Top 62 Mark W. Boyer Quotes

It matters not how fast light may travel, darkness shall always be there awaiting its arrival.


I respect a woman who can respect me when I’m not around.


A person with money who chooses to spend it on you, takes little effort and is meaningless. However, a person with no time who manages to spend what little they have on you… this means everything and should appreciated.


Just because you may be a Genious, does not mean you are Smart.


I am not smart, I pay attention.I am not considerate, I listen.I am not patient, I make time. I’m not lucky, I work hard.


Being a good leader does not require you possessing a fancy title, no more than possessing a fancy title makes you a good leader.


Never pass on an opportunity to say thank you or give recognition for a job well done


My two most unproductive days of the week have always been yesterday and tomorrow. Keeping that in mind, I try to focus majority of my attention on today.


Life is not complicated or finicky, it will gladly take you anywhere you choose to go.


If you aren’t hurting after a good workout then obviously you haven’t done something right


If you go through life expecting nothing chances are you’ll be content most of the time.


The most gratifying action plan that one can conceive is one that others deem unattainable only to be proven wrong.


In order for someone to be 100% content, they must first believe it to be so.


Success can be defined as how hard you continue to fight when they tell you that the battle is over.


I’ve discovered I am most comfortable outside my comfort zone.


Give a person a job you help them pay some bills, teach them how to find a career and you provide them with sustenance for life!


Expectation levels set can be directly correlated to the quality of the training provided.


Secrets are festering parasites to a relationship, devouring their hosts from within, leaving behind a empty hollow husk of what once was.


The more she turned right the more I turned wrong.


The mind of an artist never sleeps, because dreaming is when they do their best work.


Never allow reality to get in the way of your dreams.


Actions without a dream serve you no purpose, Dreams without action merely pass the time, however, a Dream set into motion….the future has no boundaries.


Everyone has someone to call on when they’re down, let me be that someone when that ones not around.


Whenever I’m running an hour late for for work, it always makes me feel better when I can leave an hour early at the end of the day to make up for it.


For a man to challenge the darkness he need only be armed with a single spark.


When lost in darkness he who lights the way, marks himself as easy prey.


Nothing leaves a scar upon an Authors heart more than a book they’ve written with purpose going unread.


Preaching love disguised as hate is worst than screaming aloud to the world the darkness within you


Allow the beauty of all that we love be reflected in who we are and in our actions.


You are having a bad day? Remember it could always be worse… It could be me having a bad day!


Work, home, or play we should all aspire to inspire everyday.


Often times it is difficult to rely on your judgment when the focus on your true objective is out of alignment.


Sometimes justice is better served by those who have experienced the pain


Lack of communication can drive a spike between two people wider than any physical distance.


Fearing our confrontations is one thing… facing them unarmed is a completely different matter.


It may sound strange, but I get the inspiration for most of my Dreams while I’m sleeping.


Added pressure and responsibility should not change one’s leadership style, it should merely expose that which already exists.


Sometimes we just have to suck it up and do what we have to do, until we are able to do what we want to do.


We all cannot do everything or solve every issue. “It’s impossible”, however, if we each simply do our part. Make our own contribution, regardless of how small we may think it is…. together it adds up and great things get accomplished.


People tend to spend so much time focusing on what they feel they can’t do, rather examining the true potential of what they can.


When a person in your life continuously displays to you they do not care, there comes a point where you may want to start believing them.


When it’s all said and done remember, “You are only as old as you look.


If you constantly make it clear that you are unwilling to budge, don’t get upset when no one is around who’s willing to give you a push.


Color can be measured in the depth of ones’ skin, however character is measured by the content of ones’ heart.


Everyday US Marines make possible the impossible and then go about their business like it’s just the way things are supposed to be.


Dare to think the unimaginable, imagine the unthinkable, dream of that which will never happen, yet continue to aspire and to test the limits of your very being and those around you.


If you are not willing to give a less experienced qualified professional a chance, don’t complain you are charged double for a job worth half.


Exactly what good are our eyes if they are not willing to see what’s right before us?


If you are not taking the time to set your own goals, chances are pretty high someone else is doing it for you. So don’t be surprised someday when you end up someplace you never hoped to be.


The reputation of a great work ethic that took years to build can be forgotten with one act of misjudgment.


No matter how slow or long it takes, it is never too late to right a wrong.


A knowledgeable manager can lend to the success of an organization “almost” as much as a poorly trained manager can damage it.


There is no “one” way to be a perfect leader, but there are a million ways to be a good one.


Never place someone so high on a pedestal that if they should fall… you get crushed.


If you can’t bring yourself to applaud because the performance was lousy, then applaud because it’s over. They tried.


Time is the most valuable commodity we have to offer the world. Don’t be afraid to share.


If you cannot change your circumstances, then change your attitude.


Whether it be training, dieting, working out, or work ethic, for every great excuse “Not” to do something, there are 100 “better” reasons for you to do it.


The effort you put forth in whatever you do is directly proportional to the results you produce.


Creativity is making regret free mistakes, Wisdom is knowing which ones have value


The best help we can offer the youth of today is to prepare them for tomorrow.


Often times it isn’t the quality of your candidates, it’s the quality of your interview.



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