Top 35 A.S. King Quotes

I was also built from delusional optimism and folly.


You can’t change people with love. It doesn’t work that way.


There is something magical about the world at night. Sitting at the dining room table, sipping a glass of iced tea, I can totally understand why Dad gets up so early. Minutes seem to last longer when the rest of the world is asleep.


As I load my shirt into the washer for the night, I daydream about making a sign and hanging it around my neck. I could wear it to school tomorrow. It could read, I MISS CHARLIE KHAN.


Listen to me. They may control what you do, but no one can pee on your soul without your permission.


It also makes my father right again. How will I ever soar with the eagles if I’m surrounded by turkeys?


Today I am in control because I want to be. I have my fingers on the switch, but have lived a lifetime ignoring the control I have over my own world. Today is different.


The trick is remembering that change is as easy as you make it. The trick is remembering that you are the boss of you.


It’s safe to tell us stuff, okay?” This means it’s not safe to tell them anything.


You are not your virginity. You are a human being. The state of your hymen has nothing to do with your worth.


Not living your life is just like killing yourself, only it takes longer.


Then I think of Charlie and our first New Year’s apart, and how I miss him. I miss him so much, but it’s confusing, because I missed him long before he was dead, and that’s the bitch of it all. I missed him long before he was dead.


She launched the airplane and it caught a current and circled down toward the town, like a promise of something good.


You know that saying about how you don’t know what you have until it’s gone? I already did know what I had, and now that she’s gone, I know even more.


Suicide isn’t something people do to hurt other people. It’s something people do to release themselves from pain.


I’d rather feel something for real than pretend it’s not what it is. Which Zen guy said “If you want to drown, do not torture yourself with shallow water”?


I picked up my camera and held it at arm’s length and took a picture of myself not caring. I called it: Glory Doesn’t Care.


I don’t have enough gross words in my gross vocabulary to describe how gross that gross thought is. Gross.


Here’s my using dickwad in a sentence. Greg is such a dickwad, he locks his car in the Pagoda Pizza parking lot. (No. That isn’t a real Vocab word.)


–he stopped and eyed Bill Corso–“if you choose to just sit here like a bored jungle gorilla, you will have to write out this quote as many times as you can during the next hour.


Oh. I get it now. God had Nader beat my ass and my mom leave my dad just so Jodi could learn how to chop onions and use a propane grill. Great. Awesome.


maybe if people weren’t so careless, then nothing would need to be caged.


I can’t help seeing a cage for what it is. Sure, it protects the bulb, but maybe if people weren’t so careless, then nothing would need to be caged.


Sure, Mom.They stop and say hello, and then once you pass they talk the back off you like you were nothing. They assess your outfit, your hairstyle, and they garble what you say so it comes out ugly.


Isn’t it funny how we live inside the lies we believe?


I’m sorry, but I don’t get it. If we’re supposed to ignore everything that’s wrong with our lives, then I can’t see how we’ll ever make things right.


She smiled at me, and I never forgot it. Or more accurately, I always remembered it.


School’s important at the moment.Unsexiest statement ever.


She talks about how she can’t exercise because of the ailments-a bad back, sore knees, breathing difficulties-all caused by her weight gain.


Even though I know that breaking your brain is the same as breaking your arm, I’m still ashamed that my brain is broken.


I wish for world peace, because it’s about as likely to occur anything else I can wish for.


By shooting the darkest areas three zones lighter, you turned a black, lifeless max black zone 0 into a zone 3. I think, in life, most of us did this all the time.


What occurs to me at this second is this: There is a huge world out there. I only know my dumb family and my dumb house and my dumb school and my dumb job. But there is a huge world out there…and most of it is underwater.


My one regret was that I never photographed the bat before we drank it.


Cancer doesn’t give a shit how much you want to live. If it wants to kill you, it will.



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