Top 38 Eyden I. Quotes

Perhaps as they say in science love is a reaction, and in art, it is a heart, but for me, love is simply you.


Be yourself no matter what. People don’t have to like you, and you don’t have to care.


It hurt when someone lies to you, and you know that. But you believe him instead because you love him.


This is our life; dreams come true, and dreams stumble, while others dreams remain postponed perpetuity…


This is our life; dreams come true, and dreams stumble, while others dreams remain postponed perpetuity.


Freedom isn’t a hope for those who live in a cage.


Females are very simple, with them, yes means yes, & no means yes, & no means no, & no means maybe, but maybe means yes, & maybe means no!


With fire we test gold, and with gold we test women, and with women we test men.


Maybe women forget days, but they always remember moments.


Woman won’t accept to be your second opinion, either you choose her or you lose her.


We spent a lot of money on buying clothes, but we spend our best times naked.


Sorry girls, not every man is running after what you think…


Sorry girls, not every man is running after what you think.


In my society we know how to say things, but we don’t know how to realize them. In my society everyone has a perfect personality in public, and a dirty one behind the curtain.


If the sky was full of stars and you didn’t have one, don’t be sad, maybe the moon will be yours one day.


Trust is like a tear, once it is dropped, it cannot go back.


When they want to leave, they accuse you with endless flaws.


The black color is much deeper than to be overwhelmed by grief… Black hides everything within itself in the argument of elegance.


Year Zillion“What is your contribution to society?”“I mind my own business and I always know when to shut the fuck up.”**Gets Nobel Prize**If two people are happy together, just leave them alone.


A fancy car and hot girl is the dream of every loser male, while a rich handsome man is the dream of every bitch.


The umbrella won’t stop the rain, but it will help you to get out during rainfall. As well as confidence is not going to guarantee your success, but it will give you the opportunity to achieve it…


In life; there are two things you should never believe: the tears of women and the hearts of men, and there are two things you should always believe in life; the hearts of women, and the tears of men.


Take a deep breath right now…Look at the sky; it’s a beautiful night, isn’t it?


No matter how much the woman is beautiful, she will lose her womanhood if she is dumb, arrogant or liar.


Woman will always continue to be a cute riddle or a beautiful puzzle, in the meantime man believes that he solves it.


My silence doesn’t mean I don’t know what goes around me, but what goes around me don’t deserve my words.


Contemplation in life is more important than bullshit. So enjoy Silence.


Woman won’t accept to be your second option, either you choose her or you lose her.


Arguing with a woman is like reading the Software License Agreement. In the end, you ignore everything and click I agree.


This is woman, if you try to hurt her, she will kills you, but if you try to satisfied her, she will make you happy!


The heart of woman is like a diamond, who need a good skilled hunter.


-What is your contribution to society?-I mind my own business and I always know when to shut the fuck up.”*Gets Nobel Prize*If two people are happy together, just leave them alone.


The umbrella won’t stop the rain, but it will help you to get out during rainfall. As well as confidence is not going to guarantee your success, but it will give you the opportunity to achieve it.


I miss that smile covered with the tears of longing.


You should learn how say things with your eyes that others waste time putting into words,


Morals are like social classes, there are poor and rich people.


We spent a lot of money on buying clothes, but we spend our best times naked..


One day… You are going to remember me and how much I loved you, and then you are going to hate yourself for letting me go.



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