Top 76 Amber Hurdle Quotes

Because I started investing in wiserrelationships, I am now an absurdly wealthy woman—if blessings,fulfillment & joy are measured as wealth.


Most people like to talk about themselves, so get them going and you’ll make new friends quickly!


By not stepping into your greatness, you are letting down everyone around you whom you can inspire, touch, or influence.


I always say that my success has been three parts support and encouragement from my amazing network and one part piss and vinegar.


If you were stranded in the ocean in a small boat with a paddle, I’d tell you to pray to God, but row for the shore!


Determine how you are going to measure your success.


Remember, you are not aspiring for perfection, Bombshell. You are aspiring for progress, one step at a time.


Be sure to ask for help, and vent or brag on your progress along the way.


Do your best in the day, for the day, and then work on tomorrow when it comes. Show yourself grace and laugh at yourself.


Don’t be bothered with what you think other people expect of you when it comes to your raw talent.


You want to be able to say, for example, “I will know I am successful if these three things happen.


If you cannot tie your marketing efforts to actual dollars that the electric company will accept, it’s time to adjust your plan.


I’ve always said we can’t all experience everything, but we can all learn from each other’s experiences, making learning curves shorter and pitfalls avoidable.


Business is fluid and you can always improve and progress as your time and financial resources allow, and as your learningcurve shortens.


A Bombshell’s constant struggle is living up to her God given potential while also battling in her mind the difference between her expectations and the world’s expectations.


A Bombshell wants it all, yet she is beginning to see shecan’t have it all at once.


The concept of “work-life balance” is a fleeting idea for a Bombshell. Instead, a focus on work-life success—where her time and energy shifts based on the rotating demands of each area of her life—is far more realistic.


Sorry, Sister. You’re not “normal.” You’re exceptional. You’re a Bombshell. If this was easy, everyone would be a successful business owner.


Well, I admit it. I’m a people addict, and I don’t want to quit!


If your culture is how you do business internally, your brand is what people believe about you externally.


You can’t be “it” for everyone. In fact, if you try to please everyone, you will please no one, especially yourself.


You’ve got to get your team to not only understand your company brand, but also to understand their personal brand.


Even if you delegate that responsibility, ultimately you are the one responsible for howyour brand is portrayed.


Never take lightly that becoming an employer puts another person’s ability to provide for their life in your hands.


Train your new employee properly. Sounds so obvious, and yet it often doesn’t happen.


Treat your employees like you would want to be treated if you were an employee.


Customer service has everything to do with consistency, systems, training, and the habits you and your team create.


Your company culture is made up of the family rules ofyour business that establish consistent expectations among all.


When you create a company culture, you are drawing your lines in the sand for you, first & then for anyone else who does business with you.


All businesses begin and end with their company culture.


You want how you do business to be consistent among all team members, including partners, management, employees, and even vendors.


Your company culture is the internal foundation on which everything in your business builds.


To gain your share of the market, you must show how your company is different and how your culture produces a unique experience for your customers, leaving no room for competition. And that, Bombshell, is your brand.


When you have a strong company culture it will shine through your brand and you can authentically say, “This is what our brand is about.


Creating a company culture is the first operational step in becoming a bold, brave fempreneur. It creates certainty, a road map and stability.


Your mission statement outlines why your company exists. It doesn’t have to be all fancy-pants, just a clear statement of what you do.


While a mission statement speaks to why a company exists, a vision statement communicates what you want to accomplishin the future.


Values are the measuring stick for howyou make decisions in business: goal setting, employee conduct, recognition, discipline—everything.


Understanding who isn’t your ideal customer sometimes helps you better clarify who is.


Creating a plan to bring in more business in a way that does not ultimately support yourannual goals is fighting against yourself.


If your plan is not working, pivot. If it is working, do more of it!


To set yourself up for success, you need to be real about what you can commit to consistently.


Make no mistake: if you want to make it as an entrepreneur, you simply can’t do it on your own. This is a nonnegotiable!


If you choose the right vendors, your collective and sincere motives should establish both trust & grace on both sides of the relationship.


Remember that businesses are made up of humans like you. They aren’t going to be perfect and they willneed encouragement, clarification, and correction to deliver their best.


Remember that businesses are made up of humans like you. They aren’t going to be perfect and they will need encouragement, clarification, and correction to deliver their best.


Exceptional customer service proactively manages your brand and reactively can turn upset customers into raving fans based on how you handled their complaint.


Walk a mile in your customers’ stilettos or loafers. Try to understand where they are in the moment.


I pick my technology like I picked my husband. It has to complement, not complicate, my life.


Time cannot be managed. It’s going to pass you by, whether or not you are trying to manage it.


Time management is reactive, whereas time strategy is proactive.


Batching or “bucketing” your tasks is ripping the Band- Aid off whenever you have to deal with ongoing activities.


Bucketing your time or your tasks keeps you in the zone.


Raise your hand if your calendar ever makes you feel the need for an oxygen mask!


I call dealing with your calendar the “calendar boogie” because you seriously have to dance around to pull it alltogether.


I’m telling you that responsibly applying time strategy and proactively leveraging your calendar is the dumb ol’ secret to seeing your dreams come true.


With a strong personal brand, you become the only option in the eyes of your ideal customer.


Service standards create the standard of expectation that you and all team members follow when interacting with customers.


Only you can create bold goals that attract success for your business as you use your God-given gifts to serve others.


Creating an ideal customer profile helps you understand who are you talking to through your marketing, and it helps you carry that message and vibe through to your customerexperience.


Before you can decide on your brand fonts, colors or imagery, let alone your messaging, you need to know who you’re trying to attract first.


The thing is, If you try to market to everyone, then you successfully market to no one.


If I had a dollar for every time someone asked, “What do you think about this logo?” I’d be rich.


Your ideal customer should be attracted to the brand that rests on the fabulous culture youcreated, but they don’t have to share your personal interests or have the same lifestyle you do.


Much to the confusion of small-minded people, confidence does not equate arrogance.


Who cares what insecure people think who are insanely jealous that you are OK with yourself?


Nobody can experience everything, so you need to borrowthe experience of others.


A Bombshell commands attention for her business with a strong culture, consistent branding, and simple, no-to-low cost marketing.


Find another solution. That’s how you move toward success.


Good influences are positive, and they see the good in even bad situations.


Just do you. The right people and opportunities will be drawn to that.


If something doesn’t work, try something different. Don’t go ball up, cry in a corner, and say, “Woe is me.” Kick yourself in the pants and force yourself to get on to the next alternative.


Own your mistakes. Even when you’re in the process ofscrewing up.


My greatest joy is in helping others be their best.


Ain’t nobody gonna separate from theircold hard cash unless they have an unresolved problem, so ifyou want to make money, you have to be incredibly clearabout what problem(s) you solve.


Ask yourself this question both for current and possible future commitments: If I say yes to this, what am I saying no to?



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