Top 34 Susan Barbara Apollon Quotes

If you did not live lovingly and love deeply, you would not feel the pain of separation. But neither would you feel the joy, passion, and happiness that living fully and loving deeply bring.


Love is a powerful force. There is nothing in this world, no other energy, as powerful as the force of genuine, unconditional love.


May you know always that you are never alone, that life and love are eternal, and that you are extraordinary.


There is an old phrase, ‘hiding in plain sight.’ This is where we find the loved one we miss so much. All we need to do is open our eyes, our minds, and our hearts.


Give yourself permission to see and feel the extraordinary events in your own life. In internalizing them, you also will find your perspective about life and its meaning will change, resulting in growth and expansion of your soul.


When we learn to attribute meaning to the events in our lives, we connect with our Higher Purpose, Higher Wisdom, or Source; we become Master of the Self. A gradual process, this is often tied to loss and to love.


What is hope? Like love, it is hard to define, but easy to recognize, a state of being that compels us to go on. It is a feeling that we have what we need to continue our journey to the next moment.


When we understand the illusory nature of life and the profound power of eternal love, which enables us to create miracles and experience the presence of our deceased loved ones, we find ourselves living with joy, hope and peace.


Filling ourselves and living with the energy of love feels wonderful. And because this energy resonates at a high vibrational level, it also attracts into our lives other high, vibrational experiences, many of which feel quite miraculous.


Your prayers for others and the universe make a difference!


Begin your day, upon awakening, with prayers of gratitude, requests and affirmations that they are being answered—always ending with more gratitude.


Prayers can be whatever you wish them to be. They can be short or long requests, expressions of gratitude and affirmations that your requests are being honored.


One of the highest emotions is that of Gratitude… Wherever you are, offer the expression of your awareness of your blessings and how grateful you are for them.


Prayer is energy. Try to come from a higher, lighter vibration of gratitude and expectation, in place of worry and fear.


Healing is about making the choice to focus your thoughts on what feels energetically better at the level of your heart.


Affirmations are powerful and wonderful thoughts that serve you, your body, your immune system, your mind, and your spirit.


Begin your day with gratitude and end your day with gratitude. A heart filled with loving expressions of thanks is a beautiful offering to the universe.


The problems presented by difficult individuals contribute to your growth and evolution—another reason for filling yourself with gratitude, appreciation, and love!


You raise the level of universal well-being by choosing to focus with gratitude on your blessings.


Your happiness—and your healing—are a function of how you choose to respond on the inside to that which is taking place on the outside.


You have the power to feel good—or not—just by being conscious of what you choose to think. Choose to focus on hope and healing.


When you choose self-love, you are reclaiming your awareness of your own power, which raises your vibrational energy and contributes to your healing.


Each person’s journey is different. If something—anything—does not feel right to you, then you alone get to decide whether you will honor it or not. The choice of how to respond to your situation is yours—and will always be yours.


Healing is anything that restores your inner sense that all is well, and that returns you to a healthy state of empowerment.


Negative feelings weigh you down and can keep you from experiencing healing, as surely as stones might weigh you down if you were trying to swim.


It may seem paradoxical, but you really do experience greater happiness when you choose to stop trying to control everything. And on a spiritual level, you evolve by learning the power of surrender and of love.


Intention is everything. If your intention is to find meaning in your life, then your life shall be filled with an enriched sense of purpose and satisfaction.


There are no coincidences. The universe works in its own way to join those of us who need to be connected.


Given the fact that intuition is about receiving information and knowledge, something that every human being frequently experiences, the choice becomes ours as to whether or not we honor the incoming information we receive.


After all is said and done, it is the commitment of love that transcends time and space. So often, we seek answers in places where there is little light. It is when we choose to go within that we find all that we need.


Love, prayer and miracles go hand in hand. Every great master who has come forth to teach humanity has spoken of love.


We are eternal beings who are connected to God, Source, or whatever you feel comfortable labeling the Divine. What this means is that we are here for joy and for love.


Extraordinary moments often involve a sense of connection, as well as communication, with something that we intuitively know goes well beyond this plane of reality.


The more love we bring into our lives, the more satisfied and at peace we are and the more joy we experience.



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