Top 77 Donald L. Hicks Quotes

At the heart of all anger, all grudges, and all resentment, you’ll always find a fear that hopes to stay anonymous.


If the tree doesn’t hug you back, it’s not a problem with the tree, it’s a problem with your heart.


Never be afraid to cry. Sometimes, nothing can cleanse the heart more than a few wet tears.


Money is an inanimate object. It can do good works or bad works depending on the hands that wield it, and the hearts governing those hands.


Fears and worries originate in the mind. Love and joy originate from the soul.


Your words, your thoughts, your imagination: powerful tools. Remember that and use them wisely.


If you follow your passion, it will lead you to fulfillment.


Life is not something that happens to us, Life happens through us.


Through artistry, imagination not only allows one to express their creativity, but also their soul.


Whether or not you believe in God, He always believes in You!


So never be embarrassed by mistakes, rather, be thankful for them, because they always present an opportunity for personal growth.


No church or synagogue pew can produce a higher awareness of God than sitting at the base of a tree and observing His creation.


A single tiny light creates a space where darkness cannot exist. The light vanquishes the darkness. Try as it might, the darkness cannot conquer the light.


Always let your inner light shine. By doing so, you not only light a path for yourself, but also light a way for others.


You can either choose to walk in light and love, or run in fear and darkness. But with the latter, you’re more likely to fall.


To make mistakes or be wrong is human. To admit those mistakes shows you have the ability to learn, and are growing wiser.


Love and Fear are polar opposites. Love originates from the soul, while Fear and worries and insecurities originate in the mind. Love is Heavenly, while Fear is Earthly. Love is a gift from Above, Fear is a burden from below.


What is conditional love? Conditional love is an oxymoron. Conditional love is an imposter of love. Conditional love is something other than love, because you cannot conditionalize the un-conditional.


When you show others love, you are shown love. When you give love, you receive love.


If you give, expecting something in return, it’s not really giving at all.If you love, expecting something in return, it’s not really loving at all.


Make your life a magical journey of Life, encountering Life.


Each truth we find (in life) leads us a step closer to God.


If you Love all Life you observe, you will observe all Life will Love.


Nature will teach us many lessons if we take the time to visit her classroom.


My path is not a better path, it is simply a different path.


When you forgive, you free your soul. But when you say I’m sorry, you free two souls.


Forgiveness is not a gift you give someone else, forgiveness is a gift you give to yourself.


Money can take you many places, but imagination can take you anywhere.


You cannot be a positive influence to the “sinners at the table” if you refuse to dine with them.


Every act of kindness is another step up Heaven’s stairway.


When you continually worry about what other people think of you, they own you.


Loving yourself doesn’t make you selfish. When done correctly, the exact opposite occurs, because you know that selfish behaviors are negative for your mind, body and spirit.


If you learn from every mistake, you never fail at anything.


So when someone would love to see you fail, forgive them, and draw upon that motivation to succeed.


Until you are conscious of your conscience, you are morally unconscious.


Anger is the mirror image of fear. It begins as fear, and is expressed outwardly as anger.


Don’t change your morality for the people around you, change the people around you with your morality.


Truth, most succinctly defined is: That Which Is So. Non-Truth, most succinctly defined is: That Which Is Not So.


Regardless of how far a person runs, a lie will eventually catch up to them.


When someone places more value in saving money, than the value they place in saving Life, they have “misplaced” their values.


It’s been said that people see what they want to see. For that exact reason, look for the good in people, rather than the bad.


What happens to you during Life may seem out of your control; how you perceive each experience, however… good or bad… is totally up to you.


Always surround yourself with people who lift you up, rather than hold you down.


Seek to be served, and you become a servant. Seek to serve others, and you become a master.


Happiness and Unhappiness are not things that just happen to you, they are a choice. They are a perspective. Smile, and think about that for a moment. Now smile some more. Not that hard is it?


It’s not a question of whether a person’s been inspired by God, the only question is, has that person realized it, or not?


Happiness is truly priceless. It costs you nothing.


We may have pets, but when it comes to unconditional love, they are the masters.


When you open a door for others, you sometimes open doors for yourself.


We must learn that when people devalue any one Life, they devalue all Life.


If you believe Life is sacred, you must also believe unnecessary killing is sacrilege.


Man must learn that his current path is not suitable for Earth, and soon, Earth won’t be suitable for Man.


A day is a day. It’s just a measurement of time. Whether it’s a good day or a bad day is up to you. It’s all a matter of perception.


Some trees grow straight, while others grow gnarled and twisted. Yet none are imperfect. Perfection is merely a perception.


Autumn teaches us a valuable lesson. During summer, all the green trees are beautiful. But there is no time of the year when the trees are more beautiful than when they are different colors. Diversity adds beauty to our world.


To change undesirable behaviors we see in the world, we must change the thinking that leads to those behaviors.


My race is not a better race, it is simply a different race.


Those who teach the most about humanity, aren’t always human.


Life is more than just a bump in the road. All life is sacred.


A river has many curves, but it always reaches the ocean.


Every snowflake is unique, yet they are each perfect.


Fear and guilt are your enemies. If you let go of fear, fear lets go of you. If you release guilt, guilt will release you. How do you do that? By choosing to. It’s that simple.


The easiest way to combat greed is by recognizing the value of contentment and simplicity.


When you are mindful of your intuition, you gain a mind full of inspiration.


During Life, we cultivate relationships by spending days with others.During eternity, we cultivate relationships by spending lifetimes with others.


Nothing causes more people to deny God, misunderstand God, mistreat others, or abuse Nature more than the illusion of separateness. Nothing. No thing.


Whether you buy a new TV, or car, (etc.) or any other “material” thing is often “immaterial” to God.


Have you noticed that everything in Nature, gives back to Nature?


If you withhold love as a form of punishment, who is being punished?


If you believe in “luck”, always let it be good luck. Always choose to be “lucky”, rather than “luckless”.Be “happy”, rather than “hapless”.


Life isn’t about finding the answers, life is about knowing there are always more questions.


When you can see God in small things, you’ll see God in all things.


You can follow the religions where God is small,or you can follow the religions where God is all.


It’s good to want God to speak to you, but smarter to let God speak through you, because when God speaks through you, more than one can hear.


When someone would mistreat, misinform, misuse, misguide, mishandle, mislead… or any other “mis”… to others, they’re obviously missing something from their lives.


When people talk about you behind your back, they’re not just behind you, they’re beneath you.


If you don’t believe others can end your suffering, why believe they can end your happiness?



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