Top 36 Karina Halle Quotes

No matter what happened, he was Dex and I was Perry and that combination only led to trouble.


I feel like I’m a disappointment to mankind,” he remarked woefully as he placed the shirt through my arms and began to pull it down over my breasts. “Someone this gorgeous should be on display in a museum.


Sometimes hope is like wearing someone else’s coat. You know it can shield and protect you, just as it did them, but it still doesn’t feel right. You’re just not used to it.


A young body, a young heart, and endless courage. That last part is the most important. Don’t let anyone tell you any differently. Why do you think we used to send so many kids your age off to war?


You can learn a lot about a person through their dreams. It’s your subconscious, split open and bare for all to see.


When you wake up from a nightmare, the reality comforts you. When you wake up from the best dream ever, reality is a burden, a slap-in-the-face reminder that you could feel this, you could have this, but you don’t and you won’t.


This bullet can go straight through the couch.”He was right. Fuck Ikea for making such flimsy furniture.


Better to be a catalyst for change than a martyr for lies.


…being beautiful has nothing to do with sex. You have to be beautiful in here, too.” he says, pressing his fist against his heart and then his head.


We learn so that we may succeed, and that goes for anything in life, including the arts. It’s a falsity that the moment we earn money or wish to earn money for our creations that it ceases to become art.


…seeing ghosts and demons just lends itself to listening to White Zombie and Slayer and Fantomas on repeat. One Direction and Selena Gomez are for the girls who don’t see dead people every fucking day.


The human heart isn’t meant to be caged by someone who doesn’t feed it.


Rubbing a clit to competin and sawing off someone’s foot seemed to use all the same muscles.


If you want to be all like smart and adult about this shit then do the right thing. But if you want to do something fun and take a chance, then screw what anyone else thinks. Rock and roll, man!


Try and make it right, and if you can’t, that’s on them, not you. Forgiveness shouldn’t be stockpiled by anyone. It should be given freely.


There is no code among men because there are no men anymore. Only monsters who sit behind their desks and give orders.


To the thing that hurts you most. To the paranormal and to never being normal.


Not that it was a crazy complicated skill, but operating an espresso machine during high traffic could be added to my repertoire along with card tricks and how to fire a Colt .45.(Quote taken from ARC, subject to change)


Love isn’t a choice. I can’t control how I feel about him any more than I can control the sun in the sky. But what I can do is control what I do with those feelings.


My mother is quite the character. You’d hate her. Sometimes I think I hate her too, but mainly I feel sorry for her. Which is kind of worse.


You’re saying we can write our own destiny,” I said, feeling too jaded and stubborn in the moment to believe it. “I am saying,” he said carefully, “that this is not the end of the story. Not the way I am writing it.


The saying goes, if you love something, let it go. I always though it was better to just shoot the damn thing so it’d never go anywhere.


I’m pretty sure there are some things in the dark that we’re not meant to see.


Hell isn’t fire and brimstone. It’s New York City.


People say things are going to be Hell without even the slightest notion of what Hell is.


They say you’re only as old as you feel but try telling that to a ninety-year-old on their deathbed, just wishing he could do all the bloody things he wants to do.


At the mention of her name, my heart started beating faster. Dawn. Rusty. My muse.


To rise from the ashes only to have them rain on you from above.


We are forever surrounded by ash. But we are fire. And fire rises.


I looked like a hipster who broke his arm at a Vampire Weekend concert or some shit like that.


It doesn’t really matter in the end. Most people I talk to don’t take writing seriously. If I tell them I’m an aspiring author, they get that “yeah right” look on their face, which is usually followed by “good luck with that.


That’s what all art is for. Your creations can become anything to anyone. I’ve realized there’s nothing wrong with letting people escape for a few hours. Plus you should hear about all the sex lives I’m saving.


I’ve seen him before you know. In real life.” “What? When?” I catch a twinge of hurt in her voice for not filling her in on it earlier. “When I was at Sephora,” I tell her. “So he’s a metrosexual ghost as well?” Dex asks.


I never realized how much I loved life until I knew it was being taken away.


Sometimes… we have a war in our hearts. We’re torn in two directions. The way we feel and the way we should feel. They rarely align. The battle goes on.


God didn’t create monsters. Monsters created themselves.



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