Top 38 Rush Limbaugh Quotes

Enraging liberals is simply one of the more enjoyable side effects of my wisdom.


I must be honest. I can only read so many paragraphs of a New York Times story before I puke.


I’m a huge supporter of women. What I’m not a supporter of liberalism. Feminism is what I oppose. Feminism has led women astray. I love the women’s movement, especially walking behind it.


Militant feminists are pro‐choice because it’s their ultimate avenue of power over men. And believe me, to them it is a question of power. It is their attempt to impose their will on the rest of society, particularly on men.


I’m pro-choice. But I hope that choice will be life.


There is one other business where the customer is always wrong and that’s the media.


There are smart people on our side of the aisle who have known as early as I did who Obama was and should have been saying ‘I hope this guy fails’ right along with me. There should have been opposition to this guy all along.


Obama has now lost his trustworthiness. He has lost any hope of majority support from the American people for his agenda. Obamacare has wiped that out. It really has.


Liberals are some of the most arrogant, condescending smart alecks, but they’re just pure ignorant, and they fit the bill of people who have no love and no respect for the founding of this country.


Capitalism is always evaluated against dreams. Utopia is a dream. It doesn’t exist.


It’s impossible for a Democrat to be a failure. It’s impossible for a Democrat to be a reprobate. It’s impossible for a Democrat to be a mess. It just isn’t possible, as far as the mind-set of the media is concerned.


One of the biggest challenges we have, folks, is making liberty and freedom cool.


No matter what else is going on, Christmas is my all-time favorite period in the year. It has a positive effect on me like very little else does, seasonally, that is.


I wonder if liberal kids call liberal talk shows and ask how to get along in a conservative teacher’s class? No. No. It doesn’t happen, ’cause there’s no thought of getting along.


The way the Democrats go about seeking equality is to lower people at the top.


George W. Bush attended the intelligence briefing every day. Obama has not even attended half of them. He sends surrogates. That to me is significant.


Feminism was established to allow unattractive women easier access to the mainstream.


That’s what liberalism is all about, is promoting incompetence on the basis it’s fair, because people would be the best if they weren’t discriminated against.


It’s amazing when you see something on T.V. for years and then you go and see it in person. It’s perspective is all different.


Character matters leadership descends from character.


The Republican leadership thinks the best way to avoid losing elections is to let the Democrats win every controversial issue.


There’s a void of leadership in a lot of Washington. I think one of the reasons why there’s so much angst across the country.


Nobody in a leadership level in American politics is trying to inspire the American people. Everybody needs to be goosed. The vast majority of people are not self-starters.


Global warming is a political issue. It is as much a political issue to the left as abortion is. It’s as big a political issue as health care is.


Try to always stay focused on the objectives that are possible and the positive – and on having fun outside of the stuff that’s going on in Washington.


I’m not afraid of having an agenda. I do have an agenda. It’s a positive agenda.


The left puts a lot of faith in a lot of people in the past that were dismal failures that they think are the greatest people who ever lived.


I know it when I don’t know it. Sometimes I know it when I don’t think I know it. I need to trust myself in these moments, these rare moments of self-doubt.


Will some reporter, or some Republican on the Sunday shows, please ask why tax cuts raid the non-existent Social Security Trust Fund but all the Democrats’ new spending doesn’t? Will someone please ask that?


There was a time when the United States government earned the trust of its people. There was a time when most people believed that the United States government was protecting them.


You know how old I am? I’m so old, I remember when Letterman used to be funny and it was presidents who were serious. That’s how old I am.


One of the reasons MSNBC is plummeting is that I, not long ago, refused to play any content from them. I figured, why? I mean, it’s genuine depraved partisan politics insanity, genuine extremist radical ignoramuses on that network.


Money is the mother’s milk of everything, and it certainly is the mother’s milk of politics.


You know why there’s a Second Amendment? In case the government fails to follow the first one.


Liberals want the government to get bigger, and they want you to drive smaller cars, and they want to dictate the way you live.


Freedom without virtue isn’t freedom – it will eventually destroy a society.


The Founding Fathers are not just some people that happened to get mad a long time ago and want their freedom. They were special people in addition to what their natural yearnings were.


The battle for freedom and liberty really never is over, and there are really low points in it, but I’m not giving up, and I’m not gonna engage in phony pep talks, either.



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