Top 41 Rita Mae Brown Quotes

Sorrow is how we learn to love. Your heart isn’t breaking. It hurts because it’s getting larger. The larger it gets, the more love it holds.


About all you can do in life is be who you are. Some people will love you for you. Most will love you for what you can do for them, and some won’t like you at all.


The only queer people are those who don’t love anybody.


Loving’s pretty easy. It’s letting someone love you that’s hard.


I finally figured out the only reason to be alive is to enjoy it.


The statistics on sanity are that one out of every four people is suffering from a mental illness. Look at your 3 best friends. If they’re ok, then it’s you.


A deadline is negative inspiration. Still, it’s better than no inspiration at all.


Dean: Don’t you find that somewhat of an aberration? Doesn’t this disturb you my dear? After all, it’s not normal. Molly: I know it’s not normal for people in this world to be happy, and I’m happy.


Oh well, maybe the only beauty left in cities is in the oil slicks on the road and maybe there isn’t any beauty left in the people who live in these places.


When I got [my] library card, that was when my life began.


I mean, what do people talk about when they’re married?” “Their kids, I guess.” “Maybe that’s all they have in common.


It doesn’t matter to me. We’re still cousins in our own way. Blood’s just something old people talk about to make you feel bad.


Language exerts hidden power, like the moon on the tides.


Creativity comes from trust. Trust your instincts. And never hope more than you work.


I think the reward for conformity is that everyone likes you except yourself.


Good judgment comes from experience, and experience comes from bad judgment.


Whenever a young thing wants to be free minus serious thought, she gets pregnant and then gets married. Voilà!


I think the reason I choose the comic approach so often is because it’s harder, therefore affording me the opportunity to show off.


Carrie, sitting there over your coffee cup in a wasteland of worn-out silver wedding rings, feeding yourself confections of motherhood like the display cakes in the bakery where you worked- all trimming over cardboard.


I’m not an addictive personality, I just like getting high, that’s all.


Unfortunately, Susan didn’t remember what Jane Fulton once said, ‘Insanity is doing the same thing, over and over again, but expecting different results.


That’s the craziest, dumbass thing I ever heard tell of. What’s the point of being a lesbian if a woman is going to look and act like an imitation man? Hell, if I wanted a man, I’ll get the real thing not one of these chippies.


I believe in a lively disrespect for most forms of authority.


I think of birth as the search for a larger apartment.


A life of reaction is a life of slavery intellectually and spiritually. One must fight for a life of action not reaction.


A peacefulness follows any decision even the wrong one.


So often the truth is told with hate and lies are told with love.


I finally figured out the only reason to be alive is to enjoy it.


If the world were a logical place men would ride sidesaddle.


I finally figured out the only reason to be alive is to enjoy it.


Lead me not into temptation I can find the way myself.


I believe the true function of age is memory. I’m recording as fast as I can.


A life of reaction is a life of slavery intellectually and spiritually. One must fight for a life of action not reaction.


I finally figured out the only reason to be alive is to enjoy it.


Lead me not into temptation I can find the way myself.


I believe you are your work. Don’t trade the stuff of your life time for nothing more than dollars. That’s a rotten bargain


Women who love women are Lesbians. Men, because they can only think of women in sexual terms, define Lesbian as sex between women.


I became a lesbian because of women, because women are beautiful, strong, and compassionate.


The statistics on sanity are that one out of every four Americans is suffering from some form of mental illness. Think of your three best friends. If they’re okay, then it’s you.


Art is moral passion married to entertainment. Moral passion without entertainment is propaganda, and entertainment without moral passion is television.


If the world were a logical place, men would ride side saddle.



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