Top 78 Julie Kagawa Quotes

You are my heart, my life, my entire existence.” -Ash


His breath hitched, and he regarded me hungrily. “You’re playing with fire, you know that?” “That’s weird, considering you’re an ice prin—” I didn’t get any further, as Ash leaned in and kissed me.


Her desires are mine. Her wishes are mine. Should even the world stand against her, my blade will be at her side. And should it fail to protect her, let my own existence be forfeit.” – Ash


I will be with her again, or I will die. There aren’t any other options


Oh, don’t mind me,” came an extremely sarcastic voice near the wall. “You two go ahead and make out–I’ll just sit here and bleed quietly.


I guess the sacrifice of my dignity is the only thing that will save us now. The things I endure for love. The Fates laugh at my torment.


You don’t dwell on what you’ve lost, you just move on.”-Allison


Oh, we’re playing nice now? Shall we have tea first? Brew up a nice pot of kiss-my-ass?


Touch her, and I’ll freeze your testicles off and put them in a jar. Understand?


Bravo,” said Grimalkin, peering down from Cold Tom’s chest. “The Winter prince and Oberon’s jester agreeing on something. The world must be ending.


Oh, look at that, he’s heard of me. My fame grows.


Oh, goodie,” Puck said as I stepped forward. “I’m going to have a rash in the most uncomfortable places.


Oh that looked painful,” called another Puck, a little farther down. “We really need to talk about your anger-management problems.


I sheathed my blade and glared at him. “And here I almost thought you weren’t a complete bastard.””Well, that’s your mistake, not mine.


Now we’re going to save a bunch of dirty meatsacks from a bunch of dirty cannibals? Why don’t we rescue some orphaned kittens and put food out for stray puppies while we’re at it?


Mercy is for the weak… let me show you how much of an Unseelie I still am.


There was nothing sweet or gentle in our last kiss; it was filled with sorrow and desperation, of the bitter knowledge that we could’ve had something perfect, but it just wasn’t meant to be.


i’m your enemy, meghan. never forget that. if Mab tells me to kill you in front of the entire court, it’s my duty to obey.


I cannot let the fear of the past color the future.


Working for Mab now, are you, Wolfman?” he smirked. “Like a good little attack dog? Will you also roll over and beg if she asks?


Goodfellow snickered.”Wouldn’t be any fun if we didn’t run into some sort of catastrophe.” Pulling his dagger ,he waved me on.”After you,your highness.Puck to Ash


As cities grow and technology takes over the world belief and imagination fade away and so do we.


I was Ashallayn’darkmyr Tallyn, son of Mab, former prince of the Unseelie Court, and I was not afraid of a witch on a broom.


Care to join me, Goodfellow?”“Oh, ice-boy. A moonlight stroll with you? Do you even have to ask?


This is the most I have ever been in the sewers in one place. If someone had said to me a month ago, ‘Hey, Jackal, guess where you’ll be spending most of your time in New Covington? Ankle-deep in shit!’ I would’ve ripped their lips off.


Leaving would imply suitcases and empty drawers, and late birthday cards with ten-dollar bills stuffed inside.


And in the stillness before dawn, on the brink of a war that could tear us apart, our auras danced and twined in the darkness, coiling around each other until they finally merged, becoming one.


Nothing is certain,” he murmured. “The future is constantly changing, and no one can predict what happens next. We have the power to change our destiny, because fate is not set in stone, and we are always free to make a choice.


I have always loved you, princess” Robin Goodfellow promised, his green eyes shining in the darkness. “I always will. And I’ll take whatever you can give me.


Ember was mine. The other half of me. And I would fight Talon, St George, and the entire d world to keep her safe.


Sorry, I didn’t see the big X with the words Top Secret Government Laboratory on the map, did you?


The only thing necessary for evil to conquer is for us and those like us to do nothing.


As I studied the remians of book pages, scatered among the ashes, my heart sank.


It always starts out that way,” Kanin said, and his voice was distant, as if remembering. “Noble intentions, honor among new vampires. Vows to not harm humans, to take only what is needed, to not hunt them like sheep through the night.


I don’t see how you mortals do it, these feelings you must endure. they will ruin you in the end.


You will always be a monster – there is no turning back from it. But what kind of monster you become is entirely up to you.


Seeing as this is probably my last hurrah, I don’t suppose I could get you two bleeding hearts to massacre a village with me? For old time’s sake. – Jackal


It would be hilariously tragic if I avoided the rabids, avoided the sun, only to be fried to a crisp on a damn electric fence because I was too impatient.


The closer you got to someone, the more it would destroy you when they were inevitably gone.


You’re wondering if you have to prey on humans, if you can survive by drinking the blood of animals or other creatures. You’re hoping you won’t have to kill people to live. Am I right?


Silly me, thinking you actually had potential. I thought, Finally, she’s realized she’s a vampire. Now we’re getting somewhere. But now you’re just a big fluffy bunny with sharp teeth.


Zeke’s snort sounded suspiciously like laughter. “Allie you’re a beautiful, exotic-looking vampire girl with a katana. Trust me, if anyone is going to attract attention, it’s not going to be me.


I get a little poetic sometimes. The moonlight does that to me.


You know, I’m really starting to hate the insect life around here. Next time, remind me to bring a can of Off!


My emotions still held a stubborn hope that humans could be loyal, that they could hold out against the promise of an easy life. But I knew better.


What was with this family, that all the sons were so freaking handsome it hurt to look at them


If you are going to do that, would you mind not jostling the bed so much?’ came a sarcastic voice near the head board. ‘Perhaps you could roll around on the floor.


It was almost better to be caught by the hungry, soulless vampires; the most they would probably do was drink your blood and leave you to die. Humans were capable of far, far worse.


I’m trying to keep your safe!” Puck exploded, whirling on me. His eyes feverish, and I shrank back. “This isn’t a game, Meghan! The shit is about to hit the fan, and you’re right in the middle of it without knowing enough to duck!


Eventually we will all wither and die in the wasteland of logic and science.


Can’t anyone ever start a fight without all the posturing and cheesy Bond-villain threats? It’s not that hard. Here, let me demonstrate.” And he smashed a fist into Colin’s nose.


Rnesh karr slithis,” I hissed back, which was Draconic for eat your own tail, the dragon version of go screw yourself. No extra translation needed.


They wanted me to sit, listen, learn, be quiet, when I wanted to run, shout, jump, fly.


My insides fluttered, sending curls of heat through my stomach and shivers all the way down my spine. So, this was what it was like to kiss someone…..and mean it.


One hand traced small circles against my back, and I pressed closer to him, listening to his heartbeat. “I used to think that having nothing to live for made you a better fighter,” he murmured. “Turns out I was wrong on a lot of fronts.


Is our life not exciting enough? Or do the lot of you just have some kind of death wish?


I leaned back against the headboard and closed my eyes, feeling the inferno flair between us once more. It flickered and pulsed, but my blood was boiling on the inside and Ember was the fire that ignited it.


You can’t be completely in love with a dragon and expect anything to be normal.


Victory was close. Just one final push. “Send in the rest,” I ordered. “All wings attack. Take that base down now.


Without St. George, that balance would tip. Without the Order, there would be nothing to stop Talon and the Elder Wyrm from achieving what they wanted from the start: complete and utter dominion.


You have no idea what you really are,” the Elder Wyrm went on, “or why you are special to the dragons of Talon.


The organization likes to do their dirty business where no one can see it.


Why haven’t they killed us yet?””Our lives aren’t important. For some reason, it’s always been about her.


Sometimes I think you’re the only thing keeping me sane.


But I would not break. I would not give up Ember’s location, or Riley’s underground. The next few hours might have me wishing I was dead, but I would not betray the girl I loved to the organization. They would have to kill me.


Helpless, I clenched my fists against my back, well aware that every mile, every minute that ticked by, took me ever farther from getting to them in time and closer to losing the red dragon forever.


I’m sorry,” I whispered. “I never wanted this for you. This life…I knew it was going to kill me in the end. I wish you didn’t have to be here when it finally caught up.


At least I know the truth,” I gritted back. “I’m not the one who’s being lied to.” His brow furrowed, and I spat the truth at him.


So that left me. To save my hatchlings and my underground, even if I couldn’t be there anymore.


There are a dozen St. George soldiers hiding in that maze,” my trainer said. “All hunting you. All looking to kill you. Welcome to Phase Two of your training, hatchling.


There are a dozen St. George soldiers hiding in that maze,” my trainer said. “All hunting you. All looking to kill you. Welcone to Phase Two of your training, hatchling.


Observe and blend in,” he stated in his cool, unruffled voice. “Learn how to engage with humans, how to be human. Assimilate into their social structure and make them believe we are one of them.


A ruse. That’s all it was. Pretend to like this girl. Pretend to have feelings, to pursue some kind of relationship. Earn her friendship and trust, knowing I might have to destroy it, and her, in the end.


Meghan rose with the regal grace of a queen, calm and unruffled. I noticed she subtly moved in front of me when facing Ariella, a familiar gesture that caught me off guard. The Iron Queen was protecting me.


Jun was a calm lake; Tomo was a waterfall. And I was the water, swept every which way, unable to shape myself into what I wanted.


To Survive In A Ruined World, She Must Embrace The Darkness…


What lies beneath this envelope of flesh and blood, hmm? Is it something special? Perhaps, when I peel it open, I will be able to see. Perhaps your screams will tell me everything I need to know.


There was no way I was going to let him die. He was my other half; without him, I felt incomplete. I wasn’t sure if this was my dragon talking or me,but I couldn’t imagine a world without Riley.



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