Top 62 Anne Morrow Lindbergh Quotes

it takes as much courage to have tried and failed as it does to have tried and succeded.


The shape of my life is, of course, determined by many things; my background and childhood, my mind and its education, my conscience and its pressures, my heart and its desires.


It isn’t for the moment you are struck that you need courage, but for that long uphill climb back to sanity and faith and security.


I must write it all out, at any cost. Writing is thinking. It is more than living, for it is being concious of living.


The beach is not a place to work; to read, write or to think.


You can’t just write and write and put things in a drawer. They wither without the warm sun of someone else’s appreciation.


It is only in solitude that I ever find my own core.


The web of marriage is made by propinquity, in the day to day living side by side, looking outward in the same direction. It is woven in space and in time of the substance of life itself.


I believe that true identity is found . . . in creative activity springing from within. It is found, paradoxically, when one loses oneself. Woman can best refind herself in some kind of creative activity of her own.


The good past is so far away and the near past is so horrible and the future is so perilous, that the present has a chance to expand into a golden eternity of here and now.


All living relationships are in process ofchange, of expansion, and must perpetually be building themselves new forms. But there is no singlefixed form to express such a changing relationship.


Not knowing how to feed the spirit, we try to muffle its demands in distraction…What matters is that one be for a time inwardly attentive.


Yesterday’s fairy tale is today’s fact. The magician is only one step ahead of his audience.


There comes a moment when the things one has written, even a traveler’s memories, stand up and demand a justification. They require an explanation. They query, ‘Who am I? What is my name? Why am I here?


Only in growth, reform, and change, paradoxically enough, is true security to be found.


A note of music gains significance from the silence on either side.


The here, the now and the individual have always been the special concern of the saint, the artist, the poet and — from time immemorial–the woman.


Woman must come of age by herself — she must find her true center alone.


by and large,mothers and house wives are the only workers who do not have regular time off.They are the great vacationless class


Only when one is connected to one’s inner core is one connected to others. And, for me, the core, the inner spring, can best be re-found through solitude.


Him that I love, I wish to be free — even from me.


After all, I don’t see why I am always asking for private, individual, selfish miracles when every year there are miracles like white dogwood.


Good communication is as stimulating as black coffee and just as hard to sleep after.


One cannot collect all the beautiful shells on the beach.


One cannot collect all the beautiful shells on the beach.


One cannot collect all the beautiful shells on the beach.


One cannot collect all the beautiful shells on the beach.


One cannot collect all the beautiful shells on the beach.


One cannot collect all the beautiful shells on the beach.


One cannot collect all the beautiful shells on the beach.


One cannot collect all the beautiful shells on the beach.


Only in growth reform and change paradoxically enough is true security to be found.


It isn’t for the moment you are stuck that you need courage but for the long uphill climb back to sanity and faith and security.


It takes as much courage to have tried and failed as it does to have tried and succeeded.


It takes as much courage to have tried and failed as it does to have tried and succeeded.


One can never pay in gratitude one can only pay “in kind” somewhere else in life.


One cannot collect all the beautiful shells on the beach.


The loneliness you get by the sea is personal and alive. It doesn’t subdue you and make you feel abject. It’s stimulating loneliness.


Purposeful giving is not as apt to deplete one’s resources it belongs to that natural order of giving that seems to renew itself even in the act of depletion.


A simple enough pleasure surely to have breakfast alone with one’s husband but how seldom married people in the midst of life achieve it.


Lost time is like a run in a stocking. It always gets worse.


The fundamental magic of flying is a miracle that has nothing to do with any of its practical purposes – purposes of speed accessibility and convenience – and will not change as they change.


The most exhausting thing in life is being insincere.


Only in growth reform and change paradoxically enough is true security to be found.


Perhaps middle age is or should be a period of shedding shells the shell of ambition the shell of material accumulations and possessions the shell of the ego.


It takes as much courage to have tried and failed as it does to have tried and succeeded.


One can get just as much exultation in losing oneself in a little thing as in a big thing. It is nice to think how one can be recklessly lost in a daisy.


Woman’s normal occupations in general run counter to creative life or contemplative life or saintly life.


Good communication is as stimulating as black coffee and just as hard to sleep after.


Don’t wish me happiness – I don’t expect to be happy it’s gotten beyond that, somehow. Wish me courage and strength and a sense of humor – I will need them all.


Good communication is just as stimulating as black coffee, and just as hard to sleep after.


For happiness one needs security, but joy can spring like a flower even from the cliffs of despair.


Arranging a bowl of flowers in the morning can give a sense of quiet in a crowded day – like writing a poem or saying a prayer.


The punctuation of anniversaries is terrible, like the closing of doors, one after another between you and what you want to hold on to.


It takes as much courage to have tried and failed as it does to have tried and succeeded.


Grief can’t be shared. Everyone carries it alone. His own burden in his own way.


Men kick friendship around like a football, but it doesn’t seem to crack. Women treat it like glass and it goes to pieces.


The most exhausting thing in life is being insincere.


Those fields of daisies we landed on, and dusty fields and desert stretches. Memories of many skies and earths beneath us – many days, many nights of stars.


Perhaps this is the most important thing for me to take back from beach-living: simply the memory that each cycle of the tide is valid each cycle of the wave is valid each cycle of a relationship is valid.


When the wedding march sounds the resolute approach, the clock no longer ticks, it tolls the hour. The figures in the aisle are no longer individuals, they symbolize the human race.


The wave of the future is coming and there is no fighting it.



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