my mother.


Was mutual need enough to risk trusting a calculated enemy in hopes of destroying a more powerful one?


In the middle of a grocery store, two children were horsing around (one holding the other in a headlock) when the mother turned abruptly to give them a stern repr


I am not what you see.I am what time and effort and interaction slowly unveil.


Be loved for who you are, for everything that constitutes you. Be loved for your core beliefs, your strengths and weaknesses, your admirable traits and troublesome baggage. Be loved for you, because anything less is not love at all.


When there is not enough time to do your best, do the best you can with the time you have.


I think I’d rather be liked than loved. It just seems as if more criticism and chastening is shown to those we love, while kind manners and compassion are reserved for those we simply like. So, I hope you like me.


Stubbornness is surely just taut-jawed, clenched-fisted madness.


The bulk of life is discovering who you are—and then reconciling that with who you wish you were.


They say to never look back.But sometimes I do. It’s gratifying to see how far I’ve come.


Wilted or in bloom,taking or lending daylight,the world transitions.


Sail through the good days, and on bad days pick a spot of blue sky to steer toward.


Oh, mightiest wind,wilt thou cease thy breathing inand hold thy exhales?


Twinkle tiny star.Oh, how great you truly are!God’s sign from afar.


A whiff of fresh mintthat tastes like strawberry pie.Your kisses tempt me.


The key to a better life isn’t always a change of scenery. Sometimes it simply requires opening your eyes.


Time machines, magic portals, transporters, worm holes, flying carpets, relocation charms—such things do exist. They’re called books.


Because,” said a boy.”Because why?” asked a young girl.”Because I love you.


Reading…inspires,enlightens,nurtures,refines,educates,informs,transforms,persuades,challenges,engages, entertains,mesmerizes,captivates,gratifies,rewards,quiets,and calms.Granted, it won’t get the dishes done,but sacrifices must be made.


The blue of daylightfades and chills as the sun sinksbeneath clouds of fire.


There are no real start-overs, only start-from-heres.


Be careful what you wish for. It may turn out that making the wish was the only good part.


Compliments land assoft and gentle on my earsas a butterfly.


You stare at your dream from a distance, longing, sighing, seeing what you deem is a warning of IMPOSSIBLE. But if you would squint real hard you would see the truth; the sign correctly reads ‘I’M POSSIBLE.


A finger beckons.My choice is to turn away.It is a mistake.


Love is an afternoon of fishing when I’d sooner be at the ballet. Love is eating burnt toast and lumpy graving with a big s


Moms are life’s number one cheerleaders without uniforms.


Your weaknesses may not seem overwhelming, but they will create the biggest problems you face.


It’s silly to think the left eye would envy the right or that one foot would be jealous of the other, and yet so often it is the case.


Anyone who looks good with a bald head is seriously sexy.


A man once believed he could fly—and he did. Another believed he could walk on the moon—and he did. Why not believe your wildest dreams can come true? Why not see the stars as reachable?


Laughter and love are their own forms of exercise meant to keep a body healthy.


There are times you find yourself standing by the wayside, watching as someone struggles to dig a well with a spoon, and you wish with all your heart you had arms and a shovel.


It is in the coldest months that hugs linger snug, and they warm the soul the most.


Those things that challenge the worst in us tend to strengthen the best in us.


Obsessing over something that has jarred your world is called coping.


Minutes turn into hours that add up to days amounting to weeks that become  months melting into yearsaccumulating for decadesto pile up for centuriesand ultimately form minutes again―just on a grander, divine scale.


There are no rest stops on the road of life. Otherwise they’d be congested with traffic.


It wasn’t a kiss that changed the frog, but the fact that a young girl looked beneath warts and slime and believed she saw a prince. So he became one.


Mothers care in volumes of tears and earnestness of prayers and a depth of emotion others cannot fathom.


The Harvest Moon glows round and bold,In pumpkin shades outlined in gold,Illuminating eerie forms,Unnatural as a candied corn.Beware what dare crawls up your sleeve,For ’tis the night called Hallows Eve.


We wait for the rains to cease, the clouds to part, and the sun to shine before saying life is good. Ironically, it is because we endure the storms that life seems so wonderfully bright at their passing.


While silently brooding, I am drawn to the start of a sweet melody that travels to my ear from afar. I smile, reminded that my heart can dance when my feet can’t.


Life is a walk through the forest. Don’t fear the trees, fear what lurks behind them.


Sometimes while gazing at the night’s sky, I imagine stars looking down making wishes on the brightest of us.


Saying ‘I’m sorry’ is saying ‘I love you’ with a wounded heart in one hand and your smothered pride in the other.


Your tongue tends to say more about you when it blabs about other people.


It is to our own detriment that we underestimate the might of small and simple things.


A truly humble apology works to part storm clouds, calm rough seas, and bring on the soft lights of dawn; it has the power to change a person’s world.


Announcing the intended arrival of some people is kind of like issuing a hurricane warning. 


When my problems seem overwhelming and impossible to solve, I hold fast to these facts: God is real, He is right, and He cares.


It’s too bad we’re not all teddy bears. More stuffing would only make us cuter and cuddlier.


The least effort is the feat most likely to be accomplished.


If one is content to freely speak trash about another, it is probably more correct to judge them as the one of ill repute and refuse the load of garbage they offer you.


Who cares who’s right or wrong when the last word is a kind apology?


Learn to look up now and then, just in case a piano is falling from overhead.


You are not my sunshine. Sorry. You’re more like a gust of arctic wind that bursts in and blows out all the candles when the door cracks open.


Freedom is the atmosphere in which humanity thrives. Breathe it in.


Do we ignore the needyto spite the greedy?Or share and defenddespite those who pretend?


Take time to laugh, to talk, to hug, and to cry. These are the human relief valves.


The actual secret to success: Be a better friend today than you were yesterday.


It is a sweet thing to have someone love you, but it is a far sweeter thing when his actions convince your heart, and his words persuade your soul.


Enemies may unite to eliminate a common threat, but never without a wary eye fixed on their ally.


I’m a sucker for curiosity’s whims.Does that make me a cat person?


The search only ends when you finally find the one who truly gets you.


In my lifetime I have witnessed far too many miracles to believe in impossibilities, and so I am officially modifying the defini


Let the giggles fill your mouth because nothing tastes as sweet as laughter.


Life is a voyage across troubled waters where our days are often spent clinging to the top of the highest mast, scouting for a comforting glimpse of shore.


There are few things better than losing yourself in a book. And if you’re lucky enough to have that adventure continue in a series, it’s like chocolate ganache on the icing on the cake.


Life is a bonfire where everyone else has brought marshmallows, and you—a stick.


It’s mind-boggling how many different worlds people live in on this one planet.


Aging is a mortal term that my immortal spirit doesn’t quite grasp.


You can’t make me be nice.You can’t make me be good.You can’t make me be


Every now and then I sit and watch the sun rise to remind myself how it’s done—peacefully, steadily, warmly, and in beautiful color.


Laughter isn’t a sign of insanity but a shield against it.


Christmas is a whisper of peace and a sigh of hope on the lips of love.


Eyes, so easily deceived, might judge more rightly with lids closed, allowing ears and heart to remain wide open.”from “The Beauty of Ugh


Choose altruism, because selfishism is a lonely, cold, dark hole.


Physical attractiveness is no indicator of an individual’s beauty.”from “The Beauty of Ugh


Live today facing forward—with your back on yesterday, your eyes on tomorrow, and your head and heart in the moment.


Face it; life’s gonna chew you up and spit you out. If you’re lucky you’ll get stuck to the bottom of someone’s shoe and be carried far, far away from it all.


It’s a waste of time worrying about something that worry won’t fix. It’s about as useful as trying to feed your pet rock.


To wish for the happiest days is to wish for a season of sorrow; for it is only after prolonged, wintry darkness that the summer sun appears to shine at its brightest.


Life isn’t all perpetual bliss, nor is it one woeful weeping session. But you can concentrate so hard on noticing moments of one or the other that either a bright outlook or dim expectations becomes your regular illusion.


God will win every contest in life, so stop trying to beat Him at his own game.


If the world appears abundant in smiles or overwhelmed by scowls, you might ask yourself if you’re not to blame.


How often it is that we set ourselves in the high seat, judging others, not having read their book but merely having glimpsed the cover.


It’s impossible to be involved in all situations, but there’s no excuse not to be involved in something, somewhere, somehow, with someone. Make an ounce of difference.


You may think you’ve hit rock bottom in your life but guess what—there’s more crud underneath those rocks.


My knight may not wear a coat of shining armor, but his code of glowing honor will never fail to protect us both from evils far worse than any fire-breathing dragon.


We always feel the brunt of the blow dealt to us, but hardly ever do we feel the impact we have on others. Why is that?


I wonder at times if we’re not all blind. It just seems there are an abundance of books unread, paint strokes not admired, and performances unattended. So much attention painstakingly sought and not given.


There are many roads in this world that will guide you to pleasurable, fun, and exciting destinations that do not end in any form of lasting happiness. So before you step on an enticing path, figure out where it leads.


You baffle me, addle me, drive me insane. You muddle, befuddle, and rattle my brain. My senses are mad, Skewed judgment to blame.You drive me half stark-raving bonkers!(But the truly crazy thing is how I love it.)


Most people don’t accept that they are an influence either improving or damaging others.


You matter.You are important.There is a reason for your existence.You may not see or understand how this is true, but truth doesn’t cease to be truth because of doubt, blindness, or ignor


Perfection is a paradigm meant to keep us striving and learning and growing. Like a wondrous sunset, perfection may be beyond our reach, but it is within our view and well worth seeking after.


A real treasure becomes such only after it’s been desperately sought after.


Trust in the silent doers. It is far more difficult to put your dreams into action than into flowery words.


Closed books are like closed eyes—you must open them to see anything.


Time is an imp—a pesky, little, hellish troll that hastens the clock when I smile but then delays the passing of minutes when I frown.


Comparisons are like rigid fingers—eager to point at a subject but unwilling to grasp it.


The reality is that doing good unto others actually does more good for you.


Compassion only plagues those with hearts, much like a field of thorns only troubles those who bleed.


Happiness is seeing blessings in disguise, beauty under camouflage, and love amid conflict.


Life may dawdle along in minutes but don’t be deceived, for it will sprint by in years before you even notice.


The captain put his fingers to his temples as if he had a headache. “So, let me get this straight. Edgar, an immortal, who I assume is as unscrupulous as his sisters, tried to take that bracelet from you


To punish someone for your own mistakes or for the consequences of your own actions, to harm another by shifting blame that is rightly yours; this is a wretched and cowardly sin.


Boasting is one of those rare outfits that never looks good on you but makes you look stunning when modeled by your admirers.


Just knowing you’re not alone is often enough to kindle hope amid tragic circumstances.


Kisses are a means to plant on another’s lips a smile glossed with happiness.


When problems beat upon you like a raging storm, search for the eye. You might not be able to avoid misfortunes, but you can find the calmest spot within them.


One thing I’ve learned is that in the midst of your darkest moments of tribulation, there is no such thing as mass friends.


Beauty that pleases the eye is a frail, fleeting illusion. But that beauty capable of pleasing the heart can endure endlessly.


If you truly wish to change what is without, you must first change what festers within.


Laughing in my ear is a muse amused by how I paint her whims on paper with silly words.


I prefer to solve the world’s problems. They never seem as complicated as my own.


Thanks, Ian, but sometimes there’s just nothing you can do.” Her feet moved forward again towards the center of Lacsar Forest. “That’s not true, Eena. I can always listen.


Mothers observe all, absorb all, give all, forgive all, offer all, suffer all, feel all, heal all, hope for all, pray for all.But most o


Kiss a frog with your eyes wide open. If he turns into a prince you won’t miss the transformation, but if he doesn’t, you won’t be fooled by some wishful illusion in your head.


Heroes make us smile because they not only rescue us outwardly, but inwardly too.


What is more powerful than the love of a mother? Perhaps only God’s hand in answering her earnest pleadings on your behalf.


Sometimes poets expect me to think far deeper than I’m willing to dig.


You can’t argue with insanity. You can stare at it, gaping and incredulous, but arguing with it is futile.


Dare to imagine. Dare to be. Books are the seeds. Dreams are the soil. The fruit of the harvest, a world reborn.


This thing that troubles you is only one small part of your life. Don’t allow it to be all-consuming when there’s so much more to embrace.


Only a fool believes that his actions don’t shape the world.


Why is it that at the very moment I need to appear graceful I stumble and fall like a klutz, as though this scene had never played through my mind differently a million times?


If you avoid all of life’s abrasions you will never be polished enough to shine.


Rest assured you make perfectly good nonsense.  I understand you one-hundred-percent not at all.


There’s enchantment in a smile, did you know?Shall I prove in a wink that it is so?Watch my mouth grin wide and see,How quick your lips smile back at me!


You try moving things with nothing but willpower. It’s about as easy as trying to lasso a bull with a licorice


Funny thing how when you reach out, people tend to reach right back. Best, then, to make sure your hand is open and not fisted.


I shall ne’er chase rainbows again, Knowing no pot o’ gold awaits at the end. My Irish treasure is not there. For ye, my love, abide with me here.


Of course I want the moon. And were you to offer it, I’d propose as a trade the stars in my eyes.


My love for you reaches beyond the borders of continents, so vast in scope that I would cross oceans to be with you.Yes, but does that same love penetrate so deep as to dare thee to sink to the oceans’ depths to fin


In an unfathomable expanse of universe supporting galaxies of star systems with orbiting planets innumerable, I am nothing.  And yet to the few bodies encircling my tiny little spot in the world, I am essential.


Truly there are different kinds of pain.  But the most agonizing is the pain of regret, for which there is no lasting relief and no remedy.


True love asks no question of the heart.  It knows with surety.


No misery compares to staring at a clear night’s sky with arms stretched toward a coveted star, wishing on what is forever out of reach.


Nature awakens each day in brilliant autumn colors, making me wish the pale winter would bid adieu.


The bitterest hardships, the most daunting trials; none of these are burdens if it means being with you.


Hindsight is always easier than the dreadful moment of decision.


Conundrum:  A fun word to repeat over and over again when no one’s listening. Actual meaning is as puzzling as the need to chant the word.


Wanting help, I reached out to serve. Seeking happiness, I smiled and offered comfort. Yearning for love, I showed love. And now I understand. My life was never about me, it was always about you.


True love takes time. It’s an earned comfort that tells you she’ll be right there beside you no matter what you do, not necessarily happy with your every action, but faithful to you just the same.


Happiness doesn’t always come in pink. Learn to appreciate the rainbow.


I love the magic of a hot bath, how time pauses and every grievance melts away.


Love is years of devotion, sacrifice, commitment, loyalty, trust, faith, and friendship all wrapped up in one. True love does more than cause your heart to flutter. It upholds your heart when the infatuation no longer makes it flutter.


Mother nature changes her looks for the same reason any woman changes her looks—to be noticed.


True love is a developed and intense appreciation for someone. It’s that perfect awareness that you are finally whole when she’s with you, and that hollow incompleteness you suffer when she’s gone.


Love is knowing someone so deeply, understanding her so completely, that you can finish her thoughts without hesitation, confident in reading her face, her body, even her slightest gesture means something to you.


Love grows and wanes, but honor, duty, and commitment, those things are constant and stable. They define who you are.


Christmas is like candy; it slowly melts in your mouth sweetening every taste bud, making you wish it could last forever.


Love tickles parts of you that, prior to its influence, you didn’t even know could feel.


One thing about a skunk—once you recognize the markings, you know things are gonna stink.


A new star, the Christ child, God’s gift to mankind; these are what Christmas is made of.


Be not wishing and pining but thankfully content.  For it is a short bridge between wanting and regret.”- from “Dimpellumpzki


It was God who gave a man’s rib to a woman. But it is man who must learn to give away his heart and never take it back.


Life is a love story, with every character yearning for permanent refuge in someone’s heart.


Happiness depends upon two things—pleasing God, and then pleasing yourself.


One of the most effective things you will ever do in life, whether you care to or not, is set an example.


As I quietly stare off into space, eyes glazed over and brow thoughtfully taut, know that I am going about my business.  I am a storyteller.  Daydreaming is the best part of my job.


When you open your mouth, listeners are offended.  When you close your mouth, the expectant are offended.  If a person seeks misdoing from you they will find it regardless of whether or not you deliver. 


To laugh continually is to never laugh at all. For it takes the periodic sound of sorrow from which to distinguish the sound of joy.


Do it again.Play it again. Sing it again. Read it again. Write it again. Sketch it again. Rehearse it again. Run it again. Try it



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