Top 485 Bangambiki Habyarimana Quotes

People would rather live in a community with unreasonable claims, than face loneliness with their truth


A humble heart, a friendly look, a smile on the face is really what you need to break the ice, not a very big axe.


The world is like a brute beast, you teach it how it should behave towards you


Those who complain that fate is against them will have a hard time finding happiness in their lives


Never declare Fate your enemy; she does not take lightly declarations of war. Declare your friendship to her instead, and smile in hope of better days.


Some beliefs are so strongly held that some believers are ready to lose their heads rather than the belief they carry therein


The internet is killing the art of writing. The big “publish” button begs you to publish even before you go back and make one single edit, and as if this was not enough, you have instant readers who praise your writing skills!-


When something looks impossible, don’t give up without testing its impossibility


As you fight any war, sometimes the result may be defeat. Learn to be heroic even in your defeats.


Life has a meaning but do not set out to find out. Just live it out.


This life is not perfect, live it to the full, it’s all we have


You will always find all the time you need in the world to do what you love. If you can’t find the time, it’s not important for you


Religion should teach about hope to come for all, not terror for some


Good gods are scarce because the majority of gods are created by evil men


Why do religious believers hate unbelievers? The feel threatened by them, they feel besieged by them. Religions consider themselves as separate tribes in their own rights and feel like unbelievers will one day overrun their strongholds


Every word that comes after “And the Lord told me. . . “is a pious lie


Some people are so stiff and inhumane as the dogma’s they believe in


Give me something to worship whatever.” Cries the human soul


Spiritual leaders, priests and prophets are lamps burning in the dark, seeking meaning for humanity.


Science cannot disprove god. Science studies the things that are. The eternal question is who or what made them to be


Can really anybody put his hand on his heart and profess to know beyond doubt what happens on the other side of this life?


There is nothing behind the curtains of religions, people put there whatever their imaginations can fathom


Once you believe that god is not a private property of anybody, you are on your way to becoming a new messiah. Maybe your own if not the world’s


Theology is like assuming that there is a black cat in a dark room where in fact there is no black cat, and endeavoring to study the cat’s properties and how it may have evolved from its ancestors.


The eyes of god are upon you, I mean the eyes of society. We are prisoners of societies in which we live


A spiritual realm is more obedient than a temporal one. In a spiritual realm, people obey the Supreme Being through his priests; in a temporal realm people don’t obey wholeheartedly as they distrust their corrupt officials.


Each mind conceives god in its own way. There may be as many variation of the god figure as there are people in the world


God has not yet revealed himself to no one in no unclear terms. Religions are attempts to find him on that level they are all equal


Much terror in religion is not the will of god, it is created by power hungry clerics who thirst for absolute power and claim it for god. God does not seek power, he is already powerful.


No holy book is more inspired than the other. They are all inspired according to their gods.


Anyone can write a holy book, if he feels god is calling him to do so


No one knows what god thinks of anything. He only knows and no one can claim to penetrate into his mysteries. Those who do that are liars and must be avoided at all costs


It’s utter arrogance to think that we can know what god ought to be or do. If we don’t understand we must continue our search or recognize our ignorance


All religions are “revealed” and “inspired”. After all nothing happens without the “will” of god.


If we believe that god is the creator of evil, maybe there is evil also in heaven, if that is the case, we are not out of the woods yet


Don’t create unbelief or doubt in people’s minds. When you do so you ruin their lives and you have nothing to give them in its place. It’s ok if people delude themselves those delusions keep their day running.


An atheist is a disappointed true believer he is an angry and hungry soul who has failed to find a real god to whom he can anchor his hope


All religions are man-made God has not yet revealed himself beyond doubt to anybody.


When you have doubts about God, the right position to take is agnosticism, atheism is outright arrogance


The more time you invest into studying religion, the more likely you are to disbelieve in the gods


Religion is a theory about everything that needs to be proved only after death those who prove or disprove it never come back to us to tell the story


On close analysis, it would seem that there is a possibility that we are god’s robots


I believe only in one God, creator of everything that exists, visible and invisible, good and evil. I believe that he will ultimately save every soul and give it eternal life.


We all want to become more than we are, we want to live forever, that is why we hate death and create the afterlife.


My gut instinct is that these heavens and hells exist nowhere else except in our hearts and minds


Don’t curse the gods you will feel shame when you have to call on them for help


God is powerful. Even those who claim not to believe in him fear him. Though their mouths may confess to disbelieve in him, their hearts yearn for him.


All atheists will go to heaven. If god exists, not believing in him does not take him away and he cannot justly condemn those who seek him earnestly and cannot find him. He would even reward their earnest search for him.


He is an atheist anyone who does not believe in my god and the wrath of god is upon him; I am in my right to meet that wrath on him,” thunders the fanatic


You can’t have it both ways. Either you believe in my god or you go to hell


An atheist is someone who is disappointed in his search of god. He is a man who strongly needed god but couldn’t find him. Atheism is a cry of despair


I know what is going on in the heart of an atheist. Deep anguish that there is nothing beyond, nothing to live for, nothing to give him hope. I know because I endured the same predicament.


Did you know you could destroy dragons? Dragons are not actually real, they just roar to scare you away from your goals. In fact they are afraid of determined heroes, they take flight at their approach


Even if everybody says it’s impossible, with determination, there is always something you can do. The last thing is to give up without trying.


Success in life is not for those who run fast, but for those who keep running and always on the move.


Magic always happens when you direct your inner powers to the object you want to change.


Break your shackles and reach out to your freedom. Break to pieces whatever indoctrination and programming that holds you hostage. The world is yours. Get possession of it.


When you look down on yourself, you set an example on how others should treat you.


An entrepreneur is a man who knows he can fail, but he does not accept to fail before he actually fails, and when he fails he learns from his errors and moves on.


An evil woman sends her husband away and wails her evil fate


Don’t constantly make angry your wife. Once she throws you out of her heart, there is no appeal


There is no amount of sin a loving heart cannot forgive.


Men are handicapped in love, either in giving or in receiving. They consider love as a sign of weakness


Forgiveness is all about love. Where love abounds, there forgiveness will not tarry


If someone can’t forgive, it’s because he does not love


When something or someone you dearly love is snatched away from you, something of you go with it. You become emotionally amputated


By your behavior you send signals on how people should treat you


Don’t ignore your dreams, in them your soul is awake and you are your true self.


It’s the duty of every man to free himself. Never accept to live an underdog’s life in god’s world.


Every revolution starts with the aim to help the poor, but when the poor get it they forget who they were and become the new oppressors. The cycle goes on forever


The greatest thieves are not caught. Not because it’s not known that they are thieves but because you cannot accuse them of robbery and live. These thieves are praised as national heroes and liberators or as successful entrepreneurs.


I think this business of good vs. evil is of no interest to the power hungry


If you are my food, how am I supposed to feel pity towards you? That would mean starvation for me. “A hungry leopard told a fallen, panting, imploring gazelle


The universe runs on the principle that one who can exert the most evil on other creatures runs the show.


Once you are in power, never forget those who put you there. Deal with those who think they can do better than you and those who think you are god’s representative on earth. Deal with each other according to his actions


Politicians know it’s a game of power, every politician at every level, even in the common of mortals.


The Golden Mean is for the weakling, it was not meant for the likes of Alexander the Great, Cyrus, Pharaohs, or Hitlers of the world


Nothing is sweeter and addictive than power, the unlucky soul this demon possesses, if he is not sacrificed on its altar will sacrifice others himself to get it


If anyone rises to power, it’s not only because he could, but also because the stars were aligned in his favor. Many with apparent means to take it failed simply because they weren’t destined for the honor


Can anyone maintain power without lying? It looks to me like living without breathing. Morality apart, I think some evils are part and parcel of nature and we cannot do without them. Sometimes evil is even necessary to run this evil nature.


It’s unfortunate to be bitten by political ambition. The deadly disease causes a man to want to access power by all means either by sacrificing others to its altar or by sacrificing himself when he fails.


Christianity has so much taken roots among us that drunkards sing gospel songs on their way home


In leadership, the way up is down. Serve before you get served


I am not a supporter of burning books; but like poison, some books should be kept away from simple minds who can’t take in the strong content they provide


One author said “I write because I want to live a footprint in the sands of history.” It’s hard to live a footprint in the sands of history when giants are passing through the same sands unless you are one of the giants


The only lesson you can learn from history is that it repeats itself


Never laugh at the fate of others, you are the next


Nature cannot be bribed, when the necessary conditions are not met, it does not happen


It’s natural for people to feel superior to those under them. It requires a conscious effort to value those less fortunate than you are.


Women understand the workings of nature than men. They trust in their instincts while men consider this behavior weakness.


World peace can be achieved only if there is nothing left to conquer


As long as there will be something to conquer, world peace will be a pipe dream


Peace is something you only have when your enemy is gone. Either after you have turned him into a friend or vanquished him


It’s useless to disarm the hands, if the heart remains armed


When we are healthy, wealthy and powerful, we forget about our mortality. It’s only when irreparable cracks set in that we come back to reality.


Don’t tell your friend you are fighting with your wife, it gives him pleasure


A man should not compete with his wife in talk but in silence


Married life is not for the faint hearted. Sometimes it can look like an ugly battlefield


Sometimes divorce is the best thing that can happen to marriage


I thought it was love. No, it wasn’t. It was marriage


Before marriage a man prays that she accepts, after marriage a woman prays that he accepts


I thought there was no use for me in reading Sun Tzu and Machiavelli because I am neither a warrior nor a politician, but it turned out to be useful when I married


I came into marriage with love but when I got there she refused the dictatorship and fled away, I and my wife are looking for her. Anyone who finds her please contact us. We swear not to harm her again


Before marriage man prays that god give him a wife, after marriage he prays that god save him from her.


To the bachelor, the language of women is mystery. In those matters, a married man is already a scholar


You don’t need a great cathedral for a great marriage. All you need is fate to be on your side


After a long time in laboratories, psychologists have discovered the holy grail of a happy marriage: I applied it and it didn’t work


When a man marries, it’s proof he can’t govern his life. He needs a governess


Never advise a man against his wife or a wife against his husband. When they come together again you will be the archenemy. When they separate, the fault will all be yours


Genius is when you strike a chord accidently, and the ensuing music is beyond your control


In the modern city life, if you don’t have money , you simply don’t have life.


I used to say why save money if I’ll die tomorrow, I haven’t died yet and I have nothing to survive on


Play with the emotions, play with the heart and the animal will surrender to yo


If you want people to believe you, appeal to their hearts not to their brains


A willing heart will believe anything and die for anything


A good head and a bad heart make a good politician


Some people quit when victory is around the corner


Beware of people who tell you it can’t be done. They want to remain on the market alone


People who are afraid to become gods say “it’s impossible


The day you were born you were given power to create yourself


Fortune is a goddess that reveals herself only to people who seek her


When a protector leaves you, it looks like the end of the world. But you gradually learn to walk by your own feet


Even if everybody says it’s impossible, with determination, there is always something you can do. The last thing is to give up without trying


Design and produce yourself according to your dreams


Fate does not expect to be fought and will reward those who dare to fight against it.


A perfect work of art is not the one that has no mistakes. It is the one people will like. Creation is not perfect but god is praised for having created it


Miracles are waiting for you. All you have to do is go and meet them


Anything does not exist until it is created. You create it


Opportunity is always coming but never knocks on the door. You have to get up and meet him


Don’t fear mistakes, they are your stepping stone to success


You don’t have to finish today, what is important is that you finish. But remember today might be the last day of your life.


Even if you can’t win show defeat it can’t get it the easy way.


Don’t expect it to be given to you. It is there already. Get it if you want it.


The gatekeepers are not there to prohibit you anything, they just want to frighten you away, if you are courageous enough to go through them, they will let you , thinking you are the owner or his so


If you want to be extremely important in people’s lives, give them extremely good services they can’t find anywhere else


Encouraging words are hands that pool others from the despair of life.


You will not get the miracle you pray for until you realise you are the god to whom your prayers are directed


Don’t lose your time gazing at the spilled milk. There are other cows to milk


If everyone took his pen and wrote just anything that came on his mind, we would greatly help researchers to understand how our minds work


The powerful are like a compressor, they will grind into paste everything on their way


The powerful hate truth that put them in bad light


The boundary between good and evil are clearer for more common folks but gets blurred more and more as people get more power over their fellows.


There are many languages in the world but the most widely spoken and understood by everyone are power, love and money.


The lack of power is the source of all unhappiness


Each man lives in his own universe and when he dies the world is over


A coward is a man who’d rather live dead than die alive


It’s not that success is guaranteed that we go to war. It’s because it is the only alternative we have left to avoid annihilation


You brought nothing into this world; you will take nothing from it, but please, leave us with something


Some cats are angry at being called cats. To achieve peace with them, never call them by their real name


True love makes you sleep and dream. But loud reality wakes you up


Believe that fate is smiling to you and everything you touch will turn into gold


Nothing closes doors as quickly as constant bad humor, reclamation, whining. Nobody wants to associate themselves with losers.


When you believe it, you’ve created it, whatever it is


A hero: a man or woman who is unsatisfied by his condition, and resolves to do something about it.


Keep running; keep dreaming, keep alive the flame of hope; defeat and despair will not catch up with you


Don’t be afraid to bite on a giant, learn from the mosquito


State what you want, and go for it, don’t refuse yourself a request you did not make.


An entrepreneur is not deterred by his lack of perfection, he knows no one else is


Every time someone starts a project he is considered nuts, until he beats all the odds and laughs the last.


When you start doing the impossible, you make it possible


Stop searching for god in the farthest corners of the universe. He is in you. You are it


Everything in the world is potentially yours. Don’t limit yourself to your own means


If success is a miracle then you must be the miracle worker


Sex is an open secret parents try to hide to their children


If you want to know about sex don’t ask your parents. They don’t have any and know nothing about it. Find out yourself


Sex is too sweet to speak about, you must only do it


People think that whatever comes out of the mouth of a wise man is the choicest gem, sometime it’s utter stupidity and rubbish


I live nearby a graveyard, that’s where I get all my inspiration for wisdom and life


True freedom is in not having a master, but in making the master your slave


We are looking for value, guidance, advice, inspiration; for someone to show us the way. When we find him, he is our hero


Keeping hatred against someone is like helping him to torture you


Experience is hard to acquire. Only the wise acquire it


A good man can be destroyed by the association with men of evil character. A wise man can learn from them


Some people have the license to sin: Soldiers, to kill; politicians, writers, priests, businessmen, married man and women, to lie; and married couples to have sex


You can have some, but not all. Wanting to have it all is a sure recipe for disaster


If you want an abscess to cure you must press it hard


It’s always easy to conquer the hungry with a piece of bread. Only the wise can conquer the strong


It’s not what we can do that makes us great, but what we can do but don’t which make us great


Even if you are not evil, pretend to be. It will put off some abuse


Life is a sweet sour adventure. When you want to go it becomes sweet, when you remain, it becomes sour


The problem with satisfaction is it’s a bottomless pit


Forget about the great astounding victory. Focus on winning small victories every day, the final victory will come by itself


You cannot skip the beginning and hope to reach the end. You will fall as soon as you get there


If you are writing fiction, think like a god. Release all the power of your imagination; create worlds and destroy them at your will, create as many miracles as your story needs


Fiction writers, magicians, politicians and priests are the only people rewarded for entertaining us with their lies


If you want to understand the inner workings of the human mind, read good fiction.


Those who think fate is against them have already crucified themselves. They have already decided what fate should do with them


Nothing in nature happens voluntarily. Everything is forced to happen. There is a hidden hand that forces things to move.


Condition A must be in place for action B to take place


Never get angry against fate, she is looking for someone to crush, why put a spotlight on yourself?


We are the products of fate, from beginning to end


Whatever we do and are, we are given the means thereof


How bitter they cry in need, those who refuse to help others in trouble!


Fate seems to scourge some people with her furies, while it ravishes others with her graces with none having done absolutely nothing to suffer the furies or merit the graces.


A coward: a man or woman who is unsatisfied by his condition and believes he was destined to accept it that way


We are confident that evil can never happen to us until it does


Destiny is not what you become but what you do with it


The world would have been a better place if some men had just shut their mouths.


We write, not because we claim to know more than others, but perhaps because we want to know more than others. Writers are explorers


Words disappear in the air, but writing remains. If you want something to be remembered about you, write it down


A writer is never alone, he is always with himself


You say you have nothing to write about? How do you find things to talk about? You can write about those things you like to talk about, that’s your area of expertise


. If you want to write, just write anything that comes into your mind. You will be surprised at how you can force inspiration to stand on your side.


You can edit what you write. Why not edit what you say? If it hurts somebody, you can still offer an apology or withdraw your statements


Able writers let us into their minds and show us how they think and by that open our minds to ourselves


If you are afraid of the critics you will never write a word


You never know what you will write until you write it


Write it as you see in your own perspective, you may be right or wrong but then what, that’s how you see it


How do you feel when you read stuff written by dead authors? A visit by a ghost?


Writing is sharing. You share what you have. Great writers have more to share


People speak even after their death. Only do speak those who have recorded their speech in writing before they die, the rest go silent forever


Self-censorship is more efficient than any police. You write and say not what you really think, but what you believe is acceptable. By that process we lose those revolutionary ideas that could change society for the better


Many writers write because they’ve been there, seen that, did it and burnt their fingers


If I can write, who possibly can’t. Even drawing a line in the sand is writing


The power of the writer is to capture the thoughts live and present them as they appeared in his mind


Writing is all about self-expression, we want to speak up, to get it off our chest. Whether we make an impact or not that is not for us to decide


If I had time, money and knowledge I could write about everything; but no problem, Google is already doing it


Every book is worth reading. If it cannot make you wiser it will make you a critic


When I write sometimes I strike gold, sometimes I labor in vain and keep producing rubbish


Don’t believe in everything that is written. Not everything that is written is true


The most successful are not the most perfect, but the imperfect who dare to believe that they can despite the damning verdict.


I intend to achieve my goals during my lifetime, but if I fail, I will not rest even in the afterlife


The road to your success is not a highway. You have to create it as you go


A final victory is a succession of small victories


When you succeed, you become the professor of the world


Success is not a romantic word, it’s an ugly world.


Success is not a luxury. It’s a must. Succeed or die


To be successful you must be willing to leave your comfort zone. Even then success is not guaranteed


Success is across the roaring river, the brave shall cross it


You should never consider finished a war you did not win


Learn how they failed and succeeded, then fail on and succeed


Give the world what it wants and it will give you what you want


You are not required to perform like them, you are required to perform like you.


Visionaries will always meet opposition from weak minds but the seeds


Visionaries will always meet opposition from weak minds but the seeds they plant always save the world


Wake up and live your life on your own terms, you are a king in your own kingdom, a god in your own universe


Everybody say it’s impossible, but I’ll try to make it possible


Gatekeepers will always try to stop you getting in. But as a true hero, you have to snatch victory from death’s jaws.


You create your future by what you do in the present


The true god has no beginning and has no end, it was not begotten and cannot beget, it cannot die and resurrect. He is responsible of everything good and evil and he is the sustainer of life. If he can save he saves all without distinction


It’s true not because it’s beyond doubt, but because we believe it to be true. We make it true. We are safe as long as no one can disprove us


I believe despite my doubts, belief gives me power reason takes away


Sometimes we believe it is truth, not because it is truth but because it has been made truth by law or tradition. Some of those truths are nothing but dogmatized myths


We are like other animals; we live and die as they do. If there is any afterlife, I believe we are in together.


Stop blaming evil on the Devil, blame it on the Creator of everything, if you don’t understand, ask Him or at least hope that someday He will reveal it to you


Can you die for a false idea? Yes. The reason you die is that you believe it’s not a false idea


We are all sinful. Trouble is that some men consider themselves less sinful than others or holier than others.


The best way to earn paradise in the afterlife is to create it in your life and in the life of your neighbor


I don’t believe god has a darling tribe or nation, all tribes and nations are his darlings.


You don’t need to kill with a sword, the tongue can do equally a better job and police will not knock on your door


A bad word triggers another in your opponent. Be ready to reap what you plant


Don’t complain against life, it may hear you and double your suffering


We don’t know where we come from and where we go, we fill the missing links with whatever our imaginations can provide us


Then nothing became something, and I was born, and I wrought great havoc in the world in the time allotted to me, and I returned to nothingness


Water in, water out until there is no water to run and the riverbed runs dry. That’s life


Life has no map; it’s made of random events, always caused by something beyond your control.


Life is just a dream, to some it’s a sweet dream, to others, a nightmare. But whatever it is, it’s always short and dissipates quickly.


We live like sheep in line waiting to be slaughtered in a slaughterhouse. We eat and laugh and fight as we see those in front of us fall to the knife


A small event as tiny as a drop of a pin can change the direction of your entire life


When you finally understand the meaning of life, you come to the conclusion it has none after all


Most of our waking life is make believe. If there was a way to record every dream that crosses our minds, the true nature of humans would be laid bare


Do you know why we show respect to life when it shows none to us? Family is the answer


There are two important days in your life. The day you discovered you were alive and the day you forgot about it


Life is like water in a glass. Drop by drop the glass empties.


Somethings are simply better left the way they are.


The hardest thing in life is a man to be honest with himself


Don’t look for meaning in life. It was meant to be lived not understood


Nature has endowed us with some measure of insanity to cope with the realities of daily life


Life becomes unbearable when, instead of living it, you stop to think about it.


Life is so sweet. A man will even kiss the a** of his enemy to have his head spared


Sometimes the rope seems the only option when at the bottom of the pit. Climb it to safety.


What’s the use of life without health? It’s like living dead


You can truly live if you can see yourself centuries after you have died. Just imagine it. What will people remember about you, how will your grave look like? How will your children live, etc.


Take one minute every day and think hard about your life. You will always change for the best.


Don’t be afraid to fall into the sea. Close your eyes and jump, for you will fall on the back of a big fish which will carry you to your destination


A physical wound may heal, but a spiritual one may last for ever


There is no sin, no crime, no evil, God cannot forgive


No one can claim perfection, that’s why everyone needs a second chance ad infinitum


A man is called a saint not because he does no longer sin but because he recognizes his weakness and seeks for forgiveness every time he falls


A man is called a sinner not because he sins more than others but because he defends he sins and glories in them and is unwilling to seek forgiveness


Never be an insincere friend, never be manipulative, one day you will be discovered and lose everything


There are friendships that are greater than family bonds, but they are very rare


Would a robber break in your home at night beating drums? Nope. This is how those who want to take advantage of your life come: Full of smiles and promising sincere friendship!


A bad friend is is worse than an enemy, an enemy you can see and avoid, but to detect an insincere friend is hard


You will know a friendship is not natural when you don’t feel relaxed with


Friend: A potential enemy with whom relations have not yet deteriorated to all-out war


Competition may help us create better products and services but in the end competition really seeks to destroy the opponent. To put him out of the power to compete against you.


A business plan is like a war plan, when you competitors know about it, it’s no longer of any use


When you think there is nothing left to improve on, your business dies, for there is no shortage of innovators


A man who wants to imitate the life of a woman will invariably do some mischief


When your dream turns into a nightmare, rise to the challenge and slaughter the dragons


Live in your dream. Refuse to wake up until it is completely over. Then dream again.


The only way to stop a nightmare is to open your eyes, if perchance you realize you were dreaming


Some people spend the best part of their lives living the dreams of others


You can only make magic if you act at the right time when the right conditions are in place


Even suffering when wrapped in love, seems tolerable.


You are not a real thinker if your thoughts haven’t landed you in trouble yet


If you open the flood gates of thought you do not know what may come. You may discover that you are better than you thought or worse than the devil himself


Thoughts are like things carried by a river. Capture the best while you can, after they have gone, you have to run after them and if per chance you find them, they are distorted


There is hope for you when your opinions are in opposition to those of the majority. Your brain mighty be working as it was meant to.


Although it’s great to appear to a feast, home is always sweet, though it may be lonely and cold like death


Prepare for a radio, for nothing is silent like the grave


Don’t wish away your problems. They need action, not wishful thinking


Charity: begins at home and remains there. When it goes out, it’s because it wants to brag about itself


Those who commit suicide, pensive, lonely, philosophers, are awake in life, which is a serious crime. In life everybody must be asleep.


To faith doubt is a sin, to science a virtue, to love a cancer and to life, suicide


The poor eats with his eyes, the rich with his mouth.


The master doesn’t need to chain his slaves; their needs will chain them to him. You can end slavery by the stroke of a pen, but the pressing call of necessity will reestablish it.


Free yourself from mental slavery. Break those invisible chains your masters put on your spiritual neck to control you


If you are poor and go without food and clothes, don’t hope for wealth in paradise, you are already forsaken


There are places where you can live only when you are healthy, in those places when you fall ill it’s the end of you for most people there can’t afford medical care.


If free will means to do what you want, then it does not exist. Many of its staunchest proponents have met the wheel of fate without opposing it


It’s an evil fate to fall into the hands of a persecutor who was once persecuted.


Never compare your love life from what you read or watched in a movie. Those are carefully thought about, yours on the good will of fate


Some people are here on earth because they were sent to hell


The most savage of human kind are the most advanced


Envy: Instead of focusing on your own goals, your goal becomes throwing off the rails other people’s goals and at the end of the day you gain nothing but a mischievous satisfaction that you have destroyed someone’s dream


As man becomes more technologically advanced, his barbarity becomes even more lethal


No wonder many people dare not look closely at life: It’s a horrible sight.


They hate you not because of what you have done but because of who you are; you are different from who they are, and you are occupying the ground they want for themselves.


We hate people who honestly tell us what they think about us. We wish we were what we are not


One man encompasses all of humanity. Harming one man is harming humanity


A beautiful lady with an evil heart is like a hundred dollar note cut in two with one piece missing


You want to be great? Help others achieve their greatness


Great men of old and of today never considered themselves only human, they also considered themselves gods. And god! See what hat great achievement have they realized!


It is praiseworth to be open and honest, but you must be very discriminating on where and with whom you apply that most sacred virtue.


Why do women use make-up? They know the world is a make-up


Honestly speaking honesty can sometimes land you in hot waters


Sincerity is not part of the political vocabulary. If it is used or implied bells should ring


It’s better to be ignorant and live in bliss than know the truth and live in agony.


Don’t be ashamed of your ignorance, be ashamed of your unwillingness to overcome it


People tell all kinds of lies to save their skins.


Apply the lie detector to everything. You will be amazed at how many lies you will discover. Beware tough, you may discover that you are a lie.


The hard truth is that sometimes we need to lie to ourselves to continue to live


As old lies are laid to rest, new ones sprout from their ashes, as deadly as their ancestors


A full fridge is like an empty one: What am I going to eat?


The heart of the home beats in the kitchen and a healthy one beats three times a day


The Bible is man in a nutshell. Good and evil live side by side in the same book. That’s why it’s cherished. The good find in it encouragement, the weak solace, the evil, justification.


I don’t know the beginnings and the end of all things? But apparently most people do.


You will see true character after a defeated ambition


Some people are good only because they are afraid of punishment. These justify why we need government


Don’t fight with your enemy’s brains, fight with his heart


You can deal with an emotion based on reason, but who can control an unreasonable emotion?


Emotion is created by a cause, whether that cause is factual or imaginary does not matter, as longer as the believer holds it as true.


Knock on the heart’s emotions and its gates will be widely opened, but nock on reason and doubt will come charging at you


I used to give too much importance to reason until I discovered the world was shaped not by reason but by emotion


Atheism is not against god, it is against the religious establishment who use god they have never seen or heard from to establish their influence over the minds of men.


If you are a pastor there is no way you can lose faith without losing face, you are considered the devil incarnate by your former congregation


I am not an atheist. I simply believe in a god different from yours


Woman must be financially independent to be free in love


A good man? A man who successfully conceals his evil actions


No one could preach if he seriously looked at his own sins.


I am sorry, I am not a writer. I simply put my thoughts on paper. Those helped by them call them a book and me a writer. Those who are not helped call it rubbish and me a fool. Both have reason.


Writing is a competition between the writer and the page. When the page wins, you fail as a writer.


Don’t think you are irreplaceable, or the world will end when you are gone


Life has a positive and negative side. Happy people ignore the negative side


The mind’s health depends on what it feeds on. Avoid thoughts and conversations that kill your soul.


Endeavor to create heaven on earth and turn your heart into the new Jerusalem


Home is where you feel more welcome, more secure, have more rights, where you are loved. This place can be any place even away from what you would normally call home.


Some men are sent to heaven by torturers who thought they were doing god’s work by sending them to hell


Theologians should study in a seminary and before graduating they should make a visit to heaven and hell after which they should submit their thesis and graduate.


There is no greater heaven the heart of a loving mother


Paradise is the heart of the people who speak well of you; who think fondly about you because of your exemplary life. Hell is is the heart of the people who curse you, who wish you were dead for your evil actions against them


It all begins with faith. If we believed animal went to heaven, we wouldn’t send them there prematurely


If my mother will not go to heaven, I renounce the privilege


Don’t despise people because of their defects or because of their lack of talents and gifts. Imagine if people did it for you, how many friends would you be left with?


If you are proud for bad reasons, shame waits around the corner


Some people are bringing the business tricks of scarcity mentality into God’s mind. They will tell you that only a few will see God. Why? God’s heart is infinitely huge, his arms infinitely large that all of us can have a place in him


Reason is the beheaded king, emotion the slave revolt


The age of reason may have had its golden age, but the age of emotion endures forever.


Play with reason and doubt will close all the gates


Doubt is the archenemy of love. He is the scoundrel who accused her to reason


Be patient. Everything has it’s time. You can’t make an orange mature right away because you are hungry


Only the strong will remain, all the weak will be consumed by fire


Politicians are a higher breed of men. They know that this world is ruthless and that they must live accordingly to cope with it


All of the wars in the world are fueled by power struggles either at individual, national or international levels


They only let us live in millions for the sake of the economy. I don’t know what will happen by the time they figure out how to run the economy without the people


Words create. Know what you want to create before you speak


I am 1324512000 seconds old. In the cosmic blink of an eye, I will become once again cosmic dust.


Life is like a comet that briefly crosses the night sky without almost being noticed


If you want a meaningful life for yourself don’t ask “What can the world offer to me?” but “What can I offer to the world?


In the beginning there was nothing, and then god created “me”.


The highest law in nature is love yourself, and seek your own interests before anything else


There are no laws set in stones, follow your basic instincts, they contain the laws that guide you existence.


The instinct of self-preservation is above all the laws


There are no superior or inferior races. No one is intrinsically inferior or superior. All have the same value as creatures of god. Those who put others down simply want to exploit them.


To those supremacist racists I ask what color will be their bodies when they turn to dust.


Some people think they are holier than othersSome religions think they are the only true onesSome gods think they are the most divineSome races think they are a superior breedThe war goes on to the grave and beyond


A man can feel pain in an amputated arm (an arm that is not there). A man can also feel anxious when he thinks about how his soul will burn in the fire of hell when he is threatened by it though he cannot see it physically


Create hell and people will be impatient to get there, just out of curiosity


Even if god was proved beyond doubt that he did not exist. We would still believe in him. We don’t need hard facts, we need true emotions.


Many people don’t know they have stopped believing in god. Their neighbors do


Once you let them establish their ideology in you, they will drive you crazy


We are gods but we are afraid of the ensuing responsibility; that’s why we prefer to remain slaves. Only if we dared to rise up to the challenge and assume our divinity, we could perform most of the miracles we pray for.


Billions of years before I was born I did not need religion, why should I need it, billions of years after I cease to exist


God does not take sides. He is always on the side of the winner


I am not afraid of what god can do to me. He is already doing it


Don’t be alarmed, the god I am trying to kill is the one I hate, not the one I love


Life is stripped of its flavor when folks are told that hell is waiting for them


False prophet: A prophet whose god is not yet known


Isn’t time the only one true god? It makes and breaks


Apologetics is reason flying to the rescue of faith


Even gods are following trends. They are afraid to be forgotten by their creators


Science does not need religion. Religion does not need science. And the twain shall never meet


I love theologians, they know god cannot speak so they spend their energy trying to explain to us what his silence means


God is good only when everything is good. When everything is bad, the devil takes control; god reappears when everything is in order once again. That’s what my pastor taught me.


Religion teaches us to fight against our natural instincts but it thrives on them


Politicians are not afraid of their mistakes, they are afraid their mistakes will not succeed


Some people sit at life’ banquet table while others serve them


Hell is nothing but a place we wish God has created for our enemies, we ourselves think that he will ultimately show some kind of clemency towards us


A god without wrath, without intimidation, without punishment, without hell? It would be a paper tiger, a teddy bear!


Hell was invented to scare to death the unruly human mind and bring it to obedience.


It’s a harrowing experience to see death approaching in haste towards you, what is hell but confronting your own mortality


The teachers of hell should be sent there first to be able to describe it accurately


If god created hell, who will blame his followers for trying to establish it on earth


Capitalism: let live who can afford to, not simply who wishes to. Life has a price and it belongs only to those who can pay it.


Market economy favors the have against the have not


Don’t go into the business of pleasing people. You can’t please everybody. Simply do your best at what you do


Need will send you even into the arms of your enemy


She has the care of a mother, the love of a sister, a prostitute in bed. Who is she?


At the beginning love is a fact, at the end it’s a theory


Love is a sweet dream until the hand of reality wakes you up


Love has its own eyes, and they are more efficient at the beginning and faulty at the end


Love starts having troubles when the brains encroaches on its territory


I don’t look girls in the eyes, I am afraid to fall in love


Divorce is an expensive punishment love gets when it fails


Falling in love is literally falling from your independence to let another control your life


What you call love on your side may be called lust on another’s side.


Don’t tell your friend you are fighting with your wife, he will use your weakness against you


Writing a book is burning your brain to enlighten another man’s mind


Consider your goal like a war to win and use whatever strategies you know to win


Power and love can break the most stubborn resistence


Divine determination and decree is this: that God has foreordained all people without exception unto eternal life, for his love is unconditional.


Never create doubt in a person. Doubts have the habit of hanging around even if the original cause is over. Doubt never wants to be caught unawares again


The world slides, the world goes, and death makes equal the rich and the poor


Though we are terrorized by death, it’s not different from birth, it just happens


What is important is not to fight, but to fight the right enemy


They succeed not because they are perfect but because they do not let their imperfections stand in their way to success.


If there are any ifs to salvation then no one is saved by grace. Everyone saves himself who can meet the requirements


I don’t criticise the free choice of others, and I ask others do the same to me


How to write a book? Start writing,continue writing and finish writing.


Slavery has not been abolished, it has been sanitized


Don’t look for the devil outside, look inside and exorcise yourself


A dog knows and respects his master; men respect their masters only under duress, envy them and plot their downfall.


Only dogs know and respect their masters. This is a rare characteristic of men who secretly envy their masters and wish their downfall.


Genius is nothing but a mastery of the subject at hand


Sometimes geniuses create nothing new, they organize already existing material into something completely useful in other ways


Trouble is the place where you find yourself when your judgment malfunction


Conscience is the parliament in our mind. It depends on who holds the majority


Give dry bread to a rich kid and he will throw it into the dustbin, give it to the poor kid and he will remember your name for the rest of his days


You are as free as a prisoner in an open air prison


I don’t care about eternity. I was not their when it began, I will not be there when it ends


Gods are fragile beings. They depend on the hospitality of those who believe in them


When I look at the multitude of the gods of the past held in esteem by great civilisations now cast aside as pagan idols, I wonder wether tomorrow the gods we hold in high esteem won’t suffer the same fate.


Some people should never be told truth. Their stomachs are not mature enough for that type of food


Everyone prays to his own god, that’s why miracles happen to some and not to others


It used to be said “Build it and they will come,” now it is “Build it and bribe them in”.


To survive in a corrupt country, you need to be the son of a king or be king yourself.


Civilization has made life a humanized jungle, a sugar coated jungle, but still a jungle


A politician will promise the moon but deliver an ant hill


In theory man is put at the center of everything but in practice he is barely allowed to sit on the sidelines


We fight exploitation of man by man in words but live it in daily life


Live as if you were a country and other people as other nations. Then learn politics


Politicians are a breed of the human race who believe they know everything


Be persistent like a mosquito, at the end you will get your bite


They will call you immoral if you dare to describe their immorality


The only way anyone can hope to live after death is if he leaves something that posterity can remember him for.


Hoarding can never end, for the heart of man always covets for more, its raging appetites can only be quenched by the heavy sands of the grave.


There is no one who is completely evil as to lack some goodness in him.


You say you need to love others, but do you love yourself


You marvel and applaud big heroes in their big heroic actions, and forget you are a hero in your humble life and have modest heroic actions to complete yourself.


Its ok to be different, the climate is not the same in every mind


The best way to destroy your enemies is to make them adopt your worldview


Some enemies are part and parcel of our lives, we cannot destroy them without risking our own survival


Be happy when people envy you, you are on the right path


Fact is is always truth but truth is not always fact


If you have ever wanted to serve god, go on and serve him. Don’t wait to be authorized by anybody. He is not copyrighted


Read whatever book you lay your hands on if you can, for every writer has a story to tell


Make your paradise here on earth, your own little paradise


All you need to be recognized as an authority is to be recognized by a recognized authority


Politics is the art of promising heaven and delivering purgatory, and claiming hero status for saving your country from hell.


Most politicians would love to lead politically blind people.


Many people take a very low view of politicians, but that is exactly how they conduct their social interactions daily


A knife may scar a body, but a careless word will wound a soul.


Every time you say it is impossible, you shoot yourself in the foot



Quotes by Authors

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