Top 41 Baltasar Gracian Quotes

If you are wise live as you can if you cannot live as you would.


It is a great piece of skill to know how to guide your luck even while waiting for it.


Do not show your wounded finger for everything will knock up against it.


One who was adored by all in prosperity is abhorred by all in adversity.


He who finds Fortune on his side should go briskly ahead for she is wont to favor the bold.


A wise man gets more use from his enemies than a fool from his friends.


Even knowledge has to be in fashion and where it is not it is wise to affect ignorance.


A prudent man will think more important what fate has conceded to him than what it has denied.


There is no wilderness like a life without friends friendship multiplies blessings and minimizes misfortunes it is a unique remedy against adversity and it soothes the soul.


Friendship multiplies the good of life and divides the evil. Tis the sole remedy against misfortune the very ventilation of the soul.


The wise man does at once what the fool does finally.


Wise men appreciate all men for they see the good in each and know how hard it is to make anything good.


Sometimes it proves the highest understanding not to understand.


It is a great piece of skill to know how to guide your luck even while waiting for it.


At twenty a man is a peacock at thirty a lion at forty a camel at fifty a serpent at sixty a dog at seventy an ape at eighty nothing at all.


‘No’ and ‘Yes’ are words quickly said but they need a great amount of thought before you utter them.


Attempt easy tasks as if they were difficult and difficult as if they were easy in the one case that confidence may not fall asleep in the other that it may not be dismayed.


Nothing arouses ambition so much as the trumpet clang of another’s fame.


Little said is soon amended. There is always time to add a word never to withdraw one.


Nothing really belongs to us but time which even he has who has nothing else.


Truth always lags last limping along on the arm of Time.


It is a great misfortune to be of use to nobody scarcely less to be of use to everybody.


A sage has one advantage he is immortal. If this is not his century many others will be.


A wise man gets more use from his enemies than a fool from his friends.


The wise have a solid sense of silence and the ability to keep a storehouse of secrets. Their capacity and character are respected.


Respect yourself if you would have others respect you.


Dreams will get you nowhere, a good kick in the pants will take you a long way.


He that communicates his secret to another makes himself that other’s slave.


Advice is sometimes transmitted more successfully through a joke than grave teaching.


Let him that hath no power of patience retire within himself, though even there he will have to put up with himself.


A bad manner spoils everything, even reason and justice; a good one supplies everything, gilds a No, sweetens a truth, and adds a touch of beauty to old age itself.


Always leave something to wish for otherwise you will be miserable from your very happiness.


True friendship multiplies the good in life and divides its evils. Strive to have friends, for life without friends is like life on a desert island… to find one real friend in a lifetime is good fortune; to keep him is a blessing.


Luck can be assisted. It is not all chance with the wise.


Even knowledge has to be in the fashion, and where it is not, it is wise to affect ignorance.


Great ability develops and reveals itself increasingly with every new assignment.


The envious die not once, but as oft as the envied win applause.


Never have a companion that casts you in the shade.


Better mad with the rest of the world than wise alone.


Never do anything when you are in a temper, for you will do everything wrong.


He that can live alone resembles the brute beast in nothing, the sage in much, and God in everything.



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