Top 48 Julieanne O’Connor Quotes

When you’re vested in fear, frightened of failure, yet in the surrender is where you find your success.


Vested in fear, frightened of failure, but beyond that I choose to surrender to my fated success.


I am one and when I am one I am none, and when I am none I have won.


You are not for everybody, but you are for somebody.


Stand strong in your value. That starts by knowing your value.


Those things that are not within your control can often be the very things that set you free.


Sometimes you have to “play the part” to become the part.


Often it takes more guts than skill to open doors. Once the doors get opened, then it’s up to you.


When you get clear on your own boundaries, you will find it easy to decide what you’re willing to accept in your career.


When you make an embarrassing mistake, learn to let the memories be enough to let you laugh about it today.


What makes a person unique is their vision, their belief, their passion, and their flat out unwillingness to give up.


When it comes to recognizing your greatness, start first within your mind. Start now, in this moment. Imagine, imagine, imagine and then believe!


You never know who you’re talking to. Don’t judge. Remember people who you encounter are put in your path for a reason.


Life is full of surprises but you are exactly where you are supposed to be. Start there.


Sometimes what may appear as unfair, may actually be a huge favor from the Universe, pushing you in the right direction to live your dreams.


I take my integrity seriously, but make no mistake, I do not rely on others to do the same.


Anything is possible with laughter. If you can laugh out loud, especially at a life of mistakes, you will come out unscathed.


As long as you’re alive you’re going to be thrown a few obstacles. It’s what you do with them that matters.


Before you get a bad attitude by drawing recurring conclusions to new situation based on past experiences, be sure to look for the possibilities.


Opportunities seldom appear wrapped in shiny paper with a big bow as you might hope. Remaining open to the packages they do in fact come in, regardless of how they appear, can lead to hugely profound experiences.


Life’s unpredictable path and length, should be enough to make you want to take a chance.


People who believe in their own potential, and who are driven by purpose, rarely have time to talk about it.


Successful people will tell you that they do not wonder if they are going to succeed. They know they will. It’s just a matter of when.


When it comes to happiness, why would anyone want to delay it?


In life there is but one career path that will fulfill. The path itself of joy. Make your heart sing. Anything else is a waste of life.


SLAMMED DOORS, Path of Discouragement. OPEN DOORS, Path of change. Do something different.


Catching up with the end result is never final, until it is, upon death.


The most important part of life is in fact, the journey, and it’s happening right now.


Only your life’s work , driven by passion, will last forever.


Big important days come and go and you can NOT hold onto them. The planning always lasts longer. Therein lies the process. Therein lies the journey. Therein lies life.


Ladies, you have a ton of power if you just understand the fundamental differences between men and women and unaffectedly play by the rules.


My feeling on the subject of sex with a man is – don’t give it up unless you’re willing to give him up. Not in the beginning. Sex is power!


Marry for love. But also choose to marry a man or woman who you love that treats you with the ultimate respect for your expression of who you are at your very core.


To love without ownership, to love with total trust and faith in that very love, to love with the same faith you have that your heart will keep beating moments from now, that is the ultimate love.


Life is surreal. When you step back and really take a look at it, the irony is absolute.


We will all experience the judgment of others when we fall in love. Love with your whole being anyway.


You are not for everyone. But you are for someone.


Worthy or not, you will receive your destiny. Awake or not you will notice.


If you want to speak to someone you cannot touch, see, or hear, the voice of love will transmit with or without a phone. It crosses all borders and travels through time and walls.


Just as the rain carries positive ions, so does change make you more apt to experience love with an expansive heart.


Jealousy is not a result of love. It is a result of crossed relationship boundaries. Love and relationships should not be confused.


You cannot predict the future but you can love and then love some more.


Non-attachment grounded in faith allows good to return to you.


In a world full of oddities, it’s how you outdo yourself within your own schizophrenia of abnormalities, that determines your most interesting self.


If you speak three languages you’re trilingual. If you speak two languages you’re bilingual. If you speak the language of the opposite sex, you can communicate.


It’s not about presents but it is about your presence. Therein lies the spirit of the holiday season.


Art has one purpose, that is to leave you changed. Love has one purpose, that is to create art.


There are more gifts in who you are than there are in who you think you want to be.



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