Top 37 Agona Apell Quotes

It is not courage that makes us speak the truth, but it is a hunger for truth that makes us courageous


It’s by stooping that fingers create a fist, and by standing tall that they give us open palms.


I have this feeling that immigrants unwittingly help to keep peace between nations by being scapegoats for national ills that would otherwise be blamed on neighbours.


The first act in the training of a warrior should be how to string his rifle and turn it into a guitar


There is only one thing worse than a little baby who won’t stop crying: it is a big baby who won’t stop whining about it


It is only in grammar that the mighty can be bound by rules made by the humble


Today’s troubled homes are made by parents who want to have children but don’t want their children to have parents


To be laughed at draws more profitable attention than being smiled at


Fortune draws her breath through cracks that make coarse the route on which we march to success


You lose nothing if by losing a friend you win countless admirers


It is through aversion to hardship that great ideas are born, but it is only through acceptance of it that these ideas can be implemented


The choice is ours to make whether the stars in the night sky shine upon us as headlights of an approaching paradise or as tail-lights of receding fortunes


Success dwells in a neighbourhood that can only be explored through failure, and it is through perfect knowledge of that neighbourhood that we gain perfect knowledge of her address


The experience of the expert is an advantage to them only for as long as it enables them to learn faster than the novice


The fortune that you feel you don’t deserve is heaven’s compensation for the misfortunes she feels you didn’t deserve


Depending on someone to make for you money is quite like depending on them to make for you a baby: they will own the money just as they will own the baby


Asking someone to make for you money is like asking them to make for you a baby: they will own the money just as they will own the baby


The quality of a man is to be judged not by what he drives but by what drives him


Faith is not mere belief but is that state you attain when you send your will, words, thoughts, beliefs, and actions into orbit around a chosen goal


The rich don’t know when they will die, but the world’s poor don’t know when they will live


To the aimless man all men are equal, but to him with purpose some men are seed and others weed


Friends are won through personal contact, but admirers are won through their contact with our works


The true worth of a man is not seen in the value his money gives him but in the value he gives his money by the uses he puts it to


The poet drafts his work as a writer but edits it as a sculptor, with his pen as a chisel and his mind a hammer.


While reason steers a man, it is faith alone that moves him


The highest form of worship is to answer God’s prayer.


The further from law you move, the closer to claw you come.


The law is not an ass but a chameleon in ass skin: it turns deathly black when around blacks and pristine white when around whites


A struggle is fatally injured not so much by the stumbles of its leaders as by their mumbles


A rain forest springs from the droppings of animals and grows greater than any cultivated garden; likewise, a great mass of literary skill springs from the droppings of writers that cross our minds through the reading we do.


The manager needs only a molehill to build a mountain, but the money-ger needs a full mountain to build another.


There are things to be obtained by law and things to be obtained by claw


A book is the only true land of the free: within its borders, anything is possible


In the world of oratory, the cunning atheist declares himself a believer so as to preserve access to the rich fund of tales from religious texts and to powerful concepts like God, fate, angels, the soul, & the afterlife.


Men who attain great heights always have few friends but many admirers, while those who ply the lower reaches of fortune often have many friends but scarcely an admirer in sight


The quality of a conqueror is to be judged as much by what he spears as by what he spares


The eternal struggle between failure and fortune is a fight not between mortal enemies but sparring partners. So fortune is improved by failure, and the reverse is also true.



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