Top 56 Orison Swett Marden Quotes

The greatest thing a man can do in this world, is to make the most possible out of the stuff that has been given him. This is success, and there is no other.


Happiness is not a matter of intensity but of balance, order, rhythm and harmony.


Opportunities? They are all around us … There is power lying latent everywhere waiting for the observant eye to discover it.


There is no medicine like hope, no incentive so great, and no tonic so powerful as expectation of something tomorrow.


All men who have achieved great things have been great dreamers.


Believe with all your heart that you will do what you were made to do.


Books make it possible for every person born into the world to begin where the previous generation left off.


Wanted, a man who will not lose his individuality in a crowd, a man who has the courage of his convictions, who is not afraid to say “No,” though all the world say “Yes.


When we are sure that we are on the right road there is no need to plan our journey too far ahead. No need to burden ourselves with doubts and fears as to the obstacles that may bar our progress. We cannot take more than one step at a time.


You will find the whole world will change to you when you change your attitude toward it.


The tonic of success is a marvelous producer as well as stimulant. By the law of mental magnetism one success attracts another, and after we begin to win it is comparatively easy to keep on winning.


The college diploma has no more power to hold the knowledge you have gained in college than a piece of tissue paper over a gas jet can hold the gas in the pipe.


We win half the battle when we make up our minds to take the world as we find it including the thorns.


Most men fail not through lack of education but from lack of dogged determination from lack of dauntless will.


Live and let live is not enough live and help live is not too much.


There is no medicine like hope no incentive so great and no tonic so powerful as expectation of something tomorrow.


The hopeful man sees success where others see failure sunshine where others see shadows and storm.


Our destiny changes with our thoughts we shall become what we wish to become do what we wish to do when our habitual thoughts correspond with our desires.


The golden rule for every business man is this: ‘Put yourself in your customer’s place.’


No employer today is independent of those about him. He cannot succeed alone, no matter how great his ability or capital. Business today is more than ever a question of cooperation.


It is the hopeful, buoyant, cheerful attitude of mind that wins. Optimism is a success builder; pessimism an achievement killer.


No one is mocked with the yearning for that which he has no ability to attain. If he holds the right mental attitude and struggles earnestly, honestly toward his goal, he will reach it, or at least approximate to it.


There can be no failure to a man who has not lost his courage, his character, his self respect, or his self-confidence. He is still a King.


If our dreams are sincere desires to achieve, not mere pipe-dreams, there is something deep within ourselves which comes out to meet them and helps to make them realities.


Achievement is not always success, while reputed failure often is. It is honest endeavor, persistent effort to do the best possible under any and all circumstances.


Regard every suggestion that your life may be a failure, that you are not made like those who succeed, and that success is not for you, as a traitor, and expel it from your mind as you would a thief from your house.


Forests, lakes, and rivers, clouds and winds, stars and flowers, stupendous glaciers and crystal snowflakes – every form of animate or inanimate existence, leaves its impress upon the soul of man.


Sweeter than the perfume of roses is a reputation for a kind, charitable, unselfish nature; a ready disposition to do to others any good turn in your power.


The Universe is one great kindergarten for man. Everything that exists has brought with it its own peculiar lesson.


Don’t wait for extraordinary opportunities. Seize common occasions and make them great. Weak men wait for opportunities strong men make them.


When we begin to desire a thing, to yearn for it with all our hearts, we begin to establish relationship with it in proportion to the strength and persistency of our longing and intelligent effort to realize it.


Strength of will is the test of a young man’s possibilities. Can he will strong enough and hold whatever he undertakes with an iron grip?


Discouragement, fear, doubt, lack of self-confidence, are the germs which have killed the prosperity and happiness of tens of thousands of people.


Do not waste time dreaming of great faraway opportunities do the best you can where you are. Open your petals of power and beauty and fling out the fragrance of your life in the place that has been assigned to you.


Do not waste time dreaming of great faraway opportunities do the best you can where you are. Open your petals of power and beauty and fling out the fragrance of your life in the place that has been assigned to you.


Nothing else so destroys the power to stand alone as the habit of leaning upon others. If you lean, you will never be strong or original. Stand alone or bury your ambition to be somebody in the world.


The great opportunity belongs to him who can see it, to him who can grasp it. The better part of your chance is right inside of you.


The golden opportunity you are seeking is in yourself. It is not in your environment; it is not in luck or chance, or the help of others; it is in yourself alone.


Unless you have prepared yourself to profit by your chance, the opportunity will only make you ridiculous. A great occasion is valuable to you just in proportion as you have educated yourself to make use of it.


Wisdom is knowledge which has become a part of one’s being.


Success is not measured by what you accomplish, but by the opposition you have encountered, and the courage with which you have maintained the struggle against overwhelming odds.


There can be no great courage where there is no confidence or assurance, and half the battle is in the conviction that we can do what we undertake.


Wanted: a man who will not lose his individuality in a crowd, a man who has the courage of his convictions, who is not afraid to say ‘No,’ though all the world say ‘Yes.’


Every man ultimately falls into the company with which he affiliates. And he is the strongest who draws men to himself, who creates the company; and this is through having a positive quality – courage and physical prowess.


The great aim of your life should be to keep your powers up to the highest possible standard, to so conserve your energies, guard your health, that you can make every occasion a great occasion.


Our trials, our sorrows, and our grieves develop us.


There is only one thing for us to do, and that is to do our level best right where we are every day of our lives; To use our best judgment, and then to trust the rest to that Power which holds the forces of the universe in his hands.


There are powers inside of you which, if you could discover and use, would make of you everything you ever dreamed or imagined you could become.


If you would attract good fortune, you must get rid of doubt. As long as that stands between you and your ambition, it will be a bar that will cut you off. You must have faith. No man can make a fortune while he is convinced that he can’t.


Our thoughts and imagination are the only real limits to our possibilities.


We make the world we live in and shape our own environment.


One should live between extravagance and meanness. Don’t save money by starving your mind. It is false economy never to take a holiday, or never to spend money for an evening’s amusement or for a useful book.


Every young man or woman should weigh the matter well before concluding that a college education is out of the question.


It is like the seed put in the soil – the more one sows, the greater the harvest.


Success is the child of drudgery and perseverance. It cannot be coaxed or bribed pay the price and it is yours.


A constant struggle, a ceaseless battle to bring success from inhospitable surroundings, is the price of all great achievements.



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