Top 44 Francine Rivers Quotes

Love God and He will enable you to love others even when they disappoint you.


Stand firm in the Lord. Stand firm and let Him fight your battle. Do not try to fight alone.


Unless we have something worth dying for, Atretes, we’ve nothing worth living for.


Never doubt God in the darkness what he has given us in the light.


Michael had once read to her how God had cast a man and woman out of paradise. Yet, for all their human faults and failures. God had shown them the way back in.


God would light the way. Faith would keep them on the right path.


Mara, that’s the life I want to give you. That’s what I’m offering you. I want to fill you life with color and warmth. I want to fill it with light. Give me a chance


Have faith have faith. When you have nothing else have faith.


God’s will isn’t hidden away like the myths and philosophies and knowledge of the world. Jesus told us openly and daily what his will for us is. Love one another.


Leaving the group, he reclined on a couch, drank morosely, and watched people. He noticed the games they played with one another. They put on masks of civility, all while spewing their venom.


Only later did he remember his pride-and the shattering cost of an illusive sense of freedom.


But so often, things of great beauty are full of great corruption.


He knew that beauty faded quickly when embodied by selfishness…


As gentle a man as he was, as tender as was his heart, there was nothing weak about Michael Hosea. He was the strongest-minded man Joseph had ever met. A Man like Noah. A Man like the Shepherd-king David. A man after God’s own heart.


We must seize every opportunity we can to speak the truth and proclaim peace. Especially now. There’s so little time for many.


I’d rather see your honest pain than a brave front.


It was as though her tongue were a heavy weight in her mouth, and now her heart was even heavier for having kept silent.


I gave up what I can’t keep for something I can never lose.


If God wills that I die, then I die. No power on earth can change that.


These conquerors of the world are slaves to their passions, and someday their passions will bring them down.


Bithia seemed wise in the ways of the world, but she was completely ignorant of what she brought upon herself. Commerce with the powers of darkness might gain her what she desired for the moment, but at what cost in the end?


The only way he could have her was to shatter this stubborn faith of hers. In doing so, would he shatter her? “What has this god of yours ever really done for you?” She stood very still for a long moment, her back to him. “Everything.


If I provide for this life and turn away from the Lord, I am wise for a moment, but lost forever.


How can intemperate minds be free when they’re slaves to their own passions?


This generation seems to see children as a financial burden and responsibility to be avoided.


Past and future were out of her hands. One was finished and couldn’t be undone. The other was beyond imagining.


Dwelling on the past only defeated her chances for changing the future.


Lord, you are God! You made us. Who better to know how to fix us when we’ve gone wrong? who better to set us to rights again? Who better to love us through the fire and refine us into something beautiful and useful despite our wrongs?


Never doubt in the darkness what God has given us in the light.


And if it (life) were easier, would i have given my heart so fully to God? Put your hope in Him, and you won’t be disappointed by what life offers


A pretty face and a beautiful body blind a man more quickly than any poker through the eyes.


Emotions are powerful, but they also change as quick as the wind. That’s why the Lord says to renew your mind. Don’t base decisions on what you feel.


The appeal was so often the same: Make me comfortable so I can go on doing whatever I want to do. They wanted sin without consequences.


The sin we need to be concerned about is the sin in our own lives. It’s the root of all human woe, the source of anguish.


We’re Christians. We have to care what people think. The appearance of wrongdoing, remember? I’m not going to move in with you had have people think we’re living in sin. What sort of witness would that be?


The great greatest gift you can give him is the freedom to spread his wings.


Regret drives us to repentance, and repentance leads us to God.


Perhaps it was the approach of death that had opened his eyes wide and made him see so clearly.


I don’t want to fall in love with you,’ she said, pushing away. ‘why not?”because you’ll just end up using it against me.


When she felt the tears coming up, building like a great hard pressure inside her, hot, so hot she thought they would burn, she swallowed them down deeper and deeper until they became a hard little stone in her chest.


He needed the warmth of the sun to take away the chill of foreboding that grew in him.


The only way he could have her was to shatter this stubborn faith of hers. In doing so, would he shatter her? ‘What has this god of yours ever really done for you?’ She stood very still for a long moment, her back to him. ‘Everything.


He needed to get away from the rush of the city, from the unceasing noise and annoying obligations.


I start work by spending time in personal Bible study. Because my projects center on a question in my own faith walk, I find Bible study essential. And God gives me scriptures daily that speak to the question with which I’m struggling.



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