Top 529 Mensah Oteh Quotes

To have extreme, laser-like focus, you must be willing to reject a lot of opportunities, even if they sound great.


Circumstances, events or situations do not have inherent meanings except what you give them


Time is the first currency for success and one we all hold in common.


You receive the gift of time freely and equally every day, beautifully wrapped in twenty-four new hours to invest in whatever you want, and how you use each hour decides your success or the lack of it


Find something about yourself to laugh about every day.


The most important relationship in your life should be your relationship with yourself.


To find true fulfilment, you must live your life’s purpose.


There isn’t a single definition of happiness to suit everyone’s requirements, but you know it when you feel it


Success and the pursuit of it can nourish your body, but only significance has the ability to nourish your mind, body and spirit.


Master the art of finding something to celebrate about in each moment and life will become an exciting adventure


The abundant life should include all that life has freely given you – love, good health, success, prosperity, happiness, joy, spirituality, fulfilment, wisdom, purpose, growth and excitement.


To succeed in life you need five things – a burning desire, a willingness to do whatever it takes, wisdom, incredible effort, and a commitment to never ending improvement.


The greatest people in history were those who lived a life of significance and service. You can join them if you’re willing to serve.


You need time, perseverance, and patience to develop the character and abilities required for success.


Define success by your terms, not by other people’s standards.


Greatness is achieved when you fulfil your purpose by doing what you were born to do.


Always direct your emotions, desires, behaviour, and actions in the present so they are in alignment with what you want in your future.


Your ego does not need to be crushed, it needs to be redeemed.


Perfection is the lowest standard out there because it is unattainable. Be the best you can but don’t try to be someone you were not born to be.


Your words reveal your wants but your actions reveal your expectations.


You have mastered the art of discipline when you are able to act according to what you ultimately desire rather than how you feel in the present moment.


To get to ‘yes’ from ‘no’, you may have to journey through ‘maybe’.


Ninety-five per cent of your success or failure will come from your daily habits.


Staying true to your dream by using your mental, emotional and physical strength is discipline in action. You express it through focus, grit, self-control, persistence, perseverance, and willpower.


Discipline is more about self-control through your inner strength and less about restriction.


The ability to make yourself do what needs to be done at the appropriate time and in the appropriate manner – irrespective of your feelings – marks the true test of self-discipline.


Self-discipline is a learned habit that should be developed and continuously worked on through regular application, practice, and repetition.


Discipline begins where you are, and the key to sustaining the level of discipline you need lies in developing daily habits and routines which mirror the life you want to have.


The investment you make in others is transferred to everyone they influence long after you’re gone. Significance


Significance is about making a difference, and its pursuit should ideally come before the pursuit of success – or at least at the same time.


It’s not how long you live that matters, it’s how well you live.


Have you decided how great you want to be? It’s really up to you. Greatness is a choice.


Success may create excitement, but only significance leads to fulfilment.


Success lasts a lifetime but stops at the end of your life. Significance lasts many lifetimes and continues long after you’re gone.


If you see success as a race, then you will start eagerly with enthusiasm and passion with the hope of finishing quickly but there is much more to your success journey than your duration and speed.


Achievers are biased towards action despite any fear, and this courage sets them apart from others.


You need courage because at various moments in your life you might need to attempt something new, push yourself outside your comfort zone, challenge the status quo, change your story, or overcome your fear.


Your life is a direct reflection of your level of investment in yourself, and your success or the lack of it is often decided by your personal development level.


Commit to the lifestyle of investing in you first. It always produces the best return.


Investing in yourself is one of the foundations for better relationships, health, happiness, success, and prosperity.


You can’t excel in everything but you can be exceptional in a few things, so why not choose your life’s focus?


You will only ever achieve the level of success that matches your wisdom or personal development level.


Invest time, energy, and money into increasing your knowledge and wisdom so you can become the best you can be – it’s the best investment you could make.


Your wisdom decides your value, the size of the problems you can solve, the opportunities you create, and ultimately the level of success you experience.


To be successful choose an area of focus in life. It will identify where your energy should be invested and (more importantly) the source of your joy and success.


Progress can’t be achieved without investing in and constantly improving yourself.


Don’t ask what it will cost or how much of your time you will have to sacrifice. Instead, ask what it’s worth.


The level of success you experience externally is a reflection of your level of personal development internally.


Good mentors and coaches will help you reach your destination faster than you can by yourself.


If you wish to be and remain successful, invest a minimum of five to ten per cent of your income each month and your time each day on your personal growth and development.


Success can’t be achieved without personal development and constantly improving yourself.


Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgement that your dreams, desires or goals are more important than fear.


Acting courageously is about knowing and making the right choices based on a deep conviction that dwarfs fear, doubt, and worry.


Courage is the ability to make yourself take action in spite of your fear.


Successful people’s dreams aren’t just about results. They’re about the changes their dreams will bring to their lives and the impact achieving their goal will have on those around them.


Big dreams only come true when you believe and have the courage to pursue them.


Courage is important but it shouldn’t be used in making impulsive decisions or taking uncalculated actions.


You might fear you don’t have what it takes, but you don’t need to have all the answers or everything figured right from the start.


Finding the courage to break away from other people’s opinions, and your self-limiting thoughts, could be the most significant breakthrough transformation you make on your journey to success.


You are a product of the stories you believe and accept.


Until you develop the courage to pursue that dream in your heart, you will never reach your true potential.


To become successful you have to dream big. Small dreams don’t have the magic to stir up passion and greatness within you.


At the end of your life you want to arrive at a well-designed destination rather than an unexpected destination, and you do this by setting life goals, not short-term, not medium, not long-term, but life goals.


Your goals should not be based on what you can do or what is possible but on what you want.


Goals reveal your path to success, greatness and significance. Become a master goal setter and you will chart the course of your life.


Life should not be measured by duration alone but by donation also, by what you do during your lifetime.


Goals help you look towards the future with anticipation and excitement rather than with anxiety, and when clearly defined and broken into smaller steps, they enable you pay the price needed to achieve your dreams.


The greatest value in the goal process is the skills, the knowledge, the discipline, and the character you develop in pursuit of your goal.


Achieving your goal should always be of secondary importance. Your focus should be on becoming the kind of person deserving of the goal.


Be specific about what you want. Decide, define, describe, discuss and develop your plans and then act on them.


In selecting any goal you should focus on the reason – without a compelling reason your resolve will weaken.


There is a direct relationship between the number of times you attempt a task and the likelihood of success.


Effort is the foundation of all achievements and is the single greatest competitive advantage and quality you must consistently apply to achieve your dreams.


You must discipline yourself consistently to do what others do occasionally in order to have the future few will get to experience.


Talent is never enough. Effort, not talent, is the key to success.


Your rewards in life will be in proportion to the effort you apply.


Talent helps, but success is only achieved and sustained through consistent effort.


Success is not simply about intelligence and ambition. The time invested, the quality of preparation, and the effort applied are essential to excellence or mastery.


Working hard alone without being smart and consistent won’t lead to success.


Wisdom allows you to decide how best to apply yourself to get the most return on your time and energy invested.


Success isn’t entirely a numbers game, but numbers play a part.


Hard work without purpose seldom leads to success.


To be successful you must be willing to work hard, work smart, work consistently, and most importantly do all three simultaneously over a long period of time.


Goals are the result of bringing your dreams, ideas, and ideals into a real and examinable form by giving them permanence in written form.


They are probably the single most important deciding factor for long-term success, and your ability to set and make plans to achieve them is the master skill to your successful future.


Long-term goals provide focus, but inspiration comes from the accomplishment of short-term goals.


In order to be successful you must decide to be intentional about what you do, how you live, and who you are becoming.


Achieving a goal is not the most important part of the process. The destination should never be your primary purpose or objective.


Reasons are the fuel for goal achievement. Without a strong enough reason, it’s impossible to persevere.


The person you grow to become in pursuit of a goal makes the journey a memorable experience.


Life isn’t about what you have, it’s about who you are.


Select carefully and continuously review your circle of influence, and be unapologetic about who you exclude.


Love everyone but chose your friends with caution.


Difficult times revel true friends but also the unfaithful in your life. Be attentive always, but especially during tough times.


Don’t be naïve – appearance matters. Style comes before substance during first impressions. People judge based on what they see before they find out what’s within.


You’ll live your life at the least common denominator of those you spend the most time with if you are not watchful.


Your associations play a crucial part of your success equation. Study them closely because they will help or hinder you from reaching your potential.


Don’t leave it to chance, find success and replicate it.


Your environment and the associations you keep will affect how you think, feel, and act, and ultimately the results you get.


You are the best thing that will happen to someone today.


Your ability to learn from the experiences of other successful people is one of your most important habits that will give you the best chance of success.


If you wish to be successful, you have be willing to invest the time, energy, and money necessary to associate with the right people.


Others have seen and experienced the good, the bad, and the ugly, and their experiences serve as models you can learn from.


You rob yourself of reaching your maximum potential and the best chance of success when you try to succeed alone.


Get around people who are trying to make a difference in the world. Iron sharpens iron.


Although failure is a good learning experience, you don’t have to go through life making mistakes if they can be avoided.


You could be performing below your potential in areas where you are relying on your own experiences alone and without the guidance of a trusted mentor.


Develop a strong thirst for positive associations and learning from others, because the right people can take you further than you can go on your own.


Success is not achieved in a vacuum: the people you spend most of your time with and the voices you allow to influence your thoughts play a significant part in your success or lack of it.


Incredible ideas, results, and outcomes are possible when two or more minds come together for a common purpose.


Generosity creates the higher life. There is no nobler virtue than the care one person shows to another.


Less is more, especially in relationships. You must understand and appreciate the importance of quality in relationships over quantity.


Become skilled in the process of selecting whom you allow into your circle of influence.


Don’t live your life in the future without any planned rewards for your effort and sacrifices today.


Anything in your life achieved too soon or too freely with little sacrifice is lost too quickly


Be willing to give up something you believe to be of value to get something of greater value.


The promise of the future is only possible when the price is paid in full and in advance.


You are often prevented from reaching your full potential because you hold so tightly to your past success.


To become successful, you have to let go of something to get something else of greater value.


Be willing to constantly travel towards the dreams of your future and don’t be afraid to give up the good for the great.


Success comes with a promise and a price. The price has to be paid in full and in advance before the promise is fulfilled.


If you are serious about achieving your desired goals, be willing to let go of the small pleasures found in the moment that may sabotage your chances of experiencing true pleasure when the sacrifice is paid.


The pursuit of any worthwhile goal requires that you give up something that feels comfortable, secure, and safe in the moment to get you closer to your future dreams.


The level of success you will experience can be predicted by looking closely at the sacrifices you are willing to make.


The discipline of delaying gratification is a factor for predicting success.


In the success equation, subtraction comes before multiplication or addition. You must sow before you can reap a harvest.


Without a compelling vision to draw you away from your present and pull you through any challenges and into the future, it becomes easy to settle for a lesser life than the one you could achieve.


If you pay the price for success, you win. If you avoid payment, you lose. It’s really that simple.


Your willingness to sacrifice who you are today for who you need to be in the future is a necessary decision on the success journey.


You can only build on success, but to do this you have to be willing to let go of your last success and use it as a stepping stone for your next achievement.


Success has more to do with what you are willing to sacrifice than your skills, talent or IQ.


Success comes as a result of working towards fulfilling your potential and closing the gap between who you are now and who you are capable of becoming.


The greatest obstacle to your progress and growth is often your unwillingness to pay the necessary price through sacrifice.


Be willing to constantly travel towards the dreams of your future, and don’t be afraid to give up the good for the great.


Your vision helps the world identify you at the appropriate time.


Those whom you spend most of your time with, and the voices you allow to influence your thoughts, play a significant part in who you become and the future you have.


Those in your inner circle can significantly influence your success and the progress you make towards achieving your dreams.


Success is achieved by the deliberate consistent discipline of taking small steps daily rather than one large step occasionally.


Taking action provides immediate feedback and an opportunity to review your progress to see if you are on the right track.


The first step may be the hardest, but once you take action you create motion, which in turn builds momentum.


Taking consistent action is guaranteed to increase the probability of your success.


The best way of creating motivation is to do something. If you take action, motivation will follow


Waiting for things to happen is like daydreaming. To break out of that cycle, you must be willing to take the first small step.


Quit thinking and take the plunge. The way to get started is to stop talking and start doing.


Success is in direct proportion to the level of consistency in the application of the daily disciplines and actions required.


If your actions are combined with proper planning and perseverance, there are no heights you cannot attain.


Consistency in action is easy once you convert your daily disciplines and activities into habits.


Consistency is the difference between game excellence and an excellent game. Successful people do consistently what the others do occasionally.


Your success will be in direct proportion to your level of consistency in your application of the daily activities and actions needed for success.


Never allow your life to be dictated by what you can see by sight, be guided by your inner vision.


Create in your mind a picture of what you want and then live that vision as if it already exists.


A vision is a promise of the future as seen in the present.


Vision inspires and clarifies what needs to be done in the present to achieve the promise of the future.


To achieve success, you need to develop the ability to see through your mind’s eye continuously.


The most successful individuals and leaders achieve their dreams because they have a clear vision they have committed their life to.


Success is built on what you are able to see and create with your mind.


The difference between those who achieve their dreams and those who don’t is in their ability to see not only with their eyes but also their minds.


The power and magnetic pull of your vision is hinged on the purpose and passion behind it and, most importantly, the intent.


Your life today is a direct reflection of the decisions you made and the actions you took.


Your vision helps you filter your decisions or choices and directs your actions.


Your vision is a glimpse of your purpose and a picture of your larger dream.


Waiting is often a decision not to accept responsibility and is one of the reasons why some people never reach their potential.


The moment you choose to be accountable for all outcomes in your life, you distance yourself from the position of a victim and assume the role of a change agent.


It’s difficult to accept full responsibility and apportion blame at the same time – you have to choose one.


One of the greatest obstacles to success is the belief is that your future is predetermined. It isn’t. You decide the outcomes through your decisions and actions.


It’s easy to play the victim card (all of us have done this), but this mindset is one of the greatest obstacles to progress and growth.


Accepting complete responsibility is the unsung character trait of those who find uncommon success, and failure to accept responsibility is a common trait of those who end up with a mediocre life.


Ideas and dreams are only valuable after they have been acted on.


A mediocre idea acted on is of more value than a handful of brilliant ideas that remain in your mind.


To achieve your dreams you must be willing to take consistent and improved action over a defined period.


Taking consistent action is guaranteed to increase the probability of your success. When combined with proper planning and perseverance, there are no heights you cannot attain.


The willingness to burn your ships, cut off all sources of retreat, and take decisive action is often the only assured path to success.


You may spend much time and energy in preparation that you forget that the most important and essential step is action.


Action is where sacrifice is honoured and where you require persistence and courage to endure all that life throws in your direction.


Although a decision is often viewed as the turning point, it is action that creates tangible results.


Consistency in action is an essential component of success.


To achieve your dreams you must be willing to take massive action over a long period, even when there is no evidence of progress.


Gratitude is only expressed and appreciated in proportion to your understanding of grace.


Relationships are at the heart of your wellbeing and happiness. Nurture them and they will nurture you.


Quit trying to change others. You haven’t done such a great job on yourself – yet.


Your purpose is the only thing you should make your obsession.


Affirm yourself every day (especially after every setback) because no one else will do it for you.


Develop a vocabulary of uplifting and empowering words for times of uncertainty and upheaval.


Focus on the future and the outcomes you want, not your present setbacks or failures.


Loosing is part of winning. You will have to walk through the shadow of failure to get to he winning side.


Your beliefs frame your thoughts and actions. If you change your beliefs, you change your reality.


You can change your perspective on any experience by given it a positive and empowering meaning.


Through reframing, you can eliminate all limiting experiences from your life.


The outcomes in your life will depend on the quality of the frames you use to evaluate the events, the choices you make, and your decision not to be affected negatively by any events that occur.


It’s not what happens, it’s what you do that makes the difference to how things turn out. Change your perspective in the way that serves you best.


Focus is central to everything you do, and where your focus goes, energy flows


Focus means exercising the self-discipline required to keep your time, energy and attention directed towards the outcomes you have chosen whilst avoiding all distractions – good or bad.


The path to success lies in finding something you have a passion for, care deeply about, and are willing to apply all of your energy and focus to.


Success rarely occurs until a desire is turned into a passion and all focus and energy is channelled in its path.


There are many good things in the world, but not all of them benefit you. Focus keeps you on the path of what is right and away from other options.


To succeed, you have to say ‘no’ more often than you say ‘yes’. This is easier when you have a definite purpose or clarity on the desired outcome.


All worthwhile endeavours begin in your thoughts, and focusing your thoughts appropriately will increase your chances of success.


If you can stay focused on your most important goal, you can become incredibly successful, but to stay focused you must intentionally create and maintain an environment, atmosphere, and culture that keeps you focused.


When we think of success, we often associate those who are successful with the things they do rather than the things they don’t, and focus is found in the latter.


To develop stronger focus, develop a greater reason or meaning for your goal.


You will fall short of achieving your goals if your focus is fragmented and your attention, energy, and concentration diversified.


Every day comes with a host of opportunities but also distractions. You need to develop good judgement in the decisions and choices you make.


Focus comes from a promise of the future, and therefore the strength and longevity of your focus will seldom exceed the strength of your purpose, vision, dreams or goal.


Failure results from broken focus, and an average person with complete unwavering focus can achieve more than a team of geniuses with broken focus.


What you see and what you focus on has a profound impact on your behaviour.


Focus determines your feelings, which in turn influence your behaviour, actions and your destiny.


Failure is a snapshot of the present and never an indication of the final outcome or destination.


Fail faster, but (more importantly) fail intelligently.


In times of difficulty, take time out and seek support and encouragement.


What you say to yourself after a failed experience or setback is as important as what you say when you succeed.


Invested wisely, time produces a good return. Invested poorly, it has little or no value and is therefore wasted.


Your thoughts create your reality and you can chose the quality and the type of reality you experience every day by guarding your mind and only allowing the right input.


Time is the first currency for success and one we all hold in common


Regardless of your gender, age, race, disability, colour, ethnic or national origin, how you use time each day decides who you become.


Time is life. To manage time you simply have to manage yourself.


Treat time and money as though they are the same by using both resourcefully.


Although time is equally possessed by everyone, it is valued and used differently by the successful.


If you don’t understand the concept of time or appreciate its value, it’s almost impossible to be successful.


Always look into the future when deciding how to use your time in the present.


Spend your time today on things that will create more or save you time in the future.


The effective use of time is the best-kept secret of those who have created a successful life and continue to experience it every day


The value of time lies in its brevity. To use it effectively, you must know its value.


You can do this by disciplining yourself to be selective in what you read, see, hear, say to yourself and the influence of others.


You can leverage time by using it wisely and purposefully.


Your understanding and use of time decides the life you will have in the future.


The effective use of time is the best-kept secret of those who have created a successful life and continue to experience it every day.


The value of something is not only decided by the price you are willing to pay for it. It is also influenced by its rarity.


Circumstances, events or situations do not have inherent meanings except what you give them.


Your perspective determines your experiences, attitude and the quality of your life.


When your focus is too narrow you can miss the big picture.


Change your perspective and you can change your life.


A problem is an opportunity viewed from a positive perspective.


Your perspective changes relative to the frame through which you see things.


The meaning of everything that occurs in your life is decided by the frame you put around it.


You can choose the quality and the type of reality you experience every day through your focus. What you focus on, you feel.


Circumstances, events or situations have no power except that which you give them.


The essence of life is to become all that you can be and manifest the greatness that lies within


Becoming your best self should be your ultimate goal, and wisdom helps you discover your true self and can guide you towards manifesting your potential.


Invest in yourself, because you will only ever achieve the level of success that matches your level of wisdom.


Investing in your personal development requires time, energy, and money, but the investment provides a great return.


Investments are about the return they provide in increased opportunities, prosperity, health, wealth, happiness, joy, and success.


Wisdom is made complete with knowledge, understanding and good judgement.


You have the paintbrush in your hand, you can make the picture of your life brighter and bigger or duller and darker, it’s up to you.


Your mind is your most important asset because it creates everything you have in life.


What is your life and future worth? Ask yourself this question daily and your life will be enriched beyond measure.


There is a cause/effect relationship between your investment in yourself and the future you have.


For long-term success, invest 5-10% of your time each day and 5-10% of your income each month in increasing your wisdom.


Like soil, the quality of your mind decides the quality and quantity of ideas your mind can produce.


Review how you spend your money and time across all areas of your life, and judge for yourself whether your investment in your mind is right for the future you want.


Invest in books that will help you become the person you were born to be and do what you should do.


Wisdom comes at a price. But the price you have to pay shouldn’t guide your decision to invest – the expected return should.


To gain wisdom you must be willing to invest time, energy, and money in your personal development.


Feed your mind with thoughts that inspire, motivate, encourage, empower, educate and instruct you by deliberately choosing the information you allow into your world through sight, sound and people.


Positive thoughts are the birthing ground for making your dreams, goals, and desires come true.


Change in thinking + shift in perspective = change in your life


Everything starts as a thought. Whether you feel happy or sad, calm or anxious, content or unfulfilled is a function of your thoughts.


You can’t always control your external environment, but you can manage your micro environment by intentionally choosing what you allow to influence you – by sight, sound, and presence.


You don’t have to allow the drama and events of the economy, others people’s lives, and external circumstances to limit your potential and rob you of the life you deserve.


You have absolute control over your thoughts, and guarding your mind is a choice.


Renew your mind by flooding it with inspiring, empowering, educational and edifying thoughts and words.


You have a shot at success if you can discipline yourself to eliminate the limiting thoughts from within and the disempowering words from without.


Discipline yourself to shut the door of your mind on people, events, or things that pull you down, drain your mental or emotional energy, and try to rob you of your promise of the future.


Your external world is a mirror of your internal world, and if you can discipline yourself to change your thoughts, your external world will change.


There’s no secret to success, but if there were one, it would be that your decisions create your success or lack of it and the quality of your decisions will determine the quality of your life.


If you had all the time in the world but your knowledge, wisdom and understanding remained unchanged, your life would remain the same.


Indecision is a decision not to use life’s first gift to you – the power of choice.


The quality of your life is a direct reflection of the quality of the decisions you make each day.


There are no victims in life, we are all volunteers. Our decisions create our experiences.


Time doesn’t create change. The changes in your life will be in proportion to the decisions you make.


The best decisions are often those made from the creative part of your mind and not the emotional part of your heart.


Give yourself permission to dream, to choose, to decide.


Avoid making important or long-term decisions when you are fatigued mentally, emotionally or physically.


Time does not create changes, wisdom does. Your wisdom decides the quality of your decisions.


Most of us make decisions without thinking about their impact on our future.


Your decisions are influenced by your beliefs, philosophy, wisdom, environment, relationships, goals or dreams and state of mind.


The quality of your decisions can only be improved if you improve all these factors.


Decisions create success, and the quality of your decisions will determine the quality of your life.


Making good decisions is a skill anyone can develop with effort.


Personal experience is the slowest way of learning. Combine your personal experience with other people’s experiences.


Your wisdom decides the quality of your decisions.


Take control of your life and future and become the master of your destiny by making one good decision at a time.


Your life is a picture of the decisions and choices you have made in the past, and your future depends on the quality of the decisions you make today and tomorrow.


One thing guaranteed in life is that you’ll experience twists and turns, obstacles, roadblocks, and battles.


The key to triumph is the art of choosing your battles – staying focused on your vision and avoiding distraction.


You have to master the art of selectivity in everything you do. Otherwise, you could be side-tracked by secondary events and opportunities.


All battles are not created equal; a few offer good rewards and are worthy of your attention but most are a waste of your time, energy and focus.


Get your ego in check and half your battles in life will disappear.


If you can manage your thoughts and mind, and choose your battles wisely, you can manage your life.


The reward for all battles should always be greater than the sacrifice you have to make.


Some things are not worth fighting for and some are worth dying for, Wisdom helps you understand which are which.


Never go into battle for your ego, Learn to battle for something much greater.


Be unconventional when you face a battle. Change the rules of engagement to your benefit.


Planning your day before it begins, and adjusting your plan through the day, is one of the most important daily habits.


Rather than wait to see what the day or future holds, why not design and plan the future you want to experience?


Planning is deciding your destination and setting your sail so you achieve the outcomes and arrive at your intended destination in the shortest possible time.


By bringing the future into the present, you can do something about it usually before it gets too late.


Never start a day or activity without a plan. Learn to plan your work, and then work your plan.


The difference in the quality of life between people can be found in the quality of the questions they ask themselves


Questions control how you think, and thinking is the root contributor to the results and outcomes of your life


Ask empowering questions daily so your mind can focus on new possibilities and solutions instead of problems.


It isn’t what you don’t know that’s the problem. It is what you’re unwilling to ask.


Your life is a reflection of the quality of the questions you ask yourself and others.


The answers to all problems or issues is hidden in a question.


Thinking is simply an orderly process of asking yourself questions.


Your experiences are often in proportion to the questions you ask.


Those who succeed in life are those who are unashamed to ask silly questions.


Humility makes you reach out to others for guidance.


Asking questions is an essential daily habit, because your experiences are often in proportion to the questions you ask.


Take the time every day to teach and train yourself how to ask empowering questions. Those who ask the right questions change the world.


How you choose to live is one of the best indicators of the future you will have.


Like the rudder or anchor on a ship, your habits can guide you in the direction of your dreams or hold you back and keep you from achieving them.


Decide on the future you want to experience, then find out the habits that will produce it and practice them daily.


Routines and daily habits aren’t restrictive. They provide structure, direction, and opportunities for spontaneity.


What you do daily decides your destiny and (more importantly) your legacy.


Your habits can guide you in the direction of your dreams or hold you back from achieving them. Look closely at your daily habits and you can predict your future with accuracy.


Your daily habit is one of the most important predictors of the quality of your life.


Habits decide who you become permanently, what you do daily and what you have always.


The key to your success or failure lies in your daily habits.


You must commit to a lifestyle of constant and continuous never ending improvement of your daily habits, because it’s one of the most important predictors of your success and the quality of your life.


Sometimes it’s best to stop searching for your passion. Instead, follow your curiosity and see where it leads.


An unpleasant experience will often reveal your passion.


To truly live a passionate life, develop habits and routines that engage you and enable you to express your passion each day.


Be passionate about creating a life that is exciting and fun, one that will help you reach your ultimate potential.


You will find success when your passion becomes your magnificent obsession.


You can do anything if you can combine your passion with focus, effort and persistence.


Passion is simply energy, and we all have energy within us which implies you already have all the passion you need within you.


You don’t need to go searching for your passion outside; you simply need to look within, rekindle it and let your light shine.


Success is a product of inspiration, and if you can keep yourself inspired you can achieve any dream or goal


The most important thing you can do for yourself each day is to create (in and around you) an environment that keeps you constantly inspired because when you’re inspired, there is absolutely nothing you cannot do.


Surround yourself with things that inspire you every day. Let go of everything that drains your inspiration.


When you are inspired, there is little you won’t attempt. Find what inspires you, and keep it around and with you always.


Your dreams are the golden gate to a life of inspiration. The more you allow yourself to dream of your ideal future, the stronger your inspiration.


Learn to draw strength and inspiration from your past victories by keeping a victory journal where you capture all of your success experiences.


Inspiration is deeply personal. It’s your responsibility and no one else’s to inspire yourself.


Inspiration is a lifestyle that must be practised continuously and is one that is never completely mastered.


Inspiration does not come genetically or automatically. Neither is it continuously present.


It’s your responsibility and no one else’s to keep yourself inspired.


Study yourself and develop your personal inspiration routine, applying it to your life every day to help you create the extraordinary life you deserve.


Search constantly for people, places, things, pictures, sounds, or scents that inspire you. Your most important responsibility is to keep yourself inspired always.


Rather than wait to see what the day or future holds, why not design and create it?


Success starts with a good plan. To have it, you have to plan it.


Your ability to support your plans with a great strategy is the master skill for success.


Planning your life creates within you a feeling of control which produces self-confidence, self-responsibility and self-assurance.


Without a good plan, you might fall short of reaching your dreams and goals.


Planning is the process of identifying how best to use your resources to achieve your outcomes.


Planning gives you the opportunity to identify the tasks that will add the most value to attaining your outcomes.


Planning eliminates urgency by allowing you to bring your future into the present.


The highest return on your investment of your time and energy comes from planning in advance.


Never start the day until you already have it designed, finished and documented.


You already have great gifts, talents and abilities, but you must find the environment where your potential can be developed and maximised


In the wrong environment your weakness is evident, but in the right environment, you function from a place of strength.


Purpose is the reason something is designed, made, created, or exists.


You were born for a purpose and a special reason.Your purpose identifies your passion, your potential, the source of your fulfilment in life, and ultimately your success


The discovery of your life’s purpose is your ultimate pathway to an extraordinary life. You were born an original, so quit conforming to the expectations of others.


Your purpose distinguishes you from others; not your talent, IQ, race, job, hobbies, or gender, as these are held in common with many others.


Each day should be founded on a purpose and work in harmony with the core reason for your life.


Your purpose is the gateway to your success; it identifies your gift and reveals your passion, potential, ability and ultimately what you will excel in.


Success should not only be measured by what you get but by the stewardship of your duty.


You were born for a reason and with a specific purpose in mind. You don’t choose it, you discover it.


Your purpose lies where your passion, wisdom and gifts meet and complement each other.


The greatest of tragedies is a life lived without knowing its purpose. Discover your purpose and life will take on a new meaning.


You don’t choose your purpose, you simply discover it.


Your life is defined by how you spend your time and what you choose to do daily, so a life of passion is not an act but a habit.


The best way to truly live a consistent life of passion is to formulate daily habits and a daily routine that engages you and makes you feel more passionate about life


You truly live not by living longer or by having all your desires and needs met. You truly live when you live well and when you live passionately. Every new day is an opportunity to live your passion.


A life of passion is not an act or a habit but a lifestyle.


Passion is the feeling of excitement, energy and enthusiasm you feel towards something or someone you care about.


Discover where and what makes you come alive and make a deliberate decision to live there.


Passion is an intense feeling of conviction and a strong desire or devotion to an activity or concept.


Passion ignites your innate desire to create, produce, give and grow.


Those who can confidently say they are living a life of passion are creating and contributing towardsmaking this world a better place.


Passion is finding something you’re unwilling to live without.


Money, fame and personal possessions should never be your metric for measuring your passion.


Our lives are defined by how we spend our time and what we choose to do daily. A life of passion is not an act but a lifestyle.


Develop the daily habit of visualisation and dreaming by consciously seeing a better and brighter future through your mind’s eye.


Until you can see it in your mind, you will not see it with your eyes. Vision precedes sight.


Through dreams, your ideas and ideals are brought to reality, so learn to dream of the future you wish to experience.


Reading develops your imagination and ability to dream. Feed your mind with the right books.


Whatever happens in your life, make a promise to yourself that you will never give up your ability to dream.


Without dreams, the future will remain mediocre. Stay inspired though your dreams.


If your dream is accepted by all, you don’t have a big enough dream. Big dreams challenge the status quo.


Stay inspired by feeding your mind with positive, healthy, mental food through reading or listening to good inspirational, motivational, and educational material.


To live a successful life and make a difference in the world, you must continue to dream.


Turn on your dream machine and let your imagination do what it does best – create.


Be careful who you share your dreams with whilst they are still in the creation stage. Doubt kills dreams.


Whatever success you have had, whatever victories you have experienced, whatever you have done so far in your life is only a fraction of the potential within you


Your true potential is unlimited, and you can certainly achieve much more than human intelligence can comprehend.


Success comes from closing the gap between who you are today and your ultimate potential.


Your potential is hidden in what you are yet to do, not what you have already done.


There is an angel within you waiting to be released.


Potential means nothing unless you’re willing to do something with it.


Effort will always triumph over unapplied potential.


See yourself through your mind’s eye being who you want to be, having what you want to have, and doing what you want to do.


Dreams create hope, energy and passion and together reveal your hidden abilities and untapped potential


Dream like a child with complete faith and no limits. This is the only way the greatness within you can be awakened.


Dream until you can no longer tell the difference between your dreams and reality.


Don’t waste your life on small dreams. Give yourself permission to dream big.


Dreams and visions are important not only because of the energy and passion they generate but also because of their ability to create hope.


Turn you dream machine on and create the world you wish to experience through your imagination.


Start every day by making a list of all the experiences you will fill your day with and make an effort to achieve them.


Make the world a better place by resolving to do something good for someone different every day.


Every day you leave a legacy behind, so make it a good one by doing something of significance.


Words are life. They can tear down or build up, so use them wisely.


You are the actor, director, producer, and scriptwriter of the play called ‘Your Life’ and you can change the play anytime.


Every day is an opportunity to create good memories for yourself and others.


Your past success and victories, small or large, can renew your resolve to persevere if you are willing to lean on them.


To live each day like it is your best, give your best, laugh your best, love your best and be the best you can be.


How you receive and respond to moments determines the quality of your life.


Start every day by making a list of all the experiences you will fill your day with and make an effort.


Life is beautiful but it’s also brief. It doesn’t matter how long you live. What matters is how well you live.


You live like it is your best when you live on purpose.


When you find a way to serve, the angel in you awakens.


Become more skilful in how you use words – towards yourself or others.


The efforts of tracking small achievements every day creates a record of your progress. Do this consistently and it will serve you well.


Each daily improvement should have a means by which it can be measured so you can see and feel yourself growing


Don’t always try to make big improvements – sometimes small incremental daily improvements are all you need.


A day is a collection of moments in the same way that life is a collection of experiences.


There is a science to living well and art to experiencing the good life, and it begins with wisdom.


Celebration is capturing and acknowledging the important moments in life through your words, actions and reactions.


Success is the joy found in the experiences unveiled in the pursuit and progressive realisation of a desired goal or dream.


The success equation is complete only when achievement, fulfilment and lifestyle are present.


Your success is hidden in the quality of your decisions and the consistency of your actions.


Success is your birthright. Don’t settle for less.


If you want to succeed, make it a study first then practice it and finally live it daily.


Success is subjective, so define it for yourself. Don’t allow your life efforts to be dictated and judged according to other people’s standards.


To take the island, cut all sources of retreat. Burn your boats and go all in.


We are all actors in life. Some act like they won’t amount to much while others do the opposite. You have a choice


What does easy or hard have to do with anything? Excellence is your standard.


You don’t have to be a miracle worker to make things happen – you just have to be a believer and a doer.


Success is evident from the joy you experience. Be willing to let go of anything that takes your joy away.


There’re two ways to fail in life: Choosing not to try or quitting too soon. You were dumb enough to show up so you’re left with one.


Be cautious when associating with those who have little or no value or appreciation for time.


You were born with success in you and simply need to give it a pathway of expression.


Like any formula, success has parts and therefore it is expressed in three ways – achievement (a science), fulfilment (an art) and lifestyle (an act). All three have to be present for the formula to be complete.


Small wins and major victories are important because they encourage and inspire you to keep your faith and stay the course even when everything around you seems to be falling apart.


Remind yourself of how awesome you are by celebrating your experiences and moments.


Don’t let your circumstances and the events in your life rob you of the joy of celebration.


Life is beautiful, so celebrate it like the gift that it is.


Find something during the day to celebrate – something you someone did, something you observed or something you heard.


Don’t wait for others to celebrate you, learn to do it yourself.


Every day is worthy of celebration because every day is a present you receive by grace.


Life is supposed to be exciting, so journey through each day collecting moments and celebrating the right ones.


Wake up each morning celebrating. Navigate through your day with a celebratory attitude and end each day in celebration.


Each day should be a day of rejoicing. Give thanks and celebrate in all things


Gratitude isn’t innate. It’s a habit that has to be learned through practice.


Gratitude is an act that has to be expressed, not an attitude.


Gratitude is an indescribable quality in the lives of those living in abundance.


Those who live in gratitude start their day by setting their intentions and the direction they want to move in each day.


Gratitude is incomplete without the act of giving thanks.


If you learn to be grateful and celebrate each day, you have mastered the secret to living.


We all have to be taught how to be thankful and once learned, it has to be improved and practised daily.


Gratitude goes beyond saying ‘thank you’. Feelings complete the blessing


If you got on your knees to give thanks for the undeserved kindness and mercy in your life, you would be shocked by how rich you truly are.


Gratitude must come from a place of true sincerity to be effective. Without sincerity, the experience is incomplete.


Appreciation is the secret behind increasing in any area


Without emotion, all thoughts or words are powerless.


Gratitude is arriving at the point where your expectations, accumulation and anticipations make way for appreciation, reflection and celebration.


By focusing your thoughts on the things you are thankful for, you attract more things to be grateful for into your life.


The best thing you can do for yourself if you wish to see your dreams become reality is to find success and replicate it.


It’s no mystery, it isn’t luck. Success is a result of your obedience to specific principles, rules and laws


your responsibility is simply to find how things work and those who are already successful then model their beliefs, behaviour, attitude, philosophies and actions and you’ll get similar results


Never start your gratitude moment with an unthankful heart or out of necessity. Gratitude must be sincere.


Appreciation generates energy, like thankfulness creates increase.


Don’t get hung up on trying to be perfect before you start or you may never begin.


If you got on your knees and counted all of the blessings, goodness, grace, favour and kindness in your life, you would find that you would exhaust the whole day and will still have more to share.


Hard work is the foundation of the abundant life, and sacrifice is needed to make it reality.


To be happy, you simply need to choose happiness and it comes from within not without.


Master the art of finding something to celebrate about in each moment and life will become an exciting adventure.


There isn’t a single definition of happiness to suit everyone’s requirements, but you know it when you feel it.


To be happy you need to take charge of your life by choosing to live in a beautiful state always because others might not have a plan for you.


Your life is lived in a day, so focus on living one good day by successfully designing, creating and living that good day and duplicating it.


If you want to live in abundance, work towards it one day at a time.


Ask questions. The secrets of life are hidden in questions, so ask wisely.


Life never gives you what you want or need just because you have a burning desire for it. Life gives you what you seek, knock, and ask for.


Life is like soil – it will always return a harvest. If you plant good seeds, you’ll reap a bountiful harvest.


Open your mind to a new pattern of thinking and your life will drastically change for the better.


See each day as an investment in the future and be willing to do today what you wish to experience in the future.


The abundant life doesn’t happen by accident. It is the result of doing specific things purposefully every day and it requires an investment of time, energy and effort.


Life is not just the passing of time; it’s also a collection of experiences from your past, present and future.


The roots of the abundant life may seem bitter, but its fruits are sweet.


To succeed in life you need five things – a burning desire, a willingness to do whatever it takes, wisdom, incredible effort, and a commitment to never-ending improvement.


Creating the abundant life is achieved first by vision not sight.


To put in the effort needed to create the life of your dreams, you first need to develop a burning desire.


Abundance is living the life you were born to experience.


Life is hidden in a day and a day is hidden in life.


Don’t live so casually that you fail to see how blessed you are.


Appreciation and gratitude show your true wealth emotionally, spiritually and psychologically.


Gratitude is the key to wealth and abundance, so learn to be grateful in all things.


The best way to start each day is with and in gratitude for the gift of life. You receive it by grace not by deeds.


Anyone can find the bad in any situation but it takes love to see the good in all things.


You are perfect, not tomorrow, not in the future, but today.


People will treat you unkindly at times. Forgive them always.


Focus on creating value by finding and solving problems for others.


Stop trying to understand people. Love them instead.


Much of your happiness and joy in life will come from your ability to get along with people –but more importantly your decision to walk in love every day.


The level of happiness you experience through your interactions depends on the quality of your walk in love.


Get rid of the judgmental mindset and adopt one of love and acceptance towards people – including yourself.


The most important expression of love is self-love – it should precede loving others.


Develop a sincere curiosity and fascination towards people and life will become an adventure.


Happiness is an art. Choose your way of expressing it.


Anyone who constantly makes you unhappy belongs in someone else’s world, not yours.


Increase your happiness and the joy you experience every day through humour and laughter.


Find something about yourself to laugh about every day


The only way the greatness within you can be awakened is by allowing yourself to dream.


Happiness resides in your mind, brain, heart and tongue. Connect all four and you’ll live in bliss.


You can’t afford to leave your happiness to others. Create what you wish to experience.


Laughter is an essential ingredient of a happy life.


Surround yourself with people who put a smile on your face and make you laugh.


Humour, like any life skill, is learnable. If others can learn it, so can you.


Schedule happy experiences to displace unhappy memories.


Happiness and joy are both decisions and choices you must make every day.


Happiness is the decision to find something good in every situation.


Build your dreams through your imagination by looking into the future and considering all possibilities.


Big dreams are important because the awaken the giant that sleeps within you.


Walk in love and you will appreciate people for who they are.


The relentless desire to give is evidence of love.


If you can’t find a few minutes every day for yourself, you don’t have a complete life.


The quality of your relationships and the role they play in your life will influence who you will become.


Investing in your mind is the best investment you can make.


The impact of relationships can be subtle yet powerful. Make a conscious effort to them choose wisely.


Surround yourself with people who can help you grow into the person you want to become.


When choosing your relationships, be guided by your life’s purpose, your vision and your dreams.


Work harder on improving yourself than on trying to forge better relationships.


Some people don’t deserve your time and attention. Love them anyway.


Spend your time with people who recognise and appreciate your value.


Greatness has a fragrance. Get close to it and that fragrance will arouse your potential.


There is no such thing as a neutral relationship. All your relationships affect you – some pull you down and others lift you up.


Don’t try to get even with those who wrong you, get ahead.


People who have created their success through hard work and the support of others are always looking for ways to help those around them. Don’t be afraid to reach out.



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