Top 51 Charbel Tadros Quotes

I’m going to tell you something that will make you very happy: your god is the one true god. Just remember, I am telling this to everyone… and I mean it.


To get a true education, going to school is not enough. School helps students gain knowledge; however, true education is in gaining wisdom, which can only be earned with experience.


A stupid leader is like a dog who’s in love with his own voice. He will bark incessantly believing that people admire his tune. A wise leader gets his point across in as few words as possible and then gets off the stage.


A true leader should have the power to begin, the eloquence to communicate, the patience to execute and the wisdom to evaluate. Without one, he remains a slave to he who possesses it.


Anyone can put a price on knowledge – schools and universities do it all the time, but no one can put a price on wisdom for it can neither be bought nor sold. It should be given and accepted with no ulterior motives.


Wise people offer their wisdom for free and accept all gifts, for they know that the universe is not giving them gifts, but tools they will need on their road to wisdom.


It is an insult to a wise person when his motives for guiding are questioned. However, he understands that people aren’t used to free gifts and still helps them anyway.


It is the duty of every wise person to seek out people with potential and freely guide them on the path of wisdom. By doing so, the wise leaders of the future are born, and the world will have a chance to mend itself.


A leader, without wisdom, is dangerous. A wise person, without leadership, is useless. But if they work together, they are unstoppable.


Find that person who will make your whole world tremble with a few words. Apprentice yourself faithfully to him until you can make your own world tremble constantly.


The relationship between apprentice and mentor is one of the most beautiful and most sacred relationships. In sharing his wisdom with his apprentice, the mentor discovers even more wisdom to share.


There are only three things which increase when shared: love, wisdom and happiness.


Knowledge, degrees and diplomas are not for everyone, but wisdom is. True wisdom is in being happy doing what you do best no matter how trivial it may seem as long as it is beneficial to you and to those around you.


Do not make people feel overly indebted to you. In their quest to restore the illusive balance and wipe out the debt, they will demonize and attribute wrongdoings to you. Instead, give with love and receive with gratitude.


The universe is an ocean upon which we are the waves. While some decide to surf, others venture to dive.


When you allow the spirit to speak through you and empower it with love, you will discover things you didn’t know you knew.


Things will happen when they should. When an event is forced, its outcome would be less than optimal.


To preserve your innocence while acquiring intelligence, that is a true mark of wisdom.


You cannot reach success only by working hard, you also need to be working smart.


A wise person knows that he should not allow his roots to grow too deep in this world, for the deeper they grow here, the shallower they become in spirituality.


If happiness were the means to measure the evolutionary level of a species, I bet Darwin would’ve changed his mind and places humans at the very bottom.


Just like a GPS, the universe sends you signs to show you the best course. If you follow the flow, you get where you want with ease and happiness. If you miss a turn, the road becomes longer and harder.


Some people are like popcorn: they will only succeed when under heat or pressure.


There are two kinds of people: goal-oriented and ego-oriented. Goal-oriented people work together and get things gone. Ego-oriented people don’t work.


A truly successful person is not one who achieves his highest ambitions, but one who enjoys helping others reach theirs.


Reading a book is like living a deep and fulfilling life. Watching a movie is like being a paralyzed person: watching others live their lives while you observe from the sidelines.


Thus far, the only people who can grant you immortality are not scientists, but writers. By writing you into their books, they may not only immortalize you, but also grant you superpowers.


No one can escape karma. Two events which may, at first, seem disconnected can be karmically connected. After all, karma works on a spiritual level which may manifest itself physically in a myriad of seemingly unrelated ways.


Even if life has no purpose, it doesn’t mean that yours shouldn’t have one either. The universe will not care either way.


Death only comes when a being has served its purpose. From a narrow perspective, that purpose may not be clear, but in the grand scheme of things, it makes perfect sense.


A highly paid, highly motivated employee who is not allowed to work with his full potential is like a Ferrari which is not allowed out of the garage.


Only when you are in trouble do you realize who your true friends are… And, my dear, you will be surprised!


A friend is like a mirror: he’s the one who reflects your light most accurately. However, a close friend not only reflects your self but enhances and embellishes it.


Some people are not meant to live together, for they will destroy one another and annihilate themselves. Wolves and sheep cannot be put in the same place, for after eating the sheep, the wolves will starve to death.


When we were kids and believed that the game was not fair, we stopped playing. Well, the game of governance is not fair, so we need to stop playing along.


The good thing about democracy is that every vote counts. The problem with democracy is that every vote counts.


There is no doubt that inner beauty is more important that outer appearance, but that doesn’t mean that your physical appearance is not important; would you pick up a chocolate bar from a toilet seat?


Art should be seen with the heart, not with the eyes, for its beauty is in the energy it radiates.


The magnificence of light can only be seen when it strikes an obstacle. Likewise, the magnificence of a leader is in how he deals with problems.


If the only way for you to get people to do your bidding is through force or intimidation, you are neither a leader nor a boss: you are an a**hole.


Magick is not a supernatural power granted by spirits or demons. True magick is a natural power which exists in every person, and we have neglected it because of misguided principles.


Negativity is like burning plastic: while destroying itself, it annoys everyone with its stench.


We need to teach our kids to be tough: the system may be synthesized to protect them from bullies, but who will protect them against a system gone wrong?


Just like small acts of kindness can pave the way for a better world, small acts of corruption open the road for a corrupt world.


Always make sure that the PAST is a Previous Action Successfully Terminated and not a Permanent Application of Stressful Trials.


There are two contradicting universal principles which, when joined together, can help you lead a most satisfactory life: the first is to seize ever opportunity, and the second is to allow the will of the universe to be done through you.


You can never totally control your ego, but you can understand it enough to make it control itself by convincing it that you are doing what it wants.


Don’t live in regret over missed opportunities, for if you do, you will miss even more.


Humans are givers by nature; that’s why it’s easier to do something for another than for oneself. Try it, you’ll see what I mean.


When the reward is not worth it, when you have to force yourself to do it, when you start changing because of it, and when you just simply loathe it, that is when you should realize that there is nothing for you in it.


Talk for people and not about them. Unless you have love in your heart, refrain from discussing another person.



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