Top 35 Sharon Weil Quotes

Imagination belongs to hope. It’s the creative dance of possibility.


Hope is a helium balloon. It is a wish lantern set out into the dark sky of night.


Hope dreams into being what is possible but not yet formed.


If I’m going to have hope, I’m going to have to learn to endure disappointment.


A wish is a single unit of hope. It’s a single request for something I dearly desire.


Don’t be afraid that things are changing, because indeed they always are.


Without hope, I wouldn’t even try. Hope lifts me to consider new possibilities so I can stay the course of my desire, no matter what.


We cannot protect ourselves from disappointment and still live a fully engaged life.


Given that I don’t know anything, when I am making up stories about the future, why not make it a good story instead of a scary one?


When I act, I act on behalf of who or what I love. Even when I have to fight against something, it is because of what I value and love.


The resistance, though it comes in many forms, begins with the mistaken belief that I am somehow separate from change, and that I can control it, rather than to align myself with change as it makes itself apparent, and ride it.


If I bother to listen, I can navigate by failure just as much as I can navigate by success.


What I experience of change is either the flow of the movement of change or my resistance to it.


Information can compel us to want to take action, but information, by itself, is often not enough to motivate action or change.


The flow of the movement of change will be impeded wherever healing has not occurred.


In forgiving others, I free myself towards belonging and wholeness, be it with the person I am forgiving, or with myself.


Healing restores to wholeness that which has been injured or fragmented.


Change occurs on a continuum and does not move in a straight line.


Every journey towards change begins with awareness.


The natural world is built upon common motifs and patterns. Recognizing patterns in nature creates a map for locating yourself in change, and anticipation what is yet to come.


Pleasure feels better than pain. Make the pursuit of pleasure your guide.


Change moves incrementally from breath to breath and moment to moment, allowing for course-correction along the way.


A rhythm becomes a habit when we can no longer hear the music.


Community is a context and can either facilitate or inhibit the movement of change for the individual.


Separation from the community creates isolation. Isolation is the source of most physical, emotional and spiritual disease.


Everything in my environment is offering me feedback, if I will only listen.


We often gain awareness through a baseline comparison between now and next.


In order to be effective, be responsive. In order to be responsive, listen.


You can fuck me if you want,” she said. “I know a man needs to be able to say thank you – and words don’t always come so easy.


The stories I tell myself about myself are contexts for what I believe is possible. These stories affect not only my attitudes about myself and others, but affect my behavior in what could become a self-fulfilling prophecy.


Isolation is at the heart of all disease, therefore healing requires community and the support of others.


The practice of deep listening is the practice of open inquiry, without assumption or judgement.


I’m growing mushrooms… because I can’t kill them. They just keep multiplying…and it’s like…I’m in service to them.


All it takes is rumor…The danger itself is irrelevant. It’s the perception of danger we’re selling.


When you unlock your pleasure, you unlock your power. And that can change anything…” -Sheerah, Donny and Ursula Save the World.



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