Top 38 Anthony T.Hincks Quotes

Colors are what trick the mind and our imaginations into buying things.


It’s when you tame your nightmares, that your dreams will willingly enter the corral.


God’s everywhere.So remember when you go to the toilet not to laugh.


Deny God and you deny the world in which we all live.


Beauty is seeing a flower bloom in a garden or in nature.Artificial is seeing that same flower try and grow in a vase of water.


A pair of jeans makes you feel good.A pair of Levis make you feel special!


Dreams come from that special place in our mind where our soul loves to spend its holidays.


When the Illuminati thought of their name, they were hiding in a darkened room with one candle.They are still hiding in that room with the same candle.


If we are to climb that mountain, we had better find that molehill.


The depth of my feelings is proportional to the depth of the color.


It’s when we’re inches apart and not speaking or touching each other that I feel that we are miles apart.


No one can put words into my mouth, but they can put thoughts into my head.


We can’t go back to who we once were. We can only go on and become the person we were meant to be.


Simplicity is one complication that I can live without.


Love is spelt C-O-L-O-R.AndColor is spelt L-O-V-E.


A good cricketer never loses his nerve.He just bats on!


Speak out off turn and you will surely be put back in line.


The oceans and seas are forces which, if you forget, they will gladly remind you.


I wish that I was ‘tech savvy’, but unfortunately for me and my family, I’m ‘tech illiterate’.


Don’t be surprised when Death comes knocking. Be surprised when he goes away empty handed.


It’s the sound of the sea that makes you believe in mermaids.


In God’s garden even the weeds are beautiful.In my garden, I’ve only got weeds. I think they’re a nuisance.


They always say that the daughter will grow up to look like their mother. So, I asked my girlfriend if I could see her mother naked.Needless to say.It was a very short relationship.


A teddy bear will give you love.A grizzly bear will give you a mauling.Some bears aren’t just the same.


It’s when you take somebody’s innocence that you also take their life.


Everybody is guilty. It’s only the innocent that aren’t.


Beauty is a female thing. That’s why nature is so stunning.


You don’t need to be in the light to be a beacon of beauty.For Marta


When you get to the end of the rainbow, you haven’t even started yet.


You should never try and out guess Mother Nature because when you do, you come off second best.


If you want to find God have a look around you. He’s in everything you see, smell, taste, feel, touch and believe.If he wasn’t, he wouldn’t be God.


Being ‘Tech Savvy’ allows me to tie my own shoe laces, ride a tricycle, draw stick figures, play hop scotch and much, much more.Otherwise I’d be a ‘Techno Illiterate’.


Nothing says you’re more sexy than when you wear clothes.


The ocean is both my mistress and my lover. How else can I explain her salty kiss that is still on my lips.


It’s when I’m feeling blue that I think of my little color pink.


If you have hung yourself out to dry, it means that you are still wet behind the ears.


I don’t live life to be different.I live life to be the same.


I don’t think that you know who we are, but we know who you are!



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